RHONDI'S cute PORCH PARTY on the 1st was so much fun, I haven't wanted to come inside since...
and porch and decided to take a few more pictures
and join everyone for
I have tried for over a week to get my photos
hugh and lovely so that I would feel GREAT about doing this
but, alas, I am too dern old to learn many more new tricks..
I just CAN NOT master this one!!
Here I am with just LARGE photos on blogger !!
It will have to do until I can find some SMART PILLS somewhere..
where do ya'll get yours ????
My late Spring garden is just beginning to look a tiny bit pretty....
Out here in WEST TEXAS , things don't really POP until middle summer..
My lawn is beginning to green up somewhat...but not pretty yet....
nothing to write home about...
even though we water lawns and flowers,
we all know the BEST comes from up above.
Nothing in the world like a great RAIN....
to make things look glorious !
everything...all the grasses, the flowers and trees
will look fabulous .....for just a little while....
the hot winds, the hot sun and the lack of any more GOOD rain
makes things start wilting, turning brown and the
blooms on our flowers are smaller....or just NOT THERE...:o(
the Jasmine seems to be growing a tiny bit...
I use lots of fertilizer, bloom boosters and water
from the hose to help things along....
At one time, we had the vines along the length of our fence...
tore our poor OLD fence almost down so when we put up
the new STIMULUS fence, we took out all the grapevines
except this one...kept it just to "look pretty"...
MR. SWEET keeps it trimmed away from the fence, tho....

the first one is a CHERRY tomato plant...
then a sweet Bell pepper plant....
then a BeefEater tomato plant...
someone suggested that the plant may just fall out of the container
when it became loaded with fruit...
first of all, i will be totally surprised if they ever get "loaded"
and secondly, there's big roots going on it there and also it has a
plastic or foam piece that fits around the hole in the bottom...
*i checked them today...they are growing like nobodys business...
will get you a photo tomorrow...

I'll let you know....

Once all the lilies are blooming, and
the plants that produce those adorable PURPLE flowers
that drop every evening and, overnight, produce a new flower...
the new KNOCKOUT rose bush....and that yellow flowered plant I planted...once they
all start blooming....
my little garden plot takes on a magical look...
I can't wait for it all to happen....
patience is NOT my strong suite !!

I planted 2 KNOCKOUT rose bushes last year and they are starting to bloom...
I need to spray it with bug spray..I think something is
dining on the leaves....

