
CSN STORES has given me yet ANOTHER wonderful and generous gift
to offer to my readers.
After leaving a comment (or 2, 3, 4 or more) on this post...go over to CSN ONLINE STORES
I have picked out several that I would love..
bet you can also find one you like.
you may use this GIFT CARD at ANY OF THEIR STORES......
Details for chances to win are at the bottom of this post...
bet you can also find one you like.
you may use this GIFT CARD at ANY OF THEIR STORES......
Details for chances to win are at the bottom of this post...

together for a DELISH topping for your favorite crackers ?
It's one of my granddaughters favorite snacks...
It's one of my granddaughters favorite snacks...
mine, too !
mine, too !
it clears our head and we can THINK better !! I believe it !!

SEAN at CSN STORES has once again offered to my readers this amazing
$70.00 GIFT CARDto ANY of their many ONLINE STORES.
As with ALL my giveaways, it is a SIMPLE process to "get in the running"...
That's all there is to it.
You can comment once, TWICE, THREE TIMES...AS MANY AS YOU LIKE.
of course, the more comments you leave, the better your chances of winning.
NOW...that's not too hard, is it ?
I want it to be easy and FUN for you....
That's all there is to it.
You can comment once, TWICE, THREE TIMES...AS MANY AS YOU LIKE.
of course, the more comments you leave, the better your chances of winning.
NOW...that's not too hard, is it ?
I want it to be easy and FUN for you....
If you would be so kind as to post my above GIVEAWAY BUTTON on your
sidebar, I would be sooo delighted and would appreciate it very much.

This adorable sconce from CSN STORES is on my WISH LIST....

And, I'm pitchin' a hissy fit for THIS table/desk lamp from CSN.
GIVEAWAY WILL CLOSE AT 10:00 P.M. (central) Friday, 20th...
WINNER to be announced on SAT. 21st
1 – 200 of 423 Newer› Newest»Thanks for the chance to win, BJ. There's a lamp there that I'm dying for.
I'll be back to comment again soon. I really want that lamp.
You do make it so easy to win this just keep commenting! I lov CSN and have my eye on a couple of items!!
It is so fun to meet another Great-grandmother who doesn't think she is too old to LOVE life and trying new things! Thanks for commenting on my blog and introducing yourself. I've become a follower and added you to my blog roll. You'll be hearing from me.
I have been scouring CSN's sight for a lantern style light for the kitchen. I would use it on that. I have picked out several possibilities! Our lights need to go. Wonderful post BJ, love the food goodies as always. You always have wonderful sweets. I will comment again. Thanks for the hosting of the generous givweaway.
I have an addiction to lamps! I have my eye on a doggie door at CSN
I have never shopped with CSN but I am ready.
A new lamp would be pretty nice. Thanks for having the giveaway.
BJ what another great giveaway. That is very generous of you to just let us comment over and over if we want. That pineapple and cream cheese on crackers sounds really good. Thanks for sharing.
More peeks inside your house. Love 'em!!!
Oh wow that creme cheese and pineapple sounds yummmmmmy. I could do that, with my Fat/Free cream cheese. And could put it on pure potato chips. 'Cause I can't eat anything with gluten in it, any more. No more crackers for me. Or rolls. Or bread. Or cake. Or cookies. Or....
Now that I've played my "Poor Pitiful Pearl" card, I'll tell you that they make gluten free mixs for cookies and cakes. And brownies too but I can't eat all the Sat/Fat in chocolate.
So I'm not totally "Poor Pitiful Pearl"! -grin-
Happy Monday!!!
What an awesome giveaway. I do have a thing for lamps.
Don't you just love the opportunity CSn stores gives us!!
They have wonderful lamps but I think I would go for something Kitcheny
I need to go check out there site, yours is the second time I have seen this place mentioned and I didn't know anything about them.
Have a great day BJ!
Hello there! I had almost forgotten the sweet taste of cream cheese and crushed pineapple ... thanks for the reminder!
When we have finger foods at family gathering, my Sister-in-law always makes pineapple and cream cheese finger sandwiches. They are awesome and I love that taste!
