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Sunday, August 9, 2009

8/10/09....I LUVVV GARAGE SALES....

The starting of what I believe will be a FANTASTIC week for all of us....
I was able to find a FABULOUS garage sale this week...
Came away with a few things that I really liked...nothing that will end up making me a MILLION dollars...
(I read once that a lady bought an old paint by numbers painting at a sale, got home and behind it was another painting by that fella that cut his own ear off...!! Worth thousands.!!)
Well, I really had fun, anyway!!
Old metal cracker tin...
I actually remember buying crackers in these tins...
I just gave 25 cents for this one....
It might look cute with flowers...especially fresh ones from the garden...
but I actually am using it for ..............
I really fell in luv with these old scales..
Mr. Sweet thinks they were used in measuring meds at an old drug store...
I tried to Google it but couldn't find any that looked close to these.
For now, I just have them in my bookshelves...
I really can't think of much to put on them...actually, I like them just as they are !

Really cute rooster tray for a dollar...
'course there's a million things you can use a tray for...


A snack tray is always welcome around SWEET NOTHINGS...
All this cuteness and for only a dollar...awesome!!

and.....I am surprised as HECK that you didn't hear me scream bloody murder when I spied this
adorable black and white polka dot storage chest.
BIG LOTS....$19.95
IT IS AWESOME...and I am totally in love with it.
It takes so little to make me happy !!
I knew JUST where I was going to hang this pretty thing the very minute I saw it on the garage sale table....

O, YES...I had a great time at this sale...
Hope YOU found a good one, too !!


Jackie said...

BJ, you got some wonderful deals and great finds during your garage sale travel. I love the scales, and they are absolutely perfect right where they are.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Evening, BJness! I love all your great finds! The cracker tin looks great with the flowers! The Rooster tray - you get tired of it - send it to moi! :) The bench is YOU! Oh, you did good, sweet friend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Sue @ Not the Good Scissors! said...

I was in a yard sailing mood this weekend. I found THE most perfect little chest of drawers for $5.00. I got home, opened the garage door, backed the SUV in the driveway and put my find right smack dab in the middle of the garage. Within 3 hours it was sanded, primed, and covered with 2 coats of the most beautiful white paint. It is in the guest room but the poor thing is going to sit in the middle of that room for at least a week. Lately that room has become the overflow from the sewing room. Hmmm, I wonder if I should have a yard sale. LOL
Have a blessed week!

Barbara said...

BJ, You did very good....I have never gone to a garage sale, but they are in my future. The rooster try will be great for the Rooster Party on the 28th.

Have a Great Monday.


Becky said...

Great finds this week BJ!!!

Brandi said...

Ah, I love the scales! A girlfriend of mine found some at a garage sale and I've been on the lookout ever since! Great stuff. :)

Beth in NC said...

Hello Beautiful BJ. You always make everything look so lovely and inviting! You just have that touch!

Thank you for your sweet encouragement concerning my parents.

Love to you!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow, I think you hit the jackpot, all of your finds are real treasures. I have one of those cracker tins also, such fun, the tray is stunning and the architectural piece is so pretty. The scales are very different and I just love scales, yours is beautiful. Glad you had such a great time. Hugs, Marty

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Wow, BJ! You made out like a bandit! Great finds. I can't believe you got those scales for that great price. I love those and all the rest of your finds. Cute stuff all!

Happy Blue Monday...


Sheila :-)

Unknown said...

BJ: I am in love with EVERYTHING you got. We have such similar taste. Love your shelves full of the Readers' Digests, too! I hope you've read them and they're not just for show. Be sure to check out my book giveaways.

dana said...

I want to find the place where you go g-saling....I never find good stuff--CHEAP--like YOU did! Whoa, girl, you are so ready for The Rooster Party with that tray! Then you add that wonderful polka dot chest! Too much fun for you! I sure enjoyed your shopping trip. And you just reminded me that I need to dig out the VERY SAME CRACKER TIN I bought at a g. sale last year--but for $1.00. See, you have great deals where you are!

