"Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man. She gave him currants for eyes and cherries for buttons. She put him in the oven to bake...."
When our kids were little, I read this book to them so often...
They didn't really care for GINGERBREAD back then....
but I have a grandson that loved it...I bought large sacks of
GINGER SNAPS for him and he could eat almost the whole package.
I've been on a quest for a great Gingerbread Cookie recipe and a sweet blogger friend
was kind enuf to share the following with me.
Hi BJ,
Here is my recipe for gingerbread cookies. All of my children, grandchildren and
great grandchildren love them.
(I say they are the BEST critics..bj) ♥
(I say they are the BEST critics..bj) ♥
1 cup sugar
1 cup shortening
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
3 teaspoons ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon allspice.
2/3 cup buttermilk
1 cup molasses (dark)
4 1/2 cups all purpose flour
In large mixing bowl mix all ingredients except flour. Gradually add flour to mixture.
Chill dough ( I do mine overnight) . Roll dough on floured surface1/8 inch thick. Cut
with cookie cutters. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 8 to l0
minutes ( I do mine 8 minutes.) Cool 2 minutes on cookie sheet.
Have a blessed Sunday. Happy baking.
and mixed up the delicious sounding batter.
I nearly ate all the raw dough before I could get it in the fridge.
If the baked cookies are this good, I don't think I can stand it.
Some gingerbread is too strong for me....
this seems to have just the perfect amount of ginger and molasses....
not too strong...
but strong enuf to be delicious.
The little fella in the middle...
I've had him since the middle 60's....so he is a little VINTAGE DUDE.
It is still snowing lightly as I type..♥
I am so thankful for every flake that falls.
ANY amount will help us thru this terrible
drought out here in West Texas.
Snowing and baking going on at
SWEET NOTHINGS today.... ♥

I so wish you were here to smell the wonderful GINGERBREAD cookies baking...
I can close my eyes and I am right back in my mama's kitchen...she is making a fresh pot of coffee and about to take a batch of homemade cookies out of the oven.
I can't keep a tear from running down my cheek.....
this time of year does that to me....every single time.
Altho I am NO GOOD at decorating cookies or cakes, I have to tell you
that if you don't have a good recipe for GINGERBREAD COOKIES,
try this one.
They are so ♥ so ♥ so ♥ good....
SO GOOD FOR THE SOUL........................

It is still snowing lightly as I type..♥
I am so thankful for every flake that falls.
ANY amount will help us thru this terrible
drought out here in West Texas.
Snowing and baking going on at
SWEET NOTHINGS today.... ♥

I so wish you were here to smell the wonderful GINGERBREAD cookies baking...
I can close my eyes and I am right back in my mama's kitchen...she is making a fresh pot of coffee and about to take a batch of homemade cookies out of the oven.
I can't keep a tear from running down my cheek.....
this time of year does that to me....every single time.
Altho I am NO GOOD at decorating cookies or cakes, I have to tell you
that if you don't have a good recipe for GINGERBREAD COOKIES,
try this one.
They are so ♥ so ♥ so ♥ good....
SO GOOD FOR THE SOUL........................

Joining in the fun with
I remember that little ginger bread cookie cutter; I had one just like that; wonder where it went... Thank you for sharing this recipe; I hope I get the chance to make them too; one of my favourite things. I remember my mom was crazy about ginger snaps; I hava to admit I love them too.
I just love you...tears here too as I read this, miss my mama too. I LOVE gingerbread, I am like your grandson that can eat a whole bag of them, nothing better with a cup of hot chocolate! Wish I was there to smell it all. :D
It sounds like the most wonderful way to celebrate this Christmas season. Baking gingerbread cookies while it is snowing outside! They sound wonderful BJ..
Snow and Gingerbread men?!
Sounds like a picture postcard type of day, BJ.
The holidays bring about all sorts of memories and some are bittersweet, for sure.
I'm wondering how many Gingerbread 'Dudes' you get from that recipe? Mister and our oldest dd LOVE gingerbread cookies!
Oh my mother use to read that book to me......I just loved it! I love to make gingerbread with my nieces and nephews during the holidays, fun to cut out and decorate with them. Recipe sounds great! Our family tradition is we make our own gingerbread houses....it is so much fun!
Happy Holidays!
