October, 2003 issue...
It has an interesting list of
"Once the staples of American pantries and cupboards,
vintage kitchen goods are suddenly hot among collectors."
And, here in 2011, those kitchen goods are STILL hot among collectors.
Here's a few the magazine listed:
I do have a few...
mostly from my mother and aunts.
As I've mentioned before,
they are all at home in vintage locker room baskets...
2. glass dairy bottles, especially those with
mostly from my mother and aunts.
As I've mentioned before,
they are all at home in vintage locker room baskets...
2. glass dairy bottles, especially those with
the name of the dairy stamped on them.
I don't have a single one...not even a reproduction..
I don't have a single one...not even a reproduction..
3. Peanut Butter glasses
I can not BELIEVE that I let the glass jars of peanut butter move into plastic
without saving one...
that loves that sort of thing.
I love using my vintage glass bottles as candles...
with a wick encased in the little glass tubes and the bottles holding LANTERN fluid.
I can not BELIEVE that I let the glass jars of peanut butter move into plastic
without saving one...
I DID save two
MRS. BUTTERWORTH'S glass syrup bottles....
I have one and I gave the other to a grandsonthat loves that sort of thing.
I love using my vintage glass bottles as candles...
with a wick encased in the little glass tubes and the bottles holding LANTERN fluid.
4. Sour Cream glasses
I know nothing whatsoever about SOUR CREAM ever being in GLASS...
do you...?...
I know nothing whatsoever about SOUR CREAM ever being in GLASS...
do you...?...
5. .Swanky swigs
...and I think I bought them ALL at the same garage sale.
6. wire egg baskets
I DO have one but I can't find it...:((
6. wire egg baskets
I DO have one but I can't find it...:((
7. oyster cans
(very hard to find)
*this one gags me, just to think of it...
*this one gags me, just to think of it...
(rectangular cheese boxes are the most common and affordable)
Now, I draw the line at saving cardboard boxes from VELVETTA cheese...
just refuse to do it !!
Now, I draw the line at saving cardboard boxes from VELVETTA cheese...
just refuse to do it !!
9. Jell-O
(anything with the JELL-O name is becoming very desirable)
Afraid I don't have a cryin' thing with JELLO written on it
other than the little boxes of it in my pantry...
and I'm not saving THOSE, either.
Afraid I don't have a cryin' thing with JELLO written on it
other than the little boxes of it in my pantry...
and I'm not saving THOSE, either.
10. Product labels
all those tin cans we are saving..
the little paper sacks with product labels on them...
those cute little glass bottles..
.....aren't you glad to know they're HOT !!??!!
CAMPAIGN buttons and leaflets have always been a great collectors item...
This is ALL I HAVE...
just pitiful...
As OLDEN as I am, I should have a LOT of campaign
CAMPAIGN buttons and leaflets have always been a great collectors item...
This is ALL I HAVE...
just pitiful...
As OLDEN as I am, I should have a LOT of campaign
but, I don't.
Beats me why I didn't put a lot of things up for safe keeping...
Some more of that hindsight business...'d have to be of a CERTAIN AGE
to remember
J.R. EWING.....
all this collecting makes a body hungry...
to remember
J.R. EWING.....
all this collecting makes a body hungry...
...let's sit down, have a CRANBERRY CHOCOLATE cookie and talk about it !
I am linking, this fine day, to:
TICKLED PINK FRIDAY Edited to link to
My thanks to the hosts...
and to YOU, for coming by today.

Jello and JR Ewing?? This post has it all!!!!
Look at all of your little treasures. I love antiquing and I can't wait for spring to come so I can visit as many yard sales as I can. At the end of the summer I always end up with few treasures.
Not saving Velveeta boxes?? : )
Just made me smile...
AND my boys berate me often for not saving some of those toys..
"Mom.. would have brought a fortune on Ebay"
(Glad to hear Mr. Sweet is doing fine... from facebook: )
I really enjoyed your post. I do have a few things I have saved over the years and I am glad I still have them:)
Love all your sweet treasures, BJ. We gave a lot of our collected things to a friend when we moved from the farm, but there are plenty of goodies left in the stash J keeps. I don't know what he will do when we downsize....if that ever happens.
I was looking for old coat hooks the other day, for a little project I am working on. Nope, gave 'em away about 8 years ago. We are going to call Aunt Ruth...she has a treasure trove that I am sure contains old coat hooks.;-)
This post was just my style! Love it all!!!!
Glad to see that you saved Mrs. Butterworth! Looking back to my 1990's Country Living magazines, I can see how some of those treasures became such hot commodities on the!
I will take one of your treats since I'm still a sick little girl :)
Deanna :D
Cute post, BJness! I haven't collected any of those desirable things. But I live my young tiny life drinking out of those tiny little jelly glasses and eating from the little bowls that came in a box of oatmeal! Oh, and loved going with my Daddy to get gas and pick up another dish or something to take home to Mother! Those were the days!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I adore all the little things that you've kept over the years. This year, I've been editing all my little collections and distributing them to the local Thrift Shop and Goodwill! I'm only keeping the heirlooms and personal gifts from family! Hard to part with some items at times, but oh, the rewards of space! Thank you for the walk down memory lane.
