Will you be carving pumpkins this year ?
I think we will just PAINT ours this time...
Hope Deeds will do the drawing...she is GOOD at it. ♥
I found this awesome ceramic brown pumpkin
at TJMaxx several years ago. I generally bring it out just before HALLOWEEN.....
and leave it out all fall...or at least until waaay after Thanksgiving.
This tiny orange pumpkin has a WITCHES WART right on it's side....do ya see it?
And, now for the TOP MODEL part of this HALLOWEEN posting....
And, now for the TOP MODEL part of this HALLOWEEN posting....
Sweet PEA over at PEAS CORNER has custom made my Halloween Suit now for THREE STRAIGHT YEARS...
Give her a STANDING OVATION...She has done a SUPERGIRL JOB. ♥ heh heh....
Won't you please take notice of the trim waist, the thin but very shapely legs ..... and most of all...the amazingly SMALL feet.
With these amazing SUPERGIRL boots, I can leap building with a single bound....
I do believe I needed to "touch up the roots" in my long and flowing brown hair.....

Oh, my.....once AGAIN, my grey roots are showing beneath my shiny, curling locks.
My dress of golden brocade, trimmed with the tiniest of petal pink roses....
the soft pink underdress is complimented by the ruffles at my elbows.
Complimenting the entire ensemble, and bringing this beautiful look into fashion magazines all over the globe, are the
stunningly magnificent PINK SLIPPERS.
I really must search out a FACE DIET
as my face seems a little large for my
amazing and beautiful body.....
"Let's go to the hop.....♫♪♪
Here I am.....all ready for the SOX HOP.
Probably ELVIS crooning in the background with
We used to have so much fun at the sox hops in high school.
They were held in the gym....great deejay music, lots of giggling and drinking cokes with straws... I hope you enjoyed my HALLOWEEN STYLE SHOW...
you should go over to see PEA...her place is just working alive with all kinds of
HAPPY HALLOWEEN...and would you tell her bj said HEY ?
I hope everyone will have a BLESSED and FUN
you should go over to see PEA...her place is just working alive with all kinds of
HAPPY HALLOWEEN...and would you tell her bj said HEY ?
I hope everyone will have a BLESSED and FUN
♥♥ ♥♥
♥♥ ♥♥
Joining in with
I was blessed to win the KA-U-TIS apron from my friend,
A little PINK...
Sassy little RUFFLE...
YES, MA'AM...what's not to love.
I'm pretty sure I will give PAULA DEEN a run for her money in the kitchen with this
cutie apron on...lol
I'm pretty sure I will give PAULA DEEN a run for her money in the kitchen with this
cutie apron on...lol
Here's hoping you ALL have a great weekend....xoxo
My oh my BJ - you are hilarious, don't know which 'look' I like the best on you, they are all great. Love your apron. Congrats on winning. xo
You look adorable. One of those programs looks like the Elf one for Christmas. I suppose you've been an elf. I'm pretty sure.
That brown pumpkin is amazing. If I ever saw one like that at TJMaxx, I'd snag it, too. It just looks elegant and so like Thanksgiving.
Lovin' the Poodle Skirt one best BJ! Hope you have a fun Happy Halloween Weekend:@)
I love you as Super Woman, fits! Love your brown pumpkin too and I love to do the same thing..leave things up til Christmas comes out. Pretty mantel too! ;D
Oh that PEA is a card, isn't she? The way she dresses us up. :-)))
Gentle hugs,
"A house is never still in darkness to those who listen intently; there is a whispering in distant chambers, an unearthly hand presses the snib of the window, the latch rises. Ghosts were created when the first man awoke in the night." ~J.M. Barrie
You are very kind, Sugarplum. I'm glad you got the apron. I think it suits you since you cook all the time. I'm more of an Applebee's girl myself! LOL LOL....this is true...
Great post!! I don't know which costume I like best, but I do love the poodle skirt! lol Yes, I remember those sock hops! Those were the days!
I just carved my pumpkin earlier today as I'm leaving tomorrow morning and won't be coming back until Monday afternoon. Need to get everything ready for Halloween night:-)
I just have so much fun dressing everyone up for Halloween and as you saw by my invitation, I've dressed you up again this year! lol Come by Monday and you'll be able to see for yourself:-) I have my post set up to be published automatically at midnight Monday morning.
Love your ceramic pumpkin! A lot of people paint fake pumpkins now and add glitter to them, looks quite pretty. xoxo
Brides change 3 times these days...wear all three costumes on the big day! Love them all!
BJ--love your spunk this halloween. I love to dress up and you look so cute in all of your costumes!! The apron is really cute too. My grands and I carved a little pumpkin today and the sewed a purple witches hat to go on top--will post pics Monday.
All your costumes are cute. I think I like the poodle shirt the best since it does bring back memories of my high school days. Hope you have a great Halloween and a blessed weekend. I saw on the news that Texas I believe it was Amarillo had snow. Maybe your drought is over I hope so. Madeline
You definitely own that poodle skirt look, BJ! Very cute. Don't do anything about those roots - they're bound to catch on!
You look cute no matter what! Have a fun weekend! Hugs! ♥♥♥
You are just a hoot! I love all your special costumes. It's hard to pick a favorite. We're looking forward to a fun Halloween 3 day weekend here. Schools are closed on Monday for a teacher work day.
Super cute outfits. Congrats on winning the apron, hoping you have a great weekend. Trish
Super woman for sure. You look marvelous, my dear.
You're hilarious, BJ!
You are a Knutt with a capital K but adorable all the same!
Well, aren't you just one hot model Mama with all those outfits? I swear you need to dye your hair to match each outfit though...you know-just so people won't talk!
Very Cute! xo Diana
Oh, my favorite just has to be the poodle skirt! You really gave me quite a chuckle! We aren't carving our pumpkins. No little ones around and I like mine nice and whole for the rest of fall. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! I'm going to and I'll have pictures!
Go for it Super Girl! Leap those tall buildings to get a head start on Christmas! (or, is that jumping the gun)! LOL! Loved all your "outfits" but SG is my favorite! Really enjoyed browsing your blog and will be back!
Those pictures definitely gave me a smile! Ha.
Have a great day BJ!
Oh BJ you are too funny! I really think you need to tan the rest of your body though, not just your face! You look darling though! I just love Halloween! It's so much fun no matter how old you are!
Ha! Your pictures crack me up! ;) Congratulations on winning that cute apron...I love cupcake stuff!
I would like to invite you to my weekend linkup. It involves anything related to homemaking: recipes, sewing, decorating, crafts, DIY, a story about what you did today, etc! I know you'd be a great addition to the party!
Hope you have a really great weekend!
HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!
You are too funny!
You also beat me by one grandchild. I have 9, but 2 ggrands.
BJ -- I just love my visits to you! Your costumes are too much girlie -- loving the face diet, lol. The apron is darling :)
Could this post be any more adorable??? You are so stinkin cute!!
Simply beautiful!
Pink Fairy
How much fun!
Thanks for sharing, your post was such a treat!
Love it!
I so remember the sox hops. Great fun we had!
Happy PS
It is nice to see you again
You do so many fun things.
You must have allot of energy.
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