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thanks, bj

Thursday, September 4, 2008


in keeping with LABOR DAY week.............
I wanted to show you where I

this is NOT my world.....
but, I sure WISH my space looked like this ! *SIGH
this is from BALLARD DESIGNS catalog and ....


but alas....
THIS is my humble, little space.....
my Social Security Budget will not allow for a NEW desk...
but, I CAN afford a little BLACK paint,
my next project is to PAINT MY DESK
and re-do this entire
DO-IT-ALL room in the fall.
I have my computer in here, my sewing machine, some bookshelves and a spot for wrapping gifts,
doing a little crafting and just ODDS and ENDS.
see the beautiful little framed cutie up there on the shelf ?
it says..."BLOGLAND...
and the sweet sisters, KARI & KIJSA
sent it to me.
I just love it and I keep it sitting right there where I see it EVERY DAY.
I am pretty sure I could get a whole heck of a lot more INSPIRATION
if I had a beauty like THIS room to work in.....
someone wanted us to show our work spaces but now,
I can't remember just who it was. So sorry!
REMEMBER.....I'm old !!
Hope YOUR work day is going so good
we'd LOVE to see YOUR work area !!!
love, bj
NOTE......I just learned I am the winner of that beautiful heart or cross from our PENNY.....


Anonymous said...

Good morning, BJ. I believe it was Brenda at Brenda's Blog.

I can't wait to see what you do with your space. I would like to perk my space up some, too - but it is much further down on "the list".

SmilingSally said...

Luxury = "A spot for wrapping gifts."
(sigh--I'm jealous)

I'm going to be the last hold out; I am NOT going to have black furniture!
I don't understand the why of it.

Twice as Nice said...

Times are tough as everything but the paycheck goes up up up. The good thing about that and blogging is it makes us look at what we already have differently. Instead of purchasing new, we reinvent what we already have. I think your desk will be awesome painted black. It will give it a whole new look.

BittersweetPunkin said...

Hi work space is a horrible mess right now!!...I guess that means its getting used...LOL.
Have a GREAT day!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I wish I had a place for wrapping gifts....I think your desk is going to look amazing painted black!

Anonymous said...

Good morning BJ, I am feeling very well today at last. That is until the therapist comes and destroys my confidence with knee bending pain. What must be, must be, if I want to dance. smiling.

I actually like your space. Quit looking at those rooms and getting down. Smile. Your move to redo that room is good therapy. At least it is for me. I LOVE DECORATING. So get the paint and start redoing. Hard work, but rewarding and fun. You definitely know what looks classy and appealing. You have the TOUCH! Not everyone does you know.
Take it easy though, You just went through major surgery. Who am I to tell that? LOL

Love you girl...Jeanne

Twice as Nice said...

Just wanted to say Thank You for posting our Welcome to our Neighboorhood. You are too sweet.

Another thing. I rarely talk politics as I am not qualified at all. I tuned in to hear Palin's speech last night (being nosey and curious). I don't usually listen to speeches because I feel they all promise you the world until they get into office. I was quite impressed. I went from "Oh no" to I think she can handle the job of Vice President and bring with her some change. She has beauty and brains. It will be interesting to see where I'm at when it comes time to vote.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Me Again!
I emailed you, but I am not sure if you received it. You were the winner of my 300th post giveaway. Please email me at so we can talk about it!

nikkicrumpet said...

I betcha painting that desk black will make a huge impact on your space. With your creativity I'll bet your work area will make that Ballards stuff look "blah" Besides...any room looks good when It has your smile to light things up! Have a great day my friend!

blessings said...

Hi BJ! I'm thinking of relocating my "office" out of the kitchen and into another corner of the house. We have a great old cabinet that I could really use for kitchen storage. But, thankfully, no painting would be involved! =) Blessings... Polly (p.s. the lace pumpkins are from

Charlotte said...

Your work space is very nice and will be even better when it is black. Seems to me you are very inspired where you are. Do you think you could handle much more inspiration?

"Magnolia" said...

I think you need one of those zebra rugs. SO sassy!

I think your workspace is very cozy. I have to share with 3 kids, so mine is usually a mess. Oh, how I long for empty nest syndrome! LOL

Michele said...

Good morning BJ...I love your work area. Mine is so small too...and scattered!!! I craft in one area...then blog in!

Maybe one of these days it will all come together!

Can't wait to see your room re-do!


Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Sounds like a plan to me BJ. Keep us updated on the room.
Noticed you had Sarah Palin's pic on your blog. Don't you just love her !
Have a blessed day BJ !

Anonymous said...

Love your space its adorable!
If black moves you then do it!
What ever makes YOU happy !
I wish I had a spot just for wrapping...... envy here!
Take care,

Kathleen Grace said...

Oh you lucky, lucky girl! penny's art is so wonderful! My work area is a work in progress , but some day I'll show it:>)

Terri Steffes said...

Congrats to you!

Now, I am so ready to see this space done, you will have to make sure to do it! Wish I could be there to help!

Meggie said...

Just wanted to stop by and say congrats for winning the drawing over at Lavender Hill Studio. Can't wait to see your selection when it arrives. Good luck in transforming your work space.

Anonymous said...

I like that room, too BJ! I can't wait to see your "new" Ballardized desk! Yep...I can see that rug too!

I have a corner of J's room in the basement. I keep saying I'm going to fix something cuter and with less clutter room!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that desk will be a knock out in black! The way I see it, the bigger the space, the bigger the chance for a bigger mess! I like a multi-functional space and it sounds like yours is perfect!! Love your Sarah picture--whoo-hooo!!! Dana

Carole Burant said...

I usually spend so much time in my computer room, that's why last year I decided to completely redo pink and with faeries all around me:-) That's what makes this my special room and one where I am happy and relaxed. I know that you will turn your computer room into one you will just love as well!!

Congratulations on being Penny's winner:-) xoxo

Life on the Edge said...

Congrats for winning Penny's giveaway! I'm so glad it was you!

I think your work area would be awesome painted in black! It would sure be a great transformation.

Oh my work area is so not pretty. I doubt I'll be posting it, lol.


Unknown said...

Bet your desk will look great painted black! I'm really loving the look of black painted furniture!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi BJ!
I just love paint and muslin! It's such a wonderful thing next to duct tape!! Your desk would look great painted black.
congrats on winning Penny's giveaway, you lucky girl!!
Glad you liked my dressform, I had lots of fun making her come to life!
Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

Good evening BJ hope your day has been busy enough to keep you young at heart.

So glad you won the cross. Take care my good friend.

God bless.

santamaker said...

Hi Bj, thanks for coming by my backporch ! You may use any pictures you would like. Do I need to email them to you or can you just take them from rms? I'm new to blogging world, so I'm not sure how it works!
My little blog is only 3 days old....I'm just crawling around, don't really know what the heck I'm doing... please come by and check it out... I made it SNOW ! It's

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hey BJ, I have a nice little desk built in my kitchen to use my computer on...but I always lay in bed and do my blogging...go figure....:) Nancy

Brittany said...

I love your space!! I think your desk will look wonderful black!!

I left you a little something on my latest post. It seemed appropriate for you;)
big hugs,