My NEW blog address is
and I have a link to where you can receive
Please go to the NEW BLOG.
thanks, bj

note added on saturday....for your LAUGH OF THE DAY, be sure to stop over at DANA'S THE STONE RABBIT and read her PINK SATURDAY POST. I laughed soooo hard and I don't want you to miss it !!
hehehe ..... you must be coming to my loony bin! Have a calming weekend! ((hugs)) Rosie
Have a wonderful weekend! :)
I hope your feeling o kay!
Hey, where'd u go? I snagged your Christian emblem from your page and added it to all my websites and blogs. I love it! Thank you. Hope all is well with you. Prim Hugs and God Bless, Celene
I hope all is well in your world...and HEY! no butt is bigger than that dang bears butt!! I'm bummed now!
BJ, Hope all is well with you. Go ahead and go a little crazy if it makes you feel better. smile. I miss you already.
Love, Jeanne
Hi BJ, feels like ages since I've been here, hope you're back soon. Have a lovely weekend, we have a Bank Holiday which means lie-in for me - lovely!
Lucy x
Have fun and get some rest too !!
BJ...hope all is well on your end! Have a great weekend!
LOL! I love it! Have a wonderful weekend!
Have a sweet weekend, BJ!
BJ, I read your comment on Jeanne's Bathroom Diva post. You don't think I am going to be the cause of you fainting and falling over dead - do you????!!!!
Lady, you have me sitting her laughing aloud.
BJ; you silly thing love the bear.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hi BJ,
I love your new look on your blog. Very nice. I think I'm going to join you on your trip to crazy. You don't mind a little company do you? LOL
Have a good weekend.
ANITA....I can't get to your blog???
HELP !!!!!!!!!!!
Bj, thank you for your wonderful encouraging comment on my upcoming surgery. I will be fine and you are right my family will be of great help. My dh is going to need that help. He is next to helpLESS in situations like this. My sister is my backyard neighbor, how good is that? Smile.
Love, Jeanne
Hey BJ.....Your not in hibernation are you? Or looking for the "bear facts" Hope all is well!
Hi BJ!! You know I can't wait to make you a Diva! Yes, I believe our very ladylike Ms. Jeanne had a great time!! I believe the bathroom snapaping brings the best out in a gal.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi BJ....just checking in...did you get my email about how to cover a round shade?
Been there, done that! Seriously, I hope you are well.
Hello BJ!
This is so cute, and there are times I can surely relate! Have restful weekend.
BJ you are so sweet---honestly! Thank you for your comment on my post today and your comment about me on YOURS. I nearly dropped my teeth when I saw that! I read your interests on your sidebar and realized we agree on so many! You sound like a fun, fun gal!!! LOVE that bear---gads can I ever identify!
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