I hope your Sunday is such a fabulous one. Rest, relax and get energized with all the sugar listed below.......................heh, heh, heh...

I had forgotten all about making donuts out of canned biscuits. We used to do it a lot when my children were small but then, for some reason, it just got lost in my memory. Maybe because we have just about stopped completely with frying foods. ANYWAY, when I spent the night at beautiful daughter's house, she fixed these for us the next morning, bringing memories flooding back for me. The grandkids think they have died and gone to heaven when their mom fixes these for them!

Just take each biscuit and roll it, gently pull it, stretching it....then just pinch the ends together and, walla...you have a little donut.

You've got to remember to lower them into that hot oil slowly...I don't want you to get burned. I used just a fork to turn mine, then drained them really good on paper towels.

I'd forgotten that you have to keep your heat at just about Medium or even lower or else the inside of the donut will be doughy and not done enough......the first one I ate a little while ago WAS too doughy so I had to let my oil cool, turn down the heat a bit and try again. I didn't know until this morning that I have forgotten how to fry foods! BUMMER !!!

Of course, you can dip them into so many different things; brown sugar, cinnamon and sugar, honey....our favorite is Hershey Chocolate Syrup and powdered sugar. GOOD GRIEF.... fried AND all this sugar can't be good for you but it's oh, so tasty. Having this kind of thing just every once in awhile might be ok, right?

