MICHAEL LEE over at DESIGNS BY GOLLUMis once again hosting this most YUMMY day of the week...
Please go over and say hello and take a peek at all the other delicious foods....
and THANKS for coming by to see me....
I am so hung up on blueberries right now since they are in season and so good. I was hungry and wanted nothing but BLUEBERRY BUTTERMILK PECAN WAFFLES for supper one night...
Do YOU ever have Breakfast for Supper ?
I just love it.....but then....breakfast IS my favorite meal.
MR. SWEET had to spend the night at the hospital doing a SLEEP TEST...
He'll be home in the morning... hence "supper for one".... IN FRONT of the tv on the coffee table...
I made a blueberry syrup... just a simple sugar syrup with blueberries added... once the berries become soft, mash them a bit for the flavor..... and I didn't take my blueberries out.
I don't care much for syrup but, O BOY......this was so good...not TOO sweet but sweet enuf... and the flavor of the fresh blueberries was so strong and so delicious.

I did make enough for MR. SWEET to have when he comes home... he will be ready for a good breakfast, I'm thinkin'. Gosh, I'd hate to try to sleep knowing someone was watching me all night long...
but he didn't seem to care that much. He's been needing to do this for a long time and the kids and I are glad he finally decided to do it.... may save his blessed ole life, too !!
Of course, I had to have my bacon and strawberries.... we do eat a lot of strawberries...and will as long as they are in season and taste as good as these...I hope I never, EVAH develope an allergy to them!! :(

Do YOU ever have Breakfast for Supper ?
I just love it.....but then....breakfast IS my favorite meal.
MR. SWEET had to spend the night at the hospital doing a SLEEP TEST...
He'll be home in the morning... hence "supper for one".... IN FRONT of the tv on the coffee table...

I don't care much for syrup but, O BOY......this was so good...not TOO sweet but sweet enuf... and the flavor of the fresh blueberries was so strong and so delicious.

I did make enough for MR. SWEET to have when he comes home... he will be ready for a good breakfast, I'm thinkin'. Gosh, I'd hate to try to sleep knowing someone was watching me all night long...
but he didn't seem to care that much. He's been needing to do this for a long time and the kids and I are glad he finally decided to do it.... may save his blessed ole life, too !!

