I am linking with: MARY for RUBY TUESDAY
COLE for TUESDAY AT THE TABLE ....(snack table, that is..:O)
While going through an olden trunk not too long ago...
While going through an olden trunk not too long ago...
I came across some beautiful love letters
It seems my little mama had saved these letters for all those years...
just an old rubber band someone had used to keep the letters together; maybe my mama...
I am so so glad she did...
I have a feeling AUNT BETTIE liked red...

Let's untie that ribbon and take a little peek...

The writing is so beautiful...
I could NEVER write that pretty...
Some of these precious letters.....almost a HUNDRED YEARS OLD....
In the precious bundle, I found vintage post cards...
and a 2 cent stamp...in red..

all so so pretty....


and did I say that she is the one I was named after ?
Just a different spelling ....she was BETTIE..
I am BETTY....
and I am thrilled to find this photo of her when she was young.
I remember her as always OLD....and always a sweet lady.

.she saved so many wonderful things...
black SILK hose..
black SILK hose..
complete 1900's magazines
beautiful glass bottle stoppers from HER daddy's saloon..
photos by the truck load....
This beloved couple were never blessed with children...
so most of their things were left to my mother and her sisters.
I fixed myself a nice, afternoon snack tray, lit a candle, got out my glasses....

and just day dreamed about their precious and long enduring LOVE.... *heavy sigh

BJ, Now this is the kind of stuff I call PRICELESS...How special to have these and to see the stamps from them days and how much they cost blew me away now a days you need a co-signer to send a letter ha ha!! wonderful post today as always my friend...and I thought your name was Barbara Jean...Fooled me...Hugs and smiles Dear friend...Gl♥ria
The postcards and letters are from the past, but their being here for us to see is that true love never grows old, never dies. The look of the past, of a wonderful couple is almost like they are still here.
You have descended from wonderful ancestors, their values and commitment have continued for generations. Nice post!
Oh, what a treasure you have in these letters. You are so lucky!
Hi Bj
What a precious treasure to have. I love that you put the red ribbon around them and know you'll continue ot cherish them.
Hugs, Rhondi
It is like a time machine, going into the past you could only dream about, otherwise. I enjoyed the beautiful penmanship and old postmarks. Thanks for sharing, BJ.
That was absolutely wonderful. You betcha .... huge sigh. Thanks for sharing those. Love, Jenn <><
PS - I got my 'winnings' from Liz (Brambleberry) today and posted about it. Mentioned you, cuz you won too and I'm anxious to see what you got (loved that wire basket w/terra cotta pots) and how you post about them.) My post will be up around midnight. :) Jenn <><
What a fabulous thing to have! Such a treasure. ;)
Ohhh, so sweet! I hope you got lost in enjoying them. I have my mom and dad's love letters and they are beyond precious to me. Your Bettie was so beautiful too..I am named after my great grandmother...it's all so wonderful isn't it, I can't wait to see them all again some day! :D
How nice for you to find these after so long. And to have a photo of your namesake even tops finding the letters!!
My Ruby Tuesday - Kachina Doll
Hope you're having a super day.
everything looks better with a red ribbon ... what a beautiful collection.
Love old letters, heck I love everything old:) Sweet letters and postcards! Have a blessed day dear BJ!
A really fascianting story behind these letters and so nice photos. Thanks for sharing:)
Happy tuesday
I love those letters so neat to have those! We have lots of old stuff, but no old letters! I bet my husbands Gram has some from years ago when her and her husband where dating and he was in the military....I may have to ask her about those!!~ I love how you tied the ribbon around them, so sweet!
Oh BJ, this is so fabulous!!!! I would love to have treasures like those letters from relatives long gone. How beautiful! And speaking of beautiful, Bettie was just that! Wow.
So, what were the letters like? Were they romantic?
Justine :o )
Beautiful memories!!!!
You are so lucky your family saved those. I am sure she would be happy that you are reading them and passing on some sweet family history. This is a wonderful post BJ!
How romantic! And how wonderful that you posess the love letters from your relatives.
I just love the flourish of the penmanship that our elders wrote with pen in hand!
Your music is so beautiful also. I felt I could sit along with you and reminice of days of ole when Bettie received the first post.
Ahhh... Love Is A Many Splendored Thing!
The stream and birds chirpping, lovely!
Can you tell me what the name of the cd yoou used for this?
very sweet!! Nothing like love letters.
Ah, BJ. What a wonderful love story. Thank you for sharing this with us.
I am just back to work this week. It had been so long since I felt like visiting anyone, and I missed everyone so much.
I loved this entry and especially the picture of Bettie...her face had so much character. Beautiful woman. :)
What a wonderful story; brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. Those were the good old day; nowadays this generation hae email to replace these treasures.
Poor them; thank you for sharing.
How very precious! I belong to our local historical society and some times read letters from that past and imagine the people but so precious that yours are family, people you knew.
romance lives!
ah, and i am not surprised it dwells here :)
What a wonderful thing to inherit, BJ! I would be so thrilled to find something like that. She would want you to enjoy them. She was a very beautiful young woman.
WOW! What a treasure BJ. I did a post about how post cards came to be on my ridingaside blog not too long ago. Did you know that Kodak used to sell a camera made just for post card photos?
BTW - last night my DH asked me "Do your blog friends still ask how I am doing?" ha ha ..
He completed his treatments in December ...but we have to wait until the end of March before we get the blood tests back to know for sure!
Oh, how nice that you have these! Taking a peek at the past--precious!
BJ, I got tingles thinking of the value of those written treasures. What a gift!
Oh.. how precious. You are a lucky lady to have all those wonderful momentos of your loving family.
So glad I dropped by today.
Also... I'm just letting all my followers (and you are one) know about my giveaway... nothing to do to enter.
You are already entered!
Just my way to say thanks!
Talk to you soon ;)
Bunny Jean
What a BEAUTIFUL legacy! And such beautiful plates, too.
I've kept all the letters & emails my now husband & I exchanged. We were "introduced" to each other while he was fighting in Iraq back in 2003 - the first wave.
Reading your post makes me want to go dig them all up & read through them again. But I think they may all be in storage back in Oklahoma.
Thanks again & much love from an overseas Army wife,
This is just the sweetest story ever, your Aunt Bettie would be so pleased to know you shared her love for her dear husband with all of us helpless romantics!
How wonderful to have possession of these treasured items, BJ. Your aunt was very pretty...Christine
thats a beautiful collection BJ :) the red ribbon is perfect for those treasured items!
u may view mine here
those are some old letters. I might have to get mine out of the trunk.
My Ruby Link for you
What a wonderful post! You really have a knack for weaving it all together beautifully! What a treasure you have there...a piece of history..so interesting..to think 100 yrs old..wow!
What a treasure! I have loads of love letters from my dear Earl, he wrote me every day while I was in college and he was working so we could get married. I don't know how I feel about keeping them for others to read when i am gone. There is something so precious about them to me. They are just so personal, I don't know if I can share them but I can't bring myself to destroy them!
What a great post. Those letters must be wonderful to read. Your aunt was beautiful as a young girl.
Thanks for posting.
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