I just planted a couple of FRENCH HOLLYHOCKS
last month....I love their color.
The flowers don't get as large as the old fashioned
but they are really pretty ...dainty....
I hope YOUR garden is coming right along and looking FANTASTIC..
my garden is looking nothing like yours! lol! I am still learning how to garden the Australian way at this old cottage, that means finding stuff that doesn't like too much water...
love the roses and the holyhocks and the three hanging lanterns, hmmm I would love those on my deck and the little sign pushed in amongst the beds...divine
happy outdoor wednesday
Even though your growing season must start way before mine, I think we are in about the same stages. I just now have buds on my roses and things are just beginning to bloom. Your roses are so beautiful, I keep seeing people talking about these knock out roses and they really seem to like them, I'll have to look into geting some! As for the upside down plants, I have heard that is a great way to grow them. When the girls were in 4-H (a local farm program for kids) I saw several of these entered in the fair. They don't fall out and they produce lovely tomatoes because they don't lay on the ground and get rot. I think you'll be really happy with them!
Enjoyed your garden today! We have the same weather here in Colorado - maybe just a little cooler at night. My flowers are about at the same stage as yours. I'm not very patient either, then if the heat comes early, things don't do well. If nothing else, us arid gardeners are persistent!! We try every year. Good luck. Sally
What a great out door Wednesday post! I love all your photos :) Your flowers are so pretty and happy! I adore Hollyhocks!
All the best,
Your garden is beautiful! We got one of those topsy turvy tomato planters this year too. We'll see how it goes. It doesn't seem to be doing as well as the ones we planted in a bed.
I'm really interested to see how your Topsy Turvy's do. Every time we see a commercial for them, we talk about getting some..but haven't gotten any yet.
You have a lovely garden - thanks for sharing!
bj! I'm in love with those french hollyhocks!! So darn pretty!!
Those French hollyhocks are amazing, BJ! And I've never seen topsy-turvy planters before. Definitely let us know how those work! Love your birdbath and all of your plantings, but I'm still loving that big cute cup that's a planter from the other day. If it does missing...
Happy OW!
Sheila :-)
Beautiful blooms. I know it gets really hot in West Texas so I'm glad you were able to not only get out and enjoy the blooms but take pics as well. Thanks for sharing.
Your flowers are all so pretty BJ! I love the hollyhocks. I have heard great things about the topsy turvy planters. Keep us up to date on how they do. There is nothing like a home grown ripe tomato still warm from the sun.
BJ! I have NEVER seen Hollyhocks like those. They are gorgeous! I have always had the old type, but these are so unique!
I almost bought those tomaotoes. I love your flowers. Happu ODW
Let us know how the topsy turvy do. I've been wondering about them.
Hi BJ! I love those coral colored roses and the hollyhocks. Love the sign too. I am curious about the upside down plants, very interesting, hope you get lots of veggies from them...Christine
Love your photos--and your new blog design.
BJ, your garden is so pretty. I love all the things you have shown but the coral roses are my favorite. They are fabulous!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday.
Hugs, Barb
I have never planted hollyhocks before. After seeing yours I am going to give them a try.
The knockout roses are beautiful!!!
Everything in your garden has such charm!!! I love it!!!
Let me know how the tomatoes work out. My husband has always wanted to try those planters!!! We love tomatoes and would save ourselves alot of trips to the farmstand growing them ourselves.
Wonderful post!!!
Happy Outdoor Wednesday!!!
OH YOUR DARLING HEADER! I wish I knew how to do my own...I am either lazy, have NO imagination or just like the way Debbi does mine. I think all three! :)
Your roses are gorgeous...the three I planted are doing well..I miss roses SO much. Your outdoor Wednesday is just beautiful!
Buncha hugs!
I forgot...the topsy turvy plants..I have never heard of them! How interesting...where on earth did you hear of them...I haven't even seen them in magaznes! Wow..I can't wait to see how they do. I can't see why they wouldn't so great though...be sure and take LOTS of pictures when they get big and start producing...
Everything looks so pretty, but I am REALLY excited to see how the tomatoes do. I've seen those on TV, so I will have to check back later to see how it work. Let us know*! _Ashley ~
BJ, those are some lovely things in your garden! Mine is still a mess and my hubs is making me wait to clean it out as he doesn't like to move the bbq. But I may just surprise him. Shhh... ;-)
Happy OW!
Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday BJ! I am so happy you joined us! What are you talking about...your pictures are great! I love all the roses... and i have never seen the topsy turvy...upside down tomato planters... keep u posted on how those do! Thanks for sharing your photos.~ Susan
BJ, your garden is looking good. I love the anticipation of knowing what is to come.
We would love to have a grapevine, but we know that we would never get a grape. The squirrels around here eat everything. The little boogers even dig up my bulbs.
Call me when you have a big, juicy tomato because I definitely will be wanting a tomato sandwich.
How neat to see the tomato thingies really work.
Lovely garden!
The Raggedy Girl
I hear you on the best water for everything being rain from above. It is a lot harder to get the lush, blooming plants without it. I LOVE that hollyhock...never seen it before. Happy Wednesday
Your garden looks lovely BJ...I can attest that the topsy turvey which Mac swore would never work...works...lol...mine is loaded with fruit and I hope to be making my first "sink Sandwich" by the middle of the month!
Your porch is lovely and the kind of place I would enjoy reading a good book and drinking a big glass of ice tea. Those planters are so unusual I have never seen anything like them before.
I loved to see what is growing in your yard. Your photos are lovely. Please keep us posted about the tomatoes. I can't picture them being able to retain anything but grape sized tomatoes in that position. I'm really curious.
