My NEW blog address is

and I have a link to where you can receive

Please go to the NEW BLOG.
thanks, bj

Friday, October 29, 2010


Q. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A. He didn't have the guts.

Q. Why do ghosts have so much trouble dating?
A. Women can see right through them.
Q. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?
A. Frostbite.

 pink pumpkin...
These are just waaay cool...

This is the time of year when you can have
mixed in with
AUTUMN LEAVES and pumpkins...
The time of year that you can wear
SWEATERS....or both !
You carry a light jacket in your car...
and a cap to put on and pull down over your ears....
a light blanket, too....
You start pouring over catalogs, looking for that
PERFECT  Christmas gift for someone special...
You move your
to either the back of your closet or to an OUT OF SEASON closet...
but you save a few SHORT sleeved tops....just in case it gets HOT again for a few days....
and I wear my jean capris all year long.....
 are they still called capris ?
Being OLDEN, I somehow am FOREVER behind in fashions...
actually, I have never been too fashion minded..
well, maybe when I was a young thing.... one time, a loooong time ago, in another galaxy.
my closet held a little over 50 pair of shoes, at one time..
and mostly HIGH HEELS..
You keep the OVEN going just a little longer in the mornings...
to knock the chill that's settled into the rooms....
not quite ready to turn on the central heat....
You know Halloween is right around the corner...
and you start noticing every WOOD YARD you pass...thinking about a big fire in the fireplace..ummm

Which, by the way, our log holder is getting mighty low of firewood...
but enough there to build a roaring fire on halloween....booooooo

You still hold on to the summery days...
pumpkins start showing up ALL OVER THE PLACE...
in the most luscious of colors...

Our trees here in WEST TEXAS are just beginning to turn..
...another couple of weeks, and we'll see a big difference in colors...
I still have a FEW summer blooms ...
but the AUTUMN JOY is saying....fall
It's trying hard here in our part of TEXAS to turn FALL..'s just almost there.....
I am linking with:

My thanks to all the fine hosts...

BEVERLY has asked us to introduce a new or a "new to us" blog
and I would love for you to meet my new friend, BRENDA.
She has a beautiful blog, BRENDA'S BLOG and I hope you will go by and give her a hug and a WELCOME..
The following is what she has written beneath the photo of herself, with her grandmother.
"This weekend my grandmother turned 90.
The year she was born (1920), the bandaid was invented.
She is a breast cancer SURVIVOR of 44 years.
For her birthday, we all went to church together, because that is what she wanted."
BRENDA is fighting breast cancer...please visit her and give her all the encouragement you possibly can.
Her motto:
My love to all...
I would really like to know WHY my font goes to such SMALL letters ??


Unknown said...

Oh, my golly! BJ, what kind of cake is that? I hope your strawberries are better than ours ... they are terrible up here. Love you everything, as always.

Have a BOO-TEA-FUL weekend!
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi BJ Sweetie...
Happy Pinks Day. What a beautiful share. Love the pink pumpkins and boy do I love the look of that strawberry cake. It is strawberry yes? Marydon and I will be right over. We are both lovers of strawberries everything.

Now of course cherries will always be my favorite, but I sure do love a good juicy strawberry and yours look simply devine. I thank you for the beautiful share and I also thank you for introducing me to Brenda. I will pop by and introduce myself and invite her to come by.

As always sweetie, a beautiful, original share. I love it. Have a great Halloween. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Lynn said...

A Halloween bonfire sounds like fun, temps in the low 50's here all weekend! Happy Halloween BJ:@)

kim said...

Hi! This is Kim in MS at sillshill.blogspot That strawberry cake looks really good. I love strawberries Here is a recipe for you it will be your Halloween gift. You may already have it it is called Strawberry trifle. Take two Angel food cakes and tear them up in pieces. I will layer the cake with cool whip and the frozen strawberries that have the sugar in them and I layer in strawberry Jello. It is layered. It is very good.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

One of the things I love best about blogging is that you get to see the seasons evolve! We are just over our peak of color and yours is just starting! This weekend is suppose to be in the mid 60's and sunny. Tomorrow night we are grilling out, sitting by the fire pit and just enjoying life....

Unknown said...

all the sweet color of pink. Where would we be without pink?
This is a nice place to visit!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Love to you, too, dear friend! I hope you have a beautiful weekend and see some turning leaves and feel a little chill in the air! Hugs! ♥

Deanna said...

I have an idea BJ, we could both live in a Pottery Barn and have the Wal-Mart as a vacation does that!

I just painted my itty bitty pumpkin pink and made a rabbit out of it. I'll post on Monday as we are leaving for Sonora in the morning for a wedding. It's my first attempt at a craft so don't laugh too hard when you see it...hahahaha!!

Deanna :D

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Shoot BJ, now I want a pink pumpkin! I don't have one left over to go spray, and H'ween's almost here. Maybe next year. That cake and the strawberries look soooo yummy. Thank you for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie

Kristen White said...

I have never seen pink pumpkins before....really cute! Loved seeing all the touches of pink in your post. Happy Halloween!

The Charm of Home said...

Wonderful pink pumpkins that one shot where they are all shades of pink is wonderful! Have a great weekend!

Debbie said...

Too many wonderful things on here! I don't even know where to start. But I do long to have a bonfire. It seems like it's never going to get cold enough here for that.

I love all the pink stuff. I had never seen a pink pumpkin before. What in the world will we do next?

Unknown said...

Love your post. 50 pairs of shoes!!! I don't think I've had that many in my lifetime. Happy Pink Saturday!

