I am saying THANK YOU for listening to my rant yesterday.
I certainly NEVER mean to step on ANY toes and I will ALWAYS respect YOUR views.
Thanks so much for accepting mine.
I belong to the
As you might know...
We are in the middle of a serious drought here in West Texas.
We are in the middle of a serious drought here in West Texas.
No moisture at all throughout the winter and STILL....NO RAIN.
Therefore, our lawns and flowers are suffering severely.
MOST of these photos are from 2010
when we were blessed with more moisture than we ever get here.
Thank you.for your prayers for rain for part of the country so dry.
I can never remember the name of these strange little purple flowers.
They bloom every day during the summer but the bloom falls off every night..
on. the. ground. ♥♥♥
Then, every morning, there is a new bloom.
I brought these pretty orange flowers from my cousin's house in East Texas ♥
several years ago..they have done fairly well out here in this drier country.
One of my favorite flowers....
what an amazing flowering shrub they are.
They survive in our dry country when nothing else will...
They require such little maintenance and care...
I love my vintage wicker loveseat.
Mr. Sweet bought this for me over 40 years ago and it was olden then.
It is in wonderful shape...
does it need a new paint job..?...♥
Maybe this summer (2011)
We had so much moisture during the winter of 2010
and then.....the spring and summer rains OUTDID themselves and our gardens,
lawns and trees fairly BURST with color.
Every time Mr. Sweet ♥ walked into our back yard,
he would say it looked like a giant bouquet.
We couldn't stay out of the yard...enjoyed it so so much.
God's beauty ♥♥♥ is beyond compare.....
We had us a big ole TEXAS
Mr. Sweet ♥ cooked on the grill..
made ice cream...
we had a high-ole time.
You betcha !!
Little Knockout rose bush ♥, just about to burst into bloom....again.
It blooms, off and on, all spring and summer.
I love my vintage wicker loveseat.
Mr. Sweet bought this for me over 40 years ago and it was olden then.
It is in wonderful shape...
does it need a new paint job..?...♥
Maybe this summer (2011)
We had so much moisture during the winter of 2010
and then.....the spring and summer rains OUTDID themselves and our gardens,
lawns and trees fairly BURST with color.
Every time Mr. Sweet ♥ walked into our back yard,
he would say it looked like a giant bouquet.
We couldn't stay out of the yard...enjoyed it so so much.
God's beauty ♥♥♥ is beyond compare.....
We had us a big ole TEXAS
Mr. Sweet ♥ cooked on the grill..
made ice cream...
we had a high-ole time.
You betcha !!
Little Knockout rose bush ♥, just about to burst into bloom....again.
It blooms, off and on, all spring and summer.
...my old chippy fence
wonder WHY we love ♥ CHIPPY ? Don't know but I sure do ...
wonder WHY we love ♥ CHIPPY ? Don't know but I sure do ...
The violets...
they bloom only a couple of weeks here...or at least MINE do.
I do NOT have the greenest of thumbs, believe me.
Rose of Sharon ♥♥♥
but a different variety.
I'm getting pretty tired of it..
It's HOT and waaay passed my nap time....
Come on in with me and I'll make a pitcher of
and we'll slice the COCONUT CAKE..
I am linking with
2ND TIME AROUND TUESDAY (several vintage things here)
My thanks to the hosts..
I hope you will click on their link and browse the beautiful blogs that are playing today.

and we'll slice the COCONUT CAKE..
I am linking with
2ND TIME AROUND TUESDAY (several vintage things here)
My thanks to the hosts..
I hope you will click on their link and browse the beautiful blogs that are playing today.
I thought what you wrote yesterday was so RIGHT ON...that I read it to my hubby! We both wanted to go out to the yard with the water hose! See what we could figure out! You are one in a million, my friend! Wish I would have some of that cake! Is it sugar free? heehee! ♥♥♥
When you find those t-shirts let me know!