Happy Monday! L, Dana

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Wahoo, look at all your treasures. GReat finds...the whole lot of them. I am especially loving that old scale and the polka dots are just screaming "hey!" to me. Loverly!

Drawn to The Sea said...

Hi BJ,
I use that cracker tin too :-) Now, about those scales... what a great find!

Happy Blue Monday!
Julia @ Drawn to the Sea

xinex said...

What fun things you found, BJ! You did really good!...Christine

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Girl you done jit the MOTHERLODE of sales...Love that little scale how cute is that...and your Roo tray...and that ottoman is so you...Now I wished I had known you were only 75 miles away from Amarillo I would have just loved to hook up with you my friend...How cool would that have been...Where do you live in Texas...Now I want to go back real soon I have to get my Kyra fix ha ha!! Oh BJ that sweet baby just melted my old heart when I finally got to hold her and kiss her...she goes in for another surgery this Fiday at Dallas this will made 17 since she was born and she'll only be 7 month's old on the 19th...she is always so happy and smiles all the look at her you would never go a thing was wrong with her...I gave her a bath and when I seen all her scars I just cried like a baby myself...Hope you have a great week my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Becky K. said...

Good finds. I hope you are planning to participate in the Rooster Party at Bella Vista on the 28th.

Becky K.

Theresa said...

You sure found some good bargains! Love the $1.00 tray, they $3.00 beauty you positioned perfectly above the pictures and OMG... perfect and so you, polka dot storage chest:) Have a blessed day!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Don't ya just love garage sales ! I went on the 45o mile yard sale this past weekend .Will show ya what I got in a few days.Love those poka dots on the chest! It has your name on it honey !
I can't get my message on my header.I didn't see text under my header :( :( :(

Cindy said...

I don't know what I like the most! I remember the cracker tin from when I was little. I love the rooster tray, anything with roosters, (and your rooster paintings) My Mother used to have a scale similar to yours. Well done.

Southern Lady said...

BJ, you were certainly in the right place at the right time. Those scales are a treasure, indeed -- I've seen similar ones in antique shops for close to $100. I love your rooster tray, too.

Hope your Blue Monday is a happy one.

Kammy said...

Hi BJ !
I love your rooster stuff...I hope you are doing Barb's rooster party later this month - I wanna see more !

Kitty Scraps said...

Hi, you totally stole those scales for $2!!! And I love all your finds, that rooster tray would fit right into my kitchen *smiles*

Cathy said...

Wow, you're the garage sale super shopper. Great finds!

I love a good sale. But I should be having one instead of going to other people's.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You must have the "eye". Your sale forays bring treasures, mine not so much. These are wonderful finds. I hope you enjoy them.

ItaJeff said...

You just got a great finds dear! I luvvvv garage sales too :-)
Happy Blue Monday

squawmama said...

BJ, I just love all your new finds especially the polka dot box and the cracker tin... They are just GREAT! Have a fun filled day my friend...


Coloradolady said...

My. You found some great deals. I went to an estate sale, and purchased just a few things. The house was so full, it was almost impossible to see everything. But it was fun!!

Happy Blue all your pictures today, my favorite is the snack tray photos...I love snacks too!

Risa said...

Cute finds!

Salmagundi said...

I have the same cracker tin, which I bought new as a bride in the 1950s. I've always kept my crackers in it - nice and fresh and crisp!! That scale really caught my eye. That was a great find. Have a good week. Sally

Barb said...

Hi, great finds. I love, love those scales....oh, what you will be able to do with those. And, the rooster things.......LOVE!!!!!!!

Hugs, Barb :-)

Sarah said...

Great deals and clever to include so many parties in one post.

Terry said...

Howdy B.J.
Wow what a fantastic triple delight post today!
Well done .
You are the queen of thrify garage sale treasures .
Those are awesome scales .
I have a collection of tins packed away in storage you just reminded me I need to get them out and play with them.
Blessings to you and yours.
Have a wonderful week.
Big Hugs
Happy Trails

SmilingSally said...

