and what color is SATURDAY ??

THE NO-NONSENSE SHERIFF that makes his inmates wear PINK !

PINK sox...PINK handcuffs...and underneath it all, PINK underwear !!
HE got to spend some time with the Sheriff...and PINK !

The infamous PINK CHAIN GANG.....

Sheriff Joe Arpaio (in Arizona) who created the "tent city jail...........
He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them .
He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails.
Took away their weights.
He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.
He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked up the cable TV again only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel. When asked why the weather channel he replied, so they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.
He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value.When the inmates complained, he told them, "This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back."
He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.
(Democrats, please take no offense...none was intended; it's just what the Sheriff said.. bj)
for hosting this lovely, fun and down right AWESOME
be sure to go by, leave her a HELLO and look at all the other PINKS in Blogland!
Have a wonderful and blessed Pink Saturday and
Have a wonderful and blessed Pink Saturday and
don't you dare dream about men in
********************************************* can dream about can dream about

I nearly couldn't find a photo of this hunk with PINK and then.........I DID !! teeeeee hee hee.....
(you gotta remember...the funny thing about all these hotties i am posting...i am old enuf to be their grandmother....just having a little fun with YOU !! )
Hi BJ...I say Sheriff Joe for President...he is some kind of guy!
I hope you're going to have a jolly weekend, Hugs ;-) Bo
Hey BJ, I've seen Sherrif Joe many times on TV. Wonder why other prison systems can't follow his guidelines. Sounds perfect to me.
Love Ya,
I love it! Sounds like that sherriff has the right ideas. Jail should be punishment and not cater to the inmates whims and fancies. I would vote for him:>) Thanks for sharing this BJ:>)
YOU are the bestest--you're little "hottie" yourself!
I love that sheriff and his pink wardrobe he hands out to those folks. I so enjoyed your info on him---I've seen bits and pieces about his approach to caring for the incarcerated, but your text added so many more details. I wish more folks had his guts.
Happy Pink Sat! Dana
Hello BJ
Great story...I didn't know that before and your right, I do love it. best thing I've read in a very long time. Thanks for sharing.
I love that Sheriff!
As it should be, as it should be.
I totally agree with his philosophy! Prison should feel like prison and not like home. The idea is to make them not want to return.
Great post.
BJ, this was a wonderful way to begin the day. You are the best of the best.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Great Pink post, soooo funny.
Have a wonderful weekend.
I like that sheriff and I posted about him once. Someone left an unhappy comment. Just brace yourself. Have a Happy Pink Day!
I have heard of this sheriff before and his pink things. I just had never seen pictures before. Thanks for sharing. You are too funny with the pics of the hunks. For most I am not old enough to be grandma, but I could be their mother.
I love Sheriff Joe, honey!!!!! My kinda guy. Do we get a pin up calendar of HIM! HE'S the "hottie" in my book. Wooooohoooooo
PINK smooches,
A pretty unique approach! (to jailing, I mean, not to Pink Saturday!)
Ooh, and thanks for the Hugh Jackman eye-candy! sigh!
Morning girl...loved the 'pink' post! lol lol Have a fantastic weekend BJ!
This post is just too funny. If all our jails were like that..there might not be so many repeat offenders. :).
Thank you for all your sweet comments today. You are one terrific lady.
Gotta love Sheriff Joe! We have a pretty outspoken Sheriff in our county here in Florida and I love it. If they don't like it then they shouldn't do something to go there!!!
Good Morning BJ... What a fun post today... I have heard about SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO and think his methods are unbeatable... More should follow his example... and now on to the HOT stuff... HUGH JACKMAN... Love him... and look he still has his sideburns from X-Men... What a hunk... did you see Kate & Leopold... you should it is a great love story with him and Meg Ryan... Thanks between Justine’s steamy story and your picture of Hugh my poor man doesn't stand a chance today...LOL LOL Have a good one...
I guess I must live under a rock...I have never heard of him...what great info....I call my husband to read your post...VERY INTERESTING....
Thanks BJ you always have the best stff to share...
Mo :-)
Loved the story about the pink sheriff! We need more like him. Sally
This sheriff is an amazing guy - we could do with him over in UK if the 'do-gooders' would allow him entry, fabulous pink post, Happy Pink Saturday to you xx
Who knew you could combine pink with inmates! Quite the combo! Happy Pink Saturday! LOVE picture of Hugh OOOOO Baby!
Who knew you could combine pink with inmates! Quite the combo! Happy Pink Saturday! LOVE picture of Hugh OOOOO Baby!
How great - and funny is that!! in pink underwear...nope, doesn't work for me!
Have a perfectly pink weekend...Kathy
We used to live in AZ and remember the story of Sheriff Joe. The kids were small then and they couldn't believe it!!
Good for him and you gotta love all the pinkness.
