I am really getting into the Christmas spirit. ...I just wanted to show you a few things scattered around my house. I am TRYING my best to hold off on showing too much, tho, for the Christmas Tour of Homes that is rumored to be happening sometime in the middle of December. I don't know if I can wait, tho.......Does anyone know for sure who is hosting and just when it is happening? It sure sounds like a lot of fun and I can hardly wait to see all the pretty, decorated rooms!

This white, good lookin' Santa, carrying a little snow covered Christmas tree and carrying a lantern is one of my all-time favorites. He's been with me about 12 years.

Just look at his "peaches and creme" complexion. His sweet eyes.....

I've had this Santa for about 16 years. One year, hubby put my gift in that small, green, felt bag. Now, anything small enough to fit in that bag is BOUND to be a GOOD thing. "GOOD THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES", right? It WAS a good thing...a diamond and Sapphire (sp?) cross on a gold chain. I loved it then and I still love it. THANK YOU, HONEY!!

I just love all different Christmas coffee mugs. These are a few of the ones I've collected over the years, mostly from thrift stores. I need to get out and look for some more....a few of mine have been broken over the years. I think I am down to about 8 or 10.

Well, this is my LAST, little sliver of Pecan Pie that we had at Thanksgiving! I slipped it in a zip lock and stuck it in the freezer. I tried for days to ignore it...I wanted to save it just a little longer so that when I took it out and sit down to eat it, I would REALLY, REALLY enjoy it. This morning, I could stand it no longer..(I LOVE pie and coffee for breakfast !!) I yanked that piece of pie out of that zip lock bag, poured my coffee in a favorite Christmas mug and I ENJOYED EVERY SINGLE BIT OF THAT PIE !!
I have about enough pecans left from a friend's pecan tree for 2 more pies at Christmas! I sure hope I can wait that long...........
Eat some pie today!!
OH! I love the snowman coffee cup . Okay now I want to find my Christmas coffee cups. Thank-you for th idea. Have a blessed day.
Love your Santas. Sounds like you have a very romantic husband :-)
Your story about the pie and coffee for breakfast reminded me of when my kids were young and I let them have a "breakfast cookie" on weekends. Oatmeal chocolate chip. We still will have a breakfast cookie together on Holidays when they are home :)
Good morning BJ. I love your Santa's. We have one that was a gift to Harvey from one of his bosses.
I hope to start decorating this weekend (first Sunday in Advent)and I will try and post some pictures.
I think if I had been in Regina, I might have gone to the party to welcome the Riders home. I know Harvey would have.
Thanks for dropping by my blog, and I am looking forward to your parcel.
Hi bj, Love your Santas -- I will blog on mine soon, too. Oh my gosh, that pecan pie looks scrumptious! I would not have been able to resist it as long as you did. :) I think the Christmas party is at Karla's Cottage, Dec. 12th. I'll se if I can find a link for you.
Good Morning BJ,
Hope you are doing good on this Wendesday. I love your Snowmen coffee cups. I love your Santa's as well. That was so sweet of your hubby to put your necklace in that Santa bag. So romantic. Now shame on you!!!! LOL. Not sharing your pecan pie with me. I am sitting here drinking my coffee and no pie. LOL. That's okay, I forgive you this time. LOL. When you have time, stop by. I have a couple of things waiting for you. You will have to scroll to the second post because blogger was being bad with me this morning. The Christmas Tour of Homes is hosted by BooMama. It will be December 17th. I will try and get her website address for you. Well, take care and have a great Wednesday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
P.S. I sure hope that piece of pecan pie was good going down. LOL
I love your Santas and thanks for all the Christmas inspiration. Blessings, Karen
Oh, I love your Christmas things. I especially love the Santa Clauses. I have a fondness for them as well.
I'm sure your pie was very tasty. I'm still on a little bit of a sugar overload. I need some vegetables.
Have a great day!
Love your decorations, love your crown of thorns too, wish I could find one of those....I can hardly wait to get started decorating...if I can only get rid of this cold to get enough energy to get started....I do have my snowman mugs out... I actually use them all year long!
Good morning BJ:-) Today I am doing nothing but catching up with everybody's posts...I had started last night but wouldn't you know it, our power went off and stayed off almost all night! With it being only 3F it got quite cold in the house!!! This morning everything seems fine again:-)
