THEY will be waiting for you, along with their lists of bloggers playing the games...
**MANY thanks for coming by to see me..
the essence of summer....
the essence of summer....
SUNGLASSES and more.....
all my ducks in a row....
I decided that MR. SWEET and I should have a small picinic...
in the park....
by the lake....
beneath a huge tree....
this tree isn't nearly large enuf, tho....and, it seems to be occupied anyway!

.....but here is a big, old Oak tree...

but less than the 100 plus degrees we've been having.
I think it was only 98 degrees this day....:O

Hot Dogs
Fresh, juicy pears, straight from the Farmers Market...
we even picked up a beautiful, summertime bouquet.....*sigh....

it tasted so goooood......

I think we drank the whole container !!
Then, the cold, sweet watermelon and juicy pears..
The hot dogs ?? We went back home, Mr. Sweet cooked them on the grill
and we sat under the air conditioner to eat them !!!!
is so low of water.
Rains have danced all around us here on the Plains of West Texas but drops have yet to fall.
*NOTE ADDED..we finally got a pretty good, much needed rain !
Actually, we've now received several really good rains..things have greened up a lot
and our little park lake is now full to the brim..

Especially here in this dry part of Texas.
Ya'll have a blessed and grace-filled day...
OH, I know....why don't you just pack up a lunch and head out for a picnic....?
NOTE: I am also linking to FRIDAY FEASTS over at MOM TRENDS...
What gorgeous pictures of your picnic and it looks soooo romantice even in the Texas heat.
BJ, how do you get the title of your blog to look like you do?
You sure know how to throw a picnic:) Lovely pictures of your and Mr. Sweet's fun time! Have a blessed day. Oh yes...it is really hot here in Georgia too.
What beautiful photos of your picnic. It's a good thing you had that lemonade in all that heat!
Now that sounds like a sweet romantic summer picnic! What a lovely park so near your home...
Hi BJ!
Oh what a beautiful picnic! Everything looked so refreshing and cool in your photos, mmmmm that strawberry lemonade!! I've heard it's been a scorcher down there in Texas. I don't blame you for having the hot dogs in the airconditioning.
Your summer alternate bedding looks so lovely BJ. That rose pattern is gorgeous! Very nice change. You did such a great job on your bedroom, I just LOVE it, winter or summer!!
Big hugs, sherry
What wonderful pictures sweet BJ!
It all looks so pretty and fun, even if it WAS hot! I love a picnic!!
I think this is one of may favorite sorts of tablescapes!!
Wow BJ...what a lovely picnic lunch...watermelon or pears? May I have both???
Your pictures are simply the sweetest things!
Oh BJ, How beautiful is this! What a wonderful picnic with the hubby, and what a beautiful place to have one. I loved the blue basket. So festive and the flowers were just the touch. Love those yellow flip flops too. A girl can never have to many flip flops. Thanks for sharing honey. Please stop by and say hi. I love it when you do. Country hugs, Sherry
The pictures are wonderful and the setting is just wonderful. What a fabulous picnic, and I love the menu. Very well done. Hugs, Marty
Evening, Dear BJness! Oh, what a lovely park in hot ole West Texas! How beautiful and your picnic basket and food looks so good! I would have loved to have tasted it ~ but I think I would have taken my food inside! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I loved the picnic. Great set up and photo's.
Now, BJ, you can pack a picnic for me anytime-- I even like the "go back to the house and grill the hot dogs" part!
What beautiful pictures -- it looks like a magazine spread. Everything looks perfect! And I LOVE that big tree at the end .. almost as much as I love the ducks in the first pic. Great!
It looks like you had a delightful picnic, even if it was HOT! Those pears look yummy!
OH BJ that sure looked good... I loved your pictures and the ducks were so darn cute... Great picnic! Have a fun filled day my friend.
You are brave to picnic in that heat! It was a beautiful picnic you put together though. It gives me some great ideas for the one Earl and I have planned for this weekend:>)
BJ, I want to come hang out with you! :)
Love your picnic dear BJ....I have alot to catch up on here I see...
I will be back to visit soon....
So glad to be back on my puter!
Have a wonderful day!
Gorgeous post, BJ!!! I love it all!!
BJ, I pray regularly for our country; we are indeed in trouble, sugar!
But I "braked" for some mommy and baby ducks the other day and just sat and watched them waddle across the road. They were so cute and this reminded me of them.......
You would make me want to go on a picnic with you, even in 100 degree temp. You could have a job doing layouts in a magazine. You're very good at that. Glad you're getting some much needed rain. Been seeing how bad it is in Texas on the news.
Love Ya,
Wow what a picnic ! I love that blue picnic basket and the lemonade looks so-o-o-o good ! Send me a glass will ya !
What a lovely picnic you put together.
I rally enjoy the photos you took of ordinary... making them looks so yummy and pretty.
Love that big ol tree too!
TTFN~~Claudia ♥
What a great day. And those fresh pears look delicious. I'm almost drooling looking at your pictures...lol.