Coastal Cottage Dreams
BJ, You are quite welcome. Hope your family enjoys the gingerbread cookies as much as mine do. I know you are glad to see the snow with all the hot weather you have been having out there. Today is nice here in the 70's butt is clouding up and they are predicting rain and turning colder. Have a blessed day. Madeline
Mmmm...gingerbread! One of my favorite holiday treats (and non-holiday treats, too ;-))
BJ, thanks for sharing this. I can't wait to try this recipe. I have a special gingerbread man cutter I want to try. Have the vintage one you have too. ;-)
Rain here all weekend! Lovely news for TX. ~ Sarah
Precious memories of times past! And a great recipe! I can just smell them now! Stay warm and enjoy your day! ♥
I thought I smelled Gingerbread when I clicked on your blog title:) Sound yummy, I love Gingerbread! Enjoy your snowfall, HUGS!
I cry over a lot this time of year. It starts with the Thanksgiving Day parades and carries on through New Years...
I really don't care for gingerbread, but maybe because I haven't had a good cookie!!
My youngest son, now in his 20s, was read that story by his teacher in prekinder class one morning many years ago. That afternoon I got a call from his teacher, a friend of mine, telling me what he did. When the end of recess approached, she told the children on the playground that it was time to line up. My son ran away from her calling out, "As fast as fast can be, you'll never catch me! I'm the little Gingerbread Boy!!"
I can't tell you how much I have laughed over that through the years!!
Enjoy that cookie you nibble on and blessings to you!!
What you have snow.....not fair, I live in Ohio and still don't have snow.
I used to make teeny tiny gingerbread kids. I wish I still had the cutters.
I can smell them right now, hah.
You have snow? It was 50 plus degrees here today. Crazy weather!
Gotta love sweet little gingerbread men. The story of the Little Gingerbread Man was always a childhood favorite.
Look for email!
-clapping hands- You are getting some snow!!!! How lovely!!!! Snow and baking... Just go together. :-)
-blushing- I never made Gingerbread Men cookies. -more blushing- Isn't that just *awful*??? ,-)
You can take a simple thing like Gingerbread Mon Cookies, and make an absolutely beautiful post out of them. :-)
"Christmas Magic"?
"BJ Magic"...
Gentle hugs,
"Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty;
it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness."
~~Charles Dickens
what adorable ginger bread men.
yes tears here too as I look through containers, decorate and bake cakes. its just that time of year I guess and most are happy tears of joyful memories.
thanks for the recipe and I am so tickled for ya'll that you got some moisture. I know ya'll have needed it badly.
Snow and ginger bread go good together. So far, we have had a most welcomed rain, but no snow. Looks like you had a lot. Hope it stays out West.
you're getting snow?! wow! we have been blessed with RAIN here saturday night thru last night! so welcome and appreciated! now, pass me a gingerbread man, please! :)
I may have to make a batch. I love ginger snaps, too!
Those cookies look so adorable! I just know that your house must've smelled wonderful while they were baking. Thanks for sharing the recipe. I've never made authentic gingerbread cookies before. I've just made the sugar cookies using gingerbread shapes. Wow! Snow already! You must live in a colder climate than me. I actually wore short sleeves today! Wish we would get some snow on Christmas day though.
I think I smell your house from here BJ! It smells wonderful! I am going to give this recipe a whirl. I love gingerbread. I just read another post about gingerbread houses with a preform pan. Over the lips, and to the tum, look out hips Here it comes!
Wow! I didn't think it snowed there, and this early? Your gingerbread post is so cute, BJ....Christine
Thanks for the look at the snow in Lubbock. Granddaughter is home with her mom drinking hot chocolate and eating somemores they cooked in the fireplace.
Ahhhhh.....I wish I had been at YOUR house today!! Coffee, gingerbread men and SNOW!!
I don't have a good recipe so I shall try the one your friend shared with you! Perhaps I will start a new tradition this year!
Merry Christmas, BJ~
Oh BJ, please bring these wonderful gingerbread men cookies to my Gingerbread Linky Party. They would be perfect to share with the readers of my blog. Any item pertaining to the theme is what we want to see. It goes until Dec. 12th. I agree with you about not liking a strong flavor in gingerbread. Just a little spice is just right.-----------Shannon
I am going to make these. They sound really good and I think you decorated yours just fine. My favorite cookies in the world are those little ginger ones called PANTRY. I know I'm going to love these. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week, BJ. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
Hi bj, I can smell those cookies all the way over here in Tn. hahaha
I had forgotten about that story.It brought back sweet memories to me. Don't eat to many cookies, save some for the grands !
