When it turns cool in the evenings, and especially when snowflakes begin to fall, I bring out all my THROWS. I have tons of them...they are some of my favorite things. I have more than I am showing you but they've been used and washed so many times, they aren't worthy of blog pictures! :) lol
Warm, pretty throws around just make the room more inviting, I think.

A red one (actually claret in c0lor) from Target that I really, really like. Soft, warm and pretty.

This is such a bright red, it warms you just looking at it..... :)

This one almost feels like velvet but it's not.

I love, love, love black and white toile so this is one of my favorites.. it's not as warm as the other ones but it's still nice to put across your feet.

Oh, this one is one of my favorites...it's brand new, from Target for $9.00. It's as soft as it can be and extra long. Just the right size to snuggle under. AND, the next best things to Santas are Snowmen. !! lol If you like it, I hope your Target has one. I just got this one last week

I love just about any thing plaid......

Especially when it's RED plaid! :)
Cuddle up in a throw and stay warm today!!
Love the toile pillows!!
We recieved a lot of homemade, tied quilts after the tornado from very generous people all over... quite a few of them are throw size, so we have all these colorful quilts in the livingroom for curling up with in the evenings!
I love them all BJ. Especially that toile. Although it wouldn't go with any of my decorations, who cares?? I just noticed on your sidebar that you will be 70 this NYE. You're AMAZING! Kudos to you my friend!!
Oh bj, I love anything red, too. And anything plaid, and anything toile..they're all beautiful!
You have some lovely throws !! They do give an inviting atmosphere to a room. I love getting under a throw with a good book and Dr. Pepper and popcorn. I already can't hardly wait to get off work, go home and do it.
Love them all! Where did you get the toile one? And the plaid one?
Love all the throws! Makes me feel snuggly just looking at them. The snowman one is so cute. Next time I return to civilization, I'll have to see if they still have one.
I got a black and white toile at quilt market...the plan was to line it simply with orange polar fleece and use it as a throw on the back of the couch in Oct. and Nov. but if I use black... I can leave it out all winter. Thanks for the pictures.
Good Morning BJ,
Would you, could you, PLEASE pass me a couple of those throws? LOL. It is 30 degrees right now with a windchill of 24 degrees. I am cold this morning. I have the heat on, but I've had to get out in it a couple of times already this morning, and haven't gotten warm yet. Yesterday our high was 68 degrees and raining. What a difference a day makes huh? I just love all of your throws. They do make a room look more homey. I have made a few quilt tops before I met and married my hubby. Some of them are as big as the throws. I may have to go crawl back in my bed just to get warm. Thanks for sharing your throws with us and your home. Well, take care my friend and have a great Monday. DO STAY WARM. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Oh, I could use a throw right now. It's cold. I break out the throws myself in winter. My fav is a red fake fur one.
Ohhhhh you have gone Red, it is lovely!
I love all of your throws...could you pass one over I need a rest !
Big hugs,
Carol xx
bj, I just love the way you have a theme each day. I can't get my mind to do that yet. Maybe I'll get to be an old hand at this one of these days.
I love all of your throws. I don't have any except for my quilts and afghans my mother made. Those are good to cuddle in too.
have a great day!
hey bj. i love your throws and pillows. your house looks so warm and cozy. bet it smells good too. al told me this morning i'd better post my ornaments or you would beat me to it. hehehehehe have a great day my friend.
I love the toile black and white. I used to have wallpaper that matched exactly. That was in the 1980s.
All of your throws are beautiful. I have two with wolves on that were a gift. They are warm and cuddly. Your house looks so warm and cozy.
BJ they all look so inviting:) It is cold and windy here today, a warm throw is just what I need!
BJ those are some gorgeous throws. I have my afghans out now to snuggle under when it is cold outside. Thanks for sharing them with us.
They sure look warm and comforting! I like the black toile pillow and throw!
Your seasonal throws are so pretty and warm looking. I have some that I keep out year round. In the summer my Hubby is very hot natured and it sometimes feels like a meat locker in here so I keep one handy...lol!
It is soooo cold here today...
I hope you have a warm and happy day! =)
Hi BJ! Sweetie I just LOVE them ALL! I have to say though that my heart did a little pitter pat over the new snowman one though! lol Love your red blog background too! Snuggling in all warm sounds a lot better than waking up sweating! ICK! lol
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
love them all... specially the black and white toile. Cozy and warm.
Have a wonderful week, BJ.
Hi BJ,
Ooohhh you have the most lovely throws, one for everyday of the week to snuggle under,just gorgeous.
Kristina XxX
Hello Sweet & Sassy BJ!
I love all of your warm "snugglies"...that's what my kids sometimes call their "Blankies". My son is nine, and although his fav baby blanket is falling apart, he still HAS to sleep with it every night! He'll probably be taking it to college with him at this rate! He's such a sweethearted lil' guy, (so opposite of my mischevious lil' girl, who loves trouble! Just kidding, she has a big heart too, she's just a tough, stubborn lil stinker, but we adore her, and wouldn't change her for anything)