I so love your Santas and your mugs...I just gave away a whole bunch of Christmas mugs to the thrift shop! I wish I would have known you collected them, I would have sent them to you. If you want all the info on the Christmas Tour of Homes, just go to my sidebar and click on the button I have there advertising it:-) I'm so looking forward to it, just be prepared to spend a whole day looking at everyones Christmas pictures! lol
I wouldn't have been able to hold out on that pecan pie either! lol Coffee and pie do go so well for breakfast, don't they? hehe
Take good care and enjoy your day:-) xoxo
I adore your Santa's Bj.
I am gettin' in th mood too.
Your lovely Christmas Mood as caught me!
bj, I KNEW that you would go all out decorating this year! It's bound to be fun with the blog now. Wish I had mine going, but have had computer problems that I think are fixed.
I'll be eagerly waiting to see what you post next--love everything you showed us today. Please let me know about that Christmas open house you guys are talking about. That sounds like an absolutely great thing to sit with a cup of coffee and browse thru all of the pretty decorations.
Hpe you have a great day and catch you later. Love, alice
I love your Santas too...I love pie for breakfast..but if I had to put that pie somewhere in the freezer it would have to be UNDER the frozen veggies that way nobody would STEAL it from me...LOL!!
That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. Good things DO come in small packages. How sweet.
That pie looked good. :)
What a sweet husband you have. I love pecan pie. Mary
Everything is so pretty and festive. And I can almost taste that piece of pecan pie.
I am getting in the mood too, and I have had so much fun making some ornments!
I love your Santas, and I am especially fond of the one dressed in white. He looks so gentle.
YUMMY on the pie! We love pie too!
Those are beautiful Santas BJ! You are inspiring me to start getting my Christmas decorations out. I have a Santa or 2, but have LOTS of snowmen!
Your santas are beautiful. And your mug collection puts most to shame.
Pie is the ultimate breakfast food!
A girl after my own heart. Pie and coffee for breakfast. I do that too. Now I know a lot of people don't like fruitcake but my Mom makes the best moist fruit cake in the world. And I get a big hunk of it for Christmas. I save it until after Christmas and enjoy a slice of it for breakfast with coffee. Yummmm. I am thrilled you visited my blog and I just loved reading yours. I would love to add you to my list of blogs that are so much fun to read. Have a super nice evening. ~ Lynn
I love diamonds and sapphires...my oldest daughter's birthstone is sapphire and second oldest daughter's is diamond. And you are right..good things come in small packages!
I love pecan pie too and your Santas!
Hey BJ: Is your Santa with the green felt bag animated? I have one that moves his arms back and forth...looks like yours...except mine never had a fancy ring in its bag.
Hi, I saw on your side bar that you will be 70 on New Years Eve, I will be 70 in August!! How about that!! we are the same age!! I love it!!
I liked all your pretty things too!! Thanks for sharing them with us!
I just read over at Karen H. that Boo Mama was doing the tour of Homes! I hope I got that right! Blessings, Grams
Love your white Santa! And I am soooo jealous of your pecan pie! I wanted to make both, a pumpkin and pecan pie for T-day. We had two sons visiting. I only had one pie plate!! I have downsized and forgot. I am the only one who likes pecan, so pumpkin won out. I am making my pecan at Christmas and eating the whole pie myself!
Hi BJ,
I went to eat the last of the pumpkin this morning and found that my hubby beat me to it for a midnight snack! The big stinker! I'm trying to hold out on my Christmas decoration posts too. I hope the tour is soon or I'll be showing reruns :)
BJ, What beautiful Santas you have~I really like the idea of thrift store coffee mugs! Your husband sounds sweet like mine. Last year he started a vintage heart charm bracelet for me and hung my charm on the tree. I didn't even find it (I think that means I have too many ornaments??)! Have a wonderful night. Michelle
Oh, BJ I thought I was the only one that liked pie for breakfast..I'm glad I'm not alone:).
Your Santas are darling,I can see why the white one is a favorite. Linda
Any day involving pie is a good day! BJ, I love your Christmas decorations, especially the pedalstool snowman coffee mug. ooohhhh I love that!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
It looks like you are in the holiday spirit and ready to go!!
I believe that the Christmas tour of homes is on the 17th!! Pea said that on one of her blog recently!! i do not know who is hosting it yet. You have some beautiful things!! WOW
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