I've had it for a few years and have enjoyed it...have had LOTS of different things hanging on it at one time or another......
The other day, I found ANOTHER one and decided that I want YOU to have it........
If you would like to have a chance at receiving this IRON BIRD HOOK (plus some little tiny SURPRISES included) ALL you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post, telling me that you would like to have it.........Be sure to mention if you WANT it or not as sometimes, ladies leave a note but would rather not be in the drawing.....
Let's see...........I will have the drawing on Thursday of NEXT week !
If you would be so kind as to MENTION THE DRAWING ON YOUR BLOG, I would thank you deeply......
OH, and speaking of BIRDIES......

Isn't she so sweet....I think her mom must have flown off to find food....she will surely be back!!
I don't know how to take care of a BABY BIRD !!
So, ya'll say it with me....
The momma bird did come back to her little baby !
Have a beautiful day !
Have a beautiful day !
Hi BJ!
I'm so glad momma bird came back! The baby is so cute and fluffy now.
And YES, I WANT TO BE IN YOUR DRAWING FOR THE DARLING BIRDIE HOOK! I can just picture it somewhere in my house!
Hugs, Sherry
Oh please......may I be your drawing. I had noticed the bird hooks and love it!
The baby dove is so precious. I still can't believe we never get any nesting on our porch. We must not live right! HA!
((hugs)) Rosie
So glad to hear that the momma bird came back to her baby. Darling photograph.
That is a sweet little baby bird! I would love to enter for a chance to win the pretty bird hook! Thank you! :)
Good morning, BJ. You are so sweet to plan this drawing, and yes, I would love to participate. I loved your little bird hooks.
I'm very glad momma bird returned to care for her baby. I don't know that I would be a very good bird momma.
I thought of you yesterday when I did my post about the song, Jean. Of course the name reminded me of you, but also the sweetness.
Hi, I would love to be in your drawing for the Bird hook. I've been noticing a lot of bird things latelly in the stores and I'm really starting to go to the birds.
Your posts are always a joy!
Good Morning B. J. - Glad Momma Bird came back - I've had bird nests in my planters before and the babies would be out there with their mouths all open and waiting for food - and I would just be praying up a storm Momma would come back - and she always did!!
Would LOVE to be in the drawing - I would love to have the Black Birds on my bookshelf.
I am going to update my blod this weekend with lotz of picture and I will mention the give-a-way.
Good Morning, BJ! I love your pictures of the little bird. We love birds ans feed them. It's always so much fun to watch them.
We have rain today. Everything is finally turning green. But, there is a chance to temp will get below freezing the next couple days. That is not a good thing. I hope you enjoy your weekend! Hugs,Terrie
Hi Sweet BJ,
She is so precious i think you should give her a name...i bet she is real happy growing up at memaws house,bless her.we have nothing in Steve's dove house yet but fingers crossed eh.
Please could i be in your drawing too?
Have a great weekend my lovely
Love Kristina XxX
I love that birdie hook but since I won your last giveaway I'm not sure you should enter me in this one. I'll leave it up to you! I'm just about to share where the rooster plate has found a home. The baby bird is sweet. I'm always glad when the mothers take such good care of them. ~Adrienne~
The iron bird hooks are adorable! I would love for you to put my name in the drawing.
The baby dove is precious and I am so glad the mama came back!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Please add my name in for the giveaway. Thanks so much!
Have a great day!
Oh, I love it love it love it... I'm in love with anything birdie... so that is perfect! Count me in! :)
Looking forward to see you at the Dessert Carnival....
oh no, what a sweet bird :)
I am so happy Mama came back...I have a dove's nest in the silk flowers in the front door basket! Not the best place for her to be but we are being careful...
Oh how I LOVE that bird hook. You are a sweetie to do such a nice giveaway.
But we already KNEW how sweet you are!
Have a great weekend.
I can't believe how big the baby is already! He's beautiful! I'm so glad you are sharing him with us!
I would love to be in on your drawing! I can picture it in my new house already! ;)
Hi BJ!
I would love to win your bird hooks, I love birds of all kinds.I'll be mentioning your drawing on my blog this weekend too:>) Have a great spring weekend:>)
Happy Friday BJ,
Thanks for the update on the baby dove..they are the sweetest creatures. I would love to be entered in your drawing..
