Hi, Ya'll...
Things are going good here...
Our house is in a contingency contract...
at a price we are THRILLED with....
house inspection last week was
AWESOME...we were thrilled to know there's NOTHING seriously wrong with this olden house...and nothing we have to put money into fixing....
the inspector, not supposed to say much to the seller, did say "you have a good, well maintained house here"
and made us happy.
the appraisal will be next Tuesday...
not worrying about that....
the young couple (with a little baby...awwww)
LOVE the house.
she wanted some of my furniture
(which was a huge compliment to me)
but we settled on us leaving our beloved front porch swing for them to enjoy.
She is thrilled and happy...
I am happy for her to have it in it's perfect spot....
it will be such a great place to swing with her baby....

I am almost embarrassed about this post.
I have had so many emails asking HOW I get such good photos, using an inexpensive
It cost less than $150 and is very limited
on any "bells and whistles".
I know NOTHING about photography.
NOTH......ING !!!!!
Only thru trial and error....only by taking photos EVERY SINGLE DAY
and learning what my little camera WON'T do....
and I am sure, a LOT of luck in getting a few good photos every now and then.
Please know when I DO get a good shot, it is by accident.
I have, however, come to realize what makes a photo look good to ME.
Food is very hard to photograph....there's some foods that look pretty...
and more that look...well....downright awful.
I must admit that MY passion is taking FOOD PHOTOS...
I have no idea WHY....I just like it.
I am happy to share with you what I have found that satisfies MY eyes...
share with ME some things you have learned about taking photos for YOUR blog.
The PHOTO ABOVE of some of the most delicious PORK TENDERLOIN STEAKS
that Mr. Sweet grilled for us last night,
DOESN'T suit my fancy. It's just not a pretty photo to me.
but to MY olden eyes, I like THIS photo MUCH better.
I SOMETIMES like adding something else to my photos of food.....
like a pepper shaker.....or the miniature SUNFLOWERS.
Now, in the photo to the left,
trying to get EVERY item on the plate at once doesn't make a very pretty photo, taken HEAD ON....
or very interesting.....
and not appetizing at all.....
closing in on the plate of food......taking the photo FROM THE SIDE angle
seems to make things just look better.
seems to make things just look better.
I have no reasoning for this since
I don't know WHY some of my photos look better than others to me....
But, I have learned what I LIKE for my photos to look like
so I sort of just follow my OWN rules.
I think everyone has their own style and ideas in photography, just like other things, don't you?
I don't know WHY some of my photos look better than others to me....
But, I have learned what I LIKE for my photos to look like
so I sort of just follow my OWN rules.
I think everyone has their own style and ideas in photography, just like other things, don't you?
is one that TAKES a close up well....
(and I could just EAT MY SCREEN in this closeup of that thick slab of bacon !!)
I like the addition of the flowers in this photo.
I have noticed in a lot of MAGAZINE photos of FOOD that they don't always
add the extras.....so I don't ALWAYS add them either....just depends on how the photos look
WITHOUT adding extras.
REMEMBER...I don't really know what the heck I am talking about here...
I am simply sharing things that I've learned since taking so many blog photos.
Vee has given some great tips on photography....
I love learning ANYthing about taking a good photo.
Getting a really GOOD camera is at the top of my BUCKET LIST....
ANYway....moving right along...
Vee has given some great tips on photography....
I love learning ANYthing about taking a good photo.
Getting a really GOOD camera is at the top of my BUCKET LIST....
ANYway....moving right along...
taking a photo of the main subject
another subject....
here...the corn patties being MAIN...the red petals the minor subject.
OVERHEAD isn't one of my favorite shots but
OVERHEAD isn't one of my favorite shots but
SOME overheads do work.....this one turned out pretty nice.
I like this SIDE SHOT very much....
And, we ALL know the importance of LIGHT....
it makes all the difference in the world if we have good, natural lighting.
THIS type photo, where the back is IN FOCUS and the front is OUT of focus
SOMETIMES works out great....but not always. Another instance of what the subject of the photo is and if the lighting is right.
Not knowing piddly about all this stuff is the reason SOME of my pictures are ok....others are terrible.
...another back in focus and front out of focus....but, being all the same subject, it makes a pretty good photo.
Much better lighting on this photo....
THIS photo isn't TOO bad......
THIS photo looks much better to me...
Because my camera is a simple point and shoot, I have no wide angle lens to make the beautiful photos so many of you are able to do.
It's very hard to take full room photos....if the room is large, I can't get it at all.
THIS photo on the left doesn't look good to me. I just can't get almost the whole bed and make it look good.
I have better luck with photos of just PARTS of the bed....
(which came from the talented hands of KATHY ....)
looks BETTER to me...
more drama, don't ya think...??
...and speaking of more drama....
I just ADORE shots like this when there's several patterns involved....
just looks better to me taken from the SIDE rather than head-on, from the front.
