Hi, ya'll...
My sweet friend and yours, LV, sent me a "cheer you up" card this week .
She knows WHAT will cheer me up....
When I mentioned last week that I have double vision in my left eye and the only thing I could see it was good for is if I saw JOHNNY DEPP walking down the street....then I'd see TWO of him.
This is my pretty blue card....
was folded inside the card....
WOW, LV....
THIS is waaay better than seeing just TWO of him.
hahhaaa.....I so enjoy your humor and I have a lot of fun with you.
Thanks so much for thinking of me.... and for taking the time to express it.

here's a few things you might not know about this amazing young man...
Johnny Depp once mooned a teacher and was suspended as a result. He then dropped out of school at 16.
I don't know about YOU but, to MY way of thinking, if this is the WORST thing he has ever done,
He owns an island in the Bahamas.
In 2007, Johnny Depp's daughter, Lily-Rose, was hospitalized for an
extended time for an E. coli infection that began to cause her kidneys to
shut down.
To thank Great Ormond Street Hospital, the treatment center
where she stayed,
Depp visited the hospital dressed in his Captain Jack
Sparrow outfit and spent four hours reading stories to the children.
In 2008, Johnny Depp donated $2 million to the Great
Ormond Street Hospital.
Johnny has 13 tattoos....
(Jimmy Crack Corn and ..................I don't care !!)
he has both his children's names -- Lily-Rose and Jack -- tattooed on his body.
He also has his mother's name added.
Johnny Depp is fine giving autographs and taking photographs. However, he
insists that his fans and the press keep his children away from the
public eye.
He has been listed in the 2012 Guinness Book of World Records as the highest paid actor with a $75 million paycheck.

Depp has been named as the "Sexiest Man Alive" by People magazine twice.
(whaaaat....??.....only 2 times..??)
Johnny lost his virginity at 14...

