and, coupled with RAIN and a beautiful cloudy day
and looking at my post of YESTERDAY,
I made another CRISP for our breakfast.
This time, I added a can of BLUEBERRIES to the CHERRIES.
It was still raining lightly......VERY lightly by the time I slid the crisp into the hot oven.
I saw this tiny squirrel beneath a bush in my front yard. Most likely burying an olden pecan or.....maybe just trying to stay dry ?

I haven't looked at the temp yet but I can feel the house seems a little cooler......all the better to have this hot oven going, baking a SWEET BERRY BREAKFAST just for us. ♥
Are you like me....when I have so many blessings falling on me, I say a prayer of thanks....and I think of the many homeless...
and it always, every single time, brings tears to my eyes.
For whatever reason they fell on bad times, I pray for them.
They so NEED every prayer that can be sent up for them.
Well, hello beautiful
NOW....don't 'cha go rollin' your eyes that I am having
ICE CREAM for breakfast.
You KNOW it must taste FABULOUS on a bowl of hot
and, my sweet friend, you are soooo right.
THIS crisp was even better than the last one...
I THINK it's because I just doubled up on all the TOPPING...
MORE brown sugar......more oats......more pecans....more BUTTAH
And...I truly believe it tasted so great this morning, along with
a hot, steaming cup of DUNKIN DONUTS coffee,
thank you all for your rain prayers for us.
♥ ♥ ♥
.......it's a lot like pouring
thick, rich, sweet cream
on your hot pie.....
and doesn't seem a bit sweeter, to me, than a big ole donut.
Here I am.....trying to defend myself for having ice cream at breakfast...
Gosh dern it....
I think I'll go get ANOTHER scoop.
Thanks so much for coming by on this weekend...
I hope it is a really great one for you.
Joining in the fun at
(now I realize I am stretching it for SHADOW SHOT...but there's a few faint shadows around
Ice cream is perfect with this and is dairy so you are nutritionally correct is adding it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Glad you got some rain. It's a pretty sunny day here and I'm going to try to do a little outside work on my deck garden today! Hugs, Linda
Oh this does sound decadent and delicious. Say, where are your Wyman's blueberries packed? Just wondering...
Oh you are so funn. It looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty
Hi BJ, you can link up the the color Connection at Kids e-Connection blog. Thanks.
When I saw your title...I KNEW you made something absolutely delicious again. Oh I would so love to come visit you, but I would have to order 2 plane tickets to get back home!!
hoping you get a lot more rain, dearheart! we've got sprinkles coming down here this morning with 100% chance today. i hope it does more than sprinkle!
Hurray for the rain...I am happy for you! I know how much you needed it and I hope you get plenty this spring and summer.
What a delicious breakfast. Of course you have to put ice cream on a crisp! I love that you used cherries AND blueberries. With the vanilla ice cream it reminds me of the 4th of July!
Have a great weekend, BJ!
Sounds like a wonderful start to a Saturday-enjoy:@)
Amen to the ice cream for breakfast! Yummy, that crisp looks so tasty! You always feed me, but I go away still hungry! :) Glad you've gotten some rain. We've gotten quite a bit in the last two days and now the sun is out and shining so bright but it's cooler. That's okay with me as we'll get hot soon enough.
Have a great weekend.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You only live once, GF.
Enjoy the ice cream!
Rainy days just inspire baking something hot and bubbly! This crisp looks wonderful BJ, and who could possibly have a problem with he ice cream for breakfast?! No one would quibble about berries and cream for breakfast, this is the same thing, the cream is just colder;>)
There is nothing wrong with crisp and ice cream for breakfast...just a serving of fruit, grains and dairy, in my opinion!
It is raining here too. It is just the kind we need. Nice and slow. I am not cooking tho. However, I did put a frozen apple tart in the oven to bake. (Store bought)
Finally the sun is shining here today, bright and so happy. Your photos are so pretty. See you tomorrow Bj, can't wait!~
The crisp looks yummy and by all means have whatever ya want for breakfast.. never understood who made Breakfast Rules anyway lol.
yes I too cry sometimes when I have a good meal and think about those who have little or none. We turn the heat way down about 7 in the evening so its chilly by bedtime. I laid in bed the other night , snuggled up under the covers , knowing soon I'd be warm and cozy and I was saying my prayers of thanks for the day and my safe secure home and then I thought about those who wouldnt be getting warmer that night- they'd be getting colder and I cried and prayed for them all. In the blink of an eye any of our lives and circumstances could change radically and we would be the ones needing help from our fellow man and prayers.
Oh you are so bad! You've given our secret away, now all our friends will know why we are so...
pretty! lol. This is absolutely the best Bj! Hugs, Loretta
Girl I eat Ice cream for dinner..I love the stuff and have a freezer full of it..ha ha!! Oh I also love that Magic shell on the top of it YUM!! Love ya Sister..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Every time I hear TX got rain, I think of you and how happy you will be.
I hope it continues till you are out of the drought!
It barely made 40 here today, but the sun was out, so I was happy!
Have a blessed Sunday, BJ!
listen to the rhythm of the falling rain...love the rain! and love the crisp; yum! It looked wonderful!
