Since we've been blessed with some nice rains this spring,
things are beginning to look a WHOLE LOT BETTER
around Sweet Nothings.
GREEN grass again makes my heart SING TO THE ROOFTOPS.
The long, hot, dry summer of 2011 just about did us all in.
We lost a lot of our lawns, both front and back.
And, the water restrictions against watering the yard didn't help much, either.

We just couldn't muster up the energy to get out in the yard much all last summer with temps over 100 degrees and no water to do anything with.
So everything really suffered.

We just couldn't muster up the energy to get out in the yard much all last summer with temps over 100 degrees and no water to do anything with.
So everything really suffered.
We have been working in our yard a lot since the rains have made things look so nice....
our Rose of Sharon bushes and trees haven't started blooming yet.
Last year, they DID bloom but the poor little flowers were so pitiful.
We are praying for more good rains all thru the summer.....and less heat, if you please.
We haven't painted our outside furniture in a few years so that is on the agenda before really HOT weather.
We haven't painted our outside furniture in a few years so that is on the agenda before really HOT weather.
Our grocery store floral department put all these amazing pots of flowers
on clearance for $1.00 a pot.
I nearly had a run-away, trying to gather up as many as I could.
I have been trying to make some sort of POTTING TABLE......
I just LOVE potting tables.
I have this olden iron headboard leaning against the fence for now,
with my olden metal flower cart. Hopefully, I can fashion a cute little working table
before long.
I have been trying to make some sort of POTTING TABLE......
I just LOVE potting tables.
I have this olden iron headboard leaning against the fence for now,
with my olden metal flower cart. Hopefully, I can fashion a cute little working table
before long.
I ended up with about 6 pots of flowers...and I am loving them.
I'm putting them all in containers so I can water them easier and move them as I need to for the coveted SUNSHINE they all need.
My yard has so many shaded areas throughout the day that sometimes, things I plant in the ground need more light and I end up digging them up and moving them.
I am not really a gardener....just never really learned to do it right.
When something I plant REALLY grows, I am in awe.
I know all you ladies that live where flowers grow the size of mountains think these little pots of flowers are sure tiny.....but that's ok.
I am going to enjoy them a whole bunch and that's
I know all you ladies that live where flowers grow the size of mountains think these little pots of flowers are sure tiny.....but that's ok.
I am going to enjoy them a whole bunch and that's
My sweet little friend, KELLY, at Eclectically Vintage
came up with this awesome, blow-my-mind idea to use her
olden step ladder for, of all things, the most CHARMING BIRD BATH.
came up with this awesome, blow-my-mind idea to use her
olden step ladder for, of all things, the most CHARMING BIRD BATH.
Well, of COURSE, being the COPY CAT that I am,
I ran and got MY little vintage ladder, bought a terra cotta plate,
scoured the whole place for a few dark colored rocks,
snuggled it all in between the Rose of Sharon
and don'tchaknow, I am lovin' it.
I am thinking that the birds will love it, too.
THANK, KELLY, for the great idea.
I ran and got MY little vintage ladder, bought a terra cotta plate,
scoured the whole place for a few dark colored rocks,
snuggled it all in between the Rose of Sharon
and don'tchaknow, I am lovin' it.
I am thinking that the birds will love it, too.
THANK, KELLY, for the great idea.
Gosh, this is a LOT of's beginning to look like a funeral home around here.
I will get them all planted in larger pots and hopefully, they will do really well.
It's fun to be EXCITED about my yard again. :>)
I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I am joining in the fun at:
YA'LL have a great weekend....
xoxo bj
YA'LL have a great weekend....
xoxo bj
I am so happy that y'all have received that much needed rain. It's a blessing! Have a great weekend BJ!!
Susan and Bentley
Those look like nice-sized plants for just $1.00. Youre like my sis: a bargain magnet! Wherever you go, you find the best deals. Enjoy!
hoo-ray for rains! after last year, i will never take them for granted again. :)
Oh my goodness BJ...isn't that adorable? We just might have to "run" with that idea as well...we just got a bunch of vintage stepladders for the store....I'm seeing birdbaths now!!
That is a cute idea with the plants going up the steps. Could put little pots of seed going up the steps too, if you don't have pets that would tip them over. Very cute idea you copied there! Great deal on those flowers too!
Your birds will be doing the happy dance - so glad you made your own little bird bath!
It looks fabulous - as does the rest of your yard - crossing my fingers for all the rain you need this season!