Enjoy your day and thanks for the giveaway, I'll keep entering and one day I just might win:)
Pineapple and cream cheese sounds so yummy. I may have to make that. Love this giveaway!!
Yes, I love lamps!
Maria @ LSS
What a great giveaway. I am on the lookout for a couple of lamps, so I would love to win this wonderful giveaway. I've already seen a couple there that I would love. Thanks. Hugs, Marty
I love CSN stores and I'm always looking online! Thanks for a chance to win! I'll come back again, too! heehee! ♥
Great giveaway bj! I love csn stores. That's where I found the mirror for above my paintings in the bathroom! :) Please enter me, but I'm ok if I don't win! :P Of course, I follow you and have for a long time! :) Artie
I could really use a chandelier for the grandbaby's nursery. The ceiling fan is not going with the decor in there very well.
Hi BJ.....you do make it easy to win....thanks for the chance...going to shop, be back later with more comments! Jennifer
Oh how I love the Tiffany Table Lamps....they are so pretty! Hugs, Jennifer
you are too sweet on your rules!!!! CSN is awesome!
I have never had anything from CSN so would love to win your giveaway.
However else would you eat cream cheese? Oh, yum! Save some for me, BJ.
Please enter me in your giveaway.
Have a beautiful summer's eve, my friend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Well how sweet is this!? Another chance to win? I don't believe I have a single lamp in the house that I didn't either make, or thrift, so just imagine winning a new one:>)
Woo-Hoo! Thanks for the chance BJ, please throw my hat in the ring and I'll add you to my sidebar:@)
Yay!! I super love CSN!!!! They have almost everything I need except clothes,they should start carrying clothes!
I love your blog,it is very cheery and sweet! you seem very kind,I like that!
Have a blessed week and take care!! Thanks
I would love to win your CSN giveaway. Please enter my name in your contest. Love your blog!
I went on their site to see what I could find! I never imagined they would have SO many lamps! I saw a lamp with a red base that I loved! Wouldn't it be fun to win? Thanks! ♥
I have my eye on the Mia Moda Facile stroller.
I have the Fisher Price Loving Family Grand Dollhouse from CSN and love it.
BJ I do not know how you do it, but you always manage to have the most beautiful things on your post. And, so many of them. I feel like I better get out and do better. Always enjoy your post and blog. Your visits are a joy.
I got a guitar for my son's 7th birthday on the CSN site.
BJ, You are having a wonderful give-away! I've seen some cool things in the CSN stores and winning would be so much fun. I'll put you on the sidebar of my blog. Multiple entries for multiple comments? woohoo
Oh, and I've eaten cream cheese and pineapple since I was a kiddo. Yum...
hugs, Sue
Wow! This would be perfect for me, my son broke his lamp in his room and we need 2 more lamps for the living room, pick me! pick me!
There are so many wonderful things at CSN...it would be so hard to decide what to pick!
Oh...forgot to say that my mom used to make a pineapple cream cheese spread. It has been ages since I've thought of it, thanks for the memory:)
Love cream cheese and pineapple. I mix it in my cream cheese icing on carrot cake...to die for!
I bought lights from CSN. Still waiting for dh to hang them!
We survived the wedding. It was really lovely! 10 piece band!
So many pretty (and tasty!) pictures. I love lamps, and rarely have overhead lights in my houses. Lamps give such a warm, inviting glow.
SWEET BJ count me in...love this place...this is a very generous giveaway and I could buy some nice dishes. Thanks for entering me.
And I already follow I have for a long time!
And I think your new header is lovely too!!~
And I think it is very kind that we can comment over and over...I think that will be it for today, but I will be back tomorrow...because I am cool like that!!~
Oh, so many beautiful lamp choices at CSN! I see so many that would look great in my home! Thank you for this giveaway!
Oh BJ I just love, love the sconce! I haven't looked at their lamps! The beds, kitchen, dishes, tea kettles, they have so many wonderful items and great prices!
