
Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Coffee Blues

THE following photo has been a favorite of mine for about 4 years.
I have had it in my TO DIE FOR file and the best I remember,
it came out of
IF I am suffering from BRAIN FREEZE here and this photo belongs to YOU...
pardon me for stealing....
What is it that I love so much about this photo....?
Well.....let's see.....
I LUV blue and white
I love ANY kind of writing
I especially love foreign writing.....and especially when it's faded.....
I love the texture of the burlap sack......  and the rough flooring it is all sitting on...
and I love the angle the photographer used to capture these two beauties.
YES, was love at first sight and I KNEW I wanted to do a
BLUE COFFEE photo of my very own.
 I have a  COFFEE canister...
a very VINTAGE one from Germany.'s BLUE AND WHITE...
I also have a WONDERFUL small burlap COFFEE SACK from JAMAICA.
Sooo, I am thinking
COPY CATTER once again...
OOO, how I love to COPY CAT.

I just wonder if everyone else loves COPY CATTING
as much as I do.....?

and that background .....
is from a blog somewhere...I will try to look that up....
altho, I have NO idea where to even look.

 Trying for the texture that the inspiration photo has on the flooring,
I used the brick of my hearth.

Not having the good camera with the awesome lens, I never could get the right  angle to match the inspiration photo....
THIS photo is too.......

THIS one has a better angle, tho....

This beautiful Coffee canister is just a part of a LARGE collection of GERMAN CANISTERS that I have collected over the years.

I have them all lined up and lookin' pretty for a good post coming sometime in the near future. I've done several but if I put them all in a different setting, it makes for another good post.
SOOO much fun, ladies and gents....
If you don't "DO" copy catting....try it. It's fun.
A wintertime picture, using some of my blues and whites....
....... have a homemade scone and a cup of the 
BEST DUNKIN DONUTS glad you stopped by. ♥♥♥ hugs


  1. Love this post, BJ! Love your copy catting....What is the name of your blue and white dishes? I am collecting a "Historical Ports of England" dishes, love them. Enjoy your blog. :)

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  2. This is a lovely Mosaic Monday post!

    Anything with coffee in it is sure to be a winner with me:)

  3. They look great. Thanks for sharing these. :)

  4. i love your blue and whites, and i enjoy coffee, too, even in the middle of summer.:p

  5. The blue and white is so pretty and fresh.

  6. You're a great copy-cat, BJ - your copies are always so good, with that little twist that makes them your own. I love blue and white too!

  7. I'm coming...I'm coming...get the coffee ready!! I love blues and whites too...somehow it's just so clean looking! I also love the different textures you've shown and the different angles of photos. think I'll have to be a follower so I can find out more! Joan

  8. I love your blue and white and I love COFFEE. Lovely images and mosaics. Have a Happy week!

  9. Your pics look great BJ! Lovin' the last one with the fire-very cozy:@)

  10. You're a great copy cat, BJ. I happen to love all the elements in this one, too.

    And I just saw your romantic bath ideas and really loved that.

  11. Debbie has me hooked on copycatting.... I love yours, and I ADORE Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee!!! YUM!!!

    This seriously is a great copycat.

    Have a great week, BJ!

  12. You are the QUEEN of making something look BETTER than what you are copying:) Love your pictures! Enjoy your day my friend, HUGS!

  13. I love it! This is a great copy cat.Makes me want a cup of coffee and a doughnut.

  14. Lots and lots of blue and white in my house. Hope you are having a great week.

  15. (Does seeing beautiful pictures of food send you over the edge? It would trouble me, IF I were dieting, which I am currently not, though I certainly should be.)

    I know that we all say it, but your photo is every bit as good as the one you've been saving. Oh, yes, it is! This copycat business...I've not tried it; perhaps I should.

  16. No never tried it but your photo turned out very pretty!

  17. Beeej! You do such a great job with your copy catting! BTW, I did a post you will like today. Come over and check it out!!!

  18. Lovely photos. I am going to copycat you!

  19. Copycat photos are fun! I think finding inspiration is always great! Love the blue and white! hugs, Linda

  20. Your photos are fantastic. The scones are making me hungry. Love the blue and white. ( ) Hugs back to you.

  21. you are too dang funny! :) i don't think i've ever tried copy catting. :)

  22. I love blue and white, and I love seeing how you copycat. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, BJ.

  23. Blue and white are my favourite colour combination, too. I don't drink coffee, but I'd certainly join you for a treat! The last picture is so pretty - great copy catting!

  24. You did it BJ. Yours is lovely. I love all things coffee, particularly the coffee!

  25. What delightful photos! I do think it's called gathering inspiration rather than being a copycat. :-)

  26. Anyone should be flattered to by copied by the divine Sweet Nothings. :D Thanks for sharing your inspiration this week on BeColorful

  27. Love your blue and white. Another great post. Hope your daughter Stacy and her family are doing better and getting the work done on their house. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  28. BJ,
    Nope! Haven't tried the 'copy cat' journey! I do enjoy seeing what you've been doing though, dear friend! Your Southern hospitality always makes me feel warm and welcome! Thanks!

  29. Ohhhh...I love it! I'm stealing that picture..I am!! You don't mind do you?? I'm teasing you of course! GREAT job of copying, bj!
    I'm thinking of bottling YOU and selling you! Bet I would become a millionaire in nothing flat!
    LOL oh LOL!! :)
    Love and HUGE hugs!

  30. What a GREAT Composition! Good job!!!!


  31. I like your photos better than the originals!

  32. Your gorgeous pictures make me drool! I'm a big fan of blue and white and faded foreign writing on burlap as well. Loved your blue and white coffee canister, so precious. Thanks for this lovely inspiration and your sweet note:) I think I will "copy cat" you on a blue and white post soon... beautiful post!Have a wonderful evening!Hugs,Poppy

  33. Your pic is wonderful! It isn't the pot that makes the soup great, it is the cook! :)
    Sugar withdrawal kicking in?

  34. How fun was that?! You did very well and you made me smile all the way to the end and then not made me very hungry;')

  35. Love your Delft blue and white. Look for cannisters similar to yours in the movie Meet Me In St.
    Louis with Judy Garland.

  36. I actually like your blue and white copy cat picture more than the one you're copy catting. Nice!

  37. made me want to drink more coffee :) beautiful shots indeed. visiting from blue monday.


Thanks SO much for commenting. I am blessed for knowing you.