I have no doubt you will fashion a cute little working table for your plants. I am always impressed by all that you do. Have a wonderful weekend, BJ. Deb
BJ, if you dig in the dirt you are a gardener! What a great buy on those pretty flowers.
You copycat birdbath is precious! Seriously I am going to look for an old step ladder too!
Let's pray that this summer is a lot less of a hot mess than last year!!!!
I love to stop by Sweet Nothings... you make me HAPPY!
Oh such pretty flowers. I am enjoy a few of mine also. Seems like they do so much better in pots. Gorgeous pics. Hugs, Marty
Bj that looks soooo pretty!! Have a great weekend!
Beautiful flowers!!! And were they ever a bargain! Love the step ladder birdbath;). Enjoy this gorgeous day, hugs.
Love your flowers and what a cute idea for a bird bath. We lost 11 trees from the drought, just had several cut, by a tree service, so there went a lot of my shade trees! Hope we all get a lot more rain, this summer and cooler temps.
Have a great weekend....
Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen
It's nice to hear the enthusiasm in your voice for the yard again. Last summer was just too discouraging. So glad that things are perking back up and may you have gentle rains now and as often as needed all year through.
Cute ideas as always. I used to have a step-ladder for my deck plants and really enjoyed it. That was an amazing sale for all those fantastic flowers!
Great idea with the ladder. I have a short ladder that I've been considering painting and placing inside the house for decorating purposes,but this is a great idea too! I hope you get the rain you need this summer. Your yard is looking good. Can't believe the price for the flowers. Amazing!
Love the ladder idea- so pretty.
Glad ya'll got some rain. It always makes stuff green and pretty.
Hi Bj!
One buck?! What a deal!!!
Your little stepladder is so sweet with it's paint job and those flowers are cute sitting in it.
I know the feeling of wanting a lush flower garden. The desert is limiting to what I can plant. North Texas was much friendlier :(
It will be 107 here on Monday...
xoxo Bunny Jean
What a great idea for a bird bath! So happy to hear that you have gotten some much needed rain BJ.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The flowers look amazing, & that birdbath idea is so darn cute. It's already too hot for most flowers here in AZ, but I have a few things still hanging on. The herb pot is doing very well, & I've discovered Sweet Potato plants do very well -- they are an ornamental type. Our garden is doing well, although it gets freakishly wilted during the middle of the day, but perks up again later in the day. At least we've never been put on water rationing. The good ole Colorado seems to keep us well supplied!
Have a great weekend!
What a find!! I am the same kind of gardener as you! I told my yard I was NOT planting any flowers so if they were interested they just needed to come back up. And a bunch DID! Even some that died last summer apparently had a rebirth. I love perennials!
Now - as soon as I get home - I am hauling out my old wooden ladder. Not a step one but I think I can make it work!
Your place is blooming beautiful!!
I never get enough flowers in my yard
the little ladder is real cute
I hope we all have a wonderful summer
please God NO MORE storms just pretty flowers, amen
BJ, I have been praying for you to get water you and I Thank God you finally did. I have been ever so conservative with my water here ever since you told me of your drought. I love your copy cat. have a lovely weekend, olive
Hi Bj. Your garden is lovely. I am like you if something I plant grows I am very excited it. Love the birdbath. I really enjoyed all your gorgeous photos.
Love your garden and those pretty flowers!
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love your garden Ms. BJ!
Hope you'd come and link with me in my Color Connection meme through my PINK entry.
Very Pretty!!! Oh My they look SO PRETTY with your new birdbath! LOVE IT!!! I (((LOVE)))the color of your azalea! That is GORGEOUS!
What great bargains!
I'll be praying your rains and cooler temps keep up throughout the summer...
Big Hugs,
I just pinned this at Six Sisters pin it to win it the way I would love for you to stop by and share this cute idea @ CountryMommaCooks
link party : )
thanks for sharing your joys with us today! HaPpY PS! more JoYs at FHC~
Great bargain on the flowers and I love the little bird bath,cute!! Hugs, Linda
Your back yard looks heavenly!quite the deal on those flowers. I have to tell you anything daisy like talks to my inner soul Happy to hear you are getting that rain. Have great weekend.
What a nice little oasis you've created! The flowers are lovely, no matter the size and I'm happy you have gotten water back so they can grow like well, weeds. :D
You got quite a deal on the flowers. They look wonderful. Glad you are getting the rain and that your yard is green like it should be. All the photos and ideas are great as usual. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Great buy on the plants. I would of loaded my buggy also. Love the bird bath, flower holding ladder. I may have to copy this to! Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy your weekend.