That black and white storage chest is YOU for sure. I did, in fact, hear a scream of joy!

Now, I like those scales best. Adorable.

Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

tea time and roses said...

Hello BJ!

I love your finds! I too think the old cracker tin will be perfect for holding flowers.:o) I love yard sales, so much fun!! Wishing you a beautiful week my friend.



The Cutest Cottage Lamps said...

Hi BJ, looks like you got quite a find at the yard sales this week! Love that scale too!

Mama said...

oooh, great idea! You and I must hit some garage sales one Saturday when the gettin' is good. Tell me when, k?

Carrie said...

The scales were a fabulous find!

Judi said...

you did sooo well with all your finds. The scales are so neat. Could you put a plant on each side? Share with us what you do with them.
I love the chest too...and the rooster tray. You've had fun and thats a great day!!

ellen b. said...

bj! I'm under the suspicion that you have a good time no matter what you're doing! You got some great treasures for sure! Enjoy!!

Barb said...

Hi BJ,

What wonderful finds! I love all of them but especially the scales.

Happy Monday to you.


Anonymous said...

The garage sales was my Mom's favorite thing when she visited the USA. Saturday morning would be the time she was waiting whole week. She doesn't speak English but was always able somehow to negotiate deals - I speak the language but was never able to do what she did - must be a special skill - to find treasures at sales.

Anonymous said...

Well Happy Blue Monday to you too, Miss BJ!!
I just LOVE your bright attitude and outlook and YES this week is going to be a GREAT one, I can just feel it, too!
Growing up, we had one of the Premium Saltine tins, too. I am going to ask my mom if she still has it:)
I love that bench, too~~cute!

Have a Enchanting evening!

~Let FREEDOM Ring!~

Kelee Katillac said...

Love the cracker tin...and your sweets vignette..very nice!!!

love, kelee

Anonymous said...

Good evening BJ. You have found yourself some wonderful treasures. Are you going to join the rooster party that is going on in blogland? I thought of you with all those neat roosters you have displayed. Happy Blue Monday.

Miranda said...

Wow, very nice finds.

Dora said...

I like the cracker tin! What a nice collection of stuff here. :D

MyThoughtsMyVoice said...

This is one garage sale! You took home with you not just one but lots that you really really like :-)

And you save the best for last. A black and white polka dot. You really did try not to be too excited about it, telling your other wonderful finds. :-) Bet you can't just wait till the end to really mention it. :-)

Happy Blue Monday!


Post Free Ads said...

Good Deals ......

Justine said...

Oh yeah, you hit the mother lode!!!! That scale is just too cool, and I love where you've put it. Nope, I wouldn't put anything on it. Leave it as-is. And the rooster tray is SO you!

Justine :o )

Hootin Anni said...

Beautiful....your whole blog. And love the two rooster paintings.

My R T is posted...the "Lady in Red". Come by for a visit if you have time. Happy Tuesday.

Kathleen Grace said...

What wonderful finds! I remember my mom buying crackers in those tins and the rooster tray is so you! (and me:>) The scales are cool too, you got some great deals!

Life on the Edge said...

You made out GREAT at the garage sale! What terrific treasures. I think I like the rooster tray the best and it is perfect for you. So is that polka dot storage box. I just love Big Lots.

I haven't done hardly any garage sailing this year due to finances and because I moved into a much smaller place and just don't need more stuff! But in your case, there was someplace perfect for everything you bought.

At least with working finally, the finances will get better. I'm loving my job!


Anonymous said...

Everything looks fabulous! But I really love, love, love that rooster tray, girlfriend!

Grins! Pamm

Kathleen said...

Wow! I love all of it! That scale is so interesting..will be a good conversation piece..
I bet you could weigh PECANS on it!!
Great bargains, Miss BJ!