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thanks, bj

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I may be OFF for awhile as my desktop is in the process of seeing if it can be CURED !
I do have a laptop but with no photos on it, it is hard to do postings.
I'll stay in touch with you by using it, tho....

OH, BOY.....I GET TO PLAY THIS GAME, thanks very much to STACEY over at

Here's the rules:

1) Open the closest book to you, not your favorite or most intellectual book, but the book closest to you at the moment, to page 56.

2) Write out the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following...


"and it shall be managed under the very capable direction of Mr. Drayton Conneley, our own parliamentarian."Timothey reached down and rummanged in his vintage, letter attache case for a moment, and then pulled out a fat manila file folder. Slapping it down, he slid it across the broad table to Drayton. "Here is a list of objects that have been officially accepted, as well as our agreement with the caterer", said Timothey. "Who I might add, was supposed to be in attendance here tonight. All I can say, Drayton, is good luck!"


I haven't had the time to read this yet (hey...I do a LOT of blogging, don't 'cha know) but I will read it as soon as I finish the one I am reading now....and will let you know if it's good or not.
This is a lot of fun and so, with that in mind, I PASS THE FUN to :

ANITA...I know you love to read so.......

MARCELA....Hope you have time to do's fun.....

DENA.... Poor you don't have enuf reading to do as it is.....:O(
Take care and will see ya later...I have to go see if I can pour hot, chicken soup on my sick computer to make it feel all better !!

love, bj


Tardevil said...

If that chicken soup thing works, please let me know. I'm feeling a little snappish myself because my wireless router has been wonky for the last month, and I haven't been able to print or scan...just one more thing I need before the holidays! :O) Will miss you!

Unknown said...

I like the Tea Shop mysteries, too, BJ. Hope your computer gets better soon.

Southern Lady said...

BJ ... sorry to hear about your poor computer. Chicken soup is a cure-all, though, so hopefully, you will be back up and running again soon.

Stay in touch ... We'll miss you!

Bo said...

Oh BJ...That computer of yours doesn't know how many of us depend on it!! We love your pictures & postings... at least you can come by & say hi to us...Sending get well wishes to your 'puter.
Love ya, ;-) Bo

Anonymous said...

I hope your computer is better soon. I am sending it get well wishes.

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh no! Been there, done that with the computer. I hope everything gets fixed soon because I need my morning sweet nothngs:>)

Anonymous said...

Hope your computer is up and running soon BJ. While I was doing the loooong post my computer stopped in the middle and I was stressing big time. My dh came to my rescue. I just love him.

I have seen Little Women many times. All the old and the new. I love watching old movies. Only now they play old ones that aren't that old and it makes me realize that I'm old. LOL and a sigh too.

Don't worry about when the tag is done. Make sure you have lots of time. I didn't even get over to tell you about it. I am trying to contact everyone this morning. Think about it, this was 17 people I had to visit and it was midnight before I finished. Tired does not describe how I felt. LOL.


Smelling Coffee said...

God bless you AND your computer! Maybe some rest is all it needs, and it'll be up and running in no time. ;-)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I hope your laptop feels better real soon!

Anonymous said...

BJ I hope you can find the problem with your computer!

Loved this post. I don't think I've read Laura Childs. Will have to see about finding some of her books.

Dena said...

Oh this does look like fun! I'll try to get to it. I have a break coming up after next week :) Hope that your computer gets well soon!


SmilingSally said...

It's time to buy a new computer. We can't say good-bye to you!

Neabear said...

I have heard of the Tea Shop mysteries. They are on my "To Read" list. But have not done that yet. I have so many books at home, I have not gone to check out something different yet. Good Luck with healing the computer.

Salmagundi said...

Hope all is cured soon!! Chicken soup can do wonders. Not sure about computers, though! Sally

squawmama said...

Oh man didn't know you were having puter problems...Sorry to hear that... hate it when that happens... Come on over to my place... I have another bookworm award/meme for you to do... It is a little different then the first one going around... Have a great day...


Betty said...

Hope your PC will be up and feeling better real soon! My husband used to run a garage here and I only saw him throw a thing of matches to one person, I was thinking I haven't seen my son do that with a computer yet, I wonder if he has felt like it though! Probably his Mom's!


Dee said...

My computer (Betsy) sends your computer a ~ get well soon ~ wish. Dee <><

Sandi McBride said...

Leave it to you to be reading a tea shop mystery! This is one I'll have to check out for sure!
hope the pc is cured!

nikkicrumpet said...

OH NOOOOOO I sure hope you get your computer fixed quickly. How awful to be blogless! We will miss your wonderful posts every day!

Anonymous said...

Hope you get things back and running soon.
It doesn't matter if you have pictures just stay in contact.

Andi said...

Hi BJ! Hope your computer gets better soon.

Anita said...

Getting ready to post this.. :)
My computer is sick, but it's because of a broken port... hope to get it back soon!

Anonymous said...

Evening,darling BJ!! This is fun. Sorry about your puter! Hope it gets well soon!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Deanna said...

Santa Claus...please bring BJ a new computer on your sleigh for Christmas!

Hey girl, you just can't drop out of sight...come back!!! hahaha!

I want to play that book game too...bwaaaaaah!!!!

Deanna :)