Due to being out of FREE PHOTO STORAGE,
I am reaching back for some drafts I've had ready to schedule posting....
also, since I can't upload photos until I start PAYING for them, I am unable to
add something PINK to observe BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH.
Please remember to get a mammogram and do self exams each month...

One morning as I was standing in front of the kitchen window, I noticed a movement in my front yard.
On closer inspection, I was surprised to see this
YOUNG WILD TURKEY strutting his stuff around the yard...
At first, it scared me....I am SUCH a titty baby, but then I realized it wasn't exactly a wild animal or anything..
At first, it scared me....I am SUCH a titty baby, but then I realized it wasn't exactly a wild animal or anything..


It's all concrete over there so there's not going to be a lot of food for him...
I'm sure he'll move on pretty quickly...
We, of course, have no idea where he belongs..someone near must be raising him and...
he escaped..
NOTE...* the glare you see is to block out the address..which is pretty goofy since I have my city on my blog AND my full name so...how hard would it be to use a PHONE BOOK for an address...and besides all that....
NOTE...* the glare you see is to block out the address..which is pretty goofy since I have my city on my blog AND my full name so...how hard would it be to use a PHONE BOOK for an address...and besides all that....
why would anyone MEAN want to find ME !!!! If I were a robber, I would sure pick someone with MONEY...
and if I were a raper, I don't think I'd want a 71 almost 72 year old !!! :O)

A lot of you have wild critters around your home but here, smack dab in the middle of a city,
it is very unusual to see something like this in one's front yard....
unusual enough to BLOG about !! :O)
my compose window seems to be acting up...my font size will not operate in the LARGER font size..and I can no longer drag photos nor PASTE something I have copied. Anyone else experiencing this ?? This has just been a mean week for me so far...but tomorrow is a day with friends so it's gotta get better! :O)
That would scare me for a moment too. In our last town we had a deer in our yard, in the middle of town. It stayed in the neighborhood for a few days and then found the way home.
Evening BJ,
I've never seen such a thing! I think I would be afraid of it too! LOL!
Hi BJness! Oh, look at that little booger! He seem quite at home, doesn't he?
I'm not having any problems blogging - yet!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
NOW I know why you'd like $1.00 donations for your magnificent dancing!!! tee hee Burns you up that you gotta pay for more space... You gotta dance for your supper, now, BJ...LOL
hugs, Sue
He (or she) may not be quite so brave the closer it gets to Thanksgiving...
Oh, he is a cutie, but given the time of year, I think he better hide!!
We have escapees from the farms up in Michigan all the time. These boogers, as Shelia calls them, are of course over 20 lbs and MEAN. You do not go near them. That is what the zoom is for on the camera!! lol!!
Sorry you are having trouble with your blog. Things always have a way of working themselves out, so have fun tomorrow with your friends. I am still stranded in Vegas, avoiding the casino and the money eating slots...
Well... I will have to learn what to do when I run out of space, too! Not there yet but someday:) Wild turkey in the front yard? are you kidding me? Have a blessed day!
Hi friend! It's always exciting to see critters running around. We had 8 turkeys walk in front of us a couple of weeks ago. My dad was here and he was so excited to see them. There's always something around us though.
I'm not sure about the blog problem. I have had ZERO inspiration for posting this week. It has been raining for a week and there has been no sunshine. I just want to sleep. Usually those blogger problems correct themselves, it seems.
Wow! Look how big he is! I wonder if he is someones Thanksgiving dinner to be?
Hi BJ, I have lived in fairly rural areas of Michigan most of my life and until the last 10 years had never seen a wild turkey. Now I see them all the time. I believe there has been a surge in the population all over the country. There is probably not someone raising it. We now live in a very suburban area and we have them in the backyard pretty regularly. Maybe Mr. Sweet can trap it, Thanksgiving is next month:>) lol (Just kidding)
Hey, I meant to suggest, why not just start another blog? Call it Sweet Nothings 2 on blogger and continue as usual. You could just transfer your backgrounds and things over and keep posting those pretty pictures! Lots of bloggers have switched venues and we all go right along with them:>)
Good morning BJ. A turkey surprise. It sounds like a recipe. LOL. Alas a poor fellow has wondered away from somewhere. The photos are great Mr. Sweet. We have wild turkeys in our yard every day. Also deer, raccoons, coyotes, foxes, ground hogs, squirrels, sometimes snakes,(harmless) skunks and lots of birds. Oops I forgot bears. Not everyday and all at once, thank the good Lord. We live beside a wildlife preserve and love the location. Living here you gotta love the great outdoors.
How awful to have your blog site act up. I would be beside myself. Typepad just updated their site and it is causing me enough stress. Centering anything is now a major job. Every photo and every line I type has to be centered individually. Every morning when my post comes up it means at least six corrections to center everything. sigh. And they think that's an improvement???
I hope you have fun with your friends. Knowing you, I know you will.
Hugs xoxo, Jeanne
When we lived in Chattanooga, I saw a Turkey hen and her offspring in our yard. Told hubby, of course he didn't believe me. The next time they showed up, I got a picture. Then finally, the day game when he saw them himself.
There were woods somewhere nearby so we figured they were wild. Yours may be too.
Mama Bear
Nope, can't say I've ever had a wild turkey in my yard! lol He'd better be careful or someone will have him for Thanksgiving...poor little thing! hehe We've had black bears, foxes, raccoons, etc, but the only wild turkeys I've seen are on big open fields. xoxo
I have heard of turkeys being in our neighborhood, but never was seen in anyone's yard. No doubt, he knew where he could find a good home.
Mr. Tom is not worried because it's October, so he has time.
Girl I only wish my yard critters were turkeys...I have bear problems in my back yard and its not just one bear! These are black bears. The largest we ever saw was about 4ft high and that was on all 4 legs! I gander to say he was at least 400lbs or more. He came within 20ft of my backdoor. So by all means be thankful its just a "booger" turkey! hahaha.
Turkeys can be mean, I have seen the newscasters attacked before. I have to admit it was pretty funny.
With the new blogger editor I can't make it stay on the font I choose and have to keep going back and changing it.
You can go into your settings and choose to use the old editor instead of the quirky new one.
Wow.....now that's something you don't see everyday:)
Ooh, I would love it if a wild turkey showed up in my yard! How cool! But do you realize you said you're a titty baby? Was that a typo???? heeheeheeeeeee
And no way are you nearly 72. Holy cow woman, you look fabulous!
Justine :o )
Loved the photos you retrieved to share with us today. That turkey will be considerably more tense a couple of weeks from now. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
I have never seen a wild turkey before so thank you for sharing the photo's with us.
God bless.
If a box of stuffing and some cranberries appear next.... you know somethings up!;0)
Karla & Karrie
I like your method of blocking your address!
BJ...I came by to apologize for any inconvenience you've had with the london/need funds e-mail you may have received. I've lost every contact in the book at the back porch musings e-mail address! They are sending these silly nasty scam e-mails to everyone in the book I do not even know who all was in there. Anyhoo, I am no longer using that address and I've changed my password. Of course, you know I would not ask you to send money to me in London! But I just wanted to tell you, if you get a message from that yahoo account, it's ain't me!
Oh my! I'm here getting caught up on blog reading, finally! Happy Thursday!
Thanksgiving dinner! yum! we had some turkey's a few weeks ago, but I didn't have my camera ready. Darn it. Thanks for sharing!
Hi BJ !
I love your turkey shots...I mean pictures. We don't have many wild turkey close to the mountains....my hubby goes to Kanasas in the spring to hunt them. This guy was very lean - I mean beautiful looking, LOL !
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