and CHRISTMAS COOKIES are no exception....
Sit down and rest....have a cookie (or 2) and a big Christmas mug of
HOT COCOA topped off with a big scoop of MARSHMALLOW CREME...UMMMM!! !
And, of course, we NEVER, EVER forget ole
ST. NICK....
oh, yes, he has SUCH a sweet tooth !! ;O)
and he's so CUTE !! .....so please don't eat ALL the cookies...save some for SANTA...

AHHHH....here's another SNACK table...
As you can see, I made plenty of these sausage balls just for you..I'll post my recipe for you as the season gets a little closer. I'm pretty sure they might can be mixed together, formed into the little balls and FROZEN, to be thawed as you need them.

GOOD GRIEF....here's some WARM muffins, dripping with butter....YUMMY !
Now, where did I sit my cup of hot COFFEE ?????

CANDY is just a HUGH part of the holiday CHRISTMAS FAIR...
OOOO, I have so many good recipes for candies....
DIVINITY is my all time favorite......................right behind these
AND...what's any kind of CHRISTMAS affair without....CANDY CANES ?
The Story of the Candy Cane
Legend has it that in the 18th Century somewhere in Europe any public display of Christianity was forbidden. No crosses or Bibles were allowed and the Christians were greatly oppressed.
One old man, a candy maker by profession, was particularly distressed by this. He loved the Lord with all of his heart and couldn't stand to not share that love with the world. His heart especially went out to the children when Christmas drew near and no one was allowed to have a nativity scene (or crèche`) on display in their homes. He prayed for God to show him some way to make Christmas gifts for the children which would teach them the story of Christ.
The answer was the CANDY CANE.......
The candy cane was in the shape of a shepherd's staff to show them Jesus is our Shepherd and we are His flock. A sheep follows his own shepherd, knows his voice, and trusts him and knows that he is totally safe with him. The sheep will follow no other shepherd but their own. This is how we are to be with Jesus if we truly follow Him ( John 10:11; Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:11)
Upside down the candy cane was a "J", the first letter of Jesus' name. ( Luke 1:31) It was made of hard candy to remind us that Christ is the rock of our salvation. The wide red stripes on the candy cane were to represent the blood He shed on the cross for each one of us so that we can have eternal life through Him. He redeems us and cleanses us with His shed blood - the only thing that can wash away our sin. ( Luke 22:20) .
The white stripes on a candy cane represented the virgin birth, sinless life and purity of our Lord. He is the only human being who ever lived on this earth who never committed a single sin. Even though He was tempted just as we are, He never sinned.
( I Peter: 22)
The three narrow red stripes on candy canes symbolized that by His stripes, or wounds, we are healed and the Trinity - the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. Before the crucifixion Jesus was beaten; the crown of thorns was placed on His head; His back was raw from the whip. We are healed by those wounds. He bore our sorrows and by His stripes we are healed. ( Isaiah 53:3)
The flavoring in the candy cane was peppermint, which is similar to hyssop. Hyssop is of the mint family and was used in Old Testament times for purification and sacrifice just as Jesus sacrificed His life for ours. ( John 19:29; Psalm 51:7)
The old candy maker told them that when we break our candy cane it reminds us that Jesus' body was broken for us. When we have communion it is a reminder of what He did for us.
( I Cor. 11:24)
If we share our candy cane and give some to someone else in love because we want to, it represents that same love of Jesus because He is to be shared with one another in love.
( I John 4:7,8)
God gave Himself to us when He sent Jesus. He loved us so much He wants us to spend eternal life with Him... which we can do if we accept Jesus in our hearts as Savior and Lord. ( John 1:12; John 3:3,16)
Some people believe this story of the candy cane is just a legend. Others believe it really happened. We do not know for sure exactly how the candy cane was invented, but there is one thing for certain... it is an excellent picture of Christ and His love for you.

WELL, of course, a CHRISTMAS FAIR wouldn't be the same without
especially sweet when constructed by

Such good snacks to be found at almost any
CHRISTMAS FAIR you attend....
here...let me get you a little bag and you can take some home with ya !!