I laughed when you sent me message, I was in middle of posting! With grandchildren all around excited about school starting today.
I love your teacup! Crackers, cream cheese, and pineapple! Love them all, you would dream up a great desert for Tea! Just simply wonderful! I love the crystal dish! Saw the Antique Road show tonight, looked like the pattern on there! Thanks for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday! You always make me SMILE!
so much elegance in these pics
I want a chance to win! Thanks for the opportunity. Have a great week. Sally
Hi BJness! Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! Please please please enter my tiny name. I need a lamp. I love lamps. I want a lamp!! :)
Now your photos today are just beautiful! Love your new header too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
awesome giveaway.
Ruby Tuesday - Messy but Fun
BJ, thanks for the chance to win this gift card. CSN has lots of offerings that temp me. :-)
You do make this easy! ~ Sarah
Thanks for the entry :)
I really like the le creuset tart dish in red!
Please enter me.
I have been dreaming of having a lamp in our small haven...yes, we don't have one! LOL!
wow , pretty lamps- how generous ~!
I love your new tablescape and will be getting some crushed pineapple and cream cheese to have those crackers for lunch.. I admire your creative skills and always enjoy viewing your posts..
Sonny ~ 155DreamLane
The Hello Kitty & Puppy Lamp from CSN Lighting would be so cute for a little girl's room.
I recently got some throw pillows from CSN (eggplant color) and they matched perfectly with my couch fabric.
I've got a few things at CSN....great items and prices...love it!
CSN also has adorable lawn ornaments. I've gotten 2 cats and a rabbit for my front lawn. They were shipped really quickly, too.
CSN has a nice selection of Corolle dolls from France.
Love CSN - my list grows each time I visit their site! I think their the best!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Good morning! Is it time to go shopping again? This is FUN! ♥
I've just looked at some of the decorative pillows...I wouldn't know which one to choose but I have a couple in my wish list! ♥
This is such a fabulous giveaway. I love your examples and your tea and crackers look fabulous too. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty
wow alot of comments. Thanks for inviting me over and to enter. Mishelle
Thanks for hosting this giveaway. The colors of the Tiffany lamps are wonderful. Of course, new sheets would be too. mlwright29 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Just discovered CSN... great web site.. thx for the give-a-0way opportunity!
I like the Chinese takeout box lamp!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I love lamps. BJ, and I like yours especially the old fashioned looking hanging one. Oh I hope I win cause I was to get a cabin constructed in our side yard that I can use for a painting studio and I would like to have a nice hanging lamp in there.....Christine
I could also use some glass storage canisters.
And a new chef's knife (CSN sells everything!)
I always look at their pillows...today I've looked at a few of the linens! WOW! So many pretty things! ♥
What a wonderful and generous give away,,,,, love all those lamps and the treats....oooooooooo ymmmmyyyy
So many things to chose from! I want a Kitchenaide Stand Mixer
I also want some Muslin blankets for my new niece. Hopefully they'll be back in stock soon!
Oh & I could use some new decorations for my house and the upcoming wedding!!
I comment again. It is wonderful to shop at CSN.
I put you on my side bar too BJ.
Yeah! Thanks for hosting this giveaway BJ!!
Oh BJ, you darling girl. Count me in!!! I love coming to visit you and your blog. xoxoxoxoxoxo
Time out BJ, did you just say cream cheese and pinnaple? I am SO trying that!!!!! Yum!
Hope you are having a wonderful week my friend. I just needed to pop in between switching gears from work to school to see one of my favorite ladies. :)
I have posted your giveaway button on my side bar too BJ...
Let there be light, dear BJ! One can never have enough lamps, right?
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
BJ you are so sweet to offer us this great giveaway! I am hoping it's me!!
Love a chance to win your giveaway. Trish
Oh lala, please count me in!
I'm here again to try & win the prize. Thanks! :)
Always love the welcoming glow that lamps give out. :)
I keep coming back to see if I can get my name in the mix one more time! heehee! What a great giveaway! I'm starting to sound greedy! lol ♥
I would love a little shopping trip on line!