Your garden is brimming with gorgeous blooms! And in Texas! My mother lives half the year in San Antonio, and I know she has to water to keep things green.
I love your bbq table! It looks so pretty!
Do you know I have never had coconut cake? It always looks so pretty and good, that photo makes me want some.
Your garden was beautiful last year, and I just LOVE that wicker loveseat. It isn't the usual pattern of wicker that yousee, so much moe open and pretty!
Your garden is beautiful. I will pray for rain for Texas and South Carolina!
I hope that your drought doesn't last much longer - it must be so hard to try to keep the garden alive. Your photos from last year are so....luscious!
HI sweet BJ! Your garden looks so beautiful. We, too, ahve a rose of Sharon and it never disappoints, does it! I am going to have to check yesterdays post, somehow I missed it???? I love that BBQ table and the black and white polka dot cushions!!!!! I would LOVE a piece of coconut cake, I LOVE coconut! And a glass of PINK lemonade too, please!!!! XO, Pinky
Your garden looks beautiful and I would love a lemonade with my coconut cake (my favorite), thank you very much! We can have it right after the bbq!
You are a very upbeat person, BJ. I know this water situation weighs on you, though you do not whine and fuss the way I'm doing on the other end of the spectrum with too much rain. Sure seems as if we could share. I just split the temp difference with Diane (Lavender Dreamer) yesterday so perhaps I could split the water difference with you.
Your flowers are so lovely. Hope that their roots go deep. I do love daylilies. So many people don't, but they remind me of childhood and where they grew all along the foundation of my childhood home.
Do you bake every day? That coconut cake looks spectacular.
You are one smart lady, BJ, and I love your "rants", they make perfect sense to me. I'd love those T-shirts, probably would buy a couple of dozen! That coconut cake looks delish, and I am sending rain prayers to you. xo,
What a big wonderful post!! I notice you have a polka dot seat cover for the garden seat. I just made polka dot seat covers for my dining room chairs. Will show them in a future post.
Anyway, I'm a new follower of yours! Best wishes. Linda
Your garden was lovely last year! I so miss the rain this year! My yard, even with watering, is still mostly brown. The only thing I have that is thriving is some Four O'Clocks and squash. They are only growing because I water everyday!
Oh yes, RANT ON! God bless Texas!
Your garden is just so lovely and so inviting!
Beautiful tour of your garden! I love seeing all of your pretty flowers and greenery! You add so many extra touches to make your home and garden more beautiful!
Enjoy your day dear BJ, HUGS!
Oh, I love it! I have nothing to speak of this year for a variety of reasons.
Now, I am going to read the post that I obviously missed.
And when you find those t-shirts in the opening part, please pass the good news about in blog land.
Amazing shot and garden dear BJ!
Have a nice day.
Hey sister!...love your gardens I know yall are in a drought we are almost,here in southeast Georgia,but your flowers are lovely my friend, and I want a LARGE slice of that coconut cake!
Come see my butterflys at the lantana bush.
And today will be my post for my first giveaway, I'm so nervous I sure hope we have fun.
Oh honey! Your yard, your cookout, and that cake are to die for! You know how to live it up. :)
Oh I almost forgot, when you make that summer tee with the slightly longer sleeves with the loose cuff, I'll be the first to want one,teehehe.
Your garden is beautiful BJ. I love the wicker bench and the Rose of Sharon has always been a favorite of mine.
I had my head buried under the cabinets yesterday and didn't see what you wrote, but I will go have a look now!
Catching up a little bit this morning, before I have to go bury my head again.:-)
Hi BJ...I'm back. J and I both enjoyed your Rat Killing post. I am sending the link to a couple of our dear old friends. They will love it too!
