for hosting this delicious day of.....ICE CREAM....yum!!

...but....all at once.... after watching me with my trusty camera and snapping photos right and left...it dawned on them they should strive for pretty, too....so
for always being there for us on
and I quickly noticed while putting together photos for the Ice Cream Social,
a LOT of Blueness was showing up.....
I just spent a whole week, playing with 3 grand daughters...
their parents were...*gulp....on a fabulous cruise.
WELL....when these girls heard about the yummy
ICE CREAM SOCIAL.... they turned their house into......

complete with swirls of caramel...
and topped off with...what else....but M&M's...
now...these girls could have cared LESS if these ice cream treats looked pretty...
No Sir....they were going after delicious !!

...but....all at once.... after watching me with my trusty camera and snapping photos right and left...it dawned on them they should strive for pretty, too....so
things began to look up.....
I learned these twin grands of mine could make a
mean & pretty banana split !!
They all look sooooooo good. Sounds like you and the grands had a wonderful time with the ice cream. Great fun. Hugs, Marty
Oh that looks so good BJ! I need some sherbert now! Heeeeheee!
Thank you, BJ, for making me drool all over my keyboard!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Justine ;o )
Who could look at that and not immediately want ice cream? We took our granddaughters to Friendlys for ice cream because they don't have it in Canada. They were in heaven! But homemade is definitely best.
I think I gain weight just reading your post! I love ice cream and sherbert. Not a fan of bananas but the shake would sure be tasty! Thanks again for making me hungry! Have a blessed day!
I can hardly get of my chair I am so full! TY for having me over ... think I'll take a nap!!! TTFN ~Marydon
Oh Bj this was such a cute post... I know the feeling if watching the grandkids... whew!!! But Ice Cream does make everything better.... How old are the twins??? As far as Ice Cream month I think every month is Ice Cream month... ha ha
YUMMY! I think I gained 10 pounds just looking at all that wonderful cool sweetness!
Ooh, yummy! Thats looks good and refreshing!
I see pecans on the ice cream - my favorite!! Looks like you and the kids had lots of fun. Sally
BJ you have me doing a mental note of what ice cream do I have in my freezer cause that is where I am heading as soon as I finish typing. I love ice cream. When I was at home, Mom made orange floats and Dad made root beer floats and I love them both. (of course I loved my Mom and love my Dad but I am talking about the floats)
Looks like you and the grands had a wonderful time. I love ice cream and floats were a real treat when I was young. However, I was one that preferred Grandma's homemade ice cream. I even got to crank the ice cream maker. lol She used to make strawberry, peach and vanilla.
Thanks for the memories and you were making some great memories of your own.
Oh, by the way, Charley Pride sang, "I Fly Away," at the concert the other night.
Ooh, I want some - of each. ;-)
My favorite ice cream flavor is Rum Raisin, and my favorite sherbet is either lime or pineapple.
And, I do love mango sorbet.
Ice cream and grand kids, what a "grand" combination:>) Those treats all look so tempting, but Ice cream makes me blue when I look in the mirror and see my waistline melting into oblivion!
Yummy BJ!!!!! Your bowls of ice cream, cookies, and sherbet look scrumptious! So glad your grand daughter were able to participate! Who needs fancy cups of ice cream when you can just put it in a red solo cup and mix it with M&M's. ;)
Thank you SO much for participating in my ice cream social! It was a nice treat visting your sweet ice cream shop! :) XO,Jenn
This is fabulous, BJ!
I think I might have a Rootbeer Float in a little while.
Oh fun, and YUMMY!!!!! Now I have to go hunt down some ice cream!!!! I bet the granddaughters have a blast when they visit!!!!
♥ Teresa
Oh yum! How cute is that sign LOL. I just had some ice cream yesterday :)
All the best,
BJ you post the best looking food of all! It's always so yummy looking. :)
Okay, BJ now I need to go get some ice cream. Everything looks sooooo good.
God bless.
Hi BJ, all my grands have gone home today. I haven't had a minute to get on my computer. sigh. Even if I did my grands were on it. LOL. It is so quiet. My son came to pick up his kids which increased my 12 to 15. We took a two hour nap this afternoon. Mmmmm, it was great.
I love your ice cream post. I wonder if I have any left. This week I bought 5 gallons and it is all gone but a dab of vanilla. We went through lots of sprinkles too.
I know you had fun with your grands too. We are so blessed to be able to enjoy are children and grands.
I scrolled down to see your great grand baby Cate. She is so beautiful. What a treasure to love.
She is so sweet in pink. I love her photos.
I am so happy to have time to visit you my dear friend.
Love, Jeanne
I know that was so much fun for the grands! (I bet mom and dad wouldn't let them do all of that at home). Memories were definitely made, and I think you have buddy chefs. Looks delicious! Oh, but you made me want a coke float. It's been so long since I had one. laurie
BJ, this was so much fun. I know that you enjoyed this as much as the grands did. I am so full from ice cream, but thinking about sherbet makes me want some. I always keep it in the freezer. I am the only one here who likes it. Raspberry sherbet is my favorite.
TFS your wonderful ice cream party with us.
Well now, do you mean to tell me that you and those granddaughters had all that fun and yummy ice cream without me? Of all the nerve! Ha! Sounds like you had a barrel of fun and lots of delicious treats. No wonder they like your "babysitting"! Great post!
