Be sure to stop by these two great places for lots of eye-candy, recipes and inspirations...
I went shopping a little bit at ROSS the other day..
I seldom go there because it's across town from our cottage...
but I have been noticing that a lot of you have found some really cute things there...

sassy rooster and....I WAS IN LUV !!
Why, I just think he is the cutest thing I've seen in a while...
and I KNEW he would bring so much cheer to my
breakfast table....

Green and white Polka dots and, boy, did they look great up beside this sexy little rooster...
All they had were these two little bowls and that saucy little pitcher....
but...I knew they would go great with my plain white, Pier 1 dishes...
and....they do!
I put together such a delicious summertime breakfast for Mr. Sweet and myself...
Since we were up so early, we could eat our light breakfast out on our front porch and watch our little pet family of Robins play in our birdbath....
KOLACHE with sausage,cheese and hot peppers...
Puffed rice cereal with sliced strawberries..
a Texas Ruby Red grapefruit half...
and a pecan cinnamon roll...
*I grew up on these cinnamon rolls, bought at the grocery store and I think, Mrs. Baird brand...my daddy loved them and we had them around pretty often. I like mine warmed in a skillet, buttered OF COURSE, and pretty brown and crispy on the bottom..then, flip it and heat on the other side..not too long or you'll melt all the icing off....O Honey!!......these are so good warmed that way..
Hot tea and sweet coffee..

...they tried to get my strawberries, too !!

Still in full sun...so hot, we could barely breath, let alone eat....

"We're just going to have to move back inside, under the air conditioner and away from all these bugs!"
said 'always right', Mr. Sweet....
"OK !"
I planted a few little cone flowers and golden daisies
and someone on Face Book asked,
"Can you use those for ice cream?"
and I said, "Noooo...I didn't plant waffle cones!!"
I do hope these little flowers grow and multiply
in my backyard garden...
I am not know for my green thumb!! :(
ANYWAY.....we DID move our breakfast back inside....