So the birdbath/ladder idea..The birds will love it..refill it every day to keep the mosquitoes at bay..I'm afraid we may have a dry hot summer if the winter gave us a clue..Hope not..right now, things are beautiful..
Cute birdbath idea. I'm thinking a shallow metal pan would work nicely, too. Especially once it weathers.
Funeral're too funny - I think not! Great buy on the plants - the yard looks FABULOUS, Dahling! Happy Saturday - enjoy the beauty of the yard! XOXO
Those "olden" step ladders are good for sooo many things. Yours looks adorable. It would DARE look anything else!! :)
I love Kelly's idea and your birdbath looks fantastic. So glad you got som much-needed rain to bring back the green to your lawns and allow you to enjoy all the other colors of your flowers.
$1!? What a great deal, all that beauty and color, I am so glad you were there to get some! Glad too, that you have had rain. I remember how hard last year was on your beautiful yard and beloved flowers.
May the excitement about your yard NEVER END!
Shadowy Tree Ruins
Great views of settings in your garden! The floral colours pop with beauty!
The step-ladder birdbath is such a clever idea! We've only had .02" of rain in May. I hope that's not a sign of the summer ahead.
That bird bath idea is simply gorgeous. I may well be stealing it. LOVE those potted plants . They gist scream Spring!
Hi bj ... I just must copy you on this one ... love the simple birdbath and the ladder. Need to get out and shop for flowers. Glad your grass is greening up. We got six inches of rain with the gully-washer and happy for your rain too.
Blessings @ Timeless Treasures
Love your shot! Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough) and have had a very rough week. Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #31.
Love your shot! Sorry I been so quiet these last couple weeks, I’ve been really ill (now finally diagnosed with Whooping Cough) and have had a very rough week. Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #31.
I love the pots on the old ladder! I'm going to look for one now at garages sales and flea markets! Wow..only $1.00 per pot? I'd have been grabbing them up too! Your garden is looking beautiful.
Pretty!!! I know what you mean about the drought last year in Texas....we've had rains this Spring too, and the grass [what's left] IS green, but for the last week not much rain....need MORE.
My Shadow Link: OLD RUGGED CROSS - do stop by if you have some time.
Have a great Sunday!!
Great post,I really like your article
I hope that the texas drought goes away for good soon! It is amazing how just a little bit of new green transforms an already beautiful yard into something special. I note that the details in your yard give the place such a stylish look. Lovely homestead!
BJ that copycat bird bath is soooooo cute! Your whole area just looks so pretty and cheerful. I'm sure hoping we don't have a brutal summer like last year, too. That about did me in!!
Pink Blooms, have a blessed Sunday!
Hoarding does have its benefits. I know I have a small stepladder, a saucer and some stones around here somewheres... Lol!
Thanks for sharing at YSB this week. xoxo
I wish you rain and a gentle gardening season! That was a great deal on the flowers, they look so pretty!
Love the ladder bird bath! I wish I could find an old wooden ladder but no luck! Those are great plants for a $1.00! My favorite azalea was from the grocery store and was $1.00. That was several years ago and now it's a nice big plant.
You hit the jackpot with plants @ $1.00 each!!! We purchased two sweet potatoe vines today for $3.99 each!!! If I try to re~pot them...they'll die! But they will soon grow to long wandering vines for "Mr.Ed"! Enjoy your plants...I'll be praying we all have a calm Summer this year!
great bargains!! Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.
- The Tablescaper
What a great deal you got on the don't see that around here. I was at Walmart yesterday and they had a grocery cart full of almost dead stuff. I asked the man working in the garden center what he was going to do with the dead stuff and he said he had to throw it away. I asked if I could take it home and try to save it and he said no. He was required to throw it away and no one could take it home. I just don't get things like that! They kill most of their plants at our Walmart because they don't water them and they are in such hot sun.
I love the ladder/bird bath. I have my grandmother's birdbath or I would steal that idea!
You found the steal of the year with those plants!!!! It does not look like a funeral home!!! Love the bird bath idea!!!
I'm actually at the Apple Store, waiting with my girl for a rep & playing with a iPad!! :). It was fin visiting you!!
L, Dana
It was FUN. :)
Don't worry, it's not looking like a funeral home! Ha! It's looking like a nice garden! Love the ladder with the saucer on top for a bird bath. Cute, cute, cute!
Rain in season is a blessing, I'm glad you are able to take advantage of it.
I think the birdbath is a great idea, I hope you have lots of birds come to call!
Thanks for coming by!
Love the birdbath on the stepladder. I am going to have to copy you on that one.
Love the ladder BJ. It looks great!
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