AND....WELCOME to our personal deck....our PORCH AWAY FROM HOME...
Oh my...I am SO spoiled !!
and, SMILING SALLY....this BLUE is for YOU !! :))
Since we've been busy with vacations and preparations, I was rushed for time for this fun party....
Please forgive me for reaching back to her party of LAST SUMMER.....
Please forgive me for reaching back to her party of LAST SUMMER.....
RHONDI has the list....
My thanks to Rhondi for hosting this fun day....
Many thanks to all for stopping by today..
My WELCOME sign says "CHRIST is the Head of This House" !!
We will start our tour on my PATIO....
We will start our tour on my PATIO....

let's see....fruit topped with a tad of sweet whipped creme
Hope you like the Cherry drink..it's SUGAR FREE CRYSTAL LIGHT...
so....you can have TWO glasses !!
This cute GIANT CUP planter is from WalMart... so cute!
I just popped in a pot of RED to decorate YOUR snack table...

I just popped in a pot of RED to decorate YOUR snack table...
O, I hope it lives...it's a climber and I would LOVE
it to climb the old picket fence behind it....
I think they smell really sweet, too.....
I think they smell really sweet, too.....
hard work so far this summer....
not a lot that others would notice so much but....
it sure makes MR. SWEET and I feel good about our humble, little cottage...
makes our little vintage bench look all dressed up for the season...
Thanks, sweetie...I just love it !
"sweet, sweet, sweet"...gettin' pretty sticky here..;>)
so hot, dry, windy here in West Texas...would they survive, i wonder?
i am in love with that little RED vase !
Love the yellows in it, too...
but I love KATHY more !! :)*
I've fixed you the BEST brunch to have while you swing in THE SWING on the FRONT PORCH...
**That's orange cinnies from PILLSBURY (thank you very much) and
a yummy Hash Brown Patty..(I love these with a tiny bit of molasses)...
a pretty glass of CRANBERRY JUICE....
a fruit compote sprinkled lightly with coconut and chopped pecans...
... and HOT, SWEET Dunkin Donut coffee..(in a beautiful little TEA cup)
...come by sometime for lunch and we'll have PIMENTO CHEESE sandwiches ! Yum!!
I am serving you on is my new pride and joy..
Won it on Ebay and squealed like a piggy ...
I LOVE IT and will show you a better picture of it another time...
I just wanted you to know how SPECIAL you are, to be served on my BEAUTY....
....and, please come back to see me !!
I love your porch swing! so inviting. The teacup planter is interesting! I haven't heard of Star of Jasmine--hope it works well for you. We have confederate Jasmine and we so love it!
It's so charming and fits so beautifully!
I love your pretty flowers and all the charming ways you have decorated too.
Thanks for the snack!
Everything always looks so lovely BJ! I had a hydrangea in a pot that I didn't plant last summer. I rarely watered it and considered it dead. I didn't put it away in the winter either. Then this spring I saw that it survived and was thriving! I couldn't believe it. So -- last week I finally planted it. If it can survive me, surely yours will survive the heat. :o)
Hi BJ!
Everything you touch turns instantly beautiful. Your porch is lovely and I would give anything to have that swing! What great memories a porch swing brings to mind!
You have made me so hungry. Those cookies look so good.
I just posted my porch party so you can come and sign up. I love all the red white and blue and I love that you got your Alaskan cruise in there too! I want to go on that cruise so badly.
I am SO glad you joined the party!
Hugs, Rhondi
So adorable! If I lived close by, I'd wanna come over and have tea.
Hi BJness! Oh, I just love your pretty porch! Now that swing! I just love it! The little snack you set up for me looks pretty tasty!!
Now, look at you all cruisy on your deck!! :) I can tell you're having a great time!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
BJ, what a great porch all dressed up for the summer. I am with you on the cruising thing. I love it especially the Alaskan cruise. That was our favorite.
Lovely porch and cruising, too! Have a wonderful week!
I so love your porch. Beautiful. You are making me hungry.
Did you see any whales on your cruise?
My son and his family are in
New Jersey at the beach,. Yesterday a whale came really close to the shore. He swam around for quite awhile. I am thrilled that my two granddaughters got to see that (4 and 7). My son said people were flocking to the beach to see it.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful porch.
So pretty. I love that big cup planter. I have spied them this year at Walmart, but I may just have to get one now that I see how pretty yours is!!!
Just beautiful, I love it so much.
Good job.
Your porch is lovely as well as your beautiful flowers. Lov ethe cute teacup planter. The balcony room on the ship is so cool, what a view!
I am loving that porch swing! Girl! And of course you know how much I love all of your red. WoooHooo!
I'm coming to your house, and we are gonna swing till we're dizzy. You get to cook, unless you want to eat what I'm serving on my balcony. You don't. Trust me! LOL!
