When I went up to the school to have lunch with one of the fabulous granddaughters today, this sign was the first thing I saw when I walked into her room. To see "under GOD" still there made me a very happy camper, indeed. It just made my entire afternoon!!

I am not sure, at all, what these are....their school mascot is a tiger and these are little chairs someone covered in tiger suits. How cute is that! They were just sitting on a glass trophy case, looking all cute so I think they are just decorations. The school hasn't started their Christmas decorating yet......

Our tote, filled with lunch goodies......

Lunch was some of her favorites...Chicken Salad (with pecans and grapes, of course), tucked into sweet Hawaiian rolls, (they really are yummy and she ate 4 of them), Frito Scoops with Bean Dip, Strawberry milk and a little Christmas Tree cake. I try to eat lunch several times
thru the year with all of the smaller grand kids but not often enough to take away the specialness of it for them! (Of course, there's no such thing as a Grandmother spending too much time with her grandchildren...EVERY minute is special.) I do hope I am making good memories for all of them. I KNOW I am for myself.

OH.....and I had to pass a DAIRY QUEEN on my way home so I HAD to stop and get a CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH BLIZZARD for my hubby and a COFFEE MOO-LATTE for myself. I just HAD to!!!!!!!
GOOD GRIEF......it was good! YOU had better go find a Dairy Queen today!! :)
Most of the time, I just use the canned white chicken
HELLMAN'S MAYO (we don't care for Miracle Whip...we like the real thing!) :)
Chopped pecans
whole seedless grapes, chopped apples if we have them
salt and pepper
That's all they like in theirs.....
What a good Grandmama you are. Rest assured you are making wonderful memories that will last a lifetime :)
Good Morning BJ,
You are a wonderful Grandmother. I know your grandchildren will hold the times you spend with them in their hearts forever. The tiger covered seats are just too cute. And your lunch, girl, you always make my mouth water. LOL. And to top it off with a big tease, the smoothie from DQ, what are you doing to me here? LOL. I don't really have a recipe for the corbread. I don't even measure. I just eye it until it looks like enough. LOL. I use the White Cornmeal(any brand), 2 eggs, sometimes I had butter, just depends on my mood, and then buttermilk. Then after my grease in my cast iron pan is hot, I add a little grease to the mixture. I just put it in the cast iron pan and put it in the oven. Just right before it is done, I take it out and spread butter on top and then stick it back in and let the butter melt. It is so good. Hubby really loves my cornbread. My cornbread and my dressing is the only ones he will eat. I mean he will eat someone else's, but he always tells me, it's not as good as mine. That sure makes me feel good. I'm so glad you enjoyed your dinner with our grandaughter. And I'm like you, I am so glad to see the "UNDER GOD" in their Pledge of Allegance. I could go on and on about that and other things, but I won't. LOL. You get me started on something and I don't know when to shut up. LOL. Well, take care my friend and have a great Tuesday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
It is nice to see God in schools. It didn't hurt us saying the pledge. How nice that you have lunch with the grandkids every now and then. I'm sure they will always remember it as well as your chicken salad.
Those tiger chairs are very cute.
I hope I'll be a grandmother like you when I become a grandmother. You can hear the love for your grandkids in your words.
Tammy B.
How great that you got to have lunch again with your little lunch date...LOL. That really is sweet...I have fond memories of my Meema cutting tulips out of her flower garden for us to take to school for our teachers but I never had a school lunch with her.......
That DQ thingie looks yummy!
Oh my! I love DQ Moo-latte!!
How special your granddaughter must feel to have you take time for a lunch date with her:)
BTW, my son saw the DQ photo and said "We need to go there!" Maybe we will take a side trip there on our shopping day today!
How wonderful that you have lunch at school with your grandchildren!!!! I would have love my grandma to do that! Such a sweet thing and I know they will have wonderful memories! I too am happy to see God still in a school! My husband and I talk about that often.
I love Dairy Queen too :) Way to hard to be near one and not stop in! Even in winter!
Have a wonderful day!! :)
What a good Grandma you are and I can guarantee you are making memories they will remember for a lifetime. The lunch looks extra good too! What a day you had and then, DQ to top it off! Thanks for sharing your extra special memories. Michelle
Hi Bj
I just know that your grandchildren have a devoted and loving Grandmother... your messages are always full of sunshine, laughter and love..
Thank you for dropping by today... it is always a joy to hear from you.
How lucky are your family to have you.......
You are making lovely, special memories for your grandchildren.
Well deserved treat for you and hubby at the end of the afternoon.
Carol xx
bj, how lucky you are that you can go eat with the gks. I did that with the two grown ones, and the younger ones live too far away. I do all I can to see that they have plenty of memories, and we do get together several times a year. That makes those times extra special. Even the younger ones are growing up too fast.
Enjoyed the blog today!
later, alice
I'm sitting here so full from lunch that I feel like nappin' instead of blogging but that lunch and that shake still looked good...lol!
