

this little container is attached to the plate beneath it...
what in the world is it to be used for ? There are two
of them in this vintage set I bought at THE estate sale of the century!
I just filled a smaller bowl with the fruit and placed it inside the larger one...

Buttermilk Waffles
(I always add a capful of VANILLA to the batter)
Crisp Bacon
Red Plum Jam
(i don't like syrup on my waffles...go figure)
Cranberry-Apple Juice
and the infamous DUNKIN DONUT coffee !

i am ashamed to admit that i had FORGOTTEN how nice
it is to drink my coffee from a CUP with a saucer...
i, like most, have been drinking from a MUG.
I LUV using a cup and saucer...
especially when i can thumb thru my SOUTHERN LIVING..
I love this magazine and as part of my Mother's Day gift...
a wonderful year's subscription....
THANK YOU, MR. SWEET !!! *kiss kiss kiss
THANKS for coming by today....sure do hope you will come back !!
the following is an EMAIL about my pretty new, old dishes....
BJ, Hi! I sure hope you don't mind this email from out of the blue. I had to try to let you know a little about your new Metlox "Antiqua" pattern dishes.
THey actually were used on the set of "Dallas" as the Ewing's breakfast china!!! (woo hoo..they are stars)bj
This is also the pattern DH & I choose as our everyday dishes when we wed in 1972. It was a very popular pattern at the time.
I'm sure you've checked them out at replacements.com, you got a very good bargain on some highly collectible pottery. Your tablescape was charming.
I don't have a blog myself, but just found TT last week & am addicted already. Now I find I have a 'dish cousin' in TX ; )
my thanks to Cindee...I had no idea but after checking at Replacements.com, as she
suggested, I was blown away at the prices of MY dishes...
So, getting a service for 10, plus all the extra serving bowls, sugar/cream/salt....
for $48.00 was, INDEED, a nice bargin.....
and we gals DO LOVE A BARGIN....
PLUS...I totally love the dishes !
*P.S. UPDATE... i have the mean, ole virus bug that has been traveling around our town..and ...i am so sick.....bwaaaaaa..
What a lovely setting for brunch bj! The food is making my mouth water even though I've had dinner already! Happy TT to you...
What a lovely table and a delicious looking brunch. Makes a person happy to be a mother. Enjoy your day.
OMG BJ< Girl I hope you get rid of the bug soon not fun being sick...now your table is just awesome my friend...and YES you did great on the dishes...Love your bruch it was so YUMMY looking ...also love your new hat on your blog my friend...get some rest...will pray for you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Your dishes are beautiful, as the brunch! I would have love to have a brunch! Feel better soon! I vanilla in anything!lol
oh what beautiful photos .
Of course the dishes and linens and food didn't hurt a bit.
I certainly enjoyed your bruch
and I didn't gain a single pound :)
Blessings to you.
Sorry to hear that you are sick, BJ. Hope you feel better soon. Sick or not, you create a beautiful tablescaoe. Love the creamy embossed dishes!...Christine
I'm so sorry you are sick, bj! I hope you are better soon...don't cry..no no..don't cry! I can't stand it when you cry!! Are you crying? No? Oh..good! I hate it when you cry like that! It just tears me to pieces...and.... Anyway...you know I really am sorry you're sick! :) Get well soon!
Your tablescape is gorgeous! I love it. Your dishes are just precious! However...I'm sorry..but the waffle...is so...delicious looking that it ALMOST out shines your dishes...but not quite!
the whole tablescape is just lovely!
I love you, sweet bj! Have a nice Friday!
BJ, it's 11pm when I'm reading this and now I'm dying for some Dunkin' Donuts coffee! Your table is gorgeous as always. It's so neat that you ended up with dishes that you love and they are valuable as a bonus.
I'm sorry you don't feel good. There are some nasty germs going around.
Aww...I am sorry you caught that nasty bug. Hope you feel better, real soon.
Awww, feel better soon, dear bj! LOVE your Mother's Day Brunch. You know I'm a sucker for creamwaare, and yours looks so pretty with the black and cream theme. :)
Beautiful Mothers Day Tablescape...and the food looks delicious too! Isn't tablescaping fun? I'm having a great time meeting all these fun women..Pray your feeling better soon, xoxo~Kathy~ @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... Your invited over, we're dining in "All Whites" this week...
