Most of my bloggy friends KNOW that I am such a COPY CAT...
day and night....well, HECK...she is always DOOING and has such cute things going on over at her place, it's dang hard NOT to stalk her.....and I KNOW some of YOU are stalkers, too.

....every time she opens her door, I'M THERE....
when she looks out her window, I'M THERE....
when she gets in her car, there I am, in the back seat....
it's not quite THAT bad but I do love reading her blog, seeing what she is doing...
and believe me, she is ALWAYS DOOING.
SHE has added this beautiful wooden applique to the front of her cabinets....
and YEP....
I would do the same but my cabinet front beneath my sink
has faux place for a pretty embellishment.
I just want to say that I have added a few embellishments to my furniture, too,.......YEARS AGO....
Could this possibly mean that I am A STEP AHEAD OF HER on this one?
Could it possibly mean that I THOUGHT OF SOMETHING before SHE did ??
OR....could it possibly mean that I am so much more OLDEN than she,
she is bound to hit on something that I HAVE ALREADY DONE.
I am pretty sure that must be the reasoning behind this mystery.....

An olden chest that needed PIZAZZZZ....
and a vintage, painted pine mantel LOVES
this flowery applique....

......even added a couple of
BULLS EYE pieces to it to
give it that FLAIR and FLUFF
we all just LOVE......
we all just LOVE......
This beautiful piece graces a door in my dining room that once was plain and a WALLFLOWER... holds it's own with ANY door.
And, THEN.........
I see THIS.....see it back there ?.......all bathed in sunlight and LUV.....
an ivy plant looking all snug and comfy and cute in
O, I, too, have a tiny VINTAGE STRAINER...
a cute little thang....
and never mind that it has SERVED ME WELL
by providing a charming place to hold my TEA BAGS...
BUT, now that SHE
has placed a plant in HER tiny little strainer....
YES....I'VE gone GREEN......
YES....I'VE gone GREEN......
AND.....never mind that......
the nice, green IVY
WAS on a cute shelf in my entry hall and
was doing GREAT there......growing and getting greener by the minute, sitting
right next to the cutest little wooden GARDEN ANGEL. what does it all MEAN.....??........
Why, it means I have to go to the THRIFT STORE and find another CA UTE
container to hold my TEA BAGS.....
and I have to stop at WALMART for some NEW ivy plants....
O....WOE IS ME...
this is the price you pay when you are a
AHHH, ya know I love ya, Debbiedoo...:)
xoxoxo bj

Why, it means I have to go to the THRIFT STORE and find another CA UTE
container to hold my TEA BAGS.....
and I have to stop at WALMART for some NEW ivy plants....
O....WOE IS ME...
this is the price you pay when you are a
AHHH, ya know I love ya, Debbiedoo...:)
xoxoxo bj