Wow! I'm the 94th perso to leave a comment here. I'll just try this one for fun! I'm also having a give away for the same company. Drawing is on the 15th. You may want to join too!
CSN has a great selection of shoes, too!
The selection at CSN Lighting is impressive.
One of my favorite CSN sites is toysandgamesonline.com
Oh, yes, please. I'd love to be entered in this giveaway!
I thought I already was a follower, but now I am for sure :)
Good morning! I'm all dressed and ready to go shopping! Hope everyone is having fun! ♥
Can't get enough with lamps.
Manang Kim
I have an eye with two or three lamps at CSN!
Manang Kim
I so wish this time I could get the lamp I want ^_^
Manang Kim
Oh by the way, count me in I am joining ^_^ Happy Wednesday!
Manang Kim
Well. . .I have to try for this awesome giveaway! Thanks & blessings :)
BJ I just posted about your giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity - I love CSN Stores, they have great customer service!
nblexp at gmail dot com
Just checking in to say Hi BJ, and thought I would leave another message.:)
I'm back in hopes of being the winning number! Have a nice afternoon, girlfriend! ♥
BJ, I've put the giveaway button on my sidebar. Thanks for offering this giveaway. ~ Sarah
I love CSN and would love to win. They have some dinnerware that I have been admiring.
Every time I go to CSN I find something else I need so much!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
i love the picture you have of that wall sconce with roses!
nblexp at gmail dot com
I see a lot of commenters and a lot of pretty stuff. I'm in
B.J. you are the give-away queen for sure.
BTW I just put your button up and posted about it. This is worth it.
Thanks for the chance to win - crossing my fingers and I've never heard of CSN before! Sandi
Just thought I'd stop and say "pick me"!
What a lovely giveaway. I've never shopped there, but maybe soon!
Pick me, pick me...I would love to win this!!
Great giveaway! Thanks for the visit!
Just one more chance to win!
Oooh fun! A girl just can't have too many lamps!
I can not tell a lie! I love all there stuff at CSN! Their lamps are amazing. Pick me! Anne
I follow you. Hugs Anne
I am posting your giveaway button.Anne
I could a few things...thanks. Trish
So many pretty things at CSN...love your little vintage chair!
I'm commenting again for another entry:>) Aren't I shameless?
I never thought of mixing pineapple with cream cheese!
I like the dollhouse selection at CSN.
My son would love the pineapple and cream cheese.
What a wonderful give away! I want the lamp!!!!! Thanks for giving us all a chance to win such a nice prize! Now I must go and drool over all the good things on the website!
You have beautiful lamps! In my opinion we never have enough nice lamps!
Cool giveaway :)
I am just learning about CSN stores. They look wonderful.
I seem to be a fan of floor lamps or table and lamp combination furniture.
After last months enormous electric bill, I have to like the lamps for their beauty as furniture or ornamentation. We may be sitting in the dark soon!
Did I mention I have a birthday this month? To win this would make it special.
Good morning! I'm off to take a walk! Hope your day is fabulous! ♥
Thanks for the chance to win. Have a blessed day!
I forgot to mention, I just became a subscriber on your blog. Thanks!
Hi BJ....I posted your give away on my side bar of my blog...thanks for the chance to win! Jenn
I love your new header....you changed it and it looks lovely! Jenn
BJ did I mention that my summer is officialy over next week as I prepare to begin another school year...wouldn't this be a nice back to school treat? Thanks, Jenn
Hi BJ, I am a follower! What a lovely blog you have! I need another lamp for my living room so badly, I covet a rooster lamp!
BJ, that cream cheese and pineapple look divine, I must try it..what kind of crackers do you like to put that on??
BJ, I just posted your button for the giveaway on my blog at
stop by and say hi sometime! I love new followers!
I like the pineapple and cream cheese spread. Delish. I would love to win. I do love to shop:)
Fingers still crossed!!!!!
Gosh it would be nice to win that $75 CSN give away. Count me in please.
Gorgeous lamps...I love the tole looking sconce towards the bottom.