.......................and....we lived happily
ever after...
Woo Hooness! Praise God for air conditioning and Ross! Oh, BJness! I love your new rooster and those polka dot dishes ~ just precious! You've set a beautiful table and now I'm wanting to try your warming trick with the cinnamon rolls! I love those things, too!
I've said it before, but your pictures are just getting prettier and prettier! Love 'em big, don't you?
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0
Oh how I love that little rooster. He is just about the cutest thing ever, and the polka dot dishes. They are gorgeous. I love your menu, what a great breakfast. I would be really happy inside looking outside. lol Too hot and too many bugs. Hugs, Marty
Rooster is adorable and so are the little green and white polka dot dishes. I just ate dinner but now you have me thinking about breakfast:)
BJ... I went to Ross last week... we didnt' have a cool rooster to buy! love the polka dots! great bargains... sorry you didn't get to dine on the porch... our front porch is where all the dining goes on... it faces South and is surrounded by big shade trees... thank goodness Ricky thought of planting them 30-years ago!
I'm sick of this hot weather already! Hot even for Texas! I'm ready for September... how 'bout you!
May I please have a roll & a handful of daisies? Lovely & deelish!, BJ
TTFN ~Marydon
polka dots AND flowers???? I think I am in heaven!!! this is so cute!!! those are my two favorite things!!! Nothing looks bad in polka dots right??? well other than my bum!!!
have a great week...enjoy breakfast!
I need to stop showing my husband all of your yummy breakfasts. I'm not much of a breakfast cook, and now he is wondering why!!!! It sure has been hot, hasn't it? Take care, Sally
Love the polka dot dishes, green is my favorite colour.
God bless.
I love it all! The polka dots are so cute! I've been looking at polka dots at Marshall's. They are very hard to resist!!
Beautiful table!!
Love the polka dot dishes and the rooster. What a yummy breakfast.
You are right, BJ, the rooster is so cute. And the green dotted plates are so pretty. I think I will even get up early if a breakfast and setting like that is waiting for me..Christine
You had me with the rooster, and then you added those CUTE polka dots which get me every time! LOL! Oh, how I love polka dots. I found some little polka dot bowls and used one in my tablescape, too. Don't you love them? And BJ, I never get tired of breakfast. It's my very favorite meal EVUH!
Happy Tablescape Thursday...
Sheila :-)
Charming and sweet as always BJ. I know what you mean about the heat (and humidity) and bugs, even early in the morning!
Okay, I love your new pretties. In fact, I am in love with those green polka-dots. They are fantastic.
And, I never tire of breakfast with BJ.
BJ that is so cute! You know I heart polka dots. I'm glad you found those pieces and that rooster. Just stick with the AC...it's hot!
Loving the polka dots.. and yummy breakfast.
BJ, I wish I had a Ross nearby - those things are so cute! I'd have breakfast with you any ol' time! ~ Robyn
BJ, I love the new rooster and the polka dot dishes...good finds!!! I am glad I found this post tonight, cause last Thur Morn...after seeing your biscuits and gravey...I had to head to the kitchen and make some!!!! Since it's bed time this week...I'll be okay until morning...lol ;) Nancy
Lovely breakfast tablescape. The rooster is great! Everything looked so pretty! I especially loved your napkins. Very pretty!
Good luck with your cone flowers!
Well..that got a SCREAM out of me! Good grief...that is ..is...just fantastic! I loved every single thing on that table...and I don't mean just to look at! I WANTED every single thing there! I COVETED it all! Do..you think God will punish me?
The polka dots...the rooster, the ..just everything!
YOU are the bomb!! LOL
Oh BJ, I just love having breakfast with you...you always have the best and YUMMY Stuff and girl look at your new dots...how fun will these be with your Red Dots...like a marriage made in heaven...love the green tea towels also...and that Sassy rooster looks too cute..May you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
BJ, love the dishes and the breakfast.Ross is one of my favorite stores.They have great deals,but if your not there when the truck comes you can miss some beautiful things.
I love your green and white polka dots!! I love the tea towels you've got there too! That rooster IS sassy!!
That is a SASSY rooster! Great colours! Your polka dot dishes go well with your blog too! Your breakie looks delicious!
Dining Delight
How funny! I'm so glad we only get mosquitoes at night here in Washington, where I live anyway. The breakfast looked yummy on those cute new polka dots. The little rooster is adorable too. You gotta LOVE Ross!
What a treat to have early in the morning!Everything is just perfect I should say. Even your flowers looks so happy. And a cinnamon roll for breakfast with all those icing is a real sweet treat. And I mean real sweet! LoL
love the polkas and flowers
happy tablescaping
Hey BJ, Honey you always make me hungry! Not only what you are serving always looks delicious but the presentation is out of this world! Love to visit your home! Have a blessed day!
Ross and Marshalls, my two favorite places to find cute kitchen stuff and I love stuff.
Now, I don't have a country look at the tiki hut, but I never would have been able to resist that rooster!
As far as I'm concerned the star of the show is not the food, it's that delectably darling Rooster...I LOVE THAT ROOSTER!!!
Such cute things, I keep seeing all the pretty things people find at Ross and we just don't have that store around here:>( Sorry it's so hot down there, it's a cool 55 degrees right now at 7:50 a.m. in Michigan although it is supposed to reach 80 today. Why don't you pack up that scrumptious breakfast and come stay awhile?:>)