don't tell PAT at ON CROOKED CREEK
that I stole her idea for a basket of flowers for my front porch....
If YOU don't tell her....
she will never know.
You just flatter the crap out of me, and make me laugh so hard!!!!!!!! Funny your embellishment is my exact one from years ago. See you are one step ahead of me. And if you are olden, I want to be just like you when I grow up. LOVE your energy, wit, and zest for life. I really aspire to be like that too!~ Have a great weekend. Your plant looks healthier than mine. I have since moved that vine outdoors. I must get a new hardy one though, because I love the look.
You deserve your own CA YUTE like Debbie doos it.
I stalk her too, and I love what you've done. I did the plant in the strainer without even copying. Does that make me a Debbie in training?
And I love the door, too.
Well isn't that what blogging is all about? We share our ideas, and when shared, they are meant to be used by others. What greater compliment can there be, when it comes to someone who wants to do what they have seen you do? I love Deb's ideas. I also have put wood appliques here in my home, and they add such pizzaz to a simple wooden piece. Have a wonderful weekend BJ!
You Think? lol. She just might find out on her own! Copy Kat or not, I love this idea with the ivy...It is so fresh looking and Springy! Isn't it wouderful how you can borrow ideas from friends and they love it! Hugs
Oh what a fun post. I try to stalk Debbie too, she really is always doing something amazing. Love your appliques and the plant in the strainer, way too cute. Hugs, Marty
Yeah? Well I'm stealing that basket idea myself. Love the cute little Welcome tag, too. I must visit Debbiedoo because if you love her, I'm sure that I will, too. I have a cute little red strainer...somewhere. Where did I put it?!
I must be a second-hand copy cat then, because I'm going to copy your version of Debbie's basket and hang it on my front door!
You know what they say....imitation is the greatest form of flattery!
You're so funny. That's the best part of blog world - stealing everyone's ideas! :o) I'll have to go check her site out as well!
what's that saying? imitation is the finest form of flattery? :)
Those baskets of flowers are just too cute!
Such a cute post. Yes, you are quite the stalker and copycat. That is probably what most of us do you just came out and admitted your problem!
You silly thing..girl who could keep up with Debbie..I swear she has more energy..wished she would bottle it and send me some..I love ya girl..Hope you have a GREAT weekend..Hugs and smiles Gloria
Cute post! I just adore everything Debbie does too....we are all stalkers!!! LOL
You are so funny!!
I am oing to have to go over and stalk Debbiedoo's, too!!
Is it really being a copycat if you fess up? I think not. And you do it all so well with your own BJ spin. Love your kitchen every time we get to peek in on it. Have a wonderful weekend. Patty
I think your photos have just created another copycat. I really like the appliques. This was new to me. Hmm, where can I put one? Very funny post.
I just hung a basket of flowers on my front door yesterday and thought I was original. That's funny, I thought I was original...
Copying is the best form of flattery! Love Debbie to pieces {you, too}. You did a great job woth your embellishments but I REALLY love your basket of flowers! That's one I may steal!
Happy Weekend!
Dear friend, you flatter me with this "copy cat" front door design! You fill my cup everyday!!! If you hadn't been by to tell me sHHHH..I wouldn't have known you'd let "the cat out of the bag"! Ha! Thank you dear friend. Blogging has to be the best...ladies such as you, make it that way! I adore how you inspire and encourage others!
This is such a great idea! and I love your door basket - what would we ever do without each other's ideas??
LOL, such a copy cat! Love the ideas and isn't it somewhat flattering to be the one copied?
Half of my house is decorated from ideas I stole...I mean found...on my friends' blogs! hehe That's what blogging is all about, sharing:-) I LOVE the idea of the ivy in a little strainer and isn't it amazing how a wooden applique can make such a huge difference to a door, wall, etc. Ooooh and I also love the basket with flowers idea!! Awww man, now I gotta go shopping! hehe xoxo
OHHH..that Debbiedoo!! Now I have not a clue if you are one step ahead of her or not..but WOW does that embellishment look fantastic on her counter front. Mine is like yours. NO room.
I have to say, I did have my white wicker li'l basket on the front porch on Valentines Day...filled with wee flowers. So..feeling pretty darned good about my little home ANYWHERE.
S'cuse me while I rush off to Lowe's..or somewhere!! :)
You stalk Debbiedoo and I stalk you..:):) Hear that knocking at your front door??
She's got some great ideas to copy, for sure.
Did you catch the recipe on the blog yesterday for the frosting. You'll love it BJ.
I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.
Thank you.
Have a beautiful PS weekend ~
Girl, I copy you... so if you copy someone and I copy you, that makes it twice as nice, right?
Love the decorative touch to the cabinets, hers AND yours:)
Enjoy your weekend, hope it is
PURR-fect:) HUGS!
Oh I love all the ideas! I think copying decorating ideas from someone is a-okay. These ladies should be flattered! :)
I stalk Debbie!! I really stalk YOU! What a wonderful honor it is to be Blog stalked!!
Love the CA YUTE plant in the strainer....maybe, I should copy you copying Debbie!!
I'm going to start stalking all of you cause you sound like real creative, nice, generous gals who love to have fun and don't get your panties in a wad when someone does the copy thing!