Thanks for stopping by and telling me about the Rooster Party. I am signed up now and I grabbed the button to spread the word. This should be a lot of fun. I don't have any problem with my pictures being cut off. I think one of the things is to have your computer set at high resolution and the other is to have the Maxi stretch template for your blog format. That is what I've heard others say has solved the problem. Susan from Between Naps on the Porch did a whole blog about it and addressed a ton of questions people have. You might check it out and see if that helps. Hugs, Marty
Hi, it's me again. Actually the template you want is Minima Stretch, not Maxi. oops, Hugs, Marty
Ooh girl, you and Mr Sweet are so romantic and decadent! Ah, that lemonade with fresh strawberries in it sure does look good.
Justine :o )
I glad that you got some rain.
That picnic looks good, but I know ducks ... and I know that you cannot easily enjoy eating without being pestered by them!
When it is this hot, I really think food is meant to be eaten inside!!! Can't blame you for taking those hot dogs home. I, for one, am looking forward to Fall. Sally
Why that is the prettiest picnic I ever did see!!! Here in East Texas, the tablecloth would melt. Your husband is sooo lucky!
I want to go on a picnic with you!! You sure know what to pack to have a terrific one! hehe Such beautiful scenery you had as well. I can't get over how hot you're having it over there, we really haven't had much of a summer yet and here we are in August already. This morning when I woke up at 8 a.m. it was only 57F!! Not summer temps at all. Loved seeing all your pictures and I just love your picnic basket:-) xoxo
I so agree, it is really a challenge sometimes to get all of this blogging stuff down pat. I just use Susan's formula for deleting the html on one part of each picture and then changing the other from 400 to 800 and it seems to have always worked out fine. I havn't tried anything else. I think your pictures all turn out great. It really is nice to have the larger pictures. Hugs, Marty
Great picnic! Stunning photos!
Donna Marie
I love the pixie dust I can hear it now, "I can fly, I can fly, I can fly" Thanks for sharing some whimsy.
Another lovely photos. Great post!
Your ducks in a row shot is priceless! I love it!
It looks like a wonderful picnic.
Tania (via SITS)
I love the FAIRY DUST and everything about your blog. What a great picnic. The ice cold strawberry lemonade looks great. How did you make it? Glad you had a great day. What beautiful pics:) Blessings,
Perfect!!! Loved those pictures!!!
Your lemonade and the watermelon made my mouth water.... What a lovely picnic you set up~ even if you DID go home to eat it~ LOL
*sigh* Oh how I wish I was there...strawberry lemonade sounds divine :)
BJ, Thank You for playing the game and visiting my blog. I was excited to come back here and visit and see all the Fairy Dust:)
I hope you can write me sometime with how you make your great strawberry lemonade. You take the best pics:)
looks like you had a wonderful picnic with all the perfect little fixin's!
I needed your gorgeous tree and lake for my picnic! So glad you got the rain you needed! We are about to float away! Loved the "ducks in a row" :)
BJ .. I loved that first photo with the ducks. I'm sure y'all had a blast even in the heat.. so romantic. Any time spent with my husband is a blessing.. I know you enjoyed yours.
Oh girl I give you an A+ for surviving this kind of heat and being able to blog through it!! Your picnic is just fabulous. My brother's family from Texas is coming to visit the rest of us in so.Cal. the later part of August. I hope we give them cooler weather!! Blessings...
BJ... I'm making the rounds tonight... I get about one free evening each week to blog... so here I am! I love your picnic... and especially that aqua colored basket! Ricky and I are going to a wedding in Truckee CA later this month and now I know... I'm going to find myself a picnic basket and take my sweetie on a picnic... it will be much cooler there... we may even have to take a sweater! Now won't that be GRAND!
beautiful photos as always dear friend! take care... come by anytime!
Hi BJ, I wondered how you were going to cook those hotdogs. BIG mile. Your picnic is lovely and that lemonade does look so refreshing. I especially love your flowers and picnic basket. A fun time is had by all.
BJ, that was just the most darling picnic!! I've been wanting to do that--now YOU'VE inspired me to follow through! I got such a kick out of you and Mr. S.N. eating your hotdogs "under the air conditioner"! You're too cute.
Glad you received some rain! We've had a lot here in KC----it's been a great summer for our yards and gardens. That doesn't happen every year, so we'll just appreciate the good weather we've received!
Love your "signature" polka dot dishes on the picnic!! L, Dana
BJ...This looks like the most amazing picnic!!! I would have loved to be there!!! The way you posted the photos you feel like you were actually experiencing the day unfold!!! I love it!!!
Absolute perfection!!!
What a lovely area for a picnic, BJ. It's making me wanna have a picnic now too....Christine
What a lovely setting, BJ! I love the menu, too! So filling and fun to eat!
We've been having heatwaves, rain, storms and gusty winds here lately that our patio is only good for watering and getting wet and sunburned, LOL.