I love that Rodney Atkins CD, song #4 is also good, it's about having a daughter. I also love the, "If you're going through Hell..." song, think it's #10.
You're right, they probably learn alot from me. Probably a little more from me, than I'd like them to. Wouldn't it be great if we could pick and choose what memories we would like them to remember, and banish the ones we'd like them to forget? I guess that's why we try to do our best and try to minimize mistakes... for everything we do...can impact them in some way or another. My four yr old, said a four letter word, too, that also starts with an "S" and yes, I was also concerned. HEE-HEE! I know exactly where they got it from.
Anyway, I'm impressed of your knowledge and love of music! See, you are too...SOOO COOL! (Little Miss Modest!)
We are blessed with a new little lap warmer. He's a Malti-Poo Puppy (10 weeks old tomorrow, we got him almost 2 weeks ago. I had a full size Maltese/Poodle for 18 yrs through my childhood, best dog ever. So when my kids started hounding us for a puppy, I knew the breed I wanted. His Dad's a teacup poodle (3 pounds full grown) and Mom's a Maltese (4 pounds full grown). So he's probably gonna stay itty bitty. Even Dear hubby, who was most opposed to purchasing him, is now ATTATCHED! He's stolen our hearts, that's for sure. Lots of fun for us to enjoy this wonderful Christmas Season! He snuggles on my lap as I work, drive, watch tv and every other opportunity, whatever I'm doing, he's usually at my feet watching. It's like having a new baby (kind of). Lot's of fun and joy.
We have lots in common, our similar taste in decor, music, we have One son and one daughter, (I would love to be blessed with 10 grandkids from them some day! and I sure hope my hubby and I can make it happily ever after)
Great People are born on New Years Eve!!! My mom's b-day is New Years Eve too...the ironic thing, her sister is 6 years younger, and her b-day is New Years Day (Jan 1), and then my grandpa remarried 20 yrs later, and has a daughter, their 1/2 sister (My Aunt who happens to be YOUNGER than me) and her B-day is Jan 2...and even wilder...she's now P.G., and her due date is Jan 3! Lotsa fun! So do you PARTY on your b-day?!?!? Kind of fun to have EVERYONE Celebrate YOUR birthday! I don't know how cold it is in Texas, but here in Utah, we've got about 6 in of snow and it's super cold.
Baby Lexi and I made small snow people this afternoon(a daddy, mommy, big brother, and baby sister) and put them on our front porch this afternoon. I don't mind the snow, but we just started the construction of an additional detatched garage this last weekend (took months getting encrochment/easements from the utitlity companies, approval from HOA, neighbors, and then the permit through the city)...after all is in order, we begin, unfortunately during the winter season. It's excavated, and now the footings are being formed, inspection tomorow, and Concrete Pour on thursday (I'm learning so much!) We just can't wait until Spring, we're too excited!
Well, thank you for taking the time to revisit my boring old postings, I know that you are a busy woman! Thank you so much for opening up your home and life, and sharing your wonderful personality with all of us...we sure ADORE you!!!
As my 3 (almost 4 yr old/ dec 27) would say...
You the Best,
They all are so pretty. I think my two favorites are the black toile and the snow man. Thank-you for such a nice post.
Hi BJ, love all your beautiful throws! I have a few myself, they are just the right thing to keep you comfy and cozy this time of year! :o) I think it is the fact they are just the right size, and portable...I love them! Your red plaid throw is just beautiful, and I love your red back ground on the blog, very festive. Thanks for your sweet comment and visit to the blog today, I love it when you stop by. It certainly helps brighten my day.
Smiles to you...
Ooo, love the toile pillows!
Happy Holidays!
Sandra Evertson
I just Love throws and pillows,I think they made a room look warm and cozy.Thanks for sharing.A Beautiful post.:o)
Your throws are just beautiful and looks so warm!! Thanks for sharing with us!! Hugs Grams
BJ, I, too, love throws. I have a worn out navy blue one that my sons bought me years ago and it is so precious to me. I curl up with it almost every night when I sit down to read or watch t.v. with my husband and I'v kiddingly said to him that he should make sure to bury it with me! He hates it when I say that (I guess it's mean, huh?) Anyway, I do love your blog and thank you for visiting mine.
Hey BJ: I was just telling my walking buddy last week that I have many many throws but I love them all and will probably buy a few more. Another friend of mine just game me one with different cats on it....I LOVE it! You can never have too many.....
We have a TON of afghans made by people that love us that I drag out in the winter...I think there are 3 in the living room right now! Your things are so pretty......
I love toile so I'll have to say that the black & white one is my favorite!
Such a wonderful assortment of throws and pillows you have! I just love the plaid throw...I don't know why but I'm always attracted to the plaid blankets whenever I go shopping:-) xox
I also have throws I bring out, love just throwing one over me. My son had to have some when he went off to college, soon he had to have enough for all of his room mates. He shared an apartment with three other guys.
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