Oh my gosh.... waffles, fruit, coffee.... I got up real early this morning and am now HUNGRY!!! It all looked so good on that delightfully "expensive to replace" china! Feel better, I've been sick for 3 weeks with the hacking cough and head thing going on... I self diagnosed and didn't get an antibiotic, oh well... Will be back to visit again. :-) Sue
Poor BJ! I am sending up a prayer that you will get over that nasty bug in a wink! Your Mothers Day brunch table setting was beautiful as always! What a deal on those dishes! A very pretty box at your place too:>) Sit back and take it easy til you feel better. Here's a (((hug))) for you.
Brunch is such a great way to entertain! Pretty dishes and what a bargain!
What lovely china and place settings BJ...I do love pretty dishes!
I am so sorry you are sick. Yes your dishes were the buy of the century. A lovely table.
The Raggedy Girl
How beautiful, BJ! I love those olden dishes and how nice that you can get some more if you want to!
Hope you're feeling better today, Dear One! Take care!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a beautiful classic table setting BJ. I love the black and cream.
I am sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better real soon!
Hope you feel better soon, BJ! Your dishes are just gorgeous. If I get back to West Texas, are you going to make this delightful morning meal for me? Hugs!
Get well soon!
Oh what a nice Mother's Day brunch :) I just love the tablescape and the food looks so yummy!
All the best,
Hi Girlfriend...
Girl, this is an absolutely stunning Mother's Day table!!! I do love your new set of old dishes...Oh my goodness, at just $48 you did get a great deal!!! Isn't it fun to know that they used this exact pattern for the dishes on Dallas...awesome!!! They really are beautiful!!! I love all dishware that is embossed like these!!! I'm so happy for you my friend...that you found these treasures!!! And...setting them on those black placemats really showcased them beautifully!!!
Okay...now I'm hungry for waffles or pancakes...your's look divine!!!
Warmest wishes,
What a gorgeous Mother's Day brunch table BJ!
Your meal sounds so yummy!
Oh B.J. what a wonderful post, everything looks so inviting!! Love your dishes too,hope this finds you well, love Chrissy
The dishes are gorgeous. Hope you're feeling better soon, BJ.
Your table looks so pretty! I LOVE our dishes! BJ I hope that your feeling better.
Hope you are feeling better very soon, BJ!!!!
Your table is so pretty!I'm going to do some research on your dishes. Sounds like an interesting story!
What a pretty Mother's Day Table -- for you! I'm so sorry you're feeling bad and I hope you bounce back quick -- maybe a little chicken soup in your pretty dishes would do the trick!
Hi BJ...love your creamware! Estate sale of the century...ok, now I'm jealous! Those waffles sure look yummy...I'm going to do the vanilla extract trick next time I make 'em...and I'll think of you! :-) Susan
Oh goodness I love those dishes. Your table is set so pretty! Very inviting place. The food looks delicious! How great that your hubby got you that subscription, so sweet!
Also thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm not nearly as talented as you and the other great people who participate in these, and my camera is nothing to cheer about, but I love being inspired by sites like yours. Thank you.
Hi BJ,
I have had that bloggy bug too...yuck ! It is a little better but, not 100%.....
I love your dishes , the creamy white goes around all year ! I love to look at replacements too. I looked up my GW china from Mikasa I recently bought and the prices were sky high ! Make you feel good, huh ?
Hugs ~ Kammy
Those dishes were quite a find and they look so pretty on your table. Could that bowl attached to a saucer be what they called a "gravy boat"? That's the only thing I've ever seen that is attached to a plate or saucer. Your new header just looks so summery and pretty! Makes me want to sit in the shade by that flowerpot and drink a glass of lemonade. Enjoyed your sweet post about your Mother's Day.
Love you!
BJ... this is so pretty... made me hungry!
and you know... that lemon slicing thing... makes us lemon snobs... I just think they look prettier!
hugs... Dixie
BJ... this is so pretty... made me hungry!
and you know... that lemon slicing thing... makes us lemon snobs... I just think they look prettier!
hugs... Dixie
Oh such a pretty brunch setting, made even better by the terrific bargain you got..