I remember sour cream coming in little glasses, I remember the tulips too! How great is that JR for President button, love it:@)
My son will be so happy to see some of my "junk" on this list. He is gearing up for the day I pass it all onto him. I think he has a crew hired to dig a hole and bulldoze my "treasures" under.
And those swig glasses? Swag? This is the second post I've read about them this week. I had never heard of them.
This was fun BJ! I have vintage cookbooks, a couple of milk bottles but that's about it. No Swanky Swigs...I can't believe that! wow. Thanks for linking with JFF this week. hugs, Linda
Those are great treasures. Love the Mrs. Butterworth candles. I was afraid of that bottle when I was little. I think it was the commercial where she comes alive and starts to talk that did id it! LOL I was a strange child.
I'm crazy for anything with cranberry lately...add chocolate and I'm a happy gal!
I love to go antiquing, but mostly to "look", I look at the shops more as a museum or a place to reminisce.
Collection beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Seeing all these treasures reminds me that I do know about most of it. I don't know about sour cream in a glass either. Very interesting bits of Americana.
What a fun post, BJ. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
I wish you were here....we would head out to FIRST MONDAY...THE JUNK PLACE everyone wants to be at...It's going on this weekend and I am sure hoping to go tomorrow...
How bout that JR Button...I loved it.
How a great one!
Hello Dear Friend!
Oh my how wonderful for you to stop by and say hello, absolutely wonderful!:o) I am always happy to hear from you! Been feeling pretty wonderful lately and certainly anticipating Spring as I am sure you are too.:o)
Love all your treasures! I just adore your use of the Mrs. Butterworth bottles, a great idea for sure. Such a lovely post BJ, thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Continue to enjoy a beautiful week!:o)
Jr Ewing...great memories for me, I was in labor during "Dallas" in the 80's!! I'm enjoying your posts lately!
Fun post:) I love the little flower glasses! Enjoy your evening and thanks for sharing this list with me! HUGS!
Ohhh she has a Header pic today! When I last came by, you didn't have a Header pic up, and I wondered. You are the Queen of Having Header Pics Up and Changing Them. :-)
Perhaps you were right in the middle of taking one pic off and putting a different one up, when I dropped in though. :-)
Awwww, we do love all this bloggy fun of changing things around, don't we? Of course we do!
I promise I won"t send you oysters, LOL!
I can't keep with all your posts! You are a busy blogger!
You don't want in on those pretty PB napkins? You don't like yellow??
What should we be saving now that will be the hot new collectible of 2020? You have some really great treasures here. I really like those tumblers. I'm sure the lady who sold them at the garage sale is kicking herself now.
I sure needed that laugh that you just gave me today, BJ!!! I'm going to show this to my husband and tell him this is why I should never get rid of anything :))
xo, Andrea
I just love this post. Oh, the things we didn't keep. My hubs always says, we throw away the 1,000 items and keep the garbage! Just our way I guess!!
What a great post; it brought back lots and lots of wonderful memories.Thank you for taking and sharing all these photos. I can hardly believe you still have all this stuff. When we moved and downsized 10 years ago; I had no choice but let go of so much.
The only thing I really want out of that list is a cranberry chocolate cookie (or two!):>)
We used to have a lot more things like these than we do now. We got rid of many things when Ebay was "new". My husband had every toy he'd had as a child and lots of other things too and we simply couldn't store everything. He kept his Hopalong Cassidy collection which includes many cups, glasses etc. I should use that stuff for a tablescape sometime...of course it isn't exactly my style!
How do you stay so thin with all those goodies at your house?
You really opened up my memory bank today. I can relate to all the things you shared. If I can find the biscuit recipe, I will send. I have several old cookbooks, but that is not in them. I found one for beer bread.
Hi BJ,
Looks as though everything comes in plastic or cardboard these days.
I didn't save any of these things either. Maybe we should stuff back a velveeta box and a jello box for future generations! LOL!
Great post. I love it.
Lot's of BJness in this post. It is darling, just like you!
What a great post BJ. Oh, I do remember so many of those thingies. I have saved some, but boy did I miss the boat on a lot of the thingies. I am with you on peanut butter jars, how did I ever thow them all away. . . And campaign buttons and signs. What was wrong with me. But, I guess you can't save eveything. Our houses would be plum full. As if mine isn't already. . Oh, and by the way, I love Blondies, can of flowers too. Isn't that adorable. Have a wonderful day, and you keep posting about all that by-gone stuff we let go. Hugs, Karie
I don't remember sour cream in glass, either. But I do remember JR!!!
bj, this is so funny! I have no idea what an oyster can is, but it sounds awful! I remember my mom buying cream cheese with pimentos in little glasses but not sour cream. And of course I remember JR but I'm not sure who shot him! I asked my two kids if they ever saw Dallas or Dynasty and they had NO IDEA what I was talking about! You know, if we tried to save everything that might become valuable we would be on an episode of The Hoarders! Linda
Well, Miss BJ. You need to swing on over my way and link these vintage goodies to my party, too. And I would guess that you haven't realized I featured you last week. ;)
By the way, you are one of the primary people I would love to have link up to my five-week-long party starting this Friday - "Funny Faux Pas Follies". Click on the party button in my sidebar for