Thanks for the giveaway, BJ!
Oh, and the pineapple and cream cheese...yummy!
Love those lamps, never met a pretty lamp I didn't like. Love your blog
The cream cheese and pineapple looked yummy! I will have to try that.
What a generous giveaway. It would be so difficult to decide what to order - a good kind of difficult though.
Did you see the cute button I made? I think CSN is so generous and I love making buttons with their products! I am doing my shopping for the holidays at CSN! Hugs Anne
Well, I'm not at all familiar with CSN so this will be a new experience for me!
HaPpY vInTaGe ThInGiE tHuRsDaY!
visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and a new linking party!
I'm doing a giveaway too...
HaPpY vInTaGe ThInGiE tHuRsDaY!
visit my blog for a GIVEAWAY and a new linking party!
I came to see those amazing peach dumplings...but thought I better comment over here! heehee! Have a wonderful day, sweet friend! ♥
CSN has really amazing chandeliers on their lighting site.
CSN has really adorable Corolle dolls from France.
Wow what an awesome giveaway!
I love your blog! That cracker treat sounds awesome! Come visit me when you have a moment! :-)
I posted your giveawy on my sidebar at Create With Joy!
I've made several recent purchases from CSN and the experience was wonderful! They will price match with online stores. They ship fast and package well. Their sales and customer service reps are polite. Love them!
There are a number of items on my wishlist from cookware.com, one of their stores. They have had some fabulous sales and deals this summer!
Have a great day - hope you have sweet plans for the weekend!
Goodness girl I like to have never got to the end of your comments so I could leave my entry. wow a lot of comments.
Thanks for entering my same giveaway I appreciate the heads up on this one.
I like the idea of just leaving comments makes it so much easier than all the stuff I have on mine. lol
If they give me a chance for another one I hope to do what you did.
Much easier
BJ, back again to put my name in the hat another time.
Hope your Friday is a beautiful one! ~ Sarah
We don't have CSN here but I sure could shop online!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Yay I'm back to comment here. Wish I win!
I love CSN products!
I'll take it and have a ball( the CSN). I really like your blog give a way.
If I figure out how to get your buttom over on my blog i will do it for you.
I keep hoping that I will win one of these CSN give aways. No luck yet.
I really want to win!
CSN is just all over the place with these contests! One of these days I'll actually get one!! You are so cute! I love to read your blog!
Ok, I'll play too! Glad I got here in time to participate! I think that sconce is beautiful too. Do you also get to choose something? I hope so!
Life on the Edge
Hi BJ, Now you have me wanting to run out and buy cream cheese and pineapple! Sounds wonderful.
Thanks for offering this giveaway and please count me in.
Hugs, Sherry
I got a really great diaper bag at CSN recently. I love it.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
CSN Stores has great diaper bags for men, too. They're called "Diaper Dudes".
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
CSN Stores carries Zoobie pets, which are pillows in the shape of stuffed animals with a blanket attached. Great for travel with small kids! My sons own 2.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I have never won a giveaway...it this my chance? Hope so!
I have posted your giveaway button on my sidebar.
Oh boy I hope I win!!
Just stopping by to say hello again.
I am so thrilled to have such a wonderful response to my giveaway.
Thanks very much.
I hope you are having fun, dreaming of ways to spend your giftcard..
You are welcome to come back again and again..it runs all this week.
GOOD GOOD LUCK to all of you.
xo bj
I would love to win this! great giveaway!
Love CSN stores!!
Hope i win!!
Hi BJ.....look how cute your basket looks with the pink candles....congrats on winning...Hugs, Jenn
Oh how I hope I win your give away! Hugs, Jenn
Hope you have had a blessed day! Hugs, Jennifer
BJ....love your music on your blog....hugs, Jennifer
Love, love, love, the pez candy pig from Happier Than a Pig in Mud....what a very cute suprise...oh how I do love surprises! Hugs, Jenn
CSN Stores are great to work with.
CSN Stores is an international company.
I got my daughter some cute Wee Squeak shoes on the CSN site.
never heard of CSN store.
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