We are expecting snow this evening so I think I'll pass on the DQ....
Have a great day...you make me smile =)
When I was in first Grade, my school had a "Grandparents Day!" My grandma came, and it was so wonderful. Thank you for bringing back a wonderful memory. She also came on a field trip once, to the Zoo. There was a vending machine that sold Ice-cream sandwiches. She was the leader of our group...about 6 of us...and she bought us each an Ice Cream. Everyone thought I had the coolest Grandma, and I was SO proud...sitting on cloud 9! I guarantee, you are making wonderful memories for your family. Thank goodness the Good Lord is still in our schools! Did you know that the government is circulating a new silver Dollar...they removed "In God We trust." The lady at the post office tried to give me one, and I declined it politely, and asked for a paper dollar instead. Perhaps if more people rejected it, we could force it out of circulation. I know that alot of people visit you, so if you guys read this and agree...please pass it along via email to everyone in your email address book, to please not accept a new silver dollar, ask for a paper one. United we stand, divided we fall! Bless you BJ for helping to remind us, that sometimes the smallest things...are often the BIGGEST!
When I was in first Grade, my school had a "Grandparents Day!" My grandma came, and it was so wonderful. Thank you for bringing back a wonderful memory. She also came on a field trip once, to the Zoo. There was a vending machine that sold Ice-cream sandwiches. She was the leader of our group...about 6 of us...and she bought us each an Ice Cream. Everyone thought I had the coolest Grandma, and I was SO proud...sitting on cloud 9! I guarantee, you are making wonderful memories for your family. Thank goodness the Good Lord is still in our schools! Did you know that the government is circulating a new silver Dollar...they removed "In God We trust." The lady at the post office tried to give me one, and I declined it politely, and asked for a paper dollar instead. Perhaps if more people rejected it, we could force it out of circulation. I know that alot of people visit you, so if you guys read this and agree...please pass it along via email to everyone in your email address book, to please not accept a new silver dollar, ask for a paper one. United we stand, divided we fall! Bless you BJ for helping to remind us, that sometimes the smallest things...are often the BIGGEST!
You are such a delightful lady and I just love reading your post. Wish my grand-daughter lived close to me so I could spend more time with her but maybe just getting to see her every couple of months makes it even more special. BJ...You can just grab the Christmas Tour button off of my side bar or you can go to Pea's Corner blog from my sidebar and read all about it there and how it works. :) Lynn
hi bj. can al and i come live with you? aren't moo-lattes just the best. great post today girl.
That's my favorite way of making chicken salad - it's gotta have at least grapes!
What a wonderful Grandma you are! Your making such special memories for your Grandkids!
You sound like such a wonderful grandmother. Those children will have such precious memories of you.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'll definitely be coming back here.
The memories you are sharing with your grandchildren are priceless. Oh dear now I feel a Dairy Queen urge coming on.
What a fun day you had today!! Love that under God is still there!
Hi BJ, so nice to hear that you like my things - of course you may mention my Giveaway on your blog - bless you!
I can't wait to be a grandma but my boys don't seem to be in any hurry to make me one! lol How wonderful that you go have lunch with them on occasion, that is indeed a way to make memories:-) I've just come back from spending the afternoon shopping and passed by the Dairy Queen...now that I see what you got there, I SHOULD have stopped! lol xox
Oooo I just love Haiwan sweet rolls! and DQ! She'll remember these times and probably do them for her children & grandchildren. Blessings... Polly
BJ, Would love it if you would post your recipe for the chicken salad. I love bean dip with melted cheese and scoops. It's soooo non-caloric. I forgot to say in my English Toffee recipe that you need to use a cookie sheet with sides. Also, I have been asked about the butter. It calls for 8 sticks. :)) I hope you get to make it. It's sooooooo good.
Mucho thanks BJ.. Duhhhh! I never think to use canned chicken. I have some in the cabinet. Gonna' make it tomorrow. Have a great evening. :)
You're like the sweetest Grandma, aren't you?? Your memories and theirs are filled with love and those are never forgotten.
I've never had chicken salad with nuts and grapes in it. Maybe I need to try that.
It sounds like you had a great time with your grandkids! What fun! I liked the way you made your chicken salad We will have to give it a try!!
What a special day. You are a wonderful grandmama making special memories that you and your grandchildren will always treasure. I like the chicken salad recipe...it sounds yummy. Linda
You are a great Grandmother. I agree we can never spend too much time with our Grandchildren. What sweet gifts they are. Whishing you a great night. Mary
BJ sweetie, I have no doubt what so ever that you are making wonderful life long memories with your grandbabies! One day they will know just how blessed they are to have a Grandma like you! And I gotta say, those Dairy Queen drinks looks awesomely delish! I wish we had a Dairy Queen in OZ!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
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