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Friday, July 17, 2009

My 3rd scratched up ole TOLE TRAY.....

is here again...hosted by In The Pink, BEVERLY over at HOW SWEET THE SOUND..She has some great PINK for all of us today and
a list of over 100 just waiting to show their PINKS, too...
Thanks so much for stopping by to see me today...

I found this PINK magazine holder at ROSS the other day...
on the clearance table for $1.50
I just love it...i have several magazine holders as I have
A LOT of magazines...
Great way to keep them all "put up" but easy to get to...
Actually....I need to organize them...maybe when wintertime
is here, while I sat in front of the fireplace....maybe.....
This is my white, scratched, beat up but pinky roses,
tole Ebay... it didn't cost very much and it isn't
as pretty as some of my others....but, it's ok..

I just love trays...and I think you can't have too many !
Especially when you are wanting to buy a black one..... just haven't found THE one yet...

I use them all the time for snacks...for breakfast in front of the tv...
AND...this luscious, PINK treat is for my friend...
She can't eat sugar...*bah..humbug
so I wanted her to know about this icy treat, just in case she doesn't, already...
SUGAR FREE Strawberry Ice Cream
*Tiney, just mix that Crystal Lite into a pitcher, fill your pretty glass with ice cream, add the Raspberry Ice,
and I will LUV it....and NO SUGAR !!
You can even fix one for JILL when she comes over and she'll think it's so good and you won't even
have to tell her there's NO SUGAR....:o)


Anonymous said...

Evening, Dear BJness! Oh, lovely stuff today! I love your Pink magazine holder. I've never seen one like that before. And your tray ~ it's lovely! Now I'm going to wrestle Justiney for that strawberry drink - sugared or not! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;0

Kathleen Grace said...

Hi sweets! I sure wish we had a Ross around here because I could sure use a few of those magazine holders and it's so pretty! I think the tole tray is pretty, scratched or not and that sugar free ice cream drink looks soooo good! I may have to try that:>)

blushing rose said...

What a clever coaster for the mug ... a candlestick holder. A little vintage linen hankie underneath would have added another dimension, too. The tole tray is really nice, the are getting harder to find. TTFN ~Marydon

Salmagundi said...

Great pink post! Of course, I love the tray even if it is not black. You'll find one soon, I'm sure. And the pink drink looks yummy. Sally

Justine said...

Aw, BJ, you were sooooooo sweet to think of me when you made this frosty, delicious-looking drink! Oh, but it does look yummy! But you tell Shelia it's mine!!!

Love the magazine holder and you take some really great pictures there woman!

Justine :o )

Anonymous said...

Your magazine organizer is pretty with the paisley designs :-) Do you have more than one? They sure would look great standing with beside each other. Oh and I know it's not pink but the creamer pot with green polka dot is adorable :-)

Your friend can't eat sugar? Oh dear. The drink looks yummy but I want me some sweets on mine :-)

jen said...

Love the magazine holder!! That drink looks delish!!


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello BJ,
Lovely pinks you've shared today. I like trays myself and that pink strawberry frosty is soo yummy looking! Have a delightfully wonderful Pink Saturday.


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Ok I'm here before tiney so does that mean I get the strawberry drind...hey she's so busy on the farm she won't notice I took just a sip...ha ha!!! Love your tole tray girl...May you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, BJ! Pretty pink post, and I love your mag holder. It is really neat! And I think your pink tray is pretty. I love trays, too, and I agree that you can't have enough of them! And there are those cute polka dots again. Love them of course! And the drink is pretty as can be.

Happy Pink Saturday (I sure hope I got my name in under the wire! LOL! If not, I'm going to go visiting anyhow!)


Sheila :-)

Regina said...

Great post. Yummy.
Happy PS BJ.

Lisa said...

Love the magazine organizer!


Unknown said...

Happy Pinks, BJ, your magazine holder is "da bomb!" I love it! Your tray is so sweet and lovely! You are a sweetie for posting the sugar free treat for Justiney! It looks so delicious and refreshing!

Have a lovely pink weekend!


Anonymous said...

Love everything you shared! And, especially the Dean Martin Music - even my husband was singing along! Have a wonderful Pink Saturday! Hugs, Patti

LADY JANE said...

MMMM by the drink looks wonderful...I'm going to have to try that...I too was going to post a tray for pink saturday but am having trouble with my camera,so I may have to go into the something! Love the post! Happy Pink Saturday...have a great weekend!

Linda said...

Happy Pink Saturday! I wish we had a Ross's around us someplace! I enjoyed your post,


Theresa said...

Love all your beauties and the sugar free sweetness look absolutely delicious! Have a blessed day!

jeanne said...

Good morning BJ, I have missed you girl. It is early in the morning in Lexington Kentucky. Yep, we are traveling again. This trip is to visit Bill's aging aunt and his cousin and family. Aunt Dorothy is 89 and didn't remember us. It has been five years sine we last saw her. She was a minister up until she was 80. A remarkable woman with several books published. We are so saddened.

We are also going to Kansas again for a reunion baseball game with Bill's cyber friends Sports Forum.

I love your new header. It is beautiful. Lucky you to find the pink magazine holder and the Pink hand painted tray. It looks beautiful and if it is a little scratched that just gives it charm.

The strawberry drink looks luscious. You have a way with presenting your wonderful pink stuff. It all looks marvelous.

Have a wonderful day BJ.

Love, Jeanne

Candy said...

Love the collection. I am working on my mag collection this week, wish I had a dozen of those pretty ones. I'll just put a pretty pink label on the fronts;-)
Also enjoyed the tour and yummy foods on the vineyard tour.