Breakfast looks yummy at the Sweet Nothings home today! Mr. Rooster is adorable, as are your polka dotted bowls. Now do ya REALLY know someone on Facebook who would ask you about "waffle ice cream cones?" LOL
:-) Sue
Hi BJ, I love, love the way you set your things up....you have a very 'happy' touch! I absolutely love polka dots also....they are so sassy and happy.
Your pictures are just delightful!!
Hugs, Barb
* What a BEAUIFUL way to start the day, BJ!!!! I L*O*V*E the way everything is so happy & joyful...... and "thanks", too... NOW I am reeeeallly HUNGRY!!!!
Best to you & all your family,
Linda *
Oh, that rooster is so adorable! And I just LOVE the green polka dot dishes with the placemat underneath. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
Ooh, I'm loving the sassy rooster and the polka dots! Aren't polka dots such happy looking things?
I have yet another stupid food question. What the hell is a kloche???
Justine :o )
OBJ I love all your great finds and the rooster is to die for... You always make breakfast look so darn good... YUMO!!! Love YA
I love, love, love your little rooster and polka dots. What a wonderful breakfast. Blessings to you!
Hi BJ,
It feels so good to be back. I just had to stop over and say, "hi." I just love your breakfast tablescape, especially the green and white polka dots and your rooster is tooooo cute. Breakfast looks yummy today. Enjoy Tablescape Thursday! Amy :)
BJ my Sweetness...again you have outdone yourself! Really...I kid around...but I'm gonna show up at your door(in my polka-dot dress of course) to sit on your porch and have one of those breakfasts!
I popped over at the right time... I'm in need of breakfast and it looks PERFECT!
You did find a "big" sassy rooster! Love it! Looks just like one of your "pets". For some reason a couple of your pictures wouldn't come up on your blog today and every time I'd click on them a "Broadband note" would come up, but I got to see that great rooster. He's so pretty! The pictures from yesterday's blog are the same way today and I was going to enjoy them again today. Boo Hoo! Oh well, soaked up lots of beauty in them yesterday. Great post me lady!
That rooster IS the cutest thing, and I'm loving the polka dots! Your flowers look really healthy to me and so pretty. About those cin. rolls, am I ever ready to take a bite of one of those warmed in a skillet with butter!!! I've got to try that! laurie
Fun, fun post! I went through a "Ross phase" a couple of years ago. I'm going to have to put Ross back on my "to do" list!
Thank you, BJ, for leaving the thoughtful comment. I like your personality too!!!!
Bye for now,
Bill @ Affordable Accoutrements
Good afternoon, BJ! I love your tables and your breakfasts. It is also my very favorite meal. I could eat breakfast morning, noon and night. I just love your sassy rooster and polka dots. You know how to dress up a table and make it shine!
Cute rooster! Pretty table! Great looking breakfast, especially those cinnamon rolls!
What a cute rooster and I love the polka dots! Nice and inviting breakfast on the porch.
Dropping back by to oggle your polka dots, BJ! If I lived within spittin' distance of you, we would be in SUCH bad trouble. LOL!
Happy Foodie Friday, my dear...
Sheila :-)
BJ, you are so lucky to have found all of those! And as always your pastries are so making me hungry... LOL
Love all the pictures!
BJ it looks fantastic and Breakfast is my favorite kind of meal even at night! lol..It is so hot here that the heat and humidity slaps you in the face when you first open the door! The rooster is beautiful with those polks dot pieces and PLEASE tell me where you got those glorious napkin...dishtowels with the green on them...ohhhhh glory those are pretty! I love my farm girl...I got to plant cotton last night ohhhh joy!!!! lol lol have a great weekend sweetie and let me know about those napkins!
Morning, Dear BJness! I'm so glad you're living happily ever after! Love it! Have a great day, Dear ONe!
Be a sweetie,
shelia :)
Hi bj
What a delicious looking breakfast you have there. That little rooster is so pretty and I love the polka dot dishes. I always enjoy your sense of humor when I read your blog. We have the same problem here for eating outside, too hot and too many mosquitoes!
Hope you have a good weekend.
((hugs)) Rhondi
Everything just looks so pretty! I am in love with the tea towel the most though everything just looks so good together. You have sure got a knack for this. You could just put fruit trees on your farm, they take not maintenance, won't die or nothing even if you don't tend to them. lol
Have a great day!
I loved every frame of this charming post. Thank you for sharing your tricks and breakfast menu with us.
Have a wonderful day.
A sassy rooster, polka dots and sausage kolaches? Can't beat that! Stay away from those pesky mosquitoes.
Well you did well! No Ross here, but if I ever get near one, I am going in with a big pocketbook..:)
I love your finds..polka dots are so cheerful..
Breakfast looks good. I make Kolache, a Polish pastry, but it looks different..smaller and fruit in the middle...
Happy weekend!
You are addicted to polka dots. I know you have black and white, now green and white ... where will it end?
This is gorgeous and so much fun! Love it all! ;)
Lovin' that sassy Rooster! Your breakfast looks splendid...oh those Mrs. Bairds treats, how I miss them and the August Pies! I live at Ross and it's hard to tear myself away from there...especially since I live 1 whole minute away from it!
Deanna :D
I adore the rooster and the polka dot bowls! What a beautifully served breakfast.
I love your rooster! Just don't let him get you up too early. Our Texas Heat has hit here so from the house to the store and always in our air conditioning. The breakfast looks yummy.
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