It all looks lovely!
Get well soon!
I hope you get feeling better. Your dishes are lovely.
Hi BJ....your dishes are lovely and I love all the little do-dads on the table. Lovely!!!!
Hope you are feeling much better, sweet pea!
Hugs, Barb
Beautiful table setting!
My goodness, I'm coming over for tea!
Thanks for the comment about GM. I do fear that the GM we knew and grew up with is gone. Yes, they will emerge from bankruptcy but the times are gone when fast cars, street drag racing and drive-in movies were a part of the American fabric...sigh. With the passage of the "real" GM we will find yet another...a smaller, more shy and less boisterous manufacturer. That, kiddo, is what saddens me so, so much.
Oh my goodness!!!!! I almost screamed - those are my dishes - well, I mean my dishes as a new bride in 1969. I loved that pattern so much! And then, one day years later I wanted a different pattern (Pfaltzgraph - sp? blue & white, which I have also gotten rid of and am back to creamy white (Italian countryside)and got rid of them. I wish I had kept one piece for sentiment - or maybe a serving bowl - sigh. Oh, the bowl attached to the plate....I used that as either a gravy or sauce bowl. Isn't it called "Antigua"? Oh, gee, I am getting all nostalgic now. Sigh....enjoy your dishes....Linda
(Oops, this was about a recipe, but I am too distracted! : )
Hi BJ, I am so sorry you are sick. I hope you are feeling better today.
Today we are in the city of Jackson, Wyoming. The Teton mountains are very close to here. We came here to snow ski 'many' years ago and just wanted to come back for nostalgia reasons. I broke my thumb real bad and that's a memory I don't need. LOL. Any way we will enjoy the mountains and hopefully see some moose and bears.
Your tablescape is lovely with the black and white. Those dishes are beautiful and the bargain of the year. You can eat on them and pretend you are the Ewing's.
Feel Better my sister friend.
Love ya, Jeanne
What a stunning brunch! I love everything about it. Those dishes are the best! Thanks for the vanilla tip... will definitely give it a try the next time I make waffles. Hope you'll be feeling much better soon!
Take care,
BJ, I love that table and the menu sounds wonderful! Your dishes are beautiful!
I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. By the time you read this note, I hope you are well. I am trying to visit blogs before my hiccuppy internet knocks me offline. I sure don't know how I ever survived before the Internet. LOL When I get knocked offline, you'd think something awful happened, like I caught the house on fire. Oh, my!!! LOL I better write fast before the next hiccup.
The brunch looks divine, BJ! You are not going to believe this,, but "Antiqua" was my wedding pottery. I still love it (I picked red Fostoria glasses to go with it--the glasses that were posted the other day on the lunch for two). I am so happy that you love that pattern, too. Isn't it pretty?
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear BJ.
XX 00
The next time I make waffles, I am going to add vanilla to it. Thanks for the tip!
Must try the vanilla hint! Hope you are feeling better...Nancy
PS: Blogger wouldn't let me edit earlier today...I know how you feel.
Oh, your china is so pretty! And so is your fruit. How great that your fabulous find was on "Dallas"! So sorry you are sick. Sure hOpe you get well quickly. laurie
I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick. We've been out of town, finding an apartment to rent. We found one. Whew! Now, back to packing.
What a lovely table setting. My eyes were naturally drawn to the MacKensie-Childs card on the box. I wonder what was inside? ;)
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you are feeling better my friend! I hope you had a happy Foodie Friday and are having a great weekend ~ Susan
What pretty dishes!! You always set a lovely and welcoming table sweetie.
It is shocking to see what dishes go for on Replacements isn't it?
My dear friend Barb got a complete set of dishes, hardly used, at a garage sale. The seller's MIL's set from the late 40s. SO pretty. This weekend we looked at the prices on ebay and at Replacements. ACK! A complete set like this was in the 1800.00 to 2000.00 range! She bought it for 30.00!! Whoa.
Your food always looks mouth wateringly delcious!
Oops! I also meaant to say I am so sorry you had been ill! I hope all is well now...
Many hugs and love,
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