I'm praying my man will do okay tonight....
he did take his own pillow....;>)
**NOTE....He did just fine ..has to have a little machine that keeps him breathing while he sleeps...
IF YOUR hubby snores a lot, he may need to be checked for Sleep Apnea.
The Greek word "apnea" literally means 'without breath' . It is very common and when left untreated, can cause high blood pressure and many other conditions.
If he does have it, this little machine will help him breath through the night.....
BLUEBERRY WAFFLES will make him smile, big time, any time of the day or night!! :O)
BJ, your breakfast supper looks yummy. We love to have waffles or pancakes for supper. Actually hubby and I love it. The boys don't!
I'm glad your husband is doing the sleep study. I know several people that sleep with the machines. They say it makes an immediate difference in how they sleep and feel.
Thank you so much for the info on sleep apnea...we have a fiend who has it and caught it in time. It is a serious problem...
You are a good cookie, making yourself a SWEET supper!! YES!! Indulge!!
OMG, BJ, that looks soooooooo decadent and delicious!
Girl, I know first-hand about sleep apnea. I had a sleep study done almost a year ago (geez, you should read my blog posts on THAT) and I have a horrible case of it. I stopped breathing (and they consider "stopped breathing as 10 seconds or more, I believe) ONE HUNDRED AND ONE TIMES PER HOUR. Yes, you read that right.
How often did hubby stop breathing?
I don't know what kind of mask he's chosen but let him know from the get-go that it takes a LONG time to get used to whichever one it is. I use the nasal pillows (I call them snausages and don't know why) and for TWO MONTHS my nose hurt from them. I'm talking a pain like a headache in my nose. I'm still thinking maybe I should switch over to this mask my brother has that just covers his nose, no other part of his face. The snausages are always wiggling loose and stuff, so I may still be breathing, but I'm constantly waking up to adjust them!
Okayyyyyyyyyyyy... wrote a book here. Sorry!
Justine :o )
Don't know anything about this sleeptest but I hope it helps you and your husband and wish him all the best.
The waffles thats an other kettle of fish. They look super yummie. I must try this. We somethimes also make pancakes for supper but never waffles.Have to freese some blueberry's once they are in the shops here in Belgium.
Hey BJ, First of all... DElicious breakfast for supper and no I never do that! I used to but haven't in a long time, you made me want to have it again:) Now for the sleep apnea, my husband went a year ago and has it too. He sleeps with the machine EVERY night. Hope Mr. Sweet does ok with it. My Honey is doing just fine with it! We have to take care of our men:)
We love breakfast for supper! Don't do it often enough to suit some folk, lol....those pancakes look superlatively fantastically dreamily yummy! Hope you shared!
Those waffles look so good BJ! With bacon I would be in hog heaven:>) I love breakfast for dinner, havent done it in a long time. I'm glad Mr. Sweet is fine. I doubt I could get to sleep at if I thought someone was watching me!
I'm so glad that Mr. SweetNothings is fine with the breathing machine. Now he matches Regis Philbin!
Yes, I sometimes eat breakfast for dinner, but I don't think I've evah had anything that good--even for dessert!
Oh girl that looks amazing no matter when it is served.
We love breakfast at night here. Maybe it's a Southern Thang =)
I hope your lil Mr. Sweet Nothings is doing ok.....and that all goes fine...and blueberry nut pancakes...I swear girlfriend..I'm checking in over at your place....YUM YUM YUM......pass the syrup please!
Your blueberry waffles look yummy! Glad to hear MR Sweet Nothings is going to sleep so much better now! My brotherinlaw has one of those machines and it works so good!
GM BJ, another yummy meal on your table. I'll be right there. Well, maybe not, I'll just get a frozen waffle out of the freezer. Don't pass out at the thought of that. :) So glad to hear that hubby decided to get that test done. My baby daughter, in her early thirties had that test, it was pretty bad, but she won't wear the mask at night. sigh~~~~
Love Ya,
I'm glad your fella is okay. You're such a good wife, and you take very good care of him.
It does look good, and I admire you for cooking for yourself. If Bob happens to be gone, I don't cook. Nice, though, that you have yummy waffles to welcome him home in the a.m. Have a great weekend. Sally
Looks so yummie! Yes ~ I adore breakfast for dinner ~ it's something my folks would do once in a while and I've continued to do so since I set up my own household (many) years ago. :)
I hope hubby's test revealed helpful information.
Now I'm going to be thinking of blueberry waffles (and bacon) all day! xo
I'm glad that all went well for your husband. Your breakfast for dinner is luring me back to the kitchen. Your pancakes are to die for. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
Oh my stars! That looks fabulous. Would have loved to join you for those waffles!
Mmmmmm BJ, how do you stay so thin? I don't allow myself to splurge on food like that. LOL. I would b a barrel if I did. I am always on the brink of being diabetic so goodies like that are not for me. I guess that's why your wonderful treats just make me drool. I finally have my sugar down to a good level and I aim to keep it that way. Two of my sisters are type 2 diabetics and several aunts, cousins etc. It scares me.
I am glad Mr. Sweet found out about his sleep apnea. It is a serious thing. So many people will not get the test. You rock Mr. Sweet. BIG smile.
Love your beautiful food BJ and I bet so does Mr. Sweet.
Hugs xoxo...Jeanne
Great idea about the Mr. Linky Elvis post. I will add that to it today if you will help spread the word:) Can I come for breakfast????
Hi BJness! First I'm glad Mr. Sweets had the sleep test and the machine can help him get some sleep. My son has to sleep with that ole machine too.
Now breakfast for supper has always been one of my favorites too. Man, those blueberry pancakes looks fabulous! YUMMY! If I weren't out traveling, I'd have to come over for blueberry pupcakes (my kids called pancakes pupcakes when they were little, we still call them that!)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
So glad everything went well for your hubby.
We love breakfast for supper at our house, usually grits and eggs with biscuits. You waffles look wonderful, I just bought some more blueberries yesterday, so I might just whipped some of these up.
Have a great weekend!
Wow, a pancake breakfast by myself. I can only dream!
Sometime I too, have breakfast for supper. Your supper looks great, makes me want waffles, especially blueberry waffles.
looks yummy! I'll be right over! LOL
i'm off to vacation early next week... so see ya when I get back!
This is Jacob's kind of supper! He'll eat waffles any old time. Especially with Blueberry syrup on top! Hopefully, you'll all get a good night's sleep around there. I had a sleep study done and it wasn't easy. I don't think I slept a wink that whole night - even though they gave me a sedative about 3 AM. ~ Robyn
Love breakfast for supper! Save me a pancake girl ! LOL .
Oh yum yum yum! These look absolutely delicious! I too am loving that fruit is in season right now and my fridge is full of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, fresh peaches, apples, grapes, and even watermelon. I just can't get enough of the fruit!
Glad your hubby had the sleep test done. I hade one done years ago and it was the easiest test I have ever had. Thankfully, I did not have sleep apnea, I was just sleep deprived!
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