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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Little Green Apples

It's time again for one of my favorite link parties...

You should go by and check out all the cute ideas for NOTE CARDS....
Vee asks that you use 4 of your favorite photos that would look
COOL as cards.
 My NOTE CARDS, this month, are entitled
"Love doesn't grow on trees like apples in Eden - 
it's something you have to make. And you must use your imagination too."
"There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. 
I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. 
I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain. "
"We are born believing. 
A man bears beliefs as a tree bears apples. "

“Call it crazy, or just chicken salad.”

Thanks, ya'll for stopping in at SWEET NOTHINGS today.
I hope you will come back soon.....
and I hope you have a

...also joining  the fun at


TexWisGirl said...

i really like the 2nd one with them standing one on the other. :)

Patty Patterson said...

Cute! It sounds like a fun project. I usually just buy note cards because it's quick and easy. But, these are much cuter!

Beth said...

I think I would like a chicken salad sandwich and a granny smith apple right about now. :-)

Lynn said...

All pretty pics BJ and those apples kinda look a lot like pie to me:@)

Olive said...

There is nothing like chicken salad with nuts and a sliced green apple. You rocked the note cards BJ:}]

Kathleen Grace said...

MMmmmm, that chicken salad looks so good!~ I love nuts and crunchy apples in chicken salad!

Blondie's Journal said...

Your photos are so sweet, BJ! Hasn't blogging improved your camera has mine and obviously yours!! The chicken salad looks great! Great party, too!


Salmagundi said...

You make even the simplest sandwich look wonderful!!! Sally

Beth said...

Thank you bj! I have viewed a video and downloaded step by step instructions on threading the bobbin. Now why didn't I think of that, I google everything else. :-)

Jackie said...

Very nice BJ.

My Little Home and Garden said...

What a fun and clever post featuring your green apples! The salad certainly looks tasty.

Vee said...

These are so refreshingly cool looking...all the green...and so seasonal...all the green...and simply delightful in every way. I like the borders you created, too. I could happily have this set of note cards.

Irene said...

Well you got it right. Your photos do look cool as cards. Hugs ;)

NanaDiana said...

Those photos would make GREAT cards!!! blessings- xo Diana

ellen b said...

Great theme!I enjoyed your green apple shots, BJ!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It sure makes some pretty colorful cards...and a yummy lunch! Enjoy!

Sue said...

I'm back! I love the apple photos...we just got the first Illinois apples at an area orchard on Saturday. They are Honeycrisps, my favorite. We've been gone it seems like forever and I still am finishing the laundry and ironing from the trip. I have a story to tell you...will save it for an email in the next few days.

Unknown said...

How every creative. Great colors and a get name for your series.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a wonderful theme. Your photographs and quotes are stunning. I like the sound of chicken salad and a granny apple.


Susan Nowell @ My Place to Yours said...

Very creative - and great reflections!

Picket said...

Hey BJ!!!!! Beautiful pics and I love chicken salad....have missed you sweet friend hope all is well on your side of the mountain and that you have a great week....Picket

Susy said...

Nice job BJ. They'd make great recipe cards too (:

Vickie said...

What a cute idea for note cards! That chicken salad and green apple slices look great - even at nearly 11 at night!

Audrey said...

I made chicken salad today too, but mine did not look as pretty as that. Tasted good though. Love the green apple pictures too.
Audrey Z.

Sarah said...

Apples in chicken salad ~ yes, yes, yes. I also like grapes in chicken salad. ;-)
I'd buy these note cards! ~ Sarah

Cheryl said...

What a refreshingly good idea for note cards...they are lovely! (Love the green and white fancy borders too!)

Snap said...

Green is my favorite color so I simply LOVE your green apples. This was fun, too! Very clever and I'll take a set! Loved the quotes.

Kati said...

The colors of your apples are so vibrant! And your chicken salad picture looks so yummy.

Becky K. said...

Stacking the apples must have been fun. I like that photo the best.
Having said that, though, they are all great and I enjoyed them very much.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Precious notecard choices...

But what I really want to know is, how are you, _this_ morning?????????

Gentle hugs,

Melissa G said...

Very nice! Those green apples make great cards!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh love the look of that chicken salad. So good. Great pics. Hugs, Marty

Beverly said...

These are so bright and cheery, BJ. Looking good to me.♥

A Bit of the Blarney said...

I can almost smell the apples and cinnamon baking in the oven! Have a wonderful day! Cathy

Debbie said...

Love everything about this one from the quotes to the photos to the funky green frames around them. It all came together perfectly to make a great post.

I love the idea of finding quotes to go with a picture theme. The Audrey Hepburn quote is hands down my favorite.

HappyK said...

Now my mouth is watering for an apple. : )

Creations By Cindy said...

Now I am wanting an apple! Beautiful photos and sure would like some of that chicken salad right about now! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Madeline's Album said...

Another great post my dear friend. Love the photos. Have a blessed day. Madeline

★Carol★ said...

Lovely photos, and the quotes were lots of fun too!
Happy REDnesday,

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Greetings from Ireland.

Lovely photos.

Visiting from Vee's Note Card Party.

Have a good week

~ Fiona

Savannah Granny said...

Your photos are gorgeous and I think that salad and fixin's looks great. I believe you are adorable and it's time to eat some chicken salad. Blessing, Ginger

On Crooked Creek said...

Love your theme, dear friend! Your color palette and choice of quotes took these over the top in cuteness! Notice you've made a change in your header, as well! I'm intriqued with the Pears & Hot Dogs???

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are so cute! I love the frames. I also like the Audrey Hepburn quote. I've read several of her quotes, she was a smart lady!

Anonymous said...

BJ I love chicken salad...and your photo's of the green apples made that water run in the back of my throat,teeehe.Now I want some,I don't have apple tree but I do have pear trees,so I'm gonna run out there and eat a green pear, reckon it will up-set my stomach?..I better just go to the grocery,what ya think?

Angela said...

Love your apples and I love the quotes that go with them -- especially the Audrey Hepburn one ;)

Amber said...

Nice post!! :)

Pat said...

Cute, cute creative idea for the note cards! Especially the last one, yum!

Anonymous said...

That is a great post! And that chicken salad and granny smith...great idea.
Of course, your food always is divine!

podso said...

So cute! Love the theme and all the green!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Now that's one colorful salad!

Fiery Sunrise

Chenille Cottage said...

Oh, boy.....Your chicken salad look so delicious! It's just perfect for a summer's day. I love the walnuts and bright red strawberries. What a feast!

Thank you, bj, for your visits and comments. Yes, we could have a ball thrifting together! I just discovered the most incredible "treasure trove" thrift shop yesterday. You pay by the pound for nearly everything in the shop. I spent $5 and came home with so many wonderful goodies. You would have loved it!
Have a happy day, my friend,