JEANNE said...

Hi bj, I am still alive and kickin. Yesterday I was celebrating my birthday with my sisters all day. Last week was a bloggy break and in a minute I have to do my Pink Post. I see yours is already up. Very cute and full of fun. There are no good strawberries here right now. They taste awful. Love your pink pumpkins and your cute jokes. Your posts always are good for a BIG smile. I visited Brenda and enjoyed her post very much. Here in the winter there are no warm days. I enjoy winter anyway. When it snows it is so pretty.

Have a wonderful weekend and a happy Halloween. I love a good bonfire too.

Love, Jeanne xoxo

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Mercy! Well..I loved the jokes..and I loved the food. And...I loved all of it..and I most especially loved seeing the photo of Brenda and her Grandmother and of course I will go give her a hug! A HUGE one! get to the pink pumpkins...sheesh! I don't know, bj, I Really? I don't know if I can do that!

I know, I know it's you and yes, I do trust you! I promise! I do! But...this.....
ARGGGGG..what would Charlie Brown say??
Ok. I'm in. Pink pumpkin's are
GREAT! *sigh*
Love and hugs,

(I've..just compromised myself!)

Kathleen said...

You never run out of ideas, girl!
You are so right about the clothes. Yesterday it was short sleeves, today it's a sweat shirt!
Happy Halloween to you! Eat candy, life is short! :)

Sarah said...

I'm still giggling over those jokes. Makes me think of my "first graders". LOL
Your post is really clever, BJ. Pink pumpkins ~ now why didn't I think of that? My "pinks" are rather "orange" this Saturday. ;-)
~ Sarah

Julie Harward said...

Thanks for sharing the new blog. There are no shorts here, it's way too cold! I love these corny jokes too..they each made me laugh! I will try them on my grands! Have a great Halloween! ;D

The Old Parsonage said...

Hey BJ

Loved your photo montage and hearing you ramble about different things. 50+ shoes? Wowza!

Enjoy your weekend!

nancy said...

What a great blog you got here. Love the riddles. LOL. God Bless your Grandmother. I never knew mine. HPS to you and Happy Halloween!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

What a wonderful post BJ and a great end with a new blogger to visit! But your header was pretty spooky... I was almost afraid to scroll down but glad I did!! LOL
Have a grand weekend sweetie!!
Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween weekend, kisses.

Rita said...

Happy Halloween!
Love those pink pumpkins.
Those strawberries are calling my name. Wishing you a great weekend.

Unknown said...

How sweet to introduce us to Brenda! That tray with the strawberries, lovely cake AND sweet little boo pumpkin is just devine! I loved this post :)


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Very cute way to tie Halloween in, to Pink Sat. :-)

May I ask you to please come over and give a "Thumbs Up" to my Sat. post ,-) I know I'm a bit *frank,* but... Difficult times call for unique measures. ,-)

Gentle hugs...

Anonymous said...

All so beautiful and wonderful looking, I can't make up my mind..Love the pumpkins of different colors though.

dana said...

I LOVE this Pink Saturday post, BJ!!! Loved your jokes, your talk about the weather changes this time of year, your wonderful pictures...and introduction to Brenda. You are such an interesting, funny, sweet and kind blogger, BJ. I hope you are having a wonderful PS and a terrific weekend!!

L, Dana

Jacalyn @ said...

Happy Pink Saturday BJ! As always, a wonderful post! Love, love, love the pink pumpkins! I sure will visit Brenda.

Happy Halloween,

Gossamer Creations said...

Love your photos,

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

What a fun Post! Strawberries, pumpkins and fall leaves and a delicious looking cake! Yummy!
I haven't purchased strawberries in a while as ours are rather hard and chewy and not with a good flavor. lol! :((

Thank you for sharing Brenda with us and I will go and say Hi.
Happy Pink Halloween Saturday!

Nancy said...

Such lovely posts. I'm late in the day and was treated to two! Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Halloween!

Terri Steffes said...

I just celebrated my one year anniversary of being breast cancer free. Hearing about a 44 year survivor makes me SING!

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

You are tooooooo cute, BEEEEJJJJJ! Now that you have waved those pieces of cake under my nose many times, I must go to bed, so I don't go eat a cookie!
p.s. I always dressed as a gypsy, too!

Annesphamily said...

Happy Birthday to your grandma! What a terrific family you have! I will go visit Brenda. Thank you and have a happy weekend. You post such sweet simple things that I truly love! Hugs Anne

Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday, my sweet friend. You made me giggle with your jokes.

Pink pumpkins, juicy strawberries, sweet cake and new friends. Life is good.

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween, BJ!

The other day I had to give in and wear socks with my clarks slides and what a surprise when I walked into the kitchen and found J wearing jeans rather than shorts! The snow isn't even flying yet!!

Fireplace going this morning, in NE Missouri! Oh well...tomorrow is November.:-) What am I to expect?!

Jacqueline said...

My prayers to Brenda. What a beautiful introduction to her and her grandmother.

Love your take on the changing of the seasons. You give me the chills when you talk about Christmas, but that's what happens after Halloween, my shopping begins. I try to have the major shopping done by Thanksgiving so I can really enjoy the month of December.

Pattie @ Olla-Podrida said...

That cake looks delicious, and all of the pink is quite unique. Enjoyed your post.

Kathleen Grace said...

Your fall is just beginning and ours is almost done:>( I can't say I love November chills, but I sure look forward to the holidays

The Tablescaper said...

Fall, fun and strawberries!

Thanks so much for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.

- The Tablescaper