I guess it all amounts to what looks good to YOU....
and what kind of shots you like.
I happen to LUV shots that are a tad different...
THIS next photo is RANDOM....but since we are here on my bed,
I want to show you something pretty cool....
These shams are the EASIEST ever to put your pillow into.
Ya'll have probably heard of or seen them before but this is my first.
There should be a law that ALL shams have an end opening like this....
love 'em !
My least favorite subject to photograph.....
they are REALLY HARD
for me.
WELL...there's ALways exceptions....!!!
I hope any one of the tips I've given will help you and I would REALLY appreciate some
tips from ya'll, too.....
and, I hope, to ALL OF YOU that have emailed me with photo questions...
I DO hope I've answered a few.....
as you can tell after reading this post...
I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to taking pictures for my blog.
as you can tell after reading this post...
I pretty much fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to taking pictures for my blog.
I think we all just have to practice and practice and practice....
and before long, we realize the things that make a photo look good to us.
when it looks good to US....it generally looks good to our Blogging buddies...
OK, now I am hungry...lol... Fun reading your commentary on photo taking but I was so glad to hear about your contract. I just know everything will run smoothly and you'll soon be settled in your new place. Thanks for including us on your journey. Hugs.
How sweet you are to say your best photos turn out so good by accident. That made me smile, I think talent plays a part too! And good your house is selling and that the young couple will enjoy your swing on the porch.
I am going to get myself a point and shoot. The fancy camera is to bulky and complicated. Congrats on selling your house.
Dear bj,
to photograph again and again is a very good advice (I have my little Lumix always in my bag). Food is very difficult - there are tricks one wouldn't do to one's food that one still wants to eat :-) I find a lot of your food photographs very good - thank you for the tips.
I also do all the photos for my blog myself - it is an adventure, to go through a city and see something - click, cklick (well - out of twenty I dismiss 17). I do often flowers/nature/architecture - people I know, but very seldom foreign (or do you say: strange? unknown?) people - I often think that indecent. (Though I see a lot of motifs :-). Congratulations to selling the house!
Practice makes perfect. I still need a lot of practice with my point and shoot. Your pictures look great. Congrats on the house and how sweet to leave your porch swing. That is one item I want to get for my porch.
Okay- I would never have known that you were only shooting with a little point and shoot camera. That is all I have, too, but my photos leave a LOT to be desired. What YOU have going for you is a good EYE for pleasing composition. You do a great job, bj. I always coming in here for a peek.
SO glad your house is under contract and that there is going to be a baby in there. She will be thrilled with that porch swing. How far are you moving? xo Diana
Thanks for the tips, BJ. Congrats that your house has sold and everything is going well. Isn't it great when you find someone who will love it as much as you.? Your photos are so good. I take with a point and shoot camera also and it is hard to get some shots, especially food. I always grab my camera after food is on plate because it looks so pretty to my eye, but after shot it just looks limp and soggy! Other's suggestions are always good to hear..Happy Weekend..Judy
BJ, congratulations on selling your house!! Patience pays off and it feels so good when you know it's selling to someone who loves your house. :)
About the camera...I got a fancy schmancy camera for my birthday and it is sitting in the box. Mercy, it's so complicated!!
So glad that your house is sold BJ and that someone will be in there that will love it as much as you do.
I had a point and shoot Kodiak and my son got me a new for xmas last year. A point and shoot but one that has a lot of bells and whistles on it a Sony and I love it. It shoots great pictures.
Have a great week.
So glad that someone who loves your house bought it. Love the photos. You have a talent for photography. Have a blessed day and happy grandparents day to you. Madeline
Hi BJness and I'm so happy for you about your house and how nice to have such a sweet little family to live in it too. Oh, I think you take gorgeous photos and agree - sometimes the good ones come out by accident. One thing is, you have a very talented eye to know what looks pretty. Some folks with the big expensive cameras still don't take good snaps because they just can't see it. My hubby bought me a wonderful big expensive camera ")a few years ago and I love it. But...it's heavy and can't go with me every where. I always take my little point and shoot camera in my purse so I don't miss a thing! ;) Keep the pretty snaps coming, friend, and you know how I love your foodie snaps! ;)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
BJ, I am so happy for you getting such good news on your home sale! What a sweet thing to do leaving that beloved swing for the new parents and new baby, I bet they are excited. Now I am starving thanks to your pictures! By the way, I have a point and shoot too and I also have the same picture taking skills as you. You're a sweetie!
Congrats on the home sale! And, so sweet of you to leave the porch swing :)
Just mentioned your pictures on my blog post. You do take the most wonderful food pictures.Take a bow!
I do? You're kidding me! But thank you anyway, Dear One.
You continually amaze me with what you do. You have developed a photographer's eye and so I do hope that one day soon you'll be able to have a camera that you can learn even more with. You have earned it!
