Some very good friends in our church group gave this CROWN OF THORNS plant to me several years ago. It was soooo tiny. I've kept it in a sunny, Southern window, watered when dry, fertilized lightly so as not to burn it and FINALLY, it has a few, little tiny red flowers on it. And, right here near the Christmas season, too. I just love that!! This all just serves as a reminder about our relationship with God. The more we care for it, the more it grows into something so beautiful.

Just look at those wicked thorns !! They always make me think of the CROWN OF THORNS our sweet Jesus wore and it reminds me of all HE went thru for you and for me.

Such tiny little flowers and such HUGH thorns....I wonder if I keep putting it in a larger pot if it will continue to grow larger and larger; like the way HE puts us in different places in our lives that make us grow stronger in HIS spirit.

Every thing I've read about this pretty plant says the flowers will be tiny in size and few in number; like the Christians of God's great world. We are growing in number by leaps and bounds. It just thrills me to death each time I see a new bloom; the same feeling you get when you see a new Christian being born in the love of God. I have the urge to give this plant twice the fertilizer it should have so there will be many more of the beautiful, red flowers. I'm afraid I'll kill it, tho, so I try to refrain from using too much. Just like when I want to PUSH someone towards God but I know if I take it slow and easy, it will happen, through the Glory of God. I do love this plant, thorns and all.......I do love our Saviour, through the good times and through the bad.
I love all of you, too!
You are an inspiration, my dear!
Beautiful post, BJ. Enlightening comparison to the the Lord... The red blooms are so delicate. What a wonderful reward for all of your TLC.
I love your analogy on your beautiful plant! Thank-you bj for reminding me that I need to share my kids. My mom was always so gracious about sharing us. I need to be the same.It will make my childrens life a little less stressful. We to are going to do Christmas Eve at our home. Thank-you for your beautiful blog you do such a wonderful job!
BJ! That was a beautiful post! And so poetic. You are truly a blessing and inspiration to all who visit. Love you, my dear!
Good Morning BJ,
What kind of plant is that? I just love it. I love the way you compared it to our Loving Lord Jesus Christ. I would be tempted to fertilize it more, but that is the devil talking. You do what you know is right. Just like Jesus. I'm sure you have heard the saying: "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO"? I do love the colors of it and it is amazing that is is blooming red right here near Christmas. All I know right now about the "Christmas Home of Tours" is that BooMama is hosting it and it is December 17th. I will try to get her blogsite and post it tomorrow. I am seriously thinking about doing it. The only camera I have though is my cell phone camera. It don't take that good of a picture. You wrap up warm this morning when you go out. There was a big frost and fog out this morning when I took the girls to school. The frost on the grass just sparkled. It was breathtaking. The sun is finally shining tho. Well, take care my friend and have a great Tuesday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H>
Very nice posting BJ, and love that plan. I haven't seen one like that before!
The thrones look so wicked...but the flowers so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it. Thanks for sharing. Dianntha
What a nice post.
Yes, I did hear about a Christmas open house on here but I don't know the details.
What a beautiful post. It is such a joy visiting you each day. Hugs, Michelle
AMEN to everything you said in your post today! Wish everyone would be so bold to express their faith. We all need to share it more and LIVE by it. Have a great day! Love you
Thank you for the reminder not to "push". It so nice for something as simply complex as a plant to be an inspiration like that. {{{{hugs}}}
Tammy B.
I am so glad to learn what this plant is. I inherited one that was my mom's when she died a couple of years ago. It's blooming now. And thanks for the beautiful post. Now the plant means even more to me.
What a wonderful post. I used to have one of those plants years and years ago.
I am playing catch up with my favorite blogs today since I have been on vacation.
Gorgeous plant, beautiful analogy, lovely story. A very sweet and touching post BJ. Thank you sweetie. Hugs!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Good Afternoon BJ,
Thanks for coming by and telling my what that plant was. I must have been having a "dumb" moment there. LOL. Or maybe, it was just too early in the morning. LOL. Or maybe I just didn't have enough coffee in me. LOL. I went back and re-read the first sentence and walla, there it was telling me what kind of plant it was. Oh well, it happens to the best of us. LOL. Take care my friend and have a great afternoon. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Hi BJ...loved your post! Sorry I haven't popped in for a bit...I am feverishly trying to catch up with all my gal pals! All the yummy food you have posted here looks great!!
We are speechless- and covered in wonderful chills! That was beautiful, and the photos so illustrated your point (or points, as on those thorns!) A beautifully written reminder! We think you are fabulous!
kari & kijsa
a most beautiful and inspiring post. You have a blessed night Mary
BJ, I just love the way you expressed yourself. The words and imagery spoke volumes to me.
A beautiful plant and wonderful post, BJ!!
What a beautiful post, BJ! Thank you!
That was a lovely post and I learned something about a plant that I was unaware of. Thank you for visiting my site, BJ - I think we do have a lot in common. I look forward to hearing from you again real soon.
Wonderful post - beautiful plant!
Really enjoyed reading your posts today, so true my friend. Love the plant, have never seen one before.
Hi BJ, I to have a Crown of Thorns. I bought it here in FL a couple of years ago and this year I will be bringing it back from MI to plant in the FL sun. I love mine also. The red flowers are supposed to represent blood drops on Christ's head from the thorn. I kept mine in my kitchen window and always said a prayer of thanks for all He did and does for us. Thanks for sharing. Christy :-) <><
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