I had forgotten how good these were with a hot cup of coffee or tea or even a big glass of cold milk !! Hmmm, I'm thinking dipped into the chocolate fudge sauce, then into crushed pecans might be good enuf to....well....EAT !!! :)
BJ, your blog just gets better and better. When I peeked in this morning and heard the Browns singing that old song, I got chills.
I can almost smell your donuts. Have a great Sunday yourownself, lady.
Oh what a great treat and home-made.
Pass the powdered sugar,please.
May I have one with fudge and pecans, please? Your music made me smile this morning :-)
Good Morning BJ,
Here you go again. LOL. Making me hungry. I just finished a bowl of plain cornflakes. LOL. I am fixing to fry some sausage and fix some biscuits for the girls and hubby. I'm like you, I would dip them in the fudge sause and dip them in pecans. Now that sounds gooood. LOL. It is 66 degrees here right now. May have some storms later on. Well, take care my friend and have a great Sunday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Good morning BJ. Now I want donuts. Guess I will be making some soon. I really like the idea of using the canned biscuits.
Sounds delicious!!!
Oh BJ, what yummy homemade treats! I'll have a powdered sugar one..no please make that two. Thanks for sharing this neat idea, I'm going to fix them for sure. Enjoy your Sunday. Linda
I haven't made these in years, either... Thanks for the reminder!
Love The Brown's song... Jim Ed Brown embarassed the heck out of me at a concert once when I was a teenager, and now everytime I see or hear him I just have to smile... :) I'm going to add that to my playlist!
Oh yeah, um-hum, these I simply MUST try! I'm not normally a dough-nut eater, but these do look good, and easy! Thanks BJ.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
BJ, Thanks so much for the reminder. I haven't made those in years and I think it would be something my DH would love. But like you I have almost forgotten how to fry things. But I think it's worth learning all over again. :) Lynn
Oooo, those look good. My mom used to make those and we all just loved them.
hope you're having a great day! alice
I found you thru Tammy's Blog. My, what a Lovely Blog you have here.
Blessins', Lib
Hello Sweet Savvy, Beautiful, Fun, Delightful, Classy, Adorable, COOL, Wonderful BJ!
You're such an inspiration! You're teaching me SO much.
I, too, want to to do things (special things) that my family will always remember and cherish...Like making Pies, Doughnuts, Biscuits, Sausage! Oh my! Collecting special family heirloom items, (the normal, probably "average" every day items to the person who originally owned them) But you see their significance and beauty...the possibility that they may be treasures...and they are! Your displays are so clever, unique, beautiful, and PRECIOUS!!! I scrapbook, but that's about as far as my creativity takes me. (and I am way behind! And I am not very good at it) Oh how I wish I could posses my Grandparents old glasses and precious trinkets!
I also love your music selections and I am impressed with your computer skills...(Which I so obviosly lack)
I am sitting here, in awe, that you are the age that you are, and that you are as cool as you are...BUT really, what does AGE have to do with it? I am less than half your age, and find myself wishing that I was half as cool as you!!! The ladies in my life, who are close to your age, are nothing like you! Nor are the women my age. They are cute and special in their own ways, but just not as cool! Then I wonder, do your own kids and granchildren take you for granted, or do they, too, realize how special you are??? You inspire me to get to know the ladies your age, in my life. I am sure that they have secret identities...and are awesome too!
My grandmother (mom's mom) lives out of State and survived a marriage of battery and abuse. She is so shy, and uncomfortable around people. She NEVER attends large events, like family reunions, weddings (including my own). I love her, and have special memories of her, from when I was young. She sold AVON, and would give us all of her little lipsticks and samples. We would play in her wigs and drink "RC Cola" freezes. We would pour a little Dixie cups, of RC and put it in the freezer, and then eat frozen, while spinning around in her swivel kitchen chairs, until I got sick. She'd also buy Powdered Chocolate Milk Mix, and would let us put as many teaspoons we wanted, into our milk...and Mine always looked BLACK! Oh how I love her and miss her. She moved away when I was in elementary, and I haven't seen her much since. My kids don't even know her...I think a we need to pay her a visit. I am definately going to tell them, everything I just told you, about her. The strangest thing...my mom and I are so close, like best friends. I don't think that she and her own mother have that kind of relationship. I wish they did. I also wonder, where my mom, got it from. She's just awesome. One of the strongest women I know. She recently became "Born Again" over the last few years. She's very extreme. She goes out and evangalizes to everyone. She and her Christian friends pass out religious tracts and witness to people in the bitter cold on friday nights @ a place we Utahn's call the Gateway...which is a huge outdoor shopping mall Down town...then they get up early Saturday mornings and go to the abortion clinic and offer help and solutions to expectant mothers, to save babies lives! She is the woman who does cupcakes and collects money for gifts, when ever there's a birthday at her work. She feeds the homeless and worries about everybody but herself. She always drops everything or goes above and beyond to rearrange her schedule to help me, or anyone in a bind. She tries to have a special date with each grandchild (one on one) every wednesday, she takes a different child, anywhere they like to go to dinner, and takes them to the movies, or bowling, or Bicycling. She had an aweful divorce to my dad (whom I love) after 32 years of marriage. Since then, she has lived in a small, sort of run down studio apartment, in the basement of a fellow recently divorced Christian