I still depend way too much on the editing programs, but like you, I know what I like the look of. (This is not to say that I don't put up some really awful stuff from time to time. Donna at Cottage Days and Journeys {wife of professional photographer} tells me that she can see that I've been abusing photos again. Ha!)
Acckkk...and I forgot to say that it blesses my socks off that the "right" people are buying your home. Sigh. Happy sigh. Very.
You do have some beautiful pics:) I always leave your blog hungry!!! I am so happy that you have found a sweet buyer! A baby in your beautiful home will give it new life! Precious of you to leave that swing! Have a blessed week dear BJ, HUGS!
I'm thrilled you're going to have a sweet family with a baby to love your home just the way you did, dear friend!!! Congratulations!!!
I have a similar "point 'n shoot" camera that I know very little about, as well. I do know that I first look at my subject, then I put the camera up to my eye, until I can see through my lens what I saw with my naked eye. . .then I click! Great termnology, huh??? But it works for me!!!
I adore your photos, too, dear friend. I agree. . .practice, practice, practice. One other thing. . .always make sure your battery pack is WELL changed!!!
Hope your week is overjoyed by great news!!!
Thanks for the camera advice, because I have a point and shoot as well. Would have no idea as to what to do with bells and whistles! Your pics are gorgeous, and look so yummy! Such good news about the house.
Congratulations of the good offer on your home:) My old knees are thinking it is getting close to time to give up my 2 story home. My heart isn't ready to yet though.
Love all of your photo tips too, I too am an amateur who sometimes gets lucky.
Lucky little mommy who gets to take over ownership of your darling porch swing. I would be thrilled if that corner belonged to me also.
I am SOOOO happy about your home sale proceeding so wonderfully! Such an answer to prayer.
Very interesting to read your take on photos. I am a point and shoot gal, and your food photo tips are so helpful.
Speaking of food, if you were here right now, I'd give you a slice of fresh peach pie that would knock your socks off and rock your world! It's that amazing. Not bragging, just compiled a couple of recipes to make it.....I should really post about it, especially with your food photo tips!
that was nice to leave the porch swing
Thanks for all the
tips" on taking photos. You do take some nice ones. What a lovely gift to leave behind--the porch swing. I bet many pleasant hours have been spent on that swing. Mickie :)
I think you have an excellent eye for getting pleasing shots. I would never have guessed that you only use a point and shoot.
Congrats on selling your house to someone who will love it as much as you!
So good to hear your house is selling. You give good advice on picture making I will have to try it.
C'mon! Tell the world the truth. I know why you love taking pictures of food. Yes. Yes, I happen to know that you lick the pictures.
Or......maybe you just like to imagine us drooling all over our computers..which we are of course doing. xoxoxo
Hey BJ, I am so glad things are moving along on the house sale. I love your photos and your food photos always make me hungry! xo
You do very well with your photos, BJ! You are so right about the importance of light -- it's key! I love taking angled or low shots, and my fave is to put the camera on the table & take several shots from there -- it can be really fun!
Congratulations on the house under contract. Keeping positive thoughts!
I have always said you have an eye for creating and capturing beauty. I am one of your many fans.
I love that a special family will have your house.
Glad to hear that the home sale is going along smoothly!
You definitely have an eye for what looks good...and balanced! I love your light, bright photos and blog! It's cheery and fun. Best of luck on the sale of your house! I hope everything goes well! Hugs!
Diane is exactly right. You have an eye for what looks good. I have your camera..except it's a 10 instead of a 12. I love it, but like you dream of being able to take photo's crystal clear of an ant crawling across a leaf! Well..not really, but I would like a really good but easy camera.
I guess photo taking is sort of like playing the piano. I play what sounds good to me, not always what is written on the sheet of music. :) No one hears me anyway!
How nice to find a buyer who loves your home! I hope it all works out well. I call myself the "accidental photographer" when I do get a good shot.
BJ - Your photos are always so pretty. I have a really good camera but there are many times, I just don't want to lug it around. But, it does take good pictures. I leave it on one setting and don't ever change it.
Congratulations on selling your home and especially to someone that will love it like you did.
I am your newest follower. I thought I already was - but, apparently wasn't!!
Am trying to find the blog where you did your kitchen in red and cream. That's what I'm doing in mine using the exact photo you did. I can't seem to decide upon a wall color????
How exciting to sell your house and to a young couple with a baby awww.
Great tips for pictures, my downfall.
Hi dear bj! Thank you for all your tips on taking pictures. I am going to try using your tips as I have a lot to learn. Thank for sharing with us, dear friend. xo
I'm so happy for you about your house!! That is so wonderful. And it is kind of you to leave the swing for mom and baby. What a nice porch to swing on. As far as pictures, I wish mine made the backgrounds more blurry. My camera will make a little blurriness sometimes, but I don't have those fancy lenses to do really cool stuff...I stopped by to get your blog address because I'm workin' on a post about you. I have to have my hubby edit it first before I publish it. :)
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