I ask you to remember that I am OLDEN.......VERY olden and
so one might tolerate the 2nd ChildHood I seem to go thru
every now and then.
Hence, the pure silliness of this post today.
I was accused once of "never growing up"......
I hope I NEVER DO.
so one might tolerate the 2nd ChildHood I seem to go thru
every now and then.
Hence, the pure silliness of this post today.
I was accused once of "never growing up"......
I hope I NEVER DO.
in the far off magical land of SWEET NOTHINGS,
there lived KING SWEET and QUEEN bj
in an olden but loved castle.
One day, not too terribly long ago, the Queen was having an afternoon snack
when the PONY EXPRESS arrived, with the most delightful catalog
from the mystic land of MacKenzie♣ Childs.
She was SO intent on eating her curds and whey peanut butter crackers
and fresh pineapple slices
that she ALMOST missed what was to be in her dreams at night.
(and no.......it wasn't JOHNNY DEPP )
Alas, it was the most amazingly beautiful shelf in all of BLOGLAND.
It haunted the Queen, day and night....
night and day....
and everything in between.
♣ ♣ ♣
swearing she would never, EVER ask him to build another single solitary thing,
(and little did he know she had all ten toes crossed
and he wondered why she kept falling to her knees)
and he wondered why she kept falling to her knees)
she asked KING SWEET if he would make all her dreams come true
and build that shelf for her.
Before she could get the pea out from under her mattress, the KING had gathered tools and lumber
and was hard at work.
And since the QUEEN was born with a "hindrance".....a severe 'handicap', you might say,
something that no medicine in all the land would cure....
this strange "condition" has two names....
she mentioned that, not only would he have to BUILD the
most amazingly beautiful shelf in all of BLOGLAND, he
would also be responsible for the hand painting of it all.
OOO, The Queen knew she MIGHT be able to tape off and make the black and white stripes...
but NO WAY could she even BEGIN to paint the COLOR DRAGGING that MacKenzie♣ Childs is famous for. (and, I am pretty sure MC doesn't "tape off".....free hand, I think)
But KING SWEET could do it.....could and DID !
Why....he could build the Hickory Dickery Dock Clock, if ever he wanted to.
Never BATTING an eye and without the use of his Bat Cape,
he built that shelf to look JUST LIKE
the one in the catalog from the land of MacKenzie♣Childs......
the one that sells for $1000.00 American Dollars. *whew
the one that sells for $1000.00 American Dollars. *whew
And not only did he build that shelf in less than
40 days and 40 nights,
he assembled all the paints, brushes andcourage from the Wizard of Oz
and he had that shelf painted in no time at all.
THEN, THE KING AND I began to play
They had to wait until the beautiful, solid brass KNOBS and solid brass BALLS
arrived, again by PONY EXPRESS.
They had to wait until the beautiful, solid brass KNOBS and solid brass BALLS
arrived, again by PONY EXPRESS.
the SHELF JEWELRY began to pour in.
The golden knobs for the front....
but, alas, Buzz Lightyear, the Pony Express rider, said
he had no golden balls for the top of the shelf.
The KING said, "Oh, hang it all...I shall place the mirrored
shelf on the wall of the Castle anyway."
So, kindly ENTER......
The Queenwas in her counting house, counting out the money was jumping all around with joy.
The shelf looked
JUST LIKE the shelf from
Can you see her look of happiness in the
(by the way, if you haven't seen MIRROR MIRROR with
Julia Roberts, it's a darling movie)
The master crafters at MACKENZIE♣CHILDS added adorable
RED Metal birds to THEIR shelf...
... the Queen sent many runners, SEVEN DWARFS, to be exact, out into the land to find the
"bring them back on a tray".
but....much to their dismay,
none were to be found.
The beautiful and very YOUNG
Queen, being the kind soul that she was, said...
"Never fear.....I just happened across some little
These little ones will suffice and I will WISH UPON A STAR for the
but, alas, Buzz Lightyear, the Pony Express rider, said
he had no golden balls for the top of the shelf.
