BEFORE we get too far into this post...
A silly thing that I just felt like doing...
THIS photo above...has always been one of my favorite pictures...
...it was fun...playing around with some of the props that I have...
I love the texture the bricks give almost as much as the weathered wood in my INSPIRATION PICTURE...
O...and I got the burlap sack of coffee on my family cruise to....
JAMAICA..woo hoo ! and...I wanna go again !!
A POINTLESS POST...but it was fun!

don't let DUNKIN DONUT know but I am trying a new coffee this week...
!ARRIBA!..SUNRISE BLEND...a light roast....
I'll let ya know how I like it..a friend said it was "get down on your knees and CRAWL to it" good..!! NOW...that's pretty dang good.....we'll see !!
*NOTE ADDED... I just tried it.....IT'S GREAT!! :o)..
After I finished this post, I remembered this little antique coffee grinder that belonged to my mama..
SHE didn't use it...bought her ground coffee from the market. She probably got this at a sale somewhere. She loved THRIFTING, too...and SHE taught ME well !! :O)
Just found you today and boy are we kindred coffee spirits! I love my java too! Your photo is lovely and I enjoyed your post while I drank my hazelnut latte.
Sometimes...puttering is the best way to uncover brilliance...your play has allowed the inner you to be free...great imagery and I too love java :) and tea and cocoa
great post with joy!
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Girlfriend! A post that brings me this much pleasure IS NOT POINTLESS! Loved this yummy post in all of its beautiful decliciousness!
Oh there is nuttin like a good cup of Java!! I love Hazelnut cream...
Good grief girl with that water sound running you have going on here I almost wet my pants...Hey I'm old now girl and the bladder ain't the same anymore ha ha!! I think you did an awesome job with your photos girl...I have a terrible time with mine no matter where I do them ha ha!! Hope you have a great day my friend...Now pass me a cuppa...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Your photos are great and what wonderful mosaics you created. I am still learning. I love coffee, too.
Blue and white china, coffee and you can just smell the fun! I love just coffee. No flavors or decaf, just coffee! My favorite mug is also blue and white!
Ahhhh, my favorite coffee, Blue Mtn. and served in those blue/white cups, couldn't get any better!
I think there's water running out of my laptop! I often have my speakers turned off but didn't today ...wow...almost washed me away.. ha ha. Enjoyed what you called a post about nuthin ..thanks. Jenn <><
Girl...Your so cute...Coffee is a food group! This my dear was not a nothing post!
Coffee is COFFEE!
And your too hard on yourself about the photography...It's good.
I'll go with you on your return trip to Jamaica...Let me know when the coffee runs out, I'll start packin!
Thanks for posting my GIVEAWY...Your an angel...
xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
You look like you had so much fun planning this post so it's really "something"! I love coffee too-I haven't ground my own in some time now though-with evaporated milk and sugar of course!!
It is always fun to see what you post! I love that coffee grinder...so much cooler than my plug-in variety. Nothing smells better than freshly ground coffee beans...mmm!
Awesome for sure! I LOVE coffee but don't like to try new ones. I really should because I just might like a different taste. Love all your pictures even though some might be from somebody else:) Hugs dear BJ!
Why am I suddenly wanting a good cup of coffee, freshly ground and with real cream??????
Your post is so wonderful the way you put it all together and held our attention to the very end, you clever girl you.
Hello BJ ~I wanted to stop by to reconnect. I've had a few absences from my blog and have lost touch with some of my friends that I miss sooo.
Since winter landed on our doorstep...it provided me the motivation for some indoor fun with my camera too.
I wished our coffee was packaged in such cute bags. I'd have my out on display. Just think of the cute repurposed projects you could create with them.
It's wonderful how inspiring blog friends as yourself can be, that's why I love returning the gesture, by sharing cooking or DIY ideas too.
I hope you can stop by so we can reacquaint ourselves. .
Sweet wishes,
BJ, it is 6:23 pm as I'm reading this and my coffee pot just beeped to tell me it's ready. :) I have been reading a good book all day and coffee time passed me by. Never too late!
Your pictures are beautiful.
1: Your photo is actually better than the original!
2: I LOVE coffee
3: I have so much fun visiting you!
4: Someone asked me on my post about my family room rug, if I chose to ignore the 3-1 "rule" about arrangements on my mantel....I emailed them telling them I was a "rule breaker"....and thought of you and that wonderful pillow you sent me a while back.
Your photos are just wonderful. I can see you are a coffee lover. It is a beautiful post full of love for what you are doing; that's what it's all about.
