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Thursday, November 20, 2008


I suppose all of us have our favorite artist...
I discovered mine about 15 years ago.

His paintings, of course, are completely out of my price range...not even being able to afford his prints....(i do have the above POSTER of one of his paintings)
but I pull them up from his web site ( and drool over each and every one of them and wonder...
"How can any ONE man have such talent?"


Mr. Harvey has painted many, many pictures and there was no way to show nearly as many as i would have liked...

the following are but a few of some of my favorites....

this first one is one of my very favorites...
to see a large printing of this one just takes my breath away....

Mr. Harvey uses a lot of AMERICAN FLAGS in his work....

i have seen this one, hanging in a bank...
it is so beautiful in a size 16x24 that it almost just HURTS to look at it....
simply magnificent...

i once was told that if the artist's water looked "wet", he/she was considered a very fine artist...
i do believe Mr. G Harvey's water looks WET !!

G. Harvey does a lot of Western art and I hope you will pull some up from his website to look at them... so amazing! just look at that snow...that ice....that light....

love this one so much, i put it in twice....
just to make sure you saw it !! ;O)
i love it so much i want to marry it ......

try to imagine how this would look in a LARGE size... in person...



it is amazing to me that one man can do such a wonderful
job on horses and wagons and indians......
and.....turn right around and do such a magnificent job
on something as lovely as flowers.....

trollies and lights, flags and cold

every single one of these paintings just simply leave me breathless
and in such awe of such a GOD given talent...
i just wonder if he wakes up each morning, thinking, "Oh...I am so glad that I can paint well because there's so many things in this beautiful world of ours that
i want to capture...forever....on canvas.'
The two blessings I would ask for is to SING and the other is to PAINT....

G. Harvey grew up in the rugged hills north of San Antonio, Texas. His grandfather was a trail boss at 18 and helped create an American legend. So the American West is not only the artist’s passion but his birthright. Harvey and his wife still live near the hill country of Texas. Harvey’s early interest in sketching and drawing slowly evolved into a passion for painting in oils. He abandoned the security of a full-time job in 1963 and threw his total energy into a fine art career. The year 1965 brought acclaim for Harvey’s first prestigious show. He was then awarded American Artists’ Professional League’s New Master’s Award.
Harvey paints the spirit of America from its western hills and prairies to the commerce of its great cities. The Smithsonian Institution honored Harvey by selecting him for a one-man show. He has been the recipient of innumerable awards and the subject of three books. Through his art, our history lives.


If you've never seen one of MR. HARVEY'S paintings...or even a print...
in person, to be able to see his use of LIGHT, WATER, COLOR....

i hope you will get a chance, sometime....
These photos do not do justice to his amazing talent....
i am soooo ready to hurry up and win that dang lottery....

i got places to go...

people to see....

and a

G. HARVEY painting to buy !!!!!
love to
I have some things for the FAIR....hope you will, too !! Just work up a Christmas posting, go over and join Mr. Linkey on Karen's blog...


Southern Lady said...

BJ, your post on Mr. Harvey was like walking through an art gallery ... what a nice way to start my day.

My daughter has three large prints and not only are they beautiful, they seem to go with just about any style decor.

Thank you for sharing Mr. Harvey's awe-inspiring pictures with us.



Southern Lady said...

P.S. ... I forgot to tell you that I love the new look of your blog. Very nice!

Sue said...

stunning BJ, simply stunning!! I love the wintertime paintings, what enormous talent! Have a great day sweetie! xo

Smelling Coffee said...

These paintings are most beautiful! On the Thomas Kincaide-ish side, but with the extra element of water! I why you love it. Maybe "Mr. BJ" will take your hint. :-)

Have a great day!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh BJ, I am now in love with G.Harvey too. Wonderful show you just presented. I enjoyed it so much I looked at those lovely paintings three times. His art history is awesome. AND, he is from Texas. How good is that? LOL.

I want to win the lottery too.

Love, Jeanne

SmilingSally said...

I never knew about Harvey's paintings. You've taught me much. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good morning, dear BJ. Thank you for sharing the talents of this great artist. I love every single one.

Anonymous said...

I can see why your in love with his work, they are just beautiful. As soon as I can get some time I will visit that site to check out his paintings. I also will come back when I can and find out more about the Saturday link, I am so busy and so far behind on my visiting and unfortunaly, I see it getting worse. But, anyway, come visit me, I have something for you.

Love Ya,

squawmama said...

Good Morning sweet BJ... What a beautiful post today I loved it... It was nice looking at all of Mr. Harvey’s beautiful paintings and like someone said it was like being in an art museum... I can surely see why you love his work so much... some of those were just simply breathtaking... Thanks again for the tour... luv ya


Becky said...

Morning BJ

I enjoyed every single picture of your post this morning. All I can say is WOW!! You are so right, Mr. Harvey makes the water look wet. I fly in and out of San Antonio and I'm gonna start looking for Mr. Harvey. Hey ya never know who you'll run into on an airplane. Girl, if I run into him, I'll tell him I have a friend that loves his work. I can always throw my sweet southern charm out there and who knows maybe he'll give me a painting and I'll in turn send it to you. Hey, a girl can dream can't she. LOL!!!