woman, who's now a single mother. I feel sort of guilty, because I have been blessed with so much and she has so little...but she's a million times happier, and a million times more selfless. I cry as I ponder over that. Just a Fabulous lady who has taught me so much and continues to everyday. She has no room for a Christmas tree and has tried to store hers, since her divorce..and so graciously offered it for me to display in my formal living room this year. She's always out and about, so I've only been in her apartment about 5-6 times...anyway, I went to pick it up last night...she and I sat from 7pm-12:30 am talking about God and Jesus and although my husband and everyone thinks she's gone overboard with her religion...I, on the otherhand, soak up everything she has to say. I love learning about the bible and Jesus. She knows so much and oh how I wish I could remember everything word for word. I fear that I'd drive my husband and everyone else crazy, I also want them to know the Lord's love and to be saved. My husband's Step dad is a very domineering man, who's brainwashed my Husband and his mom, to NOT beleive in the bible, and that there's no Satan or Hell. And that God has no hand in our lives, but loves us anyway. It's just so tragic. My father in law, loves to play "Devils Advocate" and corners my mom and myself on occasion, trying to mock or blasthemize God and Jesus...yet I think that the lord is using us, to plant his seeds, and we know, that God's word, will not return void. As for my dad's mom, I knew her very well, she lived with us, but passed away when I was 16 years old. She had spirit in her eyes. During my adolescence, I'd come home hurt and confused from "traumatic Junior High Stress" and without my telling her my distress, she'd somehow tell me a story or say something that always applied to my situation...just like when ever I open the Bible, I always open it to a place that applies to my life and situation...I know that he worked through my grandmother, to help me...and is possibly doing the same through me. I just pray that I am serving him well.
Wow, all of that just pured out of me. I am sorry if you're not interested in all of that, but somehow, I feel that you understand, or can appreciate what I've been saying.
Anyway, I guess what I originally wanted to say is that I love your Blog, and although we've never met, you have touched my heart...and you've obviously touched tons of other people. Which is so rare, and so special. Thank you for being you! You are just an awesome lady, and feel so blessed to have met you through this awesome forum, we call Cyber Space!
Love You Sweet Dear BJ,
Warmest Regards,
YUM YUM YUM, BJ!! I used to fry biscuits too. Totally forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me.
At first I thought you were being funny, then I thought maybe not. You know it was me who posted about the birthday cake for Jesus, don't you?? I have a whole post about it. It tells you that the cake should be chocolate for the darkness of sin, the icing: white for the purity of Christ and how we are washed clean by His blood. The candles should be red to represent that blood and there should be 12 for the months of the year. There should be an angel to represent the angel who brought forth the good news of Christ so many years ago and a star which represents the star which led the Magi to our Savior.
yum yum bj. my momma used to make us those doughnuts. sure takes me back. thanks for stopping by my place today.
Ah, I used to make these when my kiddos were little, too! They look good, BJ!
How gorgeous and yummy are they i can almost smell them from here.
Sausage balls now donuts...gal you make me so hungry for stuff!
Actually this is a sweet memory. In our honeymoon years pre-children we would cut a hole in canned biscuits and fry them up in a fry daddy. I would make a glaze. Great with a tall glass of milk!
Have a great evening! =)
Well, I am gaining weight just reading your blog! But thanks for the great recipes. Christy :-) <><
Hey, you're all red! I like your new background.
Oh my BJ! Those donuts looks absolutely sinful....but right up my alley. I think I will top mine with either granulated sugar...I like how it feels when I chew it between my teeth...or the chocolate. I'm sure this is all low cal...right?
Oooh- our mother used to make these when we were little- what great memories- we will have to try it- but will keep this post close at home, as the tips will be so useful!! Have a wonderful evening!
kari & kijsa
Yummy~I've made these with my girls too. I just sugared mine, why didn't I use chocolate? Thanks for sharing. Michelle
BJ, I just thought of something, you should post a warning on your blog about not visiting here if you are hungry. :) Hugs! Michelle
BJ, that brought back such memories of my mother letting me help make donuts from biscuits when I was little. The biscuits back then seemed to be smaller so I would make the donut holes with a thimble and then fry those tiny pieces, too, and then dip them in a glaze. The older I get, the more precious those memories are to me as I lost my mom when I was 37. I miss her a lot. Thank you for the sweet post.
OH BJ!!! I make those all the time for the kids. Talk about one of the cheapest treats in town.
We use our Fry Daddy to make them. The kids love to make "shapes" with their biscuit dough.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and thoughts thru my fight with cancer.
I read your blog but don't leave comments so please forgive me for that...I will try to make a point to leave them from now on.
Hugs and Love, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters and Bonus Mom to Nick and Alex)
Oh everything looks so cozy and yummy! I love all those throws.
Oooooh now those look good!! I've never thought of using biscuit dough to make donuts! What a fabulous idea and I just know my boys would love those when they come home to visit:-) xoxo
Oh BJ thanks for sharing this. I had forgotten doing the donuts this way. Have never made them with my son, wow! Will have to fixed that oversight. Love your blog!!!
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