Happy Porch Party...
Sheila :-)
Oh, I love the porch swing! ...and the snacks look delicious, too.
BJ, Your porch is nothing short of comfy and fantastic! I love the new swing- how "sweet" of the hubs to get it for you. Pretty flowers everywhere. I may have to try and find that ginormous teacup. Such fun...
lots hugs, Sue
BJ, I'll be in the porch swing, and you just may not get me to leave. I so miss not having a porch swing. When we put the windows and doors on our screened in porch, the swing was the one thing I had to give up. There's nothing like being in a swing!
Thanks for having us. The food looks delicious and all your flowers are beautiful. Great shot on the deck of the ship. ~ Sarah
HI BJ! I would love to come over for a visit and some Crystal light...looks yummy! I'd like to take a nap too in that porch swing!
Happy summer to you! Love your porch. What a great spot to relax.
I so love your wonderful porch and that swing you got~LOVE IT!! You made me feel like hopping on a plane and coming to have brunch on your porch :) Love your blow, so sweet!! ~ Laura
I agree with your comment about the flag. I love your patriotism. You have really nice photos.
questo post è senza fine....
fiori, dolci e drink....
Posso venire anch'io ?
Molto bello, colorato e dolce... credo che questo sia il mosaico più bello, creativo ed invitante visto da me, oggi !!!
Buona giornata.
Great porch swing!! Your porch is just the perfect place to laze away a summer afternoon, with maybe a little snack, loved the blue tray! Thanks for sharing.
Oh I just love your porch! It is so sweet :0)
I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the cruise! I've never been on one myself. Sounds like heaven on that blue water.
Fabulous posting! I agree, our Nations Flag is the most glorious sight on earth! Beautiful yard, keep cruising!! Marcia
Oh BJ, I've never gone on a cruise, but I sighed when I saw that picture of you with that GORGEOUS OCEAN view!
Happy Blue Monday.
Luv your porch...it's so charming! And I especially luv that porch with the perfect ocean view from your cruise. Stopping by from SOYCM.
I have always been in love with your porch swing! It is my favorite and I love the pillows.
All of your beautiful table displays are to die for! Have a blessed day dear BJ! HUGS!
Your outdoor spaces look so pretty! I am sure they will look just a great this year! love the porch swing, I always wanted one of those. Maybe someday! Your view from the ship looks like it was amazing, I'm glad you had such a wonderful time!
simply gorgeous,
Thank you for the show.
Hi1 I love your porch!
and I love your big flag and is so cute your metal flag!
It´s very cool!
That all looks so inviting! I love the big tea cup planter..too cute! And the porch swing, I would like one of those. (Sorry about your grandson..this trials bike that out SIL does in a skills type of this, no racing here but it still is amazing what he can do on big rocks!) :D
I love the porch swing and the pretty new tray and how sweet of you to fix lunch too!
Sorry BJ - I gorged myself on all the yummy food and now I am too tired to leave your porch. What a lovely setting. Your swing is calling me, too!
BJ- I just knew that your porch and back yard would be beautiful and welcoming! I love the porch swing~ I have one too, and it is just the best place to be.
Your flowers, and little vignettes are all so beautiful.
When are you going to invite me over for some iced tea?
Your porch is so cute and welcoming, and as usual, you are tempting me with yummy treats:>) I think I could get used to a porch like you had on your cruise...looking out on the beautiful blue water:>) Happy first day of summer friend!
BJ, I just love your porch. I could spend hours there! I loved the picture of you on the ship...
Just found your blog and have so much enjoyed reading many of your posts. I am relatively new to blogging and it's nice to find "grandmother bloggers" like me. Many are so young and just beginning their families and although I enjoy many of them, I really love those who are more in my age group! I still have so much to learn and my blog is definitely not yet up to the high standards of yours and many others. But I'm enjoying myself! Hope you'll come visit sometimes. Your porch is lovely. I enjoy ours so much but I haven't yet figured out how to link up for these types of parties. Maybe soon!
beautiful I love the look and feel of your porch thanks for inviting me
BJ, you look like a cruising natural. I can see why you would love it, and you deserve to be spoiled.
Your home always evokes a feeling of grace and welcome. Just like you.
I love it all.
Love your porch and just wanted to stop by and introduce myself as a newbie for Pink Saturday! You ladies are all so sweet and I'm so happy to be able to participate. Have a great week, fondly, Roberta
That FLAG....says it all...
and says it with pride!
such a lovely set of outdoor images :)
Hi BJ, Your porch and your home is lovely. Love your swing and I know you do too. Your photo from the cruise is so cute. I envy you, I too love to cruise. All is gorgeous and it all is new to me. Love your porch, etc.
The grands are in bed and I am next.
Love and hugs, Jeanne
I like BOTH porches! The one on land and the one on the water. Great post! ~Karen
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