That sure is one huge tree! And how sweet to have a picnic for two. I hope it was cool enough sitting under the shade - then again with ice cold lemonade at hand, it is just right :-) When I saw the hotdogs still on their package, I wondered if you were going to cook them still. I guess it was just for display and saved for when you go home :-)
BJ, You hit a home run with this post, everyone loves a picnic and yours was lovely.
I understand taking hotdogs back home and eating in air conditioning.
Our heat index yesterday was 110 and the day before 111. A day in the 90's would be a cool front coming thru.
Thanks for sharing your picnic with us.....
What a cute setting and lovely idea. Your picnic looks like a great success.
Oohh I would love to picnic with you! You do it right. Lovely blog. It does sound like it has been a hot one in texas this year! Traci
BJ your picnic looks like so much fun! Such a romantic setting. I love your blue basket and the tree is just the perfect spot.
Loved how you shared that you took the hot dogs home & cooked them...now that's keeping it real!
That strawberry lemonade looks wonderful!!! And a picnic was a marvelous idea for Tablescape Thursday.
Oh a picnic! I'll be watching along the road for that huge oak tree. Great pictures and I can 'almost' feel the gentle cool breeze. Thank goodness for that little box that blows cold air ;-)
BJ, I'm so happy to hear you all have received the much needed rain.
Thank you for letting us tag along on your picnic ~ everything looks so colorful, and I'm sure that ice tea was the most welcome treat on a hot day.
Cute blue picnic basket!! :)
That is a GORGEOUS spot for a picnic!!!
Hey BJ, love your blue picnic basket! I've never seen one that color, but it is quite cheerful. The photos here are so beautiful with the trees and water. I know: it's HOT here in Texas, isn't it? But you make the most of it with your wonderful ideas and great food and sweet creative tablescapes!
Who doesn't love a picnic. Such a pretty place. Love the ducks. I don't blame you for getting out of that heat. So glad you got some rain!
Hi BJ....your pictures are just wonderful....so down home and filled with love. This is what life should be all about!
Love your music also....Alan Jackson rules!
Thanks again for displaying my rooster button. Wooooohooooo!
Hugs, Barb
Love the duckies! How nice to have a picnic :) I love your bright blue basket!
All the best,
Well, I am ready for a picnic now! The pictures are just beautiful, BJ! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Nancy
Strawberry lemonade is awesome!
I love that picture of the tree. That's just a perfect Texas tree you know. Only in our great state! : )
What a fun picnic........Got Wine....love it:)
I like that you had flowers at your picnic. Good for you. It amazes me how quickly things can green up with a bit of rain.
Hi-what a great post! I love that pitcure with the picnic basket...love that blue! Strawberry lemonade sounds great! It's hot over here in MO. too!
This looks like such a fun day....love your pictures.
70 comments! I have finger lash from scrolling so long..
Your picnic looks good, and if you didn't tell me how how it was, I would say how refreshing..
98 degrees, well, that is just..NUTS!
I would eat in the house too!
Stay cool, I will send you some rain..we are squishy here!
I really enjoyed your picnic and I didn't even get hot! We keep hearing about how Texas needs rain. Loved the part of the picnic where you took the hot dogs home and grilled them to eat in the air conditioning!!
you are seriously killing me with that picnic basket, I want it. Now. Lol!
and that lemonade cooler thing...sigh, I'm all summery
Hi Jean, Thank you for stopping by my blog. I love your picnic basket, I was at Goodwill yesterday , and almost bought one I will have to go back and see if it is still there. The picnic looks like so much fun!! I joined your blog. Please stop back at my place soon for coffee and cake. Have a great day.
What a glorious picnic you sat up. Your pictures are incredible. I had to laugh when you said you went home to the air conditioning to eat the hot dogs..Thanks for swinging by to see Mr. P on his tractor.. I hope all is well your way.. hugs ~lynne~
Hi BJ,
That strawberry lemonade looks so COOL and refreshing! I like that you took along a fancy tablecloth, and I really love that you took the hot dogs back home to eat in air conditioned comfort! When it's that hot, nature's a wonderful thing ... in moderation!!!
Have a great weekend!
It sounds like a delightful day---minus the scorching heat, of course.
I LOVE the old picnic basket, especially it's color.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I love picnics. Yours looks fabulous!
Cute idea! Beautiful photography!
What a DELIGHTFUL outing! I enjoyed my 'virtual' presence at your picnic. Thanks so much for sharing.
Hugs and blessings,
What a lovely picnic. Your fresh fruits look so very cool and inviting. I love the lake and the ducks...they look ready to cool off too!
How lovely. I would love to come to one of your picnics. I hope to see you at Crock Pot Wednesdays at diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com this week. Mr. Linky is up and ready for you.
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