PHOTOS from 2007...
Oh, I do hope you've enjoyed my contributions to this fabulous time
KAREN has held for us...I so want you, the bestest blogging friends in the whole wide world, to have a fabulous time at this FAIR....
KAREN has a big list of other Blogettes just waiting to show you their fares at the big and beautiful
love, hugs and blessings, bj
I really enjoyed stopping by for the Christmas fair. The hot chocolate was so yummy, and well your treats, what can I say. They look so delicious. I absolutely love the story you included about the candy cane. You did a marvelous job on your post.
Fabulous post, BJ, all the way around! The candy cane story is wonderful and, o my goodness, the food looks delish!
I'll try to get by Karen's. We are going to be busy the next few days. Planning to visit blogland, when I get a minute here and there, though.
Have a wonderful weekend!
mornin BJ, your fair was so fun and so fattening, everything looked and tasted WONDERFUL!! The candycane story, priceless! Have a great day sweetie! xo
BJ, Can I come to YOUR house for Christmas? I could live the rest of my life a happy woman for a few of those lucious looking "sausage balls"! OMG this post of yours will be in my head all day!
I loved your story about the Candy Cane--I hadn't heard that before, but it all makes sense!
Your sweet little gbread house, made with the help of 4 gr. children, is just a beauty!
Hope you have a great day! I loved my tour of YOUR Chrismas Fair share! Dana
How fun was this?!? I love your blog! Beautiful~ and your fair is so festive! Outstanding!
Pass me a sausage ball please!! I need some of that hot chocolate too. Everything looks so yummy. You shouldn't have gone to so much trouble for us. :)
Wow, so many yummy things here, and they all look as beautiful as they must taste. I love the scripture that you posted, and the story about the candy cane. Thank you for joining the Christmas Fair, your post is Beautiful!
This is such a great Christmas Fair feast!
~ Gabriela ~
Not the best post for me to visit before I've had breakfast! I'm lookingforward to those recipes, BJ!
Your Christmas fair was so much fun! I loved all the sweet treats & the legend of the candy cane story.
LOL It's people like you who make people like me look lazy and thoughtless. lol Will you cut it out! Invite people over and open a package of potato chips. LOL If you want to get extra fancy, open a carton of dip. lol
I'm totally embarrassed by your extremely PERFECT party
Oh Lord, BJ I am drooling. It's 8 am here and I haven't eaten ...running upstairs to the kitchen for anything and everything I can find in the fridge to eat. LOL...hands down sausage balls are our very favorite Christmas morning treat. The boys are crazy about them and since it's a once a year treat I make tons. Your fair was fabulous. I am going to three Holidays fairs tomorrow, mostly to pick up baked goods for my Thanksgiving dinner. Happy day BJ! ~ Lynn
Morning sweet BJ! Loved all the Christmas goodies! I tried my best to reach in my puter and take one, but alas, no such luck!! The candy cane story was great!! What a great post this morning! You've gone and changed your blog again!! The Santie header is darling!! Do you loose things when you change your blog? I sure do!! It scares me to try!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Woo Wee BJ... These tasty treats all looking so good to me that I am starving now... Nothing like a HOT cup of chocolate and some yummy cookies or muffins... I am sitting here in front of my computer licking the screen...LOL LOL... That was a fun post and I really enjoyed the story of the candy cane... Thanks
Have a great day...
Bj, I am coming over now. we can share our goodies. I want yours. Funny, I never taste my baking. My DH is in heaven right now. I baked all those goodies while he was bowling. He came home went to bed and didn't discover them until this AM. I had to make him eat his breakfast before he jumped into the goodies. LOL. Aren't they just like a kid?
Your dining room looks lovely. You have that special touch for decorating.
Your candy cane story is a delight. I didn't know that one.
Love you my friend, Jeanne.
I love that pic of Jesus... the real reason of the Season... and your cookies... yummy!!!
Have a lovely Christmas Fair Day, sweet lady!
Looky what you did for all of us, sweet BJ...I'm sorry but I was a little piggy and ate 2 of everything...I only wish I could!
Wonderful, wonderful post dear girl. Luvya, ;-) Bo
I'm starving now! Your food looks fab.u.lous! Loved the candy cane story. Thanks for a fun and sweet post. :)Nancy
