Anyone remember this song by ROGER MILLER...?

Put a smile on your face as if there's nothing wrong.
Think about a good time had a long time ago,
Think about forgetting about your worries and your woes,
Walking In The Sunshine, singing a little sunshine song.
La la la la la dee oh, Whether the weather be rain or snow,
Pretending can make it real,
A snowy pasture, a green and grassy field...."
SUCH a happy song...
I love it...
PLAYLIST didn't have this cute song listed but
I DO have Roger's KING OF THE ROAD playing...
I love it...
PLAYLIST didn't have this cute song listed but
I DO have Roger's KING OF THE ROAD playing...

first grandson, DREW...
I gave it to him for his 1st birthday...
July 26th, we celebrated his TWENTIETH birthday...
bwaaaaaaaa.....where does the time go so quickly ?
I will re-paint it someday for him...He just might love having it to pull HIS little boy to the park...
or to take him on SCAVENGER HUNTS for all kinds of treasures....
or even use in HIS garden...*sigh

Then, the flower falls off and there's a brand new one the very next morning.
They aren't 4'Oclocks....wonder what they are ??

This heavy HEAVY birdbath was given to me for my 70th bd
by my son and family..I really love it....
It is turned around BACKWARDS and, 2 years later,
I STILL haven't turned it around right...

I've not seen any birds interested one bit in making a home
in this adorable RED BIRDHOUSE that daughter gave me years and years ago...
How do you go about making birds build their nest in a birdhouse...?
Or do you just wait and HOPE they will ??
How do you go about making birds build their nest in a birdhouse...?
Or do you just wait and HOPE they will ??

All the birds are too interested in what's going on over at

there must be a million tiny roses on it and I LOVE THEM !
I just planted another in my front garden...

I water the lawn early morning while it can soak in before too much water evaporates....
We have thought for years that we would put in a sprinkler system...
Somehow.......we just never did. would be too much work to repair all the grass and....
I don't mind a single bit, using sprinklers.
Often times, when I am just watering with my hose, I solve a lot of the world's problems !! :))

totally LOADED with a crop of PECANS....
...see the water droplets from the sprinkler....:)
I got all the flowers and shrubs fertilized this morning...
I got all the flowers and shrubs fertilized this morning...
"Walkin' in the sunshine......singing a little SUNSHINE song......."
...itsy bitsy spider.......
Lemon Blueberry muffins for our home fellowship gathering....
Let's see....Cream Cheese frosting, laced with fresh squeezed LEMON juice...
add a little Lemon Zest and we're talkin'


Let's see....Cream Cheese frosting, laced with fresh squeezed LEMON juice...
add a little Lemon Zest and we're talkin'
Oh HONey...
Nothing fancy here...
The wondrous RAINS and now the bright, hot sunshine, are exactly what our crops out here in WEST TEXAS really need...
things are looking sooo good.....and we surely are thankful !!
I am hoping that you are WALKING IN THE SUNSHINE today....:)
I am linking with the following wonderful sure to go over and see all the beauty offered from all over Blogland...
REDNESDAY (you may have to look HARD for reds, but they're there..)
Oh HONey...
Nothing fancy here...

*I am hoping that you are WALKING IN THE SUNSHINE today....:)
I am linking with the following wonderful sure to go over and see all the beauty offered from all over Blogland...
REDNESDAY (you may have to look HARD for reds, but they're there..)