You may be a super-copycat, but you do it so well! You are so funny to boot, B.J.!
Thanks for visiting my last post. I know, I'm so bummed about Picnikn now that I just discovered it. When you go into the site, go to the top tab labeled "Library." That will take you to several things, including "Collages." Hope this helps.
Hmmm, just thinkin; I have a cute well use red mini strainer. Should I copy the copycat? lol! Cute post B.J. I think we all do a bit of copying. Once in a whie we come up with (or think we come up with) an idea and run with it. We see something, alter it a bit and now it's ours. I do try to give credit where due, as you did. Love the basket. Shhh! Hope Pat's not listening!
Such a funny post again! You always seem to post something that cheers me just when I need it. And now I need to go and stalk Debbiedoo and see what everyone is all excited about over there! Love the basket idea. Just may copy that one in my own way!
Bj - you are so funny! Jules x
LOL,BJ! I have the post drafted but not out yet, but I copied Debbie, too! : ) Those wood embellishments are great and I used them pre-blogging, too. It seems that everything is cyclical! I've done so many projects over the years and it is funny to see them in a new light these days on blogs. Great basket, too. I was thinking when I first saw that ~ that I think I have one of those in metal!
This made me laugh! My home is filled with ideas from blogs that have inspired me. Come on over and take a look. :) I found you via Debbiedoo's and have begun stalking you via Linky followers and GFC. Have a great weekend!
There was a great article in Cloth, Paper Scissors online page that I copied yesterday (copycat!) and they're right on the page with you! I love the ones you found and how you made them your own!
Hello BJ ... reading your blog was such a great way to start my day. I also stalk Debbiedoo's and I am happy she is sharing the spotlight with you.Now you are on my stalk list. You are very entertaining.I joined up with you so I will not miss anything.I love your West Texas Rain Gage. So true for last year. This year looks better.
Audrey Z. Timeless Treasures
We need a secret copy cat society. I tried to be upfront and include copy cat in my blog name, but other people beat me too it. So I copy and stalk all under the rue of being sweet and nice.
You are too funny, BJ! I wouldn't call it, I wouldn't. I would call it inspiration. Yessir...that's what I call it! Love your stuff! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie
Well, both of you are on my favorites list! :-) Cute post from a wonderful lady. Enjoy your weekend!
Well, we can't just ignore all those great ideas we see now can we? Plus... they like it when we stalk them. LOL. Everything looks so fresh and pretty. Love the easy wit in your post. Enjoy your day.
Oh you are no copy cat! So many of the things out there we did pre blogging. Yes, some new products and technology, but that 's about it.
I have that same embellishment on my fireplace mantel that dh built 11 years ago. He built it with a double shelf,which I have only shown at Cmas, cause I am not great at vignettes and such. My mantel usually holds the family pics, just like my mom did. I never got into mantel decor, but I enjoy seeing what others do.
I have a door basket like yours. I fill mine with live pansies, still too cold here for that.
Love your basket! And I agree to your theory, things just keep coming around!
Have a wonderful weekend! We have had rain for 4 days, wish I could send you some.
My prayers for those suffering from those tornadoes!
A little rain is nothing compared to that!
This is a great post! I stalk her too! That's how I found you! I am a total copy cat as well! I think I'll be putting a basket of flowers on my front door too! Well, actually I had one on there last year...but I dismantled it and had forgotten about it...but I think I'll be doing it again now!
p.s. I'm a new follower on both GFC and linkeys...please stop by for a visit...and bring the chocolate!
love your post and your blog. We're all copy cats and stalkers or we wouldn't be lookin' right? So, now that Debbie has exposed you, I'm joining up and plan to stalk you too.
You've really got me laughin' BJ! I too am a copycat whenever that occasion arises. We're just gonna have to join Copycats Anonymous! I love all the fabulous ideas you've copied, er uh, come up with for your home. And yes our "seniority" does mean we may have had an idea or two in our time... I gotta hop over to Debbiedoo's now to see what's happening!!
Big hugs, sherry
I love the plant in the strainer idea. May have to steal that idea for the garden . A collection of them would look fabulous!
I adore embellished furniture ...scrolls and loops and garlands make everything look so classy!
Thanks for linking up to FTF BJ You always have the most interesting posts.
We're ALL going to be putting plants in our strainers now, BJ!! LOL
I'm thrilled that you have introduced me to Debbie, as she is new to me. I have a scale just like hers, sitting in my sewing room with laces stored on it. It was my Mom's & she weighed all 8 of her babies in it!! Its blue, because her first was a boy. I won't dare paint it but you're enticed me to bring it upstairs.
LOVE all your wonderful touches & your crazy sense of humor, honey.
Happy Pink Saturday!
It is always nice to see what each lovely lady is up to...and the creativity that flows...I pray that you all have a blessed week !
Please come by my blog anytime...I love having you!
God Bless......Kandy
Bj, This is so funny! I love your sense of humor. xo, Sherry
Thoroughly enjoyed this post!!!
Love your funnies BJ! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!
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