I think everything is looking fantastic! I really want to try those hanging "gardens". I will be anxious to know how well they work. I have limited space so I am unable to have an "in ground" garden. With dogs and young boys, my yard space is at a premium, lol!
It's all beautiful, BJ! Happy Outdoor Wednesday!!
I enjoyed your first OW post and your pictures were perfect! I am intersted in following your tomato plants and seeing how they produce...How fun for a Summer project!
Your flowrs and gardens are all lovely...and I understand that too dern old thing! :-)
Your garden looks like such a happy place ..... you just seem to sow happiness where ever you go..... what a wonderful gift you have
PS I talked about you on todays post
; - )
Great job in the garden. I LOVE Hollyhocks!!! Have you ever seen the beautiful painting called "Girl in the Hollyhocks"? It's so vintage and dreamy.
Gorgeous spots! Love those French hollyhocks!
Hi BJ! Tell you what, you bring the hot homemade buttery biscuits and I'll bring the plum jelly and we'll have us a little picnic in your beautiful garden! And I'll bring some sweet milk, too!
Love your new header with that beautiful, colorful teacup planter and your flowers are just doing fabulous! You have a talent for growing flowers just like you do for everything else. Seems like everything you do just thrives and is beautiful.
Don't discourage Mr. Sweets, but some friends tried those upside down tomato plants and they didn't work at all. However, knowing you two yours will probably produce enough food for the whole neighborhood.
Enjoyed your post today very much!
Love you!
Garden...what garden?! Gardening requires sweating and dirty hands, neither of which I am all that keen about. LoL. But I can't grow anything anyway. :( I did see those topsy turvy planters advertised on TV and I was intrigued by them.
Your photos look marvelous so don't fret your pretty little head over trying to get bigger ones. At least yours enlarge when clicked on. I'm still working on achieving that consistently.
I am going to check in every day to see how those upside down tomatoes do. I've always wondered about them!
I have been to West Texas and Your yard doesn't look like it's in West Texas! Beautiful!
The roses look great! I constantly spray mine so those little buggers don't eat them..
I can't wait to see how your Topsy Turvey's work. They had them in BJ's..have to get one!
Happy First OW! :)
Beautiful!!! Gorgeous!!!!
You'll have to let us know how the tomatoes turn out. Some neighbors here are doing those, too.
Hi BJ...
Ohhh...what a beautiful yard you have...all of your flowers are so pretty!!! I sure did enjoy looking at all of your photos!!! I love that French Hollyhock...I've never seen one like that before! I have a regular ol' hollyhock so I will have to look for this French variety! I love how they look varigated!!!
Hmmm...I am seeing so many of these new "topsy turvy" planters...I'll be checking in with you on how well they work! It's an ideal set up if they will produce well!!! My friend, I just love that first photo of your pretty patio tablescape...it looks like it came right off the page of a design magazine...it's gorgeous!!! Love the red, white, and blue theme! I just seen those pretty teacup planters at Walmart...I may have to get me one of those...aren't they just darling?
Well my friend, I am sending you a link for a tutorial on the "how to's" of getting the larger photos on your blog. I was a bit intimidated when I first read about doing this...but just took it step by step and got it figured out! I hope this helps you out...
Have a great day, my friend!
Warmest wishes,
Your garden is so pretty! I love those hollyhocks! I like the two different colors.
I don't have a garden here at the new place, just the lone little rosebush that actually did produce one rose. Hopefully more to come! If I am still here next year, I hope I will be able to plant things in the side yard where there are a bunch of DEAD bushes right now! The landlord is supposed to get them pulled pretty soon.
Oh, how I love those French hollyhocks! I planted my first hollyhock back in the fall and it's since died. I'm going to try my "luck" again. Yes you are smart enough to get those photos bigger if that's what you want. East Texas gal is ready and willing to help West Texas gal! Me! I can't get them big enough to suit me on Blogger. Anyway, your yard is lovely. Wish I had those tomatoes. Cause they're gonna be mighty good sliced on a plate with supper.
I am so happy you came to Outdoor Wednesday! It is so nice to see how we all garden in different parts of the country. Today I got my Texas Treat!! (First, I love your new blog design and that eye~popping teacup. I'll come back around for the Porch Party posts I missed).
You have wonderful things growing!! I have heard of the topsy turvy tomato planters but was hesitant to try something new fangled (isn't that crazy). I mean, I have a difficult enough time doing things the proper way!! Let us know how they do.
I have never seen the type of hollyhocks you have but they look really pretty. I planted the old fashioned for the 1st time late last summer and they are just leafing out~we'll see!
We are having all of our rain and cool temps now, here in the Midwest. The grass is green and lush~it sometimes has to be cut twice a week. By August it will start to get a little dry. I just keep my flowers watered. I can't waste.
Well, I love all your pretty things and you have quite a bit. PLEASE come back next week. Take pictures of your neighbors yard if you have to!! ;-)
Love the upside down tomatoes. Happy outdoor Wednesday. I am participating too. Come by to visit. xo Joan
Everything looks so lovely! We have one of those upside down tomato planters, but haven't planted it yet!!
I'm not sure what the problem is with your pictures but I think they look great. Your garden does look beautiful...the flowers and grapevine are sooo good looking. One day ours will catch up....we have had sooo much rain which finally stopped a couple of days ago..but its just not warming up enough.
One area has one problem and another another eh?...well I hope you get some good night time rain to drench it all.
It does look good!
have a lovely day
Actually, my garden is a mess, but I'm working on it! Your's is beautiful!
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