WHAT wonderful suggestions I received on this little, tiny guest bedroom...
Some said I might turn the quilt back over a white spread...
I just pulled it back over a white sheet to see how I liked it...
yep...I like this look...A LOT...so I need to find a nice white spread .....
and new pillows...o, my goodness...money, money, money....*heavy sigh and rolling eyes..
and new pillows...o, my goodness...money, money, money....*heavy sigh and rolling eyes..
Some kind souls suggested more RED on the bed....this is a little TOO much for me, tho..
and maybe solid black pillow or two....
and some said a white throw would be nice at the foot...
Many lovelies thought I'd be happier with something a little larger on the wall above the headboard....

I'm trying a wreath here...but I do have some other ideas to try.
.....i am seeing black and white in my sleep.....is it because i've spent so much time in that black and white room ?....or.....should i have had only ONE of those glasses of wine ??
linking with MARY for RUBY TUESDAY
OH WOE IS ME .....
this decorating can get soooo tiring sometimes..
especially when operating on such a strict budget...*sigh
especially when operating on such a strict budget...*sigh

thanks to all for the great suggestions.. i appreciate them all.
the great thing about this color scheme....i can add different colors any time i want a change..
o, and guess what...I've just ran out of free photos....
now, I am going to have to PAY for them !!
sooo, i may not be posting photos for awhile...

The bedroom looks beautiful, BJ.
I like the different variations, but I would say that a little red helps a lot. Love the photos of the lab and the zebra!
My favorite is with adding the red pillow and red throw...the red just seems to make it complete.
BJ...What a beautiful quilt! You could use a matlassee, instead of a spread...that's what I have in my guest room and master bedroom. You can usually find them at TJMax very inexpensively...I think I paid $30 for the one on my bed. They were so inexpensive there, I bought two so I'd have a spare if I needed it. I've also seen them at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Looks like you have several good ideas there. I have no doubt it will turn out pretty and welcoming.
So...we have to pay when we get too many pictures? Seems like I saw someone else mention that.
You ran out of free photos? on blogger? I didn't know there was a limit. hmmmmmm
I love the little guest room with its welcoming black and white, and I think the yellow walls are perfect. How about a black and white check pillow with a white daisy, yellow center? I think I'll keep an eye out. . .
I can't believe how you tried all the combinations. I really like the 1 red pillow and red throw. It adds just enough for me. Of course it isn't my house, but it is still fun to "play" with ideas.
Hi BJ, I would take the glass of wine and sleep on it. LOL. It looks really nice to me.. I like the black and white. I do like the idea of folding the quilt at the bottom of the bed.
Speaking of beds, I am getting in mine. Good night and sweet dreams to you.
Love xoxo, Jeanne
What a darling guest room! The black and white is such a versatile combination. Love it!
Nice tweek! I need to do a little in my bedroom!
I love the one with the red pillow and red throw, for a warm wintery look, maybe for summer more white accents, actually I like all the looks and just change them around on a whim....thanks for sharing...
I like the more black and less red. I don't know why because I sure do love read, but for some reason the room looks more tranquil with the black and white. Of course, either way it is gorgeous.
I love the way you have it in the first photo. Clean, crisp yet welcoming. I like the wreath on the wall too. Beautiful, BJ!
Bj, It all looks good....just plain lovely room.
I saw the 'bedroom makeover' on the R T hub links and just HAD to stop by to view.
What a super wonderful job of work. Love all the black and white [I did our guest bathroom in black and gold and love it!] With the red accents....it all looks fabulous.
My R T is posted. Scroll down below my Tuesday's Heads or Tails...it's eerie. Also, there is a new trick or treat treat for you on my sidebar if you'd like to grab and run with it!! CLICK HERE
I'm liking the touches of red (surprise!) and I just noticed adorable XOX on the wall, I NEED some letters on my wall like that! And the "big bosoms" pillow! ROFL. I Love it! I have never seen that before and I swear I would buy one if I came across it:>) I love the wreath above the bed too. Don't fret BJ, it already looks beautiful in there and it doesn't have to be done all at once:>)
We were in the car 8 hours yesterday. Yes, 8, for a 2.5 hour drive from the lake!! Don't worry, it was all good!:-) Anyway....I didn't get to visit, when we got home...all I wanted was jammies and quilts, after supper!LOL
Anyhoo...I love what you are doing and wanted to suggest Dometications for a white spread or coverlet. www.domestications.com Have you visited there? I bought several very nice coverlets for about $30 any size, around 2 years ago. They also have sales, etc, so price could go lower. This might be an option for you.
Love how this room is coming together, BJ!
Oh no no, the red pillows and throw are not too much. They're perfect! I have to be honest though. I'm not digging the wreath, and I liked the sconces better when they were level with each other.
Justine :o )
Hey BJ! Well I must have been absent the day you were looking for suggestions, but I wouldn't change a thing! I love red,white and black as a color scheme. I have a white down comforter with a folded quilt at the foot - love it! So versatile and crisp. You don't need our help silly!
Hi BJness! I love the changes to your bedroom and love the pops of red! Love your bedroom and it looks wonderful.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Good morning dear BJ:-) I'm finally finding time to come visit...been a busy few days!! Make sure you come to my blog, you're there dressed up as a little faerie! hehe
I just love the various ways you can decorate your guestroom and I think that little bit of red adds to it. I'm still giggling at the "bosom" pillow! lol xoxo
I like all the looks. It would be hard to choose. Read your profile we use to call my grandmother memaw. Must be a southern thing. HRT
I too like the splashes of red thrown in. It's just a gorgeous room, I love all the things that you have done in there. Your visitors won't want to leave! :o)
I'm with Justine! Somehow the wreath just doesn't do anything for me and I think the sconces on each side of the sign looked better. I also like the quilt over the bed better because it brings out more of the black and white theme. Seems to me like the red pillow and red throw were all you needed to add to bring out a little color to go with the black and white. Of course these are just my ideas and you ALWAYS have much better ones. Besides, you're the one that lives there. Do what YOU like. Just don't stress over it.
Love you!
I love the black and white... great tweeking. I need a new spread I think I will go for the matlasse myself. It got chilly the other night so I need one.
Hi BJ,
Stop by my blog when you have a second. :-)
Good luck with your decisions BJ.
I love the bedroom. I like the black and white with touches of red. Very pretty.
Just as beautiful as you my Dear friend...I hope all is well on your side of the mountain today...sorry its taken me so long to visit...but girl this power company up here have been giving me fits...off and on now for 4 days...Don't they know they cut off my life line when they do that...Take care my dear friend...Have missed you...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
I love the red and black look...all is good though. I really love the quilt!
I love it all but especially with the red. I love the quilt. This is such a pretty guest room.
Lee Laurie
Hi BJ,
I love the room with the red touches; very attractive and cozy! The quilt is beautiful. Thanks for sharing and Happy Monday to you.
BJ, I like it in all of its incarnations! It's just a pretty room!
Sheila :-)
I do like the quilt folded at the end of the bed! For above the headboard what about finding a narrow and long cabinet door painting it black or red and stenciling or making letters large enough with copy machine or computer for a saying- tracing and painting it on the door- Maybe Sweet Dreams- Always Kiss me Goodnight- something like that. We have a habitat for humanity restore that always has tons of cabinet doors and sell for 2-4 dollars each.
Your guest bedroom looks beautiful. The colors are just great.
your bed looks so comfy.. feel like jumping on it.. and dozed off.. hehehehe.. soooo warm & cozy.. really!
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