Hi Bev, thanks for stopping in over my little place...Love those rose of sharon..we have a few and they are a joy to behold. Beautiful. The flowers in my little "flower bed" have all died..we had to much rain...days and days back in May...the weeds are poppin though..I have some seed balls in there now, and things are coming up can't tell if they are friend or foe...time will tell. I've enjoyed visiting your garden party....
bj, Lovely yard. How do you do that in the heat of TX. Wow, if I were a neighbor I'd have to pop in for that Texas BBQ. I'm sure you outdid yourself, and the cake would be soooo good. Like we had growing up.
The French Hutch
What a lovely garden. Despite teh drought your flowers seem to be prevailing, a true Texas theme!
I love the orange (day lillies?) in the front yard and of course the wine area in the backyard ;)
Thanks for sharing, it has been a pleasure visiting your garden today.
Hi BJ! I thought your "rant" yesterday was absolutely justified! People can find so many toys and doo-dads, multiple automobiles, and inground pools to adorn and showcase their beautiful properties, and then can't manage to show an ounce of gratitude to the many who have served this country, for the freedoms they are clearly enjoying! It does make some of us a little sick to our stomachs, I can vouch for THAT. My grandfather was a fighting Marine in WWII, for our country, and he would NOT be happy if he knew how few people bother to display their flags... But ANYWAYS, I'm sorry to hear that the drought has taken its toll on your flowers this year. Your set up for today's Garden Party is beautiful, nonetheless, and I love all the polka dots of course!!! I had to maintain restraint yesterday, as one of the shopping channels has red and white polka dot DISHES for sale! It was painful, I tell you! I still might break down and buy that set one of these days! I just know the urge is gonna over-power me one day, and I'll whipping out the credit card!! ~tina
What beautiful flowers! Droughts are awful - everything just dries up and nothing can grow, let alone bloom. But it certainly looks like your garden outdid itself last year. Stop by The Pink Home if you get a chance. :)
Mexican petunas is the name of the little purple flowers. They grow exceptionally well in hot areas!!!
So that means Texas is the spot!!
Sunday we had a special prayer time for "rain". So bad here in East Texas!!
BJ if I read your rant post one more time- I will have it memorized!!! LOL
It put a hee haw in my day :))
Your pics are beautiful BJ! Wish I could have sent you the excessive rain we had a few weeks ago. Now it seems we're getting just the right amount. Hope you see some soon:@)
Your garden is so pretty. And, that coconut cake looks delicious! Sure, I'll have a slice! Thank you!
What a beautiful corner of the world you live in; your garden is a centre piece.
I missed yesterday's post and went back to read it; wow! Love that you came out with all your little and big rants. Sometimes, at our age we Need to get this off our chest.
I have a sister in law that I love very much; she lives far way from me; in New England. But we call each other once a week and let it all out.
She is a widow and needs to get things off her chest and I have a husband that I rally don't think he cares about my rants, so we both get satisfaction.
All this to say... whatever it takes; do it!
At this point in our lives we need to clear the air.
Looks like a wonderful barbeque!
The little purple flowers are spiderwort. I was going to get up early enough this morning to watch them open up.....but then I didn't.
The cake looks glorious. I want a slice, please!
Lovely gardens, dear! The Rose of Sharon flanked the East side of our "dream" home in South East Kansas. We haven't tried to grow any here on the Prairie, but I do love their beauty and watching the hummingbirds that flit from one bloom to the next. your BBQ looks so inviting!!! Coconut cake looks delicious! Cut me a BIG slice...I'll be right over!
Oh bj, your gardens are SO beautiful!! You have so many pretty flowers!
I love your wicker bench, what a sweet and cozy place to sit and enjoy your beautiful gardens.
Your barbeque setting looks like fun, all decorated so pretty!
I'm praying for you to get the much needed rain, I would surely round up some of ours and send it your way, if I could.
Thank you for joining the Garden Party and sharing your beautiful gardens with us....and I would love a slice of your coconut cake and a big ol' glass of pink lemonade. My Fave!
Hugs, Debi
Beautiful, thanks for the tour!
BJ, your flowers are beautiful! Sending prayers for rain your way!
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