HEY HEY HEY....I'M HOME....Gotta get rested up a bit and then...
P. H. O. T. O. S
of our Alaskan Cruise....

all kinds of the CUTEST things.
I had heard of her pottery but I've not had a catalog until now...


but I understand a lot of stores here in the U.S. sell her line.
I haven't searched them out yet.

I am so into BLACK and WHITE and WRITING right now that
I picked out some of MY favorites from her catalog...
like the above adorable COFFEE MUG !

There's ALL COLORS in her line of dishes and pottery...
even POLKA DOTS...

I feel knee-deep into love when I saw this darling TEA POT...
but, not bad compared to other lines such as

"OLD BAG" ??
...I'm offended...
OOPS....it's a JUTE shopping bag for sale in the catalog......and it's ADORABLE....
I'm probably going to HAVE to get one of these !!

Now, to be honest...
I have never USED an egg cup for an EGG.
(I need to do that one day)
Many times I use them for cute CANDLE HOLDERS....

and see all the beautiful things she has to offer...
and you can request a free catalog.
OOO....the blue and white vintage SUGAR and BUTTER...
Mr. Sweet bought those for me at a flea market about 45 years ago..
they remain MY FAVORITE crocks.....I just love them.
They were bought as a pair but they don't match...
Close enough for me, tho....
Never have liked things TOO matchy !!

Hi, everyone...I turned off comments while we were gone for the week...didn't want my mailbox to be totally flooded...:))
Hi...WELCOME HOME...these are pretty and the cookies look so good! I cannot wait to see pictures from your trip...have missed you! Come say hi :D
They really are beautiful. Happy blue MOnday.
Glad you are back home, safe and sound. I missed you, even though I enjoyed your posts, while you were gone. Looking forward to the pics!
Welcome home, sweet BJ. I know you must have lots to show and tell about your latest adventure out on the blue seas.
I love your crocks, and they are especially sweet since they are from Mr. Sweets, and because they hold delicious cookies.
I can't wait to see the pics from your cruise!
I really love your blue and white crocks, they are so charming!
Welcome home! I hope your trip was wonderful, although judging formt he photos in your header of your beautiful room and prvate balcony it couldn't fail to be a lovely trip:>)
What a fun little at home getaway for you! And cookies too! This sounds like just the little break everyone needs in their day!
I am going to take your lead and do the same thing this afternoon, but mine will be a new decorating book and a biscottti!
Can't wait to see pictures of your cruise. . .I love the picture of you and hubby, you are a 'stylin gal'! Hurry and get unpacked and rested so we can see and here all about your trip.
Oh, it's good to "see" you again!:) You n' Mr. Sweet have crossed my mind so often last week ... I can't wait to see your pictures and "hear" your impressions!
Love your new header photos and can't wait to see and hear about your cruise!!! Love this post too. The photographs are stunning. Who'd a thought cookies in a crock could be so pretty!
I am having a Starbucks giftcard giveaway - I know you life coffee so thought I'd let you know. Come on over and click on the Starbucks giftcards on my sidebar. http://foodasart-beth.blogspot.com
Hugs and blessings, Beth
Welcome back! Thanks for the info on the new catalogue. I will be checking that out for sure!
Your blue crocks are gorgeous, I'm with you-dosen't have to match to be perfect. The cookies look ymmmy. Happy Blue Monday.
Welcome home, BJ. I know you enjoyed your anniversary trip. I love your blue and white crocks and love that your Sweetie bought them for you so long ago. Happy Blue Monday.
BJ! Happy Anniversary!!! I'm so glad you had fun on your trip.
I love Emma Bridgewater. I got one of her bowls years ago in Scotland. It was a nursery rhyme bowl that said, "Pussycat, Pussycat where have you been? I've been up to London to visit the Queen!" And of course, it has a pussy cat and I think the queen's foot in the pic. It's in my Scottish cabinet. But yes, I love Emma!
Sheila :-)
Welcome Home BJ! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about your cruise! I have always wanted to go to Alaska!
Welcome home, my friend -
Can't wait to hear all about your cruise. Loved every single thing you showed us today - especially the cookies!
Hello sweet BJ,
Welcome home! These cookies look yummy, and I love the crocks. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your exciting trip!
Welcome home! I'll be eager to hear all about the cruise and see the photos.
Enjoyed this post. I need to get on the mailing list for this catalog. With all that black and white, yes indeed!
Have to say the blue and white crocks would be favorites here as well.
Wonderful post, BJ. But now I think I need to go downstairs for a cup of coffee and a brownie. No chocolate chips cookies in the house. :-)
Have a great day. ~ Sarah
Welcome home and can't wait to see pictures of your cruise :) The cookies look amazing and makes me want to go back right now! Love the things from Emma and have requested a catalog also. Thanks for sharing! ~ Hugs!
Welcome home!!!
Decompress and all that jazzzzz... We'll be here.
An excellent idea, to turn off all your comments, while you were away. Excellent idea.
Welcome home hugs...
Yummy cookies and beautiful dish. Like it!
Cake & Cupcakes
Welcome back, BJ! The pottery looks wonderful, but not as good as your cookies!
My sis from TX was here last week visiting and I told her all about you!
Oh BJ everything is so awesome, I will have to look up that company too! Of course the cookies were really calling shame you aren't close for a cup of tea. Debbie
The vintage sugar and butter jars are beautiful and make a wonderful pair, all the more so because they are not exactly the same! Happy Blue Monday <3
Welcome back. Let me just say that I was shocked and amazed in the happiest of ways when I opened this post....I have been looking for the name of these breakfast plates with the writing...I saw them on someones blog a few weeks ago and they had picked some up at a yard sale and didn't have any info. I wanted to try and track them down so I could find out how to on my own set. And here you are just spouting the answer out...bless you BJ!! I'm off to check out the site and order a catalog now.
Hi, Yummmmy! Great pictures and mosaics! Hope you have a lovely new week!
Yummy cookoes, they look delicious! Great photos and mosaic! Happy Blue Monday!
What great things, I am going to check that out!! I am excited to hear about your cruise. We are talking about doing that next year for our 25th wedding anniversary!! Loved your blue and white crocks, they are so sweet. Happy Blue Monday!!
Welcome Home BJ! I enjoyed your posts while you were gone..that was nice of you to do all that before you left! I ordered the catalog looks WONDERFUL. Looking forward to seeing pictures from your trip..have fun sorting through them and choosing your favorites to show us. Take care...Maura :)
Welcome home! I can't wait to hear all about the trip. I haven't heard of this catalog or the other one you mentioned...Jagmin? I thought I knew so much...now I have to investigate both! Love all the great pictures.
Wow what an Awesome Super Wonderful blog you have,,,I am so sure you're an even Awesomer woman and that you love the LORD too...Wow,,you'd be a great woman of God to get to know...
Thanks for sharing with us and welll, you just go girl !!!
Big Hugs from Iowa~~~Dena
Miss bj...
I prayed that your plane would'nt crash...your boat would'nt sink...
that you would have a wonderful time and terrific weather. So I need for you to stop with using the chocolate chip cookies for props...
you're killing me here.
Just kidding, kinda!!!!
glad you're home safe..
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