Oh, yes, please enter me in your wonderful drawing!
Hi BJ Count me in on the giveaway! I noticed you visited Cindy at the Red Door. Thanks for welcoming her!
Hope you have a great weekend.
Rhondi xo
Oh yes, I'd love to have the birdie hook. I have a kitty one much like it that my step-son gave me for Christmas one year. Thanks, BJ, for this drawing.
Oh BJ, I would love the birdie hooks. They would be just right for my keys and i am pretty sick of the old key hooks.
Glad Momma came back.
Hi BJ, the little Mourning Dove is so sweet, I'm thankful her mama came back(I think it's a girl:).
What a darling birdie give-away...please include me. I'll be happy to mention your just because in my next post. Hugs, Linda
WOW!!! I absolutely love this! Rosie (from rosie's whimsy) linked to you on a post...and that is how i found you...the bird hooks are fantastic and I would LOVE them!!! Thank you for the chance! I appreciate it! have a good weekend! :o)
Hi BJ!
Oh, please, please, please enter me in your sweet giveaway! I have been coveting birds and nests lately and that would look so lovely in my home!
So happy mommy bird came back....
Hi. Please sign me up for your birdie hook!! I would absolutely love having it!! I will mention your blog tomorrow, please come visit me, I also have a giveaway going on. Please come visit. Laurie
Hey BJ! Please count me in for your drawing of your lovely birdie hooks. Sooo cute! The live birdie is getting so big...glad to know its mom came back to care for her. You've certainly been a busy gal getting everything ready for summer. I sure do know what you mean about working at a slower pace.
I love your blog home.....I would love to be N your drawing!!! And thank you for the chance :-)
Once I scared a wren out of a boston fern late at night and she did not return after an hour and it turned out to heavy freeze that night....so the kids and I prayed that she would return in the morning, and I put the (3)eggs in a wash cloth on a low heating pad and she did return and they hatched some weeks later....BLESSINGS to ALL
Cindy's Red Door
OOpps my id didn't show a link;
don't wanna miss that drawing:-)
I love the little bird hook and would love to be included in the drawing.
That baby morning dove is so cute, I have a pair of them visiting my garden every morning and I enjoy listening to them while I have my morning tea.
I was sent here by rosies whimsy. Thought I would say Hi!!
I flew in by way of Rosie- I love your blog and I'm totally bookmarking it for future reading! I feel a little weird asking to join in your giveaway on my first comment...but what the heck! :o)
Good morning, BJ! Please add me to your drawing. I love this little bird hook and know just where it would find a home at our house!
I'v just discovered your blog - it's wonderful! I'd love to be in your drawing; the bird hook is so pretty. I love the picture of the baby dove; I'm so glad that the mama bird came back! We love to have the birds nest in our yard; we usually have Chickadees and Steller Jays that come back every year.
This would look beautiful in my office since im doing it in birds. Come on luck help me out!
Thank you so much for entering me in your drawing. What a sweet give-away!
I am so glad that momma bird came back to tend to her little one. I would love to be entered into your drawing for the cute bird wall hook. I love birds and presently own a peach faced lovebird.
I love your blog and the bird hook. Please add me to the contest.
Hi Bj :)
Honey! Uncross your eyes or you won't be able to see my name when you draw it from your hat for the giveaway! (positive thinking here LOL) I would LOVE to have that bird hook, so count me in!
Thank you for all your crossing of body parts :)
I would love to be in the drawing. I love birds and your baby bird is so cute it will be fun watching it grow.
I'm so glad you let us know the mama came back! What a nice fat little dove she is too. Birds are a passion of mine that has suffered since I've been battling the squirrels. This is quite a nice blog, I jumped over from Laurie's. Keep up the good work!
PS: May I be in your drawing?
Hi BJ!! I would love to enter your giveaway!! So Sweet!!
That is so tweet....I mean sweet!!!! I would love the chance to win the birdie hook. Thank you for being so generous. Hugs from Annie in San Diego
Hello BJ! Please add me to your drawing. Thank you for the give away :)
It'll be fun to see the dove grow.
What a perfect time to find your blog site. I've so enjoyed reading you and also your pictures.
I wish to comment on your aunts embroidery. Yes, she did do beautiful, colorful work, so detailed. I love needle work and have a much treasured piece that my Aunt Stell, who passed away long ago did, it has sooo many french knots.