Hi BJness! I like your post! Now I hate to tell you but I don't drink coffee! Never have. It smells so good but I just can't stand it! Don't hate me! But I'll drink my cup of tea with you any ole day!
I love your pretty pictures and that blue and white coffee holders are gorgeous!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Thanks for your sweet and wonderful comments--I am nothing without my morning java--my son just brought me some from Hawaii-yummy!
Your photos are every bit as gorgeous as your inspiration pics. Have you tried the Jamaican Blue coffee yet? I used to work in a mall across from a fancy coffee seller. The manager there was my friend and she made pots of various coffees for her customers to try every day. One day we decided she should make a sample of the incredibly expensive Jamaican blue coffee. We tried it and it was so strong we were jumping the rest of the day. Our hearts were beating faster, sweating, dizzy. Oh my! WAY too much caffiene for me! Of course, back then I didnt drink much coffee anyway so that could have something to do with it:>)
BJ, again a very delightful post! Your pictures are awesome and they are making me want to go and make myself a Latte' my friend! Your camera works just fine!
I just popped over from Mary's little red house Mosaic Monday meme and loved your coffee story & pix. Your old French coffee grinder is gorgeous too.
Happy MM
I love the pictures, but I dont love coffe
Mornin' BJ,
Yum! I can smell those beans from here. I don't know that I would make it through the day without my java :) I'm sipping my swiss chocolate almond, cheers!
Yumm... Not a silly post at all! I love my morning coffee. Best part of the day!
I've had my coffee, and I hope that you enjoy yours. Happy Blue Monday.
Hi BJ.... we're in the same spirit here... ;) and thanks, as usual, for participating in our "show off your cottage monday".... ;)
Yeah! Sure, bj! A real NOTHING post! Just plain genius is what I call it. Yes...perhaps you did get inspiration from the photo that belongs to (?) but then you got rolling and blew our socks off with your very OWN!!~! Now, darn it, why can't I do that!!?!
I was just given a gift of coffee from Columbia on Valentines Day. I must open it and try it! I am hooked on Folgers..but I need to get out of my rut and you have pushed me in that direction!
Thanks, my friend!
Have a wonderful day and a wonderful week.
Oh what a fun post. I enjoyed it. I loved seeing all your photos. I think they were great. Thanks for sharing.
Have a Blessed Day,
Fun post! I love coffee so I have extra appreciation for it. It inspired me to get up and grab a fresh cup. :)
I love your blue and white canisters!
I thoroughly enjoyed your "useless" post about coffee. It wasn't useless at all. Brought a smile to my face. I love my coffee in the morning.
Beautiful Pics !
BJ, great post as always. Gotta love coffee in your cottage.
BJ Do not sell yourself short because your photos and mosaics are just too fun and they came out delightful! Love the grinder, too. Glad you are having fun. hugs, Sue
Ok bj, now I am jonesing for a cup of coffee. Bill gave me a great big basket of all things good from Starbucks. Three kinds of coffee and mugs, a dozen other delicious teas, cookies etc. His Valentine gift to me. I just remembered it. I took a photo but where is that photo? LOL.
I think your photo is every bit as good as your inspiration, if not better. Your post with all your photos is the most fun. Love the burlap coffee bag. You were inspired and it is all lovely. Go coffee!!!
I'm gonna make a cup now so see ya tomorrow. Mmmmmm.
Love. Jeanne
A fun post! I wish coffee came in more decaf flavours - can't drink the real deal.
I think your photos are perfect!
God bless.
BJ, I love coming to your place just to see that little desk on the banner alone. And I want you to know that I picked up some of that Dunkin Donuts coffee at Walmart, (because you've talked about it) and it's pretty darned good. Maybe not get down on your knees and crawl to it good (never heard that one, have to use it on someone soon!) But still good!
Gasp! Blue Delftware! I love blue Delftware...it's a passion of mine.
Your pieces are wonderful. Happy Blues to you, Lady. (I just had me a cuppa about an hour ago.)
hey Bj! you did a great job! love all your versions of that photo! :)
u may view mine here
Great photos. It shows that you were having fun!
Excuse me? You don't think you have the skills and know-how to take a great picture? Go back and look at them! they're fabulous! And BJ, you could never write a boring post even if you tried.
I LOVE my coffee (although it doesn't particularly love me) so I thoroughly enjoyed this!
Justine :o )
You are amazing! How do you find all these meme's to take part in, or should I say in which to take part..:)
You have an endless supply of ideas!
And those are my pics...well, no they are not but if you don't know, I might as well take the glory! :)
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