The KING said, "Oh, hang it all...I shall place the mirrored
shelf on the wall of the Castle anyway."
So, kindly ENTER......
The Queen
The shelf looked
JUST LIKE the shelf from
Can you see her look of happiness in the
(by the way, if you haven't seen MIRROR MIRROR with
Julia Roberts, it's a darling movie)
AND THEN....we heard, once again, the sound of HOOFS on the front lawn, just this side of
the moat.....
"YOUR HINEYNESS HIGHNESS, the BALLS have come...the BALLS have come."
(i'm not goin' THERE)
The bright and shiny BRASS BALLS added the final touch on the magical shelf. The master crafters at MACKENZIE♣CHILDS added adorable
RED Metal birds to THEIR shelf...
... the Queen sent many runners, SEVEN DWARFS, to be exact, out into the land to find the
"bring them back on a tray".
but....much to their dismay,
none were to be found.
The beautiful and very YOUNG
Queen, being the kind soul that she was, said...
"Never fear.....I just happened across some little
These little ones will suffice and I will WISH UPON A STAR for the
Placed in the entry to the Castle, along with the cute- as- can -be -bench,
also fashioned by THE CARPENTER KING,
the Queen was very happy.
She had noticed that the only RED used on the M♣C shelf
was on the narrow bottom of the shelf.
The tiny Aladden lamp night light lamp
seems very tiny......perhaps TOO tiny
for the space.
hmmmmm.....what would look good here?
We do love a small light in the entry to
our castle...
and those are REAL flowers and
they must be planted in the
Castle Gardens.....
I must search for beautiful FAUXS
for this spot.
She had noticed that the only RED used on the M♣C shelf
was on the narrow bottom of the shelf.
seems very tiny......perhaps TOO tiny
for the space.
hmmmmm.....what would look good here?
We do love a small light in the entry to
our castle...
and those are REAL flowers and
they must be planted in the
Castle Gardens.....
I must search for beautiful FAUXS
for this spot.
THIS sweet message was written on the back of the shelf....just in time for the anniversary date,
and I am pretty sure that there in NOTHING like this coming
"My heartfelt thanks for this beautiful reminder, your Majesty."
And, so, with the most beautiful shelf in all of Blogland
hanging in place,
The KING and Queen lived happily ever after.
hanging in place,
The KING and Queen lived happily ever after.
I hope YA'LL have Happily Ever Afters, too.
xoxo bj
xoxo bj
that is precious, bj. almost brought tears to my eyes...
Now, really, why am I sniffling up here?! This is just so sweet and your darling did the most wonderful job. I tip my cap to him and to his great love of a good woman. Your "hineyness"...tee hee...what a hoot!
Wow, your olden imagination has run wild. I love your story and love your sweet shelf made by your King.
Oh queenie, what a great king you have there!:) I love your post it was great!!!
You always make me smile:)
This is a wondrous tale of an olden king and his olden queen, from the time when knights errant roamed the land, and a black and white magical shelf adorned the entry hall to the castle. All hail the King and Queen.
Mr Sweet is aptly named! Sweet he is, and a fine craftsman to boot. It's perfectly wonderful and the love and devotion it was made with is worth far more than $1000. What a treasure...and I'm not talking about the shelf:>)
I stopped by to tell you that I have an Award for you!
Hop over to my blog to retrieve it!
Pure delight! Love it, love it! What a sweet hubby!
Glad to meet your blog....
Hi Bj, I truly enjoyed reading your blog tonight and I love your shelf that your hubby made for you. They do wonderful things for you. I enjoyed the previous post to. Have a great day. Your Missouri friend
What a beautiful post and an awesome anniversary gift! I think your MC did an awesome job on the shelf and I like it more than the original! I hope you both had a great anniversary!
Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen
Beautiful! Both the shelf, and the love story. Happy anniversary! Keep spoiling each other ;-)
Just awesome my dear friend..Plus the Queen has a keeper in her King..Love ya girl..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh gosh, what a beautiful post!!! You are one very lucky Queen to have such a King!!!
I am still smiling after reading your post! Lovely shelf and what a sweet lovenote. Jane
So pretty!
