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Friday, July 3, 2009


THE HAPPIEST 4TH OF JULY to all my family and friends....
for this fabulous PINK SATURDAY.
It has become such a part of our every week and
we all look forward to sharing our love of
the land that I love......


A simple table setting for a

MR. SWEET had an early appointment and MOI slept in !!
When I DID manage to drag my lazy self out of bed..
I was so hungry I couldn't get breakfast ready
quick enough...
As Mr. Sweet sometimes says...
"I'm so hungry, I could eat the North end of a bear going South!!"
***********heehee.. whoa...that's pretty hungry !!

I'm pretty sure ya'll are getting tired of seeing all my same dishes...
black, white, red, polka dot, stripes....Social Security doesn't like paying for ANY thing new!!
....and my same ole favorite meal of the entire day....
This morning...I made my hungry self
buttermilk pecan waffles..
topped with homemade strawberry preserves ...
and my favorite meat in the whole universe...
crispy bacon...
(and, I am beholden to SS for paying for my bacon!! :O)
o, yes...if I had to choose only one meat to eat for the rest of my entire life..
it would be.....bacon ! !!
......with Dunkin Donut sweet coffee..
Happy 4th of July...
i love you all....


Unknown said...

Happy Pink 4th of July to you BJ! I never get tired of your lovely dishes! Your breakfast looks so yummy!

Wishing you a safe and happy 4th!


KarenB said...

Oh my gosh, I wish I could've eaten breakfast with you. It looks so good! Thanks for leaving such a sweet post. I have a few followers, I think they just use the link on the top right. It may not be set up right. I'd love to have you visit again.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Happy 4th of July!!
(Those waffles look yummy :)

Tara said...

The breakfast looks delicious! Happy Pink,Red,White and Blue to you today. I hope it's full of many blessings!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hi BJ! Happy 4th of July!
Loved your post. Your breakfast looks GREAT to me. Yummy! I'd love to have you visit my post and sign up to follow. I added my name to your list, as I so enjoyed visiting. "Country Hugs", Sherry

Anonymous said...

YUm yum yum . . . I'm hungry LoL I think it's nice, to have a wonderful plate setting even if it's just you who's gonna eat. This is just one of the simple pleasures in life that we should do :-)Treat oneself one's in a while :-) Love bacon too :-)

Happy Pink Saturday!

ItaJeff said...

Happy 4th July & enjoy your Pink Saturday..

Lots of luv,

Shaam said...

What a sweet breakfast tablescape :) Looks so good!

All the best,

Regina said...

Happy 4th of July. Cheers.
Lovely post as always.
Enjoy your weekend BJ.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...


Beverly said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Fourth of July, BJ. I love celebrating our glorious country, but July 4 is kind of a hard day for me because my father died on this date.

Your breakfast looks delish - and so pretty. I think if I could only have one meat, it would be scallops. Can that count as a meat?

Aunt Julie said...

Yummy...Hope you have a Happy 4th! Stopping by from SITS to Share the Comment Love.

SmilingSally said...

What a super breakfast. You are spoiling yourself. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink 4th of July Saturday.

LADY JANE said...

Happy...Red...White...Blue...polka dot...and PINK to you!
BJ...I for one will NEVER tire of your Dishes! And hey...put on more bacon...I'm on my way! Hugs my friend!

Stacey said...

BJ, I never get tired of seeing your home. It's beautiful and welcoming.

stefanie said...

mmmmmmm, happy pink saturday and 4th of july!!!

Dawn said...

I'm not much of a breakfast person but boy does yours look good! I think every breakfast should have something fruity!! I love bacon too. I wish I could eat it every day. I'm actually frying some up as I type this to add to my potato salad later!

Enjoy your fourth!

take care,

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi BJ,
What a yummy looking breakfast! Your dishes are so pretty and fun. Thanks for sharing dear lady, and Happy Pink Saturday to you. Happy 4th of July too!


Ivy Lane said...

now THAT'S the way to start off the day!!! Happy PINK Saturday and Fourth of July!!!

KayEllen said...

Happy 4th!!Beautiful Post!

God Bless America!!Breakfast looks yummy!!

Happy Pink Saturday!Stop by for a stroll around Balboa Island:)


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Happy Pink Saturday Fourth! :-)

As always, I'm in love with your dishes, and the pink flower is the perfect touch!


Sheila :-)

caren said...

Wish you had of called me - I would have been right over for breakfast! LOL Also, love your polka dotted dishes. Happy PS and 4th of July!

Salmagundi said...

We love bacon around here, too. It must be our generation growing up on it for breakfast. That was the prettiest breakfast plate of yumminess I've seen. Happy 4th. Sally

Claudia said...

How very lovely! Happiest of 4th and thanks for the inspiration

Your breakfast is totally mesmerizing. *sigh*... my Eggo waffle is not going to cut it-- is it? But i have to 100% agree with you... Im a bacon fan too.

TTFN~~Claudia ♥

Mary Bergfeld said...

That looks like a great holiday breakfast. Have a wonderful holiday.

Carole Burant said...