Betty said...

Beautiful, absolutely.
Have a great day.


Dee said...

What eye candy for a dreary day here in Mich....i love MR. HARVEY. if I win the lottery i will shop with you. (:0) Dee

Kathleen Grace said...

I have never seen this artists work, it is beautiful! Right now I would love to have the painting of the Christmas tree and lights, but I would take any of them:>) how are the computer problems going?

Stacey said...

BJ, the G. Harvey paintings are beautiful. I have some friends who I believe have an original. Wowser.

Hey, I wanted to tell you that I'm loving the Glen Miller music. I saw the movie listed on your Daddy needs that for Christmas!! I'm heading to Amazon.

Ellen said...

Oh my what beatiful art pieces. Is it fair for one person to have all the talent. I would be honored to be able to hang one of his art pieces on my wall. Thank you for sharing. :)Ellen L

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Ohhhhh, I love the hazy, romantic, appeal of his art! And he's a Texan too? YeeHaw! ;o)

Thansk for turning me on to his work BJ!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Beautiful paintings! I'm like you - I can't wait to get to heaven so I can sing. Here on earth you don't want to hear me. :) I love your sidebar invitation to copy whatever you have. May I borrow it? blessings, marlene

Dena said...

Oh I LOVE his work!!!! What a treat to view all of these, thanks for starting my day so nicely :)


Knitty said...

Ooh, thanks for showing his work! I love it! I was just at the Detroit Institute of Art yesterday for an exhibit called "Monet to Dali: The Modern Masters". I have to admit that I don't understand what makes some art "great" or why someone is a modern master while another is overlooked.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Wow, all I can say is he is one fabulous artist ! Wish I could paint like this !

Salmagundi said...

Thanks for introducing me to Mr. Harvey. What a talent - the glow he gets in his paintings is amazing. Sally

Bo said...

What a fabulous post today BJ...does this mean your 'puter is out of the hospital? I hope so... I love G. Harvey's paintings also..
they are so realistic they almost look like photographs...only better! ;-) Bo

April Russell said...

WOW That man is beyond talented! You have good taste! As far as my background, I like those colors so I just go to google search and put black and white background and it usually has some good ones.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Good Morning, BJ!! I was not familar with this artist. I am glad you introduced him to us. His work is fabulous!!!
Hugs, Terrie

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Hi BJ,
I am in awe at the lovely works of art by Mr Harvey. I had never seen his work before. It is just beautiful.

Susie Q said...

What a beautiful post BJ! His work is so lovely, so evocative.
You could get lost in one of his paintings quite easily!
I enjoyed seeing his works...


Rue said...

Hi Bj :)

His paintings are really beautiful and he just looks like a really nice man.

I'm in love with those kitchens you showed in another post. Wow!

Oh and I wouldn't have put my Christmas stuff on the blog until the day after Thanksgiving, but I won't be blogging again until December 1st. I just have a scheduled post for Monday. I'm so busy I think I need to lay down LOL

Anyway, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family sweet friend!

Much love and big hugs,

Sweetie said...

BJ, Thanks so much for sharing Mr. Harvey's work with us. He certainly is a great artist. I love the subjects he uses and the style in which he paints. Years ago when Thomas Kincaid's work started to become well known. I bought one of his prints - and then later gave it to my daughter. I think that I might prefer Mr. Harvey's style to that of Thomas Kincaid.

Cottage Rose said...

Hey BJ; What amazing paintings, they are so real looking, like you could just step into them. I love his paintings as well a Thomas Kincaid. I hope one day you will get to buy one for your self....


Anonymous said...

A beautiful post, BJ! Mr. Precious and I adore G. Harvey!! He has a great big painting in his office at work, but at the moment I can't remember the name! We also have some paintings of Confederate soldiers by him, too! He's marvelous, isn't he?

Be the sweetest one,
Shelia ;)

nikkicrumpet said...

My hubby and I actually debated buying one of his framed prints. It was one of the ones you showed...with the flower seller. We absolutely LOVE his work. I have an original oil copy of one of his street scenes and I love it. The artist that painted it did such a great job...but it will never equal one of Harvey's paintings.

Picket said...

Hey BJ..I have never heard of this wonderful artist...and you are so right..his paintings leave you breathless they are so glorious! Your post was like a perfect art book....I loved it! Hope you get one of those paintings soon and take it home to live along with all you other beloved things! Time is flying by girl...hope this is just been a great week for you sweetie!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I was not familir with this artist. His work is beautiful! Thank you so much for introducing him to me. laurie

Anonymous said...

What a terrific artist! I would love to have any one of those prints in my house! Thanks for that share. Dana

Rhondi said...

I like his paintings too. Thank you for posting some beauty to enjoy today.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Hugs, Rhondi