My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see.
I love it - the fairy tale, the shelf and even your golden balls (and Im not going there either BJ)
What a stunning piece of furniture, and what a craftsman you have as a loving husband too..I am soooo jealous!!! It looks so beautiful in your room decor, and I loved the way you told the story.. hugs from across the pond.J
that's a great job ! You lucky one to have such a gifted man at hand !
Love it! The shelf turned out beautiful and the note on the back is so special-enjoy:@)
BJ, a very happy anniversary to you and Mr. Sweet! I am printing this post to keep forever and ever in a scrapbook. This is such a sweet post! May the King and Queen enjoy their beautiful shelf for many, many years.
Don't ya' just love it when a plan comes together??!!
Have a Wonderful Day!!
Just think, not only did he make it for you, he did a fabulous job, he inscribed it with the sweetest words ever and he was still smiling!! I vote for keeping him. Happy Anniversary!
What a great anniversary present! I want one!!!! I love all things MacKenzie-Childs. Happy Anniversary!
Oh my goodness, that is gorgeous! What an amazing job the King did on it. Of course, the sentiment on the back might possibly be one of the sweetest things ever! Enjoy your shelf fair Queen...and enjoy the King too! heehee
I love your tale and your shelf. What a wonderful hubby you have. It looks just wonderful on the wall!
The King adores his Queen, and has created and gifted her grandly.
BJ, I love, love, love it.
And, I love, love, love you. Happy Anniversary/♥
Thanks for sharing your amusing story at Your Cozy Home Party. The shelf is very pretty. ------- Shannon
Oh BJ, that shelf is GORGEOUS! I knew it would be! What a talented husband you have to make a copy that looks better than the original! I know you will be forever happy with your Handsome Prince:) Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!
OH HON, you are so cute! May you never *grow up*!!!!! What would we do without your precious flights of fancy posts, if you *grew up*? :-)
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! The whole shelf collaboration. Just wonderful!!!
"Reading takes us away from home,
but more important,
it finds homes for us everywhere."
~Hazel Rochman
What a great job. I love how you took the pictures of the king and queen, hah.
Your home looks so beautiful......this shelf fits in perfectly.
Happy Birthday to your king and Happy Anniversary. Great picture of the two of you.
Ah, but alas -- the Queen discovered she was both talented AND crafty in getting the King to do her bidding!
What a lovely fairytale. The shelf is very pretty your husband did a great job. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Wow, this is so pretty!
My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo
It's beautiful! I love it.
Hi Bj,
Happy Anniversary to the both of you, and a Birthday Wishes to your handsome prince. I wish you all the best your kingdom has to offer!
The shelf turned out to be just as beautiful as the MC one... without the 1000.00 price tag. I would love for you to share this at my party this afternoon. I know my readers will be inspired... if not just a little bit jealous ;)
xoxo Bunny Jean
Wednesday's Bunny Hop Party!
Well, first a very happy anniversary! Mr. Sweets did the most amazing job creating this M/C piece. He loves you lots....
Such a beautiful and charming shelf you have. There is no other like it in bogland. Great job. You are most lucky and blessed to have such a handyman in your life.
Growing up just isn't worth the effort, my dear! :)
“Being the Youngest”
Mr. Sweet is the bomb diggity and I love love this story and how you told it. I am going to have Joe read it. hugs, olive
I am totally dazzled and trying very hard to be a good Christian and NOT covet thy bloggy neighbor's (whom I admire greatly)amazing, gorgeous, stupendous, phenominal shelf! I would like to claim I am being successful at this..however..*sigh* I just am not.
On the other hand (as Randy Travis would say) I am SO happy for you, bj! Your husband is a sweetheart!
And...YOU are one good storyteller! Yep..you're a Southern lady for sure!
I read the W H O L E book...just 'cause I knew 'the movie' version wouldn't do this story the justice it needed! You two make the most wonderful couple E V E R!!! May your HAPPILY EVER AFTER never end!!!
Your shelf is absolutely precious!
That was one more fairy tale of a love story! The shelf is beautiful. Fit for a queen! Tell the King he did an awesome job!