Happy 4th of July to you and yours, dear BJ:-) I do hope you have a wonderful day full of celebration!! You're my kind of gal...I absolutely love bacon as well! lol You had a much better breakfast than I did, I grabbed a plain donut and a coffee! hehe I never get tired of seeing your black and white dishes, they're so beautiful, just like you:-) xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi BJ,

Wishing you and yours a safe and happy 4th! .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie
The Artful Paper Doll

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Happy Independence Day and Yummm that waffle looks delicious!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy 4th... What a yummy post... may have this for lunch in a bit..
hugs ~lynne~

Judi said...

Happy 4th of July!!
This is a lovely post with the flags and colours...your pink roses are beautiful and love your rooster.
have a wonderful weekend

The Redhead Riter said...

Visiting from SITS. Happy 4th of July!

Susie Jefferson said...

What a lovely table - everything looks too nice to eat.

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy 4th July (being from the UK, I hadn't realised it was Independence Day...).

Printersdevil said...

I love those dishes and won't get tired of them. I add to my dishes from GW and thrift stores. Nice pink post.

Stop by and visit my month long blog Christmas in July Tablescape Party at
Click on the meme in the sidebar for details. I am also having a giveaway on the 25th with a participant or poster winning a holiday tablecloth.

Theresa said...

Love your swing with the flag flying and thanks for adding that special music! Happy 4th of July to you! Love to all!

Cottage Rose said...

Hey BJ; Happy Pink 4th of July Saturday..... You know BJ dear friend I would never tire of your lovely dishes, and your breakfast looks so so sooooooooo yummy... so when can I come for breakfast?????? I will go and pack now..... lol I hope you know I am not kidding,,, ummm kidding.. hehehehe I love my bacon very crisp,,, my grand son loves it as much as you do....
Have a great weekend...


Claudia said...

Oh, that looks tasty! Happy Pink Saturday, BJ!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Happy 4th of July, bj! I love your post today! Just beautiful and your home looks so patriotic!
You are precious!

Gossamer Creations said...

I love your black and white dishes...I wish I had some. Your breakfast looks yummy. I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July and Happy Pink Saturday.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy 4th July & PS! love your table setting.. and the pancakes.. yum!!!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy 4th July & PS! love your table setting.. and the waffles.. yum!!!

Kathleen Grace said...

I hope your 4th of July was wonderful BJ! Oh my...buttermilk pecan waffles and strawberry jam! If you don't quit showing me all your good cookin' I'm going to hop a plane for Texas and be banging on your door!

Sonia said...

Love your porch swing-it looks so inviting for the Fourth!! Your table is beautiful with the pink rose napkin rings and scrumptous looking breakfast. Hope your Fourth was wonderful!! Miss Bloomers/Sonia

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi darlin'!

You know how to make a girl HUNGRY!
Your food presentation is gorgeous!!

I love those blue & white plates of yours!! They are so beautiful. Are you a dishaholic?? Me thinks so.

Hope your 4th was grand. I have to go fix some breakfast now...

Hugs, sherry

Julie D said...

Happy 4th! (Sorry I'm late!!!!)

Elle Jay Bee said...

Happy Fourth, BJ!! I'm with you on the bacon! That breakfast looks so good I could reach out through my computer screen!! Problem is, there is no bacon in my fridge!! Guess I'll just have to drool over your pretty pictures!!

Take care,

Eclectic Chic Style said...

I never tire of looking at your pretty dishes and your gorgeous tablescapes!!! Ummm, what time is breakfast next Saturday, I'll be sure to get an early start, and can we eat on your lovely inviting porch too? YUMMY!! That looks delicious!!! Hope you're enjoying your weekend in spite of our sweltering heat. whew!!
♥ Teresa

Andi said...

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy 4th of July BJ! I'm coming for breakfast at your does that look good!

Love your sassy little self sitting in your porch swing...cute picture.

Hugs, Andi

fairiemoon said...

OOOOooooo! Yummy!

Happy Fourth of July and Pink Saturday, both of them!!!

Erin :)

dana said...

Your porch swing looks so wonderful framed in our flag--great photo, BJ!!

OOOOHHHHHH- I do love your happy polka dot dishes!! I've had the same set of white Corelle since 1973---I've replaced a few pieces and added a few sizes, but I still love them!! Now my son and DIL have some of their very own even though they received all sorts of fancy schmancy dishes for wedding gifts. You can't beat white dishes--unless you mix in some with black polka dots!!! :) Your breakfast looks yummy--and I LOVE bacon, too!

Hope your Pink Sat. and 4th were wonderful---hope you enjoyed the parade you attended with your grands!!! We did! L, Dana

Life on the Edge said...

I hear you on not being able to buy new stuff. That's why I love to thrift, but I've had to cut back on that too. I will be so glad when I am finally working full time again, but will still have to budget very carefully as I won't be making near as much money as I did at my old job.

I don't ever get tired of seeing you reuse your beautiful dishes in new ways! It's always a pleasure to come visit your blog.


Char said...

Oh, I want to come over and have breakfast. It looks soooo good. Your post was so worth the wait, sorry to be so late, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Deanna said...

Oh girl, you said bacon and my whole mouth started watering! Oh my stars and know what this West Texas gal loves to eat for breakfast!

Your dishes are just fine, you always give us a fresh view of them and I for one love black and white dishware!

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D