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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


This is repost from last summer...
BLOGGER is refusing to let me upload photos today
decided I'd rather do a RE-POST than none at all...
I just love decorating.
I love the entire process.
The pouring over fabulous, decorating magazines and books...O...AND BLOGS !!
Finding things I love to use in my rooms.
Delighting in all the colors offered.....
and I ADORE french country....
This table and the luscious things resting on top is just pure beauty to my olden eyes....
What IS that brown fabric ? I must have some of it...
don't you love that it's somewhat fringed.....!!
I can feel a "I CAN DO A TABLE LIKE THIS" coming on.
Some of you might know that I delight in copying a beautiful scene with my thrifted items...
I just LOVE showing that you don't HAVE to have a lot of money to spend on a certain look...
I just LOVE showing that you can get the same
...  with just some great imagination and some fabulous thrifted finds....
I think the key is to learn to be able to use OTHER items to represent the look you are after...
I surely don't have all the beautiful things on the table above.....
but....let's see just what I DO have...
ROUND TABLE.....check  < from my mother>
ROUND TRAY....hmmmm...think SQUARE will work ? ...check
CUTE CUPS.....check
REAL FRUIT....check
OK, I am ready to satisfy my copy cat instinct...
see that bit of fringed fabric...LOVE it...
 Not just like it.....but close.
The idea is why I love INSPIRATION photos so much....
Of course, it is not exactly alike...
we only use INSPIRATION photos that we LOVE  to help us establish what we would like to accomplish.
If I were going to gather items for a table scape like this one,

I would choose all my pieces in about the same, neutral in the INSPIRATION...
MY  VINTAGE cups and bowl are TOO white as is the table covering.
The INSPIRATION photo is from the 2001 DO IT YOURSELF magazine and
gives this great TIP...
"When arranging, go for a graceful curve:
Imagine drawing a line over the top of the display;
the resulting line should be wavy, not flat."

Now, I am thinking THIS might be a good arrangement for the things that I DO have...
See how an INSPIRATION photo can spur you on to create your OWN ideas, using the items
you have on hand ?
Is being able to satisfy your own self when you create a table top..a mantel...a dining table,
a form of creativity ?
OH, YES 'MAM....I think it truly is.
I think we don't have to be able to create a table top that will go into a beautiful magazine...
What I love is when my family says something like
"OH, GOSH...that old table looks fantastic !"
I like the brick red of the SUNFLOWER because it
matches the brick red of the sunflower plate..
....even the little tiny flowers on the french, paisly print book blends in well.
I love the little french pot that my daughter gave me years ago...
and I love using it EMPTY....
I loved learning the tip about the wavy line....
I love that we are NEVER too old to learn...
ain't life grand !
LOVE, bj
The OLD COMMENTS came right along with this post.
Don't have a clue WHY...I THOUGHT I left them off...
BLOGGER is driving me crazy today...slow, won't load photos,


Charlotte said...

Beautiful! I have to copy magazine pictures also.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

OMG Bj, girl you really put this all together just beautiful and I love that you shopped your house to do this...and that fabric kinda looks like muslin to me but hey what do I know ha ha!! Please stop over when you can my Dear friend and enter my second year give away...Love ya Sister friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Lynn said...

I love it, and I think this is a really fun idea-to use a picture as inspiration and make it your own! Hummm...

Blondie's Journal said...

This post was chock full of tips and great ideas and you illustrated it all so well!! Your table looks every bit as nice as the one in the book! And I love the tip on the wavy line. Thanks, BJ!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi PJ!
I love the new look on your blog! It's cheerful,like you!

You did a wonderful job setting your table. And, the inspiration table is very inspiring! I love the sunflowers and your fringy fabric. Your table is much brighter and happier than the original.


Sandra said...

Wow, you did a wonderful job on the table! Beautiful!
Have a wonderful day!

Julie Harward said...

Hi bj...I love to decorate too and you do it so well! I love your table, looks just great! The one in the magazine..the cloth almost looks like an old wool shawl! Very cool :D

Natasha in Oz said...

I do that kind of thing all of the time too BJ. Next time I might post a picture of my inspiration image too. Great idea and gorgeous tablescape!

Best wishes,

Charity said...

That turned out so pretty! I love that you were inspired by a 9 year old magazine looks just as fresh and current as if it had been published today - classic!

Anonymous said...

I love it, BJ. I think I'll give this a try sometime. If I can find anything to set a table with, around here.;-)

The Decorative Dreamer said...

I love getting inspiration from all sorts of things! Photos, books, magazines, stores, blogs and TV and others homes! You put together a beautiful setting mimicking this photo. I think it's excellent. Even though the original setting is darker, yours really works because your colors are lighter in "all" the items you used. It's just a lighter and brighter version of the original! Great job!

Debbie said...

Now, this is a post I can really get into. I love the inspiration photo AND what you did with the inspiration.

I am trying to gather inspiration pictures for my whole kitchen.

I LOVE to imitate. I'm not always as good at it as you are, but I try!

Mitzi said...

You did a great job. Loved you tablescape equally as well.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You are the BEST decorator I know! And you take such great photos of your arrangements! Thanks for all the tips...believe me...I need them! ♥

Unknown said...

Hi BJ haven't been by for awhile have had lots of things going on not least was a bad fall last week. Had several posts already done but not much visiting being done. These arrangements are wonderful. Have seen some TV shows using inspiration

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

You nailed it BJ! Your version is just so perfectly country French. I love it!

I think the fabric in the original is burlap, that has been washed. That makes it all nubby. Then you fringe it.

