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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I took a little bloggie break because, with summer here,
we had a lot....I mean, a WHOLE BUNCH of work
We bought a new cottage porch swing and we
are in the process of painting it in the BEST cottage white...
Our metal patio chairs and glass top table needed
a fresh coat of Cottage White....
I have the chairs painted and will start on the table in the next few days...
The Pennsylvania Dutch vintage bench I have on the porch
also had to have a fresh coat of that same Cottage White...
you know how when you start one thing, it calls for a thousand more.
We can't find a place to STOP now.....
We have painted all our porch posts...
and NOW.....
We are going to PRESSURE WASH our carport and then....
When I said that I wanted a new porch swing....I didn't
think about all the OTHER stuff we were going to have to do... :O)
And, now, I want to wish a....
we love you very much and wish you many, many
more wonderful years together......
love, Mom & Dad


Anonymous said...

Got to be the first one once again! Your cottage looks beautiful inside and out all the time! You just spruce it up more and more. Need to do some of that around this cottage, but too much wedding stuff to do right now. Happy anniversary to Stacy and Jent! They make such a good looking couple! Loved your post again, dear heart.


Susie Q said...

Whew!! You have been a busy bee! I have been in a bit of a break too...getting things done here, entertaining company and helping my mother.

Congrats to your good looking couple!! Great looks just riun in yor family don;t they? : )


Mary said...

Good heavens, bj, you put me to shame. I've got a dozen projects waiting to be done around here, and all I do is take pictures! I'll bet that swing will be put to good use. Won't it be nice to sit there with a cool lemonade and watch the world go by?

Congratulations to your sweet couple. :)

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Hi BJ,
I need to do the same thing, yuk, I'm not good at the outside work, it is already so hot and muggy here in FL, I walk outside,look around at what needs to be done and go back inside and play, LOL! Good luck I'm sure it will look beautiful when your done(;

"Blossom" said...

Don't you just love the clean of White! I have lots to do too. It seems like you do one thing and then you see another thing that needs that coat of paint. This looks so inviting on the porch.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Wow BJ! You have been painting up a storm. IT is funny how one thing leads to another! Your porch is going to look so wonderful. Can I come by and have some lemonade with you?

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

Okay, I'm tired! You have worked yourself crazy! But wonderful homey touches to your already beautiful home. I bet your actually having fun!

Anonymous said...

Morning, Dear One! Oh, I love your new porch swing and all the beautiful white your painting everything! I'd love to some and 'swing' with you! LOL
Congrats to the kids! They are so beautiful!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Stacey said...

Isn't it just great how one thing leads to another? Happens every time! That's ok the end you will be very happy. You will be shiny and new for Rhondi's Porch Party!

Have a great day and don't work too hard. :)

Terri Steffes said...

I had to laugh as I had a similar "one thing leads to another" post!! Your house is going to look so fresh and clean!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Okay, BJ... you need to come over and kick start me! I need to do so much around here. HELP!

Love that swing. I wish I could find one like it for or St. Augustine porch because my bench went bye-bye.

Loved seeing all of your projects, and I'm impressed with all you've gotten done. Wish I could say the same.


Sheila :-)

The Muse said...

Hello to you!
Delighted to have you venture by and read the TIME prose...your words were most gentle and kind. Humbly, I say thank you :)

Goodness, Gracious....You have been more than a sweet nothing! You have been a busy bee! Are you all worn out? If not... The Painted Nest, says come on over....LOL LOL
We never pass up a hard working farm hand! LOL

Renae Moore said...

I can see that you have been a very busy bee! Good work. Thanks so much for your comment to me over at the Katillac Shack!

The Raggedy Girl said...

Your kids photo is so sweet. I too am overwhelmed by how the To Do list just explodes as soon as Spring gets here, that is why Autumn is my favorite.

The Raggedy Girl

Barb said...

Hi BJ.....I love your swing. Porch swings, or any swings, are the best!

You don't overdo, Missy!!!

Hugs, Barb

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Gorgeous cottage fix ups, BJ!

Happy Anniversary to Stacy and Jent!

Unknown said...

You just never know what will lead to another!! Beautiful couple.

Shaam said...

Everything looks great in cottage white ;) It will look fabulous this summer! Happy anniversary to them :)

All the best,

Kathleen Grace said...

Happy Anniversary to your daughter and her husband! I guess you have been busy! Just think how crisp and fresh everything is going to look:>) I have a lot of painting waiting for me too!

squawmama said...

Whew!!! You are tiring me out just reading all about your improvements to the homested... You guys have really been busy and it will be well worth it when all is put back into order... Have fun with your projects...


Lynn said...

I am impressed with all of that energy you have!
Everything looks great.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to the beautiful couple. I am amazed how you fly with a paintbrush. How wonderful the fresh cottage white will look with those pretty blue chair cushions. Can't wait to see the porch swing when it is up.

SweetAnnee said...

What a GREAT couple..
and oh my ARE busy..
Tomorrow I'm planting another
rose and two more hydrangeas if
my strength holds out..otherwise
I'll do the rose it's's
about to FLOWER

love to you my dear friend.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Oh, I need to get busy outside too, and get off this ;)
Happy Anniversary to Stacy and Jent! Nancy

ksarra said...

Hi BJ, first of all congratulations to your daughter and son in law on their anniversary. Girl, I know just what you mean about a little paint job growing into a big one. Have you ever changed one teeny little thing, and then everything else had to be redone????? Your precious cottage is looking lovely, enjoy Spring!!!

SmilingSally said...

Oh, your porch is going to be the best place to sit and watch the world roll by!

Unknown said...

Hi BJ,
Looks like you've been really busy! You will be so proud when it is all done.

Happy anniversary to Stacy and Jent...they are such a good looking couple!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say - I love to break the rules too!! LOL
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Life on the Edge said...

It sure can be a lot of work to paint, but the results are always so great! Can't wait to see how you put it all together and dress it up!


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What a beautiful couple they are!! I wish them many more years of happiness!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What a beautiful couple they are!! I wish them many more years of happiness!

Linda's Blue Gate said...

Do you think we will ever get it all done.... it will a lovely swing for the summer....