Also, my mother did the same piece that your aunt did. The one with the steps and door. I always loved the piece. We lost mother in March of 2007 and, of course, miss her so. I have no idea where that scarf disappeared to, just wish I knew. Seeing that scarf on your site made me feel very happy. A feeling of being a little girl and watching mother sew that exact pattern. For this I thank you.
Yes, I would like to be included in you drawing. I would hang the hook in the exact place you have yours, my fireplace mantel, where I would add some of my bird house collection.
I'm so glad I found you.
I love the bird themes throughout your last few posts. Really sweet & so happy Momma bird returned!
I love all your bird posts. I had some baby finches once. It was such an amazing experience! They just kept having babies!!! It became too much upkeep for me, so I had to give them away. But, it was such a learning experience! I had never seen baby birds being born before, either.
Please enter me in the drawing for the bird hook!
Oh I would love to be added to your drawing.
Today is my first visit here and I have to say I love your blog so you are going on my favorite list.
I love all the fun things you are posting about and love the idea of the give away. I may have to do one myself real soon!
Saw the drawing on Meggies blog, so glad I stopped by! Your blog is just lovely, and BTW I am praying for Deena everyday, I just love her so much!
Yes!!! Add me in for the birdie hook, it is darling!
Donna Lynn
Glad that momma came back to her baby.
Please BJ enter me in your drawing for the bird hooks. I have just the place for them if I win.
Take care my friend.
God bless.
Love birds and I would love to win this cute bird hook!
I saw about your drawing over at Meggie's and just had to come over. I'd love to win. Pretty please!
It's been fun visiting you. Your blog is very nice. I'll be back.
That baby bird is so sweet! And yes, I want to be in the drawing. I'm going back to my blog right now to mention your giveaway!
Mrs B gave me the hope I just might win a bird hook! Thanks for letting me try!
Kel from marcgrn@aol.com
Hi! I came here from Rue's link.
I would love to win your bird hook giveaway, but I live in Canada, so if you don't want to ship it that far, don't worry about it.
I will be mentioning your giveaway on my blog anyway. Your blog is sweet!
How cute are those!
Glad your bird came back! =)
YES YES YES!!! hehe I would love to be entered in your giveaway, I just love that little bird hook! I'm so behind in commenting that I almost missed this! xoxo
Hello! You have a lovely blog site. The baby bird is so cute! I saw two Canadian geese with 6 fuzzy yellow babies. I love to decorate in prim/French country Your birds would really go with my decor. Please enter me in your drawing. I really appreciate it. Thanks,Cindi
I would please like to be in your drawing and I would like to have it for my husband . He has been off from work sick and while he was home he was caring for a nest of baby birds outside our den window. They kept falling out of thier nest and he kept putting them back. The Mother bird was not happy with him not knowing he was only trying to help. He has always loved birda and all things of nature....Thanks Mary
Hello BJ! This is kady_39 from RMS. After finding so many other RMSers on this blog spot, I decided to join on in. I think this is a great way to express ourselves besides just posting pics of our homes! Just started my blog today and am inviting you to visit if you'd like! And yes, I would love to joing the drawing!
Please enter me in this contest. What a great prize to offer.
Caitlin Hoy
Win the drawing???!!!!! No kidding I want it. Please!!! The bird hooks are priceless and perfect for my collection of treasures that aren't right for christmas or any other holiday - they are just because "I had to have them" ornamentals that don't have a shelf. And don't pay any attention to Rosie or Rue because they have so many thingies that if you mailed it to them it would have to stay in their mailbox until they threw something away to make room for it inside. hahaha If you go to my house on RMS (SDM52)you will see I need these birdie hooks desperately to add class to my decor. All kidding aside, I love your blog and your stories. I'm in awe of the way you and others have such great creative writing skills! Have a lovely day. See you at the Dessert Festival. :) Susan
Hi BJ, I would love to be included in your drawing :) Lynn
Count me in!
Hello BJ,
Birds are so sweet. I have a nest in my blueberry bush. I keep looking for eggs, but so far none.
I would love the the bird hook. It would go perfect in my bedroom. I want it to hang my victorian looking flowery purses on. It would make such an adorable display.
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