I am so glad you are getting the rain you so badly need. Our weather here today has been just beautiful. They say rain is coming in a few days. I wish I could have some of that wonderful dessert you made, but I can dream that I am able to eat sweets again. My work verification has been turned off. Have a blessed evening. Madeline
That Crisp looks delish! and I, like you... have given thanks for the blessing of rain... after the past few years... every single drop is a blessing!
hugs. Dixie
Unbelievably, on my Mornington Peninsula in Australia, we seem to have rain to spare! I have never known such a wet, grey, cool summer for many many years! It's good to have a decadent breakfast once in a while! I remember once having fresh prawns (shrimps?) for breakfast when I was on holiday! It was heavenly!
I think all of Texas has been having a rain event! It rained on us all the way home from Houston. And it is still raining!!
I enjoy your mouth watering pics. Today was our last day of good food. LD is busting out of his pants so it's back to counting calories. It is SO hard to eat healthy when you are away from home!
Ice cream for breakfast- Why Not?
You will sooo love my blog tomorrow-it is about the recipe for you and I posted link to your blog...because YOU, my dear, are the breakfast queen! xo Diana
The crisp looks SO yummy!! I love that it has cherries and blueberries. As for the ice cream for breakfast, I vote YES!! Have you ever had a bowl of oatmeal with a scoop of vanilla ice cream?? Oh my, is IT good.
I agree... just like having cream on top! The crunchy topping is my favorite part. :)
Looks very tempting! http://www.sailorsmusings.com/2012/03/oriental-art.html
Looks Yummy!!
That crisp looks very delicious.
Regards and best wishes
I've been known to have ice cream for breakfast. It is one of the major food groups isn't it? :)
But of course you can have ice cream for breakfast! Why in the world not??!!
*deep sigh*
No rain for us and we need it too. I am so pleased that you got some..and that you are having such a delicious breakfast!
Big hugs!
oh wow and yummy!
That crisp looks fabulous, BJ. And why not ice cream? Like Linda said, it's dairy so it must have good stuff like protein and calcium in it.
Yes, I do believe you are stretching it a teensy bit for Shadow Shot. ;-)
You have pecan trees in your yard? Lucky!
Whenever I feel blue, I'll have to come visit you...you have the happiest blog. Not that I'm feeling blue, mind you. Just sayin'.
I don't get around the blogosphere much these days. I didn't do my shadow shot post yet.
You could say disorganization is my motto.
P.S. I'm also happy for you that you are getting some rain!
It looks delicious!
It looks delicious!
YUM!! I think I will make this for my family this morning :) Have a great weekend!
xo, Andrea
Flowers and food? This post couldn't get any better.
Oh, my! That crisp looks heavenly..with or without the ice cream!
More rain for us today. That's okay.
Good Sunday Morning, BJ!
You are such a thoughtful soul, Honey...praying for the homeless & less fortunate. Yes, we ARE truly blessed with all that we have now.
You'll be happy to know I MADE YOUR BUTTERMILK BISCUITS THIS MORNING!!! My DH was in 7th Heaven...I even cut them into shamrock shapes so I could feature them on Kathleen's St. Pat's party. They were DEEEElicious! Thanks for talking about them & linking to the recipe enough times that I finally got the gumption to try making them. Easy~Peasy!
Grateful Hugs,
oops...where ARE my manners? I forgot to say how yummy your cherry/blueberry crisp looks! I would go for the ice cream on top, too. ~~big smile~~
Hi BJ,
Drooling badly... ice cream, YUMM...
I eat badly when it rains, like we have now. The only thing am doing is eat morning to evening §;-) blaming I have flu...LoL*
Happy SSS...
Hi, I found you through a mutual friend Diane. She said in her blog that I would like yours and I do. I just had breakfast but your crisp looks so yummy. With ice cream that even makes it better especially while it is still warm. Nothing better. I enjoyed the previous post about your cups. We all have our preference. Have a great day. A New Missouri Friend.
I am so glad you got some rain :) It is so needed. Your blueberry crisp looks berry delicious.
PS Always have a little ice cream....it makes everything better.
Oh, BJ, you can have whatever your little heart desires for breakfast! Wish I could join you. I love to bake on rainy days. Maybe that is why I don't like summer so much. I can't put my oven on! I feel the same as you, and count my blessings. The people that have to work in the freezing cold, while I an snuggled in my bed. My step dad worked, loading the new cars from GM on the trains. Day and night, all kinds of weather. It would break my heart, knowing he was out in the cold like that. (sniff)
Happy Spring!
So Glad you got the rain and there are plenty of shadows!! Great post!
Ahhh, a sweet Spring rain! SO nice to have the rain showering our flowers! I have NEVER had ice cream for breakfast BUT I have substituted lunch for ice cream or frozen yogurt more than a few times:)
Enjoy your weekend dear friend, I always enjoy stopping it to see what you are cooking up! HUGS!
Beautiful pictures. I am invite you to subscribe to my "Life in Pictures" meme. Have a nice week. Greetings from Romania.
That looks soooo good. Mind sharing your recipe?
Thanks for being a part of Seasonal Sundays.
- The Tablescaper
I've heard of a "silver lining" behind every rain storm...but I like your idea of baking a "crisp" even more! Our rain came in the form of sleet once this week! Like you, I'm grateful for every single drop. Hm~m~m...I'll have to think that baking a "crisp" thing might just be what's missing here on the Prairie! Sure to give it a try next rain we get!
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