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Saturday, November 17, 2007


We're heading to Beautiful Daughter's house for dinner and I wanted to take a pie. Besides, I need a refresher course on pie making so my pies will be half decent on Thanksgiving!!

We all love Coconut Creme except for Handsome Son-In-Law and I know he loves Buttermilk Pie. I've never, in my entire life, baked one of these but....let's give it a try. He'll be so happy and I aim to please !! :)'s lookin' good..Hope it TASTE good, tho!

(NOTE: It did taste ok...he had a couple of slices and he made me leave the rest for him!..shhh, I wonder if he knows he couldn't have given me a bigger compliment?? :)

Coconut Creme...our favorite, by far! I use my sweet mother-in-law's recipe and it is a very old one. For some reason, it has an old fashioned taste that the newer recipes don't have or else it's just in my mind that none other will beat HER recipe!?!

Ready for the whipped, sweet egg whites.....

We all had a slice and we left the rest for Beautiful Daughter and family.

P.S. NOW, I'm wishing I had brought home at least 2 pieces..I'm hungry for a slice with a big, cold glass of milk. HMMMMM, guess I COULD make another one! :)

Happy Day to everyone!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh Jean that is so yummy! I want one piece! Well just yesterday I had a post about pies. How do you make that pie dough?

Love, Suzy

Nan said...

Oh, I love coconut cream pie. My Mom's job on Thanksgiving is to make the pies. She always makes coconut cream her recipe), pumpkin, and apple for my cousin's husband. They host Thanksgiving. Never had buttermilk pie. Is that like sugar cream pie?
Looks yummy.

Baba said...

Good morning Jean, This is my first visit to your place..I love what I see so far.. I have never tried to make a pie, and I will be 66 in December.... I should try it one day.I posted a picture of myself and husband today...I will be back to see you later. baba

~Laura~ said...

That all looks yummy. I don't even know what buttermilk pie is but I sounds good. ~Laura

Anonymous said...

OK, now I have to know-what is buttermilk pie? I looks sooooo good! Christy:-)

jentster said...

That pie didn't even last 24 hours! I guess I better learn how to make them. Handsome son in law loved the buttermilk, while the rest of us fought over the last piece of coconut cream pie! Gorgeous granddaughter just said that you had pie for breakfast this morning, so did you make another one??? We can be right over!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh Yummy!! That coconut cream pie looks so yummy!

Anonymous said...

Oh BJ, your pies look absolutely delicious. I can't make a pie crust for love or money. Even the so called No Fail seem to fail for me.

BittersweetPunkin said...

I've never tried to make a coconut creme pie...I wonder if anyone here would eat it?? LOL
I make pumpkin...I used to make apple but I was the only one who ate it.....the whole thing eventually!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the recipe I will try it out.
About the snow - well last year everybody had tons of snow we didn't at all. This year we will see! I hope for enough for some fun!

Anonymous said...

Look delicious! My Dad's family makes a milk pie but never heard of buttermilk pie. Will you post the recipe? Please?
Betty (Beddow)

Michelle said...

BJ, I love coconut cream pie..the other pie looked delicious too. I don't think you have anything to worry about for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful day. Michelle

Cottage Contessa said...

OH BJ! What are you doing to me sweetie?! The button almost popped off my jeans just looking at those delicious pies! Off to nibble a carrot stick.....and sob. lol
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I'm a nut about pies; I love them all, but coconut creme is my favorite. You picture makes my mouth water.

Bristol said...

They look very yummy, I have never had a buttermilk pie before.

Anonymous said...

MMM< I always love your food posts BJ, this looks so good, almost makes me want to make a pie .... but not quite, I'll just enjoy looking at yours!