Now I'm off to make me something cool and strawberryish!

Cheers, Candy

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Hi BJ.. you got very nice tole tray! my fave! and your pink magazine holder is pretty cute! Happy PS!

xinex said...

Mmmmm, Justine's frosty looks so good. Perfect for hot summer. The magazine holder is very nice, prety colors. Beautiful photos, BJ!..Christine

Nancy said...

Oh, yum! Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

Love all of your pinks. Your tray is very pretty. The sugar free drink looks delish.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a pink-delicious post BJ! Love your magazine holder and tole tray. I want that drink....yummy!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi BJ, I like the magazine holder and the drink looks so refreshing.I am goin to keep the recipe and give it to my sister in law.She is a bad diabetic.
I can't get that dang fairy dust to download right or something! Gr-r-r-r-r !

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

It's me again Margaret, LOL ! I forgot to tell ya I LOV-e-e-e-e-e the tray. Those are collectable.

SmilingSally said...

That's a pretty magazine holder, and what a bargain.

I do hope that you find a black metal tray to add to your vast collection!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Frugal New England Kitchen said...

Wow,what beautiful trays things you find! I enjoy going to tag sales too! Used to be an eBay Power Seller.

Enjoyed your blog!
Happy Saturday Sharefest from SITS!

Katie said...

Ooooooooo a plethora of pinks! I have a sugar free friend too, and am always trying to come up w/sfree things for her at our quilting get togethers! Thanks for this recipe, just what she would love!

Happiest of Pink Saturdays to you!

Ivy Lane said...

Happy PINK Saturday!!! Love all your "pinks" today! Have a FABULOUS weekend!

Stacey said...

What pretty pictures!! Now you are making me really want to order trays off ebay!

peggy gatto said...

Tray chic!!!!!
What a fun place you have!!!

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Sweet BJ!

What a pretty magazine holder! Oh how nice of you to post that pretty drink for your friend. It looks yummy! Happy pink Saturday!

Debbie from NJ

Valarie said...

What a beautiful tray you have. I was sad that the Ross in our area closed. I hope your friend enjoys the sweet treat you made her. I am going to try it myself. Have a lovely Pink Saturday. Valarie

Simple Man Makin It Do said...

I love the pink tray! I have a black one from my neighbor, and I adore it. It has scratches and a little rust! But it is here to stay! Oh, the drink is delightful! I love your new header! It is such a lovely picture! As I said, A little taste of heaven!

meandering pearl said...

that is too delicious! kind wishes

Shaam said...

Love all the pinks! So cute! I just got a magazine rack too!

All the best,

Nancy Rosalina said...

BJ, I love the pinks! Oh, and that magazine holder...goodness...I need a ton of those... ;) Nancy

Beverly said...

BJ, I think I am in love with that magazine holder. I mean - pink and paisley. I think that is as good as it gets.

Your tole tray is so pretty. I know you will find your perfect black one soon.

And, that drink looks too pretty to consume. But, I would anyway. ;-)

CC said...

That pink drink looks lucious.. just waiting for me....and both your tray and magazine holder are wonderful in their pinkness. Happy Pinks and have a wonderful weekend..

Cottage Rose said...

Hello BJ; OH your Strawberry drink looks so yummy... and sugar free I like that.. and how easy to make too. I love all of your pretty Pinks, that magazine holder is just to cute... thanks for sharing, and Happy Pink Saturday....


My name is Riet said...

Love your pink post. Yummy drink and I like the tray. Happy pink Saturday

Debra from Bungalow said...

HI BJ, I love your tray and have a few black ones. Your white one is so pretty! That drink is pretty to look at and I bet it's yummy too.

Nice pics...pretty vignettes!

jeanne said...

Hello BJ, I just slipped upstairs to feign a nap because I wanted to check my post today. I am so bad. Smiling. I can't help it, I am missing my friends so much.

I know I visited this morning but your idea of putting a glass in the Bo Boot is awesome. Why wasn't I smart enough to think of that. I am too tired to think smart these days. Yes, we are having fun but Bill's aunt is not good. I hate that. I did have a very long chat with her today and that made me happy.

Love you...Jeanne

♥Mimi♥ said...

Lovely! Thanks so much for such a lovely post today. Cold and windy and a little rainy here today. I truly needed a little lift☺

♥Have a terrific Pink Saturday♥

Wishing you and all those you love the best of weekends.

♥Mimi♥ said...

Ooops, forgot to mention. When I stopped by it was 91 in your neck of the woods...sadly, my neck of the woods is shivvering at 57 degrees and it's 4:30 in the afternoon!

Claudia said...

I love all your pinks, BJ. The magazine holder is so cute - I get sad when I see Cottage Living. I miss that great magazine! Happy Pink Saturday!

ItaJeff said...

Happy Pink Saturday. The magazine holder is gorgeous.


imjacobsmom said...

I think that Justine needs to share - sugar or not it sounds great! I'm craving ice cream now. Cute pinks today, BJ. ~ Robyn

Mary said...

Hi BJ, so nice of you to stop by and visit my Pink Saturday blog. Your fairy dust is so nice - and your "pinks" are great - I found your black tray at a local shabby chic store - wish you could be here to buy it, but I know you'll find the perfect one. Be sure to visit again, and I'll be visiting you as well!

Light and Voices said...

So you purchased that Pink magazine holder at
Ross eh? As far as I know Ross is not available to shoppers in Chicagoland area. I have been there in Orlando area. I love that store. You certainly found a good buy and a useful product.
Joyce M

Mary Bergfeld said...

I love the pink images you are sharing with us today. Of course, because I cook the last is my favorite. All the photos are gorgeous. Have a great day.