Claudie from Canada
BJ I have seen Sheriff Joe a few times on TV and all I got to say is WAY TO club-med for him..I just love your PINK Saturday post..Thanks for cominy by mine...have a great weekend girl...hugs and smiles Gloria
I have read about Sheriff Joe. I wonder if there have been any studies about how it affects the inmates to have to wear pink. Do they automatically become more sensitive and are there fewer fights? I just don't see how you could get very angry if you knew that you and that other guy had on pink underwear! laurie
I heard about this guy! But seeing inmates wearing pink in pictures really shows the impact! What a wild idea.
And Hugh Jackman...woohoo!
BJ..this is just tutut funny. I am sitting here LOL to myself. This pink saturday is a fun way to wind the week down.
LOVED this post! I'll be showing it to my husband later - Sheriff Joe is his kind of guy!!! GREAT pink post!!...Donna
What a fun post!! I had forgotten about the prison pink clothes. And oooooo yes what a hottie.
bj! Now this was a creative pink Saturday! I can appreciate no-nonsense. :0)
If I don't see you in another meme have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Afternoon dear BJness!! Oh, I loved this!! I have heard about thisSheriff Joe and he has my vote! I think he's doing a great job. Those baddies in trouble need to do something constructive! Yay, Joe! Love them all wearing the Pink!!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh yes, Miss Jean. Kenny says this is the best sheriff in the whole country and if the rest of them followed his example the jails and prisons wouldn't be overcrowded at all. He sends me updates on him regularly. Enjoyed your post today. Think that's about the best "Pink Saturday" post you've done. Of course ALL your posts are great! Happy weekend! Go Tech!
I've heard of Sheriff Joe and we passed his place on the way back to the Grand Canyon.
I appreciate that last photo - and I'm old enough, too!
Hi BJ, I am late commenting today. I went shopping with my sister, and came home for a nap. Don't you love it?
Your pink post today is quite an eye opener. That sheriff is on track the way I look at it. Your info is awesome and I enjoyed every word and photo. Wow, Hugh Jackman has bulked up. He used to be skinny. He is still a looker.
BJ, You always have the most fun and interesting post.... and all in pink.. lol
wow!!!! cool post, I love it!!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
My followers list is in my sidebar. I moved it to the top of the side section. Try again and see if you can click to become a follower. I would love to have you be one of my followers. :-)
Hi BJ , boy we need a whole lot of sheriff Joe's in this country ! Good post girl !
So funny and fun!!!!
BJ - I love this post. Maybe if more jails did this there would be a smaller population of inmates. Thanks for a great story. I am going to do a search to learn more.
Pink Rules! *Happy Pink Saturday*
Happy Pink Saturday, dear BJ.
This is a great pink post. But of course, we girls love to wear pink. Those guys just didn't realize how "good" they had it.
BJ: Loved the Sherrif Joe info...what a guy! And Hugh still my heart! I know we are old, but my heart still goes pitter pat for such hunks. A girl can dream, can't she?
Happy Sunday morning BJ. I came over to tell you I love your header. If I learn anything new it will be how to change my header. Beverly tells me typepad is not easy. She is my tech rep you know. Smile!!!
Have a great Sunday.
Love, Jeanne
BJ...I think this is the funnest pink Saturday post EVER! I love this...I'd heard about him before...but I've never seen the pictures. TOO COOL....I wish they all did this! Have a wonderful Sunday!
The most awesome pink post ever!!!! Happy Belated Pink Saturday BJ...luv you. ~ Lynn
LOve it..I have heard of your Sherrif Joe!!
OH YES!!! You made my day with the pic of mage hunk Hugh Jackman! Egads! LOOK at those MUSCLES!! Yum! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Like you, I had some computer issues last week and it had to be repaired, but here I am! Liked catching up on a your posts...the Christmas fair, golly, I do need to move from NY to TX! The food looks so lucious there! And Hugh Jackman...well, I am with you! He's a cutie! I hope you enjoy your holiday with all your loved ones, you very special lady!
LOVE your rock! I saw where you like "The Shack"....wasn't it a great book. I've referred it to many friends and they all come away from it with a renewed passion for God and the world.
Have a wonderful weekend!
wow what a great pink story!! Love when he said . .If you don't like it don't come back! that's great:)
Hey BJ! You've been tagged on my blog to participate in a little Christmas fun!
Hi BJ! Loved your post...and all that pink!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We LOVE Sheriff Joe here in Arizona. I always vote for him since he's the only one who seems to do the right thing. The prisoners complain about Tent City in the summer here in the desert and Sheriff Joe reminds them that the American soldiers lived in tents in the first Iraq war and it's actually hotter there. He never forgets he works for the citizens of Maricopa County, AZ. Go Sheriff JOE!
I forgot to add this part: After he gave them the Disney Channel he found out that some of the perverted prisoners were getting nasty watching the children on the Disney Channel so he replaced it with C-Span. Go Sheriff JOE!!
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