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Oh BJ, your table looks just as pretty as the inspiration one, for sure!!!
Lots of xoxoxoxoxo's

LV said...

The magazines have designers and decorators to do their features. You have the brain and know how just as much as they do. You have done a wonderful job on your changes.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Bj, You created a beautiful table! Do you remember the show on HGTV where they would take a really expensive designer room and recreate it inexpensively? It just takes creativity,which you are so good at!
xoxo, Sherry

Sue said... did a beautiful job capturing the feel of the inspiration photo. I love how you do that. I don't use inspiration photos often. I tend to find something I love and then try to build something around it. Either way, we do have fun...don't we?

Donnie said...

Such lovely words and photo's. Just beautiful.

Karie said...

Love the table decorating. Thanks for sharing your amazing talents.

Coloradolady said...

BJ....what a great transformation from the inspiration photo, I actually like yours MUCH BETTER! You are so talented with these types of endeavors. So very glad you linked in today to inspire us as we head into fall!!! Happy VTT!

Charo said...

Love your pretty table decor!

Rita said...

What a perfect Post for my old eyes this morning. I really needed a pick me up and you just did with wour old words and photos.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Love the inspiration and then the reality. Beautiful work, beautiful decor.

Kathleen Grace said...

I like your bottom photo even better thn the inspiration photo BJ! I have always been, er, vignette challenged, lol. I never thought to try to copy a magazine display. I always thought you either had the talent or you didn't!

Unknown said...

Not exactly is right...yours is so much BETTER!! I love that you took what inspired you and made it your own :)


Dena said...

Cute, cute cute BJ!!! Now I want to go pour over my magazines and see what I can come up with! Thanks for the inspiration :)


Chubby Chieque said...

An absolute perfect inspiration to us specially me (an unknow-how lady from nowhere §;-)

Love it BJ... you really good.

Hapy TS, Lady & enjoy the week-end ahead.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic post, lots of fun. Your table looks great!

Bill said...

So nice, BJ!

I think I like your version better. It looks fresh and happy ... just like the decorator at your house!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


xinex said...

Very pretty, BJ! Aren't those inspirational books so helpful?...Christine

The Muse said...

Hello Dear Bj!
I see you are as busy as ever...and as filled with inspiration, no even more so!
Your table turned out just lovely~adding a twist to make it all your own... :)
Have a great weekend, you deserve it to be sure.

Kathy said...

I love finding inspiration from books and magazines too! Love your rendition! Love all the elements! You did a terrific job!

Sarah said...

Beautiful tabletops. Love that yellow and white check container. Your table top looks wonderful. ~ Sarah

Holly Lefevre said...

I LOVE your table. You touch on the inspiration factor and how to pull off a look s well. Great tips and great writing!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

BJ, I am so glad I scrolled back to find this post. I love your table top. Absolutely beautiful! laurie

Sue said...

BJ, the whole idea behind taking an inspirational photo and running with it to make it your own IS to change it up to suit you and your take on it! You did just that. Good to be catching up with you- I have been so behind in reading all my pal's posts. Going off on little trips sure puts a damper on all I want to do, even though I had a blast on my excursions!
hugs, Sue

Debra@CommonGround said...

Love your interpretation, I love doing this too. We get so much inspiration from magazines and other blogs. Thanks so much for linking up for VIF!

Shug said...

Girl.. you simply amaze me. I think your table is awesome. i know that i have told you this before, but you are an wonderful decorator.
please excuse my typing still recovering from carpal tunnel surgery.
Warm hugs

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh, BJ! You did a fabulous job! You know I LOVE French country! I always consult my French country books when I make a change! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Great job BJ! I love your tabletop just as well as your inspiration picture ....even better because it was done by the most talented and adorable BJ!

Jeanne said...

Dear bj, you have a great insight when it comes to decorating. I like your table display better than the photo. Then you just keep creating and do something slightly different. You are a joy and so are your posts. I am so glad you re-posted today. I don't remember this. Smile.

I adore the family photo of Stacy and her family on your side bar. Beautiful,in every way. Tomorrow I am posting about my daughter Diana and her family for outdoor Wednesday. She sent me some cute photos taken with her new camera.

I love you too sister friend.
Jeanne xo

Sarah said...

BJ, I fondly remember this post. It's wonderful. I keep many of my favorite magazines and use them for inspiration along with all my books on the subject of interiors, table settings, etc.
Sorry Blogger is being so difficult for you tonight. I've noticed that it is slow to load blogs. Think it's the weather? LOL
~ Sarah

★Carol★ said...

You've definitely got a real knack for decorating, BJ! I always enjoy seeing what new thing you've done in your beautiful home!
Happy REDnesday!

Kristen said...

It's so much fun to see how you interpreted that table scape and made it your own. Beautiful!

Brenda Pruitt said...

These are sure some great ideas you provided that I shall remember when creating a vignette or display. And yours is soooo pretty!

bunny, the paris house designs said...

Wow do this all and make it seem effortless...because you are so incredibly talented!!!

LV said...

I have decided there is absolutely nothing you cannot do. You are one talented and creative lady.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

I love it my sweet b.j every bit as nice as the magazine!! Hope this finds you well! x0x0

Southwest Cottage Designs said...

Love your photos and just reading your cheerful blog.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi BJ,

Blogger definitely has a mind of its always have great ideas...I love my magazine collection...I shutter when I hear about someone throwing out their magazines! I love to pull out my scissors and play. :0)

I'm visiting for Rednesday...
Stephanie ♥