I can still hear the words of the old LP of my childhood "Gingerbread Boy, of Gingerbread Boy" and 'A Gingerbread Boy I am, I am. I can run from you I can, I can....'
Loved it!
I have that same little pointy headed gingerbread cutter BJ! Thak you for shring, i don't have a favorite recipe for gingerbread and I have today off so I am going to try these:>)
Awww, BJ...now you've got ME tearing up! I have the same memories of my Mom making sugar cookies AND I have that same gingerbread man cookie cutter from the 60's!!! I never used him for gingerbread, just sugar cookies.
Can't believe YOU have snow & we don't have any!! Last year at this time, we had 10". Lots of rain recently but our temps are still in the 50s. Yipee!!
LOVE your cute new header & the homage to our sweet Yvonne. Nice, thoughtful touch!
Beautiful post BJ!
I love cookie dough too!
Can't believe that snow you all have!
Thanks for linking to 2nd Time Around!
It just wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't have a cookie jar filled with gingerbread cookies. It's hard to imagine snow in Texas, but this has been a crazy weather year. We are having one of the driest Decembers in years. I'm not complaining, but it is a little strange.
Oh, the memories of Mother & we 5 baking in the kitchen. Misting up, BJ. I can eat a GOOD gingerbread cookie forever! We found a deelish bag of gingerbread cream cookies in a store recently, they were gone in a couple of hours betwex the 2 of us ... & do you think I can find them since then. NOPE! Would help if we could remember where we bought them, also ... but you know how that goes at this age! Chuckle!
West Texas, where are you out there?
Have a beautiful week.
PS Don't forget our GIVEAWAY
Mmmmmmmm, gingerbread cookies. One of my all time favorites. Now, I gotta go check the cupboard to see if I have any molasses...if so, I'll be making ME some. LOL
Snow? Dang...stay warm. I saw on the news that there is snow falling in the upper TX. panhandle. BRRRRR
Sweet treats!
My Ruby Tuesday, please come and see. Thanks!
Well, since no raw eggs were in the dough, eat and enjoy! The snow does look nice at your abode, the feeling of the classic (cold weather) Christmas season now is visual. Cookies and Christmas pair well!
Such delightful photos and yummy recipe ~ Wow ~ thanks, Carol (A Creative Harbor) ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy RT
EXactly what I was looking for! I will try it. The taste of some gingerbread is just too strong..so will check this recipe out. Thanks so much bj!! :) Bless your little homemaker heart! What would we do without you???
Thanks for sharing the recipe. My Mom had that one in the middle, I need to go looking maybe I ended up with it. I have never made a gingerbread man but sure would like to give it a try.
Hi BJ,
Oh, I just love gingerbread men!!! Eating them, and decorating with them!! I bet your home wmelled wonderful. What a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, and snowing too! Perfect!!!
BJ you are such a pip! I haven't made gingerbread cookies in years, but I remember how good the house smells when they're baking in the oven. Thanks for the recipe!
BJ- You know I will be trying that recipe!! Girl - here in East Texas we have had temps. in the 30's today!!Yeeehaaaaww:))
Yummy, I can just smell the scents of gingerbread through the computer screen! :) Will have to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing it!
Love your new festive header and blog lay-out!
I'm a first time visitor to your blog. I make gingerbread men every year. This recipe looks like a keeper.
I will give that recipe a try. I don't like the strong ginger taste either.
I'll let you know how I do. If they are bad, you'd better run as fast as you can! :)
I don't ever remember my mom making cookies! She baked pies for the holidays, but not till we were grown up did she have time to bake.
love gingerbread! Thanks for sharing your friend's recipe!
Thank's for sharing these:)
Visiting for RT! Hope you can visit mine too.
My family loves gingerbread, too. I'm glad I came across your recipe. I will make these, you decorated them so cute! Thanks and have a wonderful Christmas!
These cookies look yummy. I do make Gingerbread cookies but I have never made them with buttermilk. I can't wait to try them. Thank you.
Good morning bj, I have been wanting to make some gingerbread men so much and look what you have posted. it is an omen. I'M DOING IT!!! This post is inspiring. Thank you for the recipe.
I did get my cards all mailed yesterday. what a relief. Now it is time to sit back and play on my computer and just enjoy these few days before Christmas. Today is a me day. I am getting my haircut and my nails done.
Blessings and much love to you and yours my dear sister friend.
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