Yummy! I bet the girls had a blast making these ice cream concoctions. It was probably more fun that eating them. Well maybe not. Have a great week!
Wow, So much ice cream! RIght now I am sitting in front of the heater wishing for summer lol :P
I love the 'fairy dust' on your blog! how sweet :)
Oh the coffee and ice cream, and yes, I love sherbet too! Adorable sundaes the girls made! May be messy but very yummy stuff inside! The did well! Very fun to visit you the first time! Stop by! Lori
What yummy ice cream and a lot to choose from.
Love how the ice cream parlor looks!
What a fun day for you and the grandkids.
i'm salivating with all these yummys.
happy blue monday.
Hey sweets,
yum yum yumminess!
what fun. popped in from jenns.
Hi BJ, I see you are still making those wonderful memories with your grandkids. NO WONDER they love being around you! How fun to have an ice cream social. PS Your great grandbaby is so beautiful, it won't be long before she's able to join in on all the fun!
Gee Thanks BJ,
I just gained at least 5 lbs just looking at all that wonderful ice cream and I love it. The grandkids can eat it and it doesn't show, that is "disgusting".....glad you all had a great time.
Happy Monday to you sweet lady,
My very favorite dessert is ice cream, so you KNOW I celebrate ice cream month! Happy Blue Monday.
Your DGD's created the most yummy ice cream dishes. What fun. They were such a big help with your project. It's still early in the morning here, but I think I need ice cream for breakfast!
Oh dearest...I am in sugar shock but wow what a feeling!!! I'll take that coke float if you please...YUM! It's only 7:30 am and I'm already wanting some ice cream! Glad that you and the grands were able to share the delicious fun! I ate three bowls of lime sherbet last night and I have not one regret!! LOL!
Deanna :D
That looks wonderful, delicious and fun, fun, fun!!!
Yum!!! Now I need a scoop or two.
What a wonderful grandma you are. Happy Blue Monday!!
Hi BJ,
I think most folks like ice cream. I have no special favourite; somtimes praline and cream, sometimes strawberry, sometimes chocolate. Did I mention orange pineapple? Yes, I like them all! Happy Blue Monday.
Oh my goodness, BJ! Your pictures just made me so hungry!...Christine
BJ....you are in trouble, girl!!!! Are you trying to fatten us up? hehhe. Actually, I had a banana split on Sunday for the first time in years.....it was so good. Now, I hear the exercise bike calling my name!!!!
Happy Blue Monday.
Hugs, Barb
OMG... my little chunky arms got chunkier by just looking at your sweet and decadent post!!!! YUM!!!!! Now I want some Icecream and it's not even lunch time yet! :)
I hope you are having a nice summer!
Donna Marie
Oh my, my mouth is sooo watering right now. Nice shots!
Oh girl! Now I want ice cream and it's only 10:21am here :-(
Oh, Yum, BJ! Pass the spoons, honey, and move over!
Sheila :-)
Yummers! I feel like having a chery phosphate! (sp?) Great post!
What a charming post. I loved your photos and appreciate the time and effort it took to put this together for us.
Hi Again BJ
Just wanted to pop by and let you know I live way over in Northern Indiana! When I was in San Antonio last August at the Air Force base noticed TX had several DQ"s.In my city I'm sure we have 6 of them! If my memory serves me correctly the DQ near the base served tacos!! Will visit soon! Lori
Oh the coffee milkshake would be My favorite too! Although, nothing refreshes like a good old fashioned Coke float! I enjoyed my visit here today. Have a nice day. Twyla
It's noon and I can't think of anything else to eat but ice cream now.
Thanks for the calories BJ
Happy Blue Monday
Love Claudie
I'm fastening my seat belt right now! I'm coming over! Yumminess!
Be a sweetie, Dear BJness!
Shelia ;0
You definitely know how to make a "feller's" mouth water, don't ya??? It all looks wonderful!
Thanks for the nice comment you left for my first attempt at a "Christmas in July" tablescape.
I liked the "Great Scott" you began with .... We don't hear that enough these days, do we? Very expressive!
Bye for now,
Oh my....everything looks so delicious! Thanks for visiting me~I am just getting ready to post for the ice cream event :)
I want to ditch work and go eat ice cream now. :) Happy blue monday!
Everything looks so delicious,it must have been a great time with your granddaughters.I have enjoyed myself , you have made me hungry for more ice cream. 8-)
hey this reminded me I had icecream in the freezer LOL I try not to buy it much cause after all I will eat it..till it's gone! LOL, thanks for stopping by this morning
The grandkids would do great working at a an old fashioned ice cream counter! Love the strawberry short cake idea too!
Oh glory...you got me at the float...I'm not much for ice cream but a float makes me HAPPY!!!!...if is has a chocolate brownie to go with it. Looks like you had fun...I can't wait for grandkids someday!
I LOVE Coke floats! Brings me back to my childhood. My little ones think I'm kind of stange when I drop a scoop of ice cream in my Coke!
Looks like a great time with your Grandkids!
Remember, "what happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's!"
Happy Blue Monday!
Mary :)
Yum, all that ice cream is making me hungry. The first one looks like what I will be having tonight but I'll have whipped cream instead of the ice cream. Love strawberry shortcake in the summer. Thank you for stopping by and visiting me.
Have a great week.
Howdy BJ
Happy Belated Blue Monday.
I just had to get family stuff done yesterday so I was away from the computer but I could not pass up visiting you on a Blue Monday And I am so glad I came.
Yummy photos and oh so many happy memories are racing thru my mind thanks to your post.
Thank you so much.
I do love a good Ice Cream Social.
Have a blessed rest of the week.
Happy Trails
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