Well, Beautiful Daughter, 2 little granddaughters and I went to see it Saturday....
We laughed until we could barely catch our breaths, in some scenes.
I soooo recommend it..
NOW, for a few of the OLDIES...

all different kinds....
and especially
Some of my favorite stars of all time
Some of my favorite stars of all time
are, like the rest of us,
growing older ...
but, OF COURSE, I still

(A lady was asked, "Would YOU spend the night with Robert Redford for a million dollars?"
She quickly answered,
"THREE MEN AND A BABY"...my favorite !!
OH, BOY.........
I'll meet 'cha at the MOVIES !!
I'll even buy ya popcorn!
Hi BJ,
I've been to see Mama Mia twice...loved it both times! I'll probably buy it when it comes out on DVD!
Some of my friends are planning a Mama Mia party. Sounds like fun doesn't it?
Ooh, I'm so glad you saw it and loved it, too.
I am not familiar with Raintree County - I'll have to check up on it.
Yum! Robert Redford! I even like him now that he is older. And, I like Sean Connery, too.
Hi Sweet BJ,
I so have got go see this movie! if you loved it i am sure i will too ;)
Most of the guys you have posted are still looking pretty hot aren't they?
Love to you sweet one Kristina XxXxXxXxX
WOO HOO...that Tom Sellek is a HOTTIE! Have a great day!
Gonna have to find somebody to go see it with me , DH will not go sit through a girlie movie . Now if it were blood , guts and gore he would ! yuck !
Oh my, I had a chance to go see that movie this weekend, and I passed it up. It was raining here and DH asked if I wanted to go see it. I was enjoying watching the rain too much (we don't get to see that much in West Texas, know what I mean?). Now I'm really sorry I didn't take him up on the chance to go to the movies! Oh well, live and learn.
I loved Tom Selleck in Quigley Down Under! And Robert Redford and my favorite, Paul Newman (who still looks hot!!!!).
Hi BJ,
So glad you went to see Mama Mia! I agree it was such fun!!
Loved the little trip down memory lane remembering some of the oldies but goodies!
I, too, enjoyed Mamma Mia especially all of the textiles and bedding hanging on the clothesline. I wanted to freeze the frame, so I could have a better look!! Sally
I loved Mama Mia. I'm going to see it again. You showed a lot of my favorite hot guys. Robert Redford...my ideal man...still cute! I think Tom Selleck got better looking with maturity. And Paul Newman...Wow!
Morning BJ...I haven't seen th enew movie yet but I have seen he old classics!! Love Liz Taylor and Paul Newman in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof! Listen what I have to do is go to my Picnik site and then get pics from the photobucket to that site and I just saved them in my pictures and you can retrieve them anytime...try that girl...
Love movies I am so ready to go with you!!! LOL!!
Thanks for the recommendations and for sharing the pictures...brings back memories for sure!
BJ, I love, love, love, the old movies and have seen all you mentioned. Going down the old movies memory lane was fun.
Come on over to my 100th post today, I am having a drawing on Friday for a book of interest.
I have seen Mamma Mia three times. I would go again.
Hugs, Jeanne
Hi BJ,
I am sooo sorry! You came over to my blog a few days ago and introduced yourself and I neglected to come over here and say Hi back. I think I was at work when I got your comment. So I am saying "Hello!"
I haven't been out to see mamma mia yet, but everyone is raving about it.
I'm at work so I must go. See you soon!
Cori G.
BJ, I have been wanting to see Mama Mia . Now, I have to go see it for sure. You are welcome to the picture you asked about!
Hugs, Terrie
Hi Bj,
I haven't seen Mama Mia but I have seen all of the oldies. Love those photo's.
Have a wonderful week.
I wanted to see Mama Mia, but the critics knocked it. So, I passed. After reading this post, I'm going to see it!
I just posted about seeing Mamma Mia (AGAIN!) last week! It's been many a year since I was so taken by a movie. Loved your list of stars--Tom S. is one of my all time favorites!
I still haven't seen Mama Mia - can't get my daughters to show interest! I'll put it on my Netflix queue eventually though.
I adore old movies also. The most recent one I saw was Portrait in Black with the ever-elegant Lana Turner.
I really want to see Mama Mia! It sounds like a great movie.
I enjoyed your pics of the stars, young and older. Pierce Brosnan and Tom Selleck seemed to have gotten even hotter with time!
Oh I just have to find the time to see Mamma Mia - like you say everyone loves it!
Hi BJ,
I saw Mamma Mia in NYC last year and it was fabulous! I haven't seen the movie. I love your pics of all the stars I was in love with at one time or another - esp. Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid!
I have a tag for you on my post today---if you have the time to do it - it is a fun exercise!
It's been YEARS since I've been to a movie theater... but Momma Mia did look like a good movie!
I've been watching no movies lately that were made after 1949...lol You know how I am about the 30s and 40s stuff!
What a fun post! I saw Mamma Mia twice, once with my hubby and once with my daughter. I loved it. Saw the play too. I laughed and cried. That Pierce Bronson sure has sex appeal, but my favorites are Tom Selleck and James Garner.
Hugs, Rhondi
Hi BJ,
I'm sorry I didn't check further along on your blog or I would have seen that you already posted YOUR most embarrassing songs that you admit to!! I liked your picks!
Thanks for visiting me!
I'd go with you in a heartbeat to any movie you pick ~ 'cause they are all my favs, too! How uncanny! Gotta love those leading men ~ they just don't make them like that any more! I was just telling DH last night that RJ (Wagner) is getting up there now!! Doing the Reverse Mortage commercials....
Robert Redford & Rock Hudson will always be my favs, & who can forget Elizabeth Taylor, especially her & Paul Newman in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof!!
Thanks for such fun memories!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
BJ, I loved this post, especially your "old movies and movie stars" pictures. I've heard such good reviews of "Mama Mia," and hope to see it soon. I love Pierce Brosnan!
Your lemonade stand post was so cute. What sweet memories for your precious grandchildren. I still remember doing that when I was little, and we had such high hopes of making tons of money ... lol.
Hope your weekend is filled with fun things ...
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