Johnny Depp has said that he wears two silver skull rings to remind him that life is short and every moment needs to be lived to the fullest.
(isn't this an adorable photo of his cute self !!!
I'm looking for those kind of necklaces every where....
I am pretty sure, tho, that they aren't gonna look NEAR this good on my olden neck....
He has said that all the money, fame and fortune didn't mean a thing compared to his two children.
One of his favorite things in the world
is HATS....
his infamous blue tinted glasses AREN'T meant to be his trademark...
Johnny Depp has been dealing with poor vision for his entire life, the actor tells Rolling Stone. He says he is blind in his left eye.
Johnny Depp is much more than a PRETTY FACE...
he is a young man that has his priorities straight..
in a world that makes that hard to do.
xo bj
NOTE ADDED...just to keep MY notes straight.....
altho Mr. Depp's private life is not my business,
for my records, I wanted this last bit recorded here.
Depp had his own milestone birthday last month, and last year split from his partner of 14 years, French actress and singer Vanessa Paradis. They share custody of their children, Lily-Rose, 13, and 11-year-old Jack.
‘The last couple of years have been a bit bumpy,’ he admits.
‘Relationships are very difficult, but the kids are great. When you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe.
‘We were just very truthful with them and they were just incredibly understanding, incredibly accepting. I was extremely proud of them, the way they dealt with it.’
xo bj
NOTE ADDED...just to keep MY notes straight.....
altho Mr. Depp's private life is not my business,
for my records, I wanted this last bit recorded here.
Depp had his own milestone birthday last month, and last year split from his partner of 14 years, French actress and singer Vanessa Paradis. They share custody of their children, Lily-Rose, 13, and 11-year-old Jack.
‘The last couple of years have been a bit bumpy,’ he admits.
‘Relationships are very difficult, but the kids are great. When you have children, there is no room for lies, no room for anything but the truth. Anything other than that is a bad example, I believe.
‘We were just very truthful with them and they were just incredibly understanding, incredibly accepting. I was extremely proud of them, the way they dealt with it.’
Johnny is really not only a wonderful actor and a great and wonderful man and dad. Have a blessed day. Madeline
I do believe you're right. And keeping the press away from his children is a wonderful thing on his part. The children didn't ask to be in the public eye.
I too love Johnny Depp. You didn't mention that he is also an artist.
Very interesting, BJ! He is a very good actor, but a bit odd. That doesn't have to be a bad thing.
What a fabulous post, girlfriend! We all love a movie star that is so very talented and appreciates his family...and his fans! Sweet hugs!
I adore Johnny Depp also, his acting is so far above all the rest. One of my favorites was the Mad Hatter. LV is one special lady, her concern for others is delightful.
What a way to start the week: LV and Johnny Depp making "Sweet Nothings".You have done your homework very well to know so much about him. I suggest you check out that young girl friend he's sharing time with. She is different.
Oh boy, he is adorable! Happy Labor Day Weekend BJ-enjoy:@)
The beest thing that hunka ever did was when he was first beginning to be insanely famous he moved to Europe (France, specifically) and let it rest.......
So many just flame up and burn out and end up in rehab - or DEAD.
He is breathtaking, but give me that young, clean cut boy version, omg be still my heart.
Hon, I too have lusted after him most of my adult life. He is WOW.
I love he is smart and puts the safety of his children first, man he is earning his wings.
Whew. Johnny, he rocks.
Does he look as if he could be your third child? I think he looks like your kids! (Your kids are far cuter imho. Just thought that I should toss that in there.) So now I want to see what his parents look like and if they look like Mr. and Mrs. Sweet Nothings my point is made! ; D
Not only is he so totally gorgeous it makes my head spin, he's your basic good guy too! Amazing actor.
That was so sweet of LV to send the card -- and now you can hang Johnny on your wall!!
Sweet gesture from your friend! Yes Johnny Depp is a handsome dude. Thanks for sharing.
Have to disagree with you this time. I don't think he is a great actor nor do I think his priorities are straight. He lives in France b/c he doesn't like America. He likes making money in America but doesn't want to live here. Here is quote from CNN in 2003:
"America is dumb, it's like a dumb puppy that has big teeth that can bite and hurt you, aggressive," he said.
"My daughter is four, my boy is one. I'd like them to see America as a toy, a broken toy. Investigate it a little, check it out, get this feeling and then get out," said the star of the off-beat films "Edward Scissorhands" and "Dead Man."
There's more. Johnny Depp is not nor was he ever married to the mother of his children. His current girlfriend is a self confessed bisexual and apparently he encourages her in this lifestyle. Sorry, he is not a good role model for a virtuous Godly man.
What an interesting post about your MAN:) He is SO handsome and it sounds like he really does have his stuff together:) Have a blessed weekend dear BJ, HUGS!
I can't email you as your address is a NO REPLY one.
Everyone, of course, is entitled to their opinion about everything...I respect yours.
I haven't "checked into" his private life...just read how much he loves his kids. I surely am not here to judge him for ANYthing.
I do disagree with you on the fact that he isn't a good actor. I think he is one of the BEST. and besides all that....
Thanks for sharing the Depp facts...I appreciate it.
xo bj
I heard about that hospital donation
What a nice surprise from LV. How thoughtful! Your youthful attitude is just wonderful!
Oh BJ, how cute that you love Johnny Depp so much and yes, he deserves you loving him too, as he is a wonderful person, actor and dad too...also a generous man! I love LV's sweet gift to you, she is such a unique lady, I love her too and I love you too, sweet lady. Thank you so much for the sweet, generous and kind comment about my daughter, and my table for her and mom. Wish you a wonderful September.
Big hugs,
loved the facts and pics of Johnny Depp... I loved him in Chocolat. Didn't you?
my multiple vision was due to a cataract. Could that be something for yours?
I do love Johnny Depp!! I have a HUGE poster on the guest room closet door! For some reason visitors are surprised by that!
I came by to thank you for stopping in ( Thanks!) and was so pleasantly surprised by this post!!
I love Johnny Dep!! He is one of my favorite actors. I loved him since Edward Scissor Hands!!
Pretty card. I hope you are seeing better soon. And be sure to check out my Saturday blog post. I'm doing a give away. You probably won't want it, but you could share. :-)
What a great post this Labor Day. I just love Johnny. Hope you are feeling better BJ.
Great post about one of my faves! I don't think there is anything he cannot do -- so much talent. I know the critics were really awful about The Lone Ranger, but I thought it was great. I mean, Johnny made the cutest & sexiest Tonto ever!
Girl, I hope all is well with you. You know I love you.
I do think he is a hottie!
Happy Labor day and thanks for sharing all that info on Johnny! What a neat guy!
I'm glad that La Voice lives in Blogland; she is an encourager.
BJ, Johnny Depp doesn't look a thing like Mr. Sweet!
Thanks for joining in to celebrate Blue Monday’s 5th Blogiversary!
I wish I could remake myself as thoroughly and as often as he has.
Love your post because I love Johnny Depp as well. He is an amazing actor.
Happy Blue Monday.
xo, Jeanne
I don't know what it is about Johnny Depp but I think he's just about perfect! I love seeing his movies even if they aren't the greatest. He's a little odd and I like that about him. Next to him, my favorite actor is Jimmy Stewart. Huh? Yep, that's right.
That was a very sweet thing of your friend to do! Hang that page on your fridge where you can see it whenever you like!
He is a cutie..no doubt about it.
Thanks for brightening my day and giving me a chuckle - wonderful post!
Now I did have a Pirate hat around here somewhere, has Johnny nicked it?!!
I first learned of him in the original 21 Jump Street.
While I do not follow his career as closely as you, there was quite a stir when he was in my neighborhood filming a movie.
It is good to have an idol who is known for versatility and not bad behavior.
Dear Bj,
your comment on Pondsides blog made me curious, I liked it, and so I looked you up. You are the second blogger from Texas (I don't know more then you and Susan) whose humour I appreciate - so I will follow you. You made me curious to look at more films with Johnny Depp (I only saw Chocolat - though another dvd is still waiting in my dvd shelf)
Johnny puts his money where his mouth is. Donating $2 million dollars is a lot.
(Thanks for stopping by my place.)
I hope your eye is better. My dad had double vision and now wears a special lens in one side of his glasses.
As for Johnny...sigh...pretty boy!
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