O M G...he did a fabulous job on this - this was an adorable post and I am so glad he was able to create this for you. It looks lovely where it is and just perfect for your home!!
bj ... love the shelf ... love the story. You are a wonderful Queen and have the greatest King.
Enjoy your Castle. I know you do.
Audrey Z.@ Timeless Treasures
bj ... love the shelf ... love the story. You are a wonderful Queen and have the greatest King.
Enjoy your Castle. I know you do.
Audrey Z.@ Timeless Treasures
Have you ever read the book by Nicholas Sparks called the Notebook? The first time I read it all I could think was that everyone should be so blessed with a love like that. When I read your love story, the same thought passed thru my mind!
Happy belated anniversary wishes to the King and Queen as well as birthday wishes for your sweet, sweet hubby!
Wishing you both many more years of celebration together!
Sorry, I have been out of town and missed this glorious occasion. So happy for you and the better half. He did an excellent job on the shelf. Blessings for many more happy days together. My sister and her husband just last week had their 62 wedding anniversary.
Impressive! Your man is truly the king Carpenter..Beautiful:)
Visiting for RT2- hope you can stop by:)
Love love the wonderful shelf'''it is a wowwowee wonderful whatan amazing talented hubby...congrats...phyllis
Not only does a talented master carpenter live in your home, so does an extremely talented WRITER. bj dear, this is adorable. I've enjoyed following your dream from catalog to shelf hanging in the foyer hall. Your shelf looks like it was delivered from MacKenzie Childs! I think your Mr. Sweet could make and sell these if he so desired. What a special gift, no money could buy.
the French Hutch
I LOVE this post! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful and supportive King :) Your shelf looks amazing and MacKenzie Childs should hire you to write their catalogue :)
This made me tear up! How beautiful. What a treasure.
Oh-Oh-Oh- How in the world did I EVER miss this post when I have been waiting and wanting it to happen? How did you fall off my blogger dashboard? I can't find it going back through my list...WHAT? Sumthin' needs fixing.
Bj...that is the most bestest greatest wonderfulest thing I have seen in a long time. You and MrS are quite a pair. I just adore him and I don't even know his real name!
Blessings- I bet you will be smiling every day of life when you walk in and see that piece. xo Diana
Yours is even better because it was made with tender loving care!
I just read backwards all of the posts until I found THE SHELF! First, I think your house is French Country...look at all those wonderful things you have.
Next...IT IS PERFECT!! I love the shelf and I love the love that went into making the shelf. It is beautiful and so very, very special. I am excited for you. I can see why you have kept Mr. Sweet around so long:)
That is one of the sweetest things of have seen, fabulous project! You two have great taste! Julie
When can you send him to Ohio, BJ? : ) I can't even tell you how fabulous that shelf is and how fabulous your sweetie is for making it for you! Of course, I teared up at his little note on the back. Definitely a piece to treasure forever for so many reasons.
Oh this turned out amazing BJ...I just love it. It is so you, and you must be so happy to see it everyday. Your Man did a great job indeed.
Dearest bj,
Oh...I love...love...love everything about your wonderful post! You darling husband is a genius and a skilled craftsman! Your shelf is simply perfection...and, it means so much more than one that would have been purchased. It has a story...A story of love and affection from your sweet hubby! My heart is warmed by his devotion to you!
I love your cheerful country french. you and I have similar taste in decor. I'm so fond of red, black, yellow, toile and checks.
Thanks for this nspiring post, my sweet friend!
Carolynn xoxo
It was so nice to see your thoughtful comment on my new blog. I am learning, bit by bit, the ropes...but, so much more to learn...!
That was touching, his note so full of love. Beautiful! Worth a million!
Sorry I missed this! It looks wonderful!
This does look so nice. Tell hubby that to get that streaked look that MC has with their black and white is easy by dry brushing over with yellow and blue. Just dab a tiny bit on a brush, wipe off on a paper towel and then brush over the stripes. He did a fabulous job and you knew that all you had to say to get me here fast is MacKenzie Childs!
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