Oh my gosh...I think I've just gained ten pounds looking at all of your yummy treats. I'll be checking back for your recipes. Do you have any sugar free, zero calorie goodies? LOL
WOW! Looks so beautiful and very tasty. Enjoyed looking around. Hugs, Bobbi Jo
Hello BJ!
Wow, you are all ready for Christmas! Looks very warm and cozy in your home!
Wow ! what a spread BJ ! hm-m-m-m-m
I don't know where to start . I think you made everything I like !
And if your still lookin for your coffee ...... I snitched it LOL .
I have heard the candy cane story before; isn't it just wonderful !
You made me want to crawl right through my screen. Can't wait for the recipes. I hate making dinner, but I could cook forever making finger foods and desserts. LOL
Mmmm, Looks delicious!
Sandra Evertson
BJ, your mantle looks so pretty, have you begun your Christmas decorating already? Shall I send you my address so you can send me some of the goodies pictured here? They look soooo good!
Oh, Jean, when do we eat?!! Have you already cooked all that stuff for Christmas and decorated and everything? Boy,how up to date you are! That food looks wonderful and your decorations just beautiful! Love you!
BJ...Oh my what do I pick, I guess I can have a nibble of everything. What you are doing to my girlish figure...Oh well, christmas comes but once a year. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas EllenL
Very Christmasy atmosphere and I so enjoyed my coffee and the muffin. I'll have to come back and just savor it all again another time.
BJ, I am coming to your house for Christmas!! lol All of the food looksso.. yummy!!! I love your new Christmas Blog look!!!
Hugs, Terrie
OH MY GOODNESS...how come you and your family don't all weight 4000 pounds! There is always something yummy cooking at your house!!! Your mantle looks mighty fine all dolled up for the season!
I gained 10 pounds at your virtual Christmas fair.
Splendid. Decadent. wonderful.
Good work, elf.
Ummmm BJ?? I think I'll have to sleep over at your place. I...ummm...ate so much, I don't think I can fit out the door! lol Goodness gracious, look at all those treats, every one of them looks so yummy! Can't wait to get your sausage ball recipe. Everything was perfect and you've really put me in the Christmas mood with this wonderful fair:-) xoxo
Those Sweet Bars caught my eye!! What are they? They look delish!! Hope you will post that recipe, too. Sally
Oh BJ, thanks for inviting us to your Christmas Fair. I enjoyed it soooo much! However, I'm as full as tick from all the goodies you shared. I've got a feelin' I'm gonna be gaining lots of weight over the next few weeks just looking at all the goodies in blogland. LOL!!!
Hi BJ! Love all the fabulous Christmas treats you had at your Fair! Everything looks so yummy!
I almost forgot to mention...I mailed your Christmas Swap package a couple of days ago. You may even receive it as early as tomorrow. I had it ready to go and was headed to the post office to maile something to my niece and mailed your package as well.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Love & Hugs, Andi
Ohhhh BJ looking all Festive over hear....I love it and girl this was just like going to a Christmas open house..man what a way to start the Holidays!!!! Have a great weekend girl!
Hey BJ I love every thing in you Christmas Fair. I don't know what I like the best. lol But I do know that I so loved the story of the candy cane, I will never look at one the same way any more.. Thanks for the story.....
Hi, I'm tossing out the scales till after Christmas and am going to have some of your home made cheese balls, a couple of cookies,a yummy muffin,a peanut cluster,and i may eat the chimney off your ginger bread house.Then i will wash it all down with a mug of your hot cocoa With the marshmellow creme. Yum. I may be back tomorrow. lol. Dee
Ooohh, I loved stopping by your table. Everything was so wonderful. Your food was amazing..
What a delicious post! A feast for the eyes! I enjoyed reading it and only wish I were there in person to sample a treat or two!
Oh my gosh, I think I gained 10 pounds just looking at your photos!! What a wonderful table you had at the fair!!!...Donna
What a welcoming post BJ. Your hospitality is evident in everything you do!
Yummo, BJ. I would love a muffin and a couple of those sausage balls just about now. You did save me some, didn't you? ;-)
I am getting so hungry visiting all these Christmas fair blogs. It has been such a pleasure to top by your table. Thanks for all the wonderful offerings.
Hi friend , I've missed You . I love the story of the candy cane . I never knew this before .
You have a really special Blog .
Wow I love all those Christmas Goodis YUM YUM
LU Friend , Mary
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