I am sharing a post from the past about this terrible day.
I sincerely believe that every man, woman and child
I sincerely believe that every man, woman and child
should watch the 9-11-2001 tragedy on tv
every single year at this time.

I know I will never forget that morning as long as I live.
I was having my first cup of coffee and watching Fox news.
Mr. Sweet was still sleeping...
I saw the first plane hit and, thinking it was a horrible accident,
I ran to the bedroom, telling him to come watch this terrible thing that just happened in NYC.
Then, we watched as the second plane hit the other tower.
From that moment on, the knot in my stomach grew with each highjacked airplane.
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 resulted in 2,996 deaths, including the 19 hijackers and 2,977 victims.
Like everyone else, we cried all day long...
Number of firefighters and paramedics killed: 343
"Hi, bj,
I just read your last two posts. My breath still catches in my throat when I think of 9-11. I will never forget it. At the time Troy was a Truck Driver and I was with him. We had stopped in PA the night before for the night and were heading into NYC with a load. It was the most frightening and heart wrenching experience. We ended up volunteering to haul loads of bottled water into the Trade Center area for all the firefighters and volunteers."
Diann, my sincere THANKS to you and your husband for your part of the recovery of 9/11/2001.

My sincere thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH
for keeping his cool in front of all the children in that classroom that tragic day,
and for fighting to KEEP US FREE.
If he had panicked that day, the whole United States of America would have fallen apart.
I will always be thankful for his leadership.
Mr. Sweet and I watched a 9-11 Special on FOX NEWS 9/4/13 (Wed night)
that brought us to our knees....again.
Please join us in prayer that this NEVER happens to our beloved America again.

My sincere thanks to PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH
for keeping his cool in front of all the children in that classroom that tragic day,
and for fighting to KEEP US FREE.
If he had panicked that day, the whole United States of America would have fallen apart.
I will always be thankful for his leadership.
Mr. Sweet and I watched a 9-11 Special on FOX NEWS 9/4/13 (Wed night)
that brought us to our knees....again.
Please join us in prayer that this NEVER happens to our beloved America again.