I love your blog and I love everything Lemon....
I also love your header picture. The dishes look like Liberty Blue. I have a huge collection of these dishes....
I'm walking on sunshine too BJ! I DO remember that song and it is a HAPPY tune! I love the wagon and the blue sky!
Love it all! Have a blessed day my friend! HUGS!
Your garden looks so wonderful BJ! and I have a rose of sharon in exactly the same color ( I think) in my yard:>) As usual, your lemony good muffins look good enough to eat! Wish I were there having some.
Love your photos, thank you for sharing. I love the earrings part at the top of your blog too. I am new to bloggerrette sorority and thought I would say hello. Please come visit me sometime. smiles, Kim
What a delightful post! Watering, green, birdhouses, flowers, baking, the musings.
Thanks, BJ!
Hello BJ! We're walking on sunshine here in Kansas...we just broke a record yesterday at 108 and right now it's 104 and it's still climbing. Looking at your sprinkler photo's made me feel cooler...thanks! Mmm those muffins look so good and I've been having fun singing and moving to the music. I hope you're enjoying your day...take care. Maura :)
"Yummy BJ"... for the Heart Soul AND Pallet... That wagon looks like it had "years" of fun... NOW on your birdhouse being vacant. It could be the paint!!! The birds are "SO SMART" and don't REALLY like paint(although that never keeps them off our houses, hehe)... I know it's GORGEOUS like it is, BUT try sanding it down... OH another thing is MAYBE something is inside that they don't like also, so OPEN it up and make sure it's "EMPTY". I had one that had some undesirables(of the rodent kind) in it and I had to give them the BOOT! I don't mind flying squirrels though, they can stay... another thing is check out the size of the entry hole, that may be wrong... OH BJ, I have a REALLY cute video treat over on my blog for all the ladies(I'm going to link it to MM for Monday, what do you think???)
Hello sweet lady...
Ohhh Girlfriend, it sounds like you are having a fabulous day...walking in all that sunshine!!! Well...after looking through all of those beautiful photos...of all your gorgeous flowers and sweet birdhouses...seeing that luscious green have me walking on sunshine too!!! I love it!!!
Mmmmm...your lemon-blueberry muffins look divine, my friend! Sure wished I were closer..I'd join right in with your home fellowship! Looks like you're going to "spoil" those folk a bit! hehe!
Well sweet friend, I do apologize for being so long to get by for a's just been a crazy-busy summer for me! It's usually not quite this busy! My sweet daughter Jenni and five grandchildren will be coming this weekend...I'm sooo excited! They are living in west Texas for the time being. Her husband works putting up those highline electric they move around quite a bit. Jenni was saying that it had been really hot out there. Hope you and your honey are keeping cool! Thank you for sharing your beautiful yard and flower gardens with us...such a treat!!!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Lovely pictures. Love the wagon. I have an antique one in my living room. Just knowing that a long time ago someone pushed their little one in it makes me smile.
I can't believe you are 70......I know I have said that before.
Talk about a great post and now I'm hungry.. We were going to buy some blueberries while we were in Canada but the price was out of sight. What I want to know is when did you find the time to do the post being a fulltime MeMaw LOL
Oh yep, nothing special here, your words, just some beautiful photos and sweets. The sunshine is ls like a dose of vitamins for sure. My son told me how hot it is out there. His tomatoes did not do well. Ours did great. Keep smiling in the sunshine.
Thanks for visiting with me today. I love it when you come over :) I love, LUVVVVVV your sweet posts. They always send warm feelings through my heart. I am looking forward to my little shout out, yippee!
p.s. Those muffins, as you say, "oh, honey!"
Hi BJ,
I kind of lost you and found you again. What a beautiful post. And yes I do remember Roger Miller and Walkin in the Sunshine. Makes everything in our world brighter.
Thank you fo sharing your beautiful photos.
Your photos are so beautiful. Looks like everything is doing so well. I love your collages, what a fun way to show your beautiful flowers. I am thinking lemon too and would love one of your goodies right now, then I would probably skip dinner, but at my age, who cares! By the way, I can still fit into my earrings from high school too, there are two of us! (Loved that!)
Love your pictures! I just want to run and jump through your sprinkler just like when I was a kid--how refreshing. Your garden is beautiful and your lemon muffins looks soooooooooooo yummy!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog with us.
Hi BJ, I am new to your blog and have loved walking through all your happy photographs. Such beautiful lighting to all of them.
An English Girl Rambles
BJ, it's a constant party at your house. Can I come over? I wish I did remember that Roger Miller song but you stumped me this time!
It has been so much fun walking in the sunshine with you today! Your pictures are just beautiful.
Hi BJ....such a nice summery.
So glad you are looking forward to the Rooster Party. I am looking forward to seeing your post.
I will be using the Sidebar Linking System again this year. I find it works well.
Have a great evening. Wow, it is warm, huh?
Hugs, Barb :-)
Beautiful photos, BJ! Your yard and knockout roses are just gorgous! And those Blueberry muffins look delicious. YUMMY!
What a lovely song and wonderful photos they're all beautiful.
Lovely photos, and yes, I remember Roger Miller! Haven't thought of him in years, though, but I bet now his songs are going to be bouncing around in my head for a couple weeks! Those cookies do look tasty! I think I have to go back and get the recipe...
PS I love that red birdhouse, whether the birds do or not!
Hello BJ,
I'm feeling so happy after reading your post and looking at your lovely photos.
Everything looks so good in your garden and your happiness is spreading fast across blogland.
Thanks for that lemony muffin. It was full of sunshine.
Lovely post. Sure want me to stop by your place for lemonade and muffins. Have a good week.Nancy
Water sprinklers, it's all I need from this heat.
My Water Wednesday
Your yard looks so fresh and pretty. You made me forget for a moment just how hot it is outside this summer! I think I'd have to make a few skips through that sprinkler!
i totally envy you for your garden! I love it!
Watery Wednesday
BJ~this post brought sunshine to my day!
I do remember this little ditty by Roger Miller. It puts a spring in my step when I hear oldies like this.
I'm lovin' our summer weather too, I just wished it lasted longer than July-Aug. I've been playing outside in our backyard more than sitting inside at my computer posting. We spend hours bird watching. Do you have feeders in your yard too?
I had a couple birds that flew right into my dinning room to chirp at me that their feeder was empty!
Sweet lemony muffins on a sunny day...perfection. :)
Sweet wishes,
Thank you for the lovely tour of your lovely yard! I could almost smell the water as it was floating through the air. LOVE the smell of wet grass! And I like the Roger Miller song.....ALL of his songs, actually! Beautiful post!!
Great wbackyard shots.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
Heavens, it could be downright dangerous visiting you with all those sweet goodies to drool over. I'll probably use points up just imagining eating that. But you go ahead, you skinny girl, and have a bite for me. Love that old wagon and the shots of your yard.
Luv, luv, luv the photos you're sharing with us from your beautiful garden BJ! Especially the cute ol' wagon and the whimsical birdhouses. Luv that song too, it's so happy, isn't it? Stopping by from OW.
Ummmmmmmm one of those sweet goodies would sure top off my lunch of salad today! They look luscious!
Hi BJ,
Thanks for the great garden tour. I like how you captured the water from the sprinkler, what a lovely photo.:)
The Tattered Tassel
Wow beautiful garden, patio and food looks delish. Happy Wednesday!
Watery Wednesday
How lovely and cheerful your blog is! And yes, I remember that song; as a kid, I loved Roger Miller.
You are SO cute! Would that I could find the "Mona Lisa" behind an old framed painting.. LOL
You did a great job of sharing today. The wagon...what a treasure. I bought tiny granddaughter one...a lovely thing..and her sweet "hippy" parents left it behind when they moved. Made me sad. At least your survived.
I agree that your garden looks wonderful.
But everything you do looks wonderful..and, of course, I try to copy to NO avail. I never can QuITE pull it off..but how fun it is to try!
I must say my loaf of banana bread turned out good last week. Betty Crocker cookbook is still my favorite.
You put together so many neat and pretty things today. I do not know how you can do it. I do good have one or two things to share. You are something else!
I've been "walkin in darkness" lately and your posting of Roger Miller's wonderful "Walkin in Sunshine" brought back so many happy memories for me....I loved his music in college (and dorm mates made fun of me for it :-)..
I went on youtube and found it! Thanks for the reminder....I needed to listen to that song...Helen
Golly, this brought back some memories ... yup! I remember that song!, age be told!!
Actually, I am SICK, yes SICK of blue 'flip me over, I'm done on that side' blue skies ... we desperately need rain & yesterday after a 3 day respite, we are in the thick of another horrible record breaking heat wave. Would you all PUL-EEZ share that glorious wet stuff just a wee bit? TY
Love those lemony treats ... yum!
Have a beautiful summer's eve ~
TTFN ~ Marydon
The red bird house looks wonderful. A whole family could live there. Lemon is a fav of mine.
Mary (Mother), Don (dad), Elda (his sister killed by hit & run ae 7)
equals Marydonelda/Mary Donelda
hence a bad situation in life with so many Mary Ford's in this world = Marydon.
As a child I was called ~
Big red
Mary lala
& a lot of mush by those who couldn't grasp the mouth full.
Chuckle! Huggers, Marydon
Great reds. Your garden and home look beautiful. I'll be back to check out more of your blog!
WALNUTS! No way! You are the pecan lady!!!
We put in a sprinkler system. It didn't damage the lawn. They have a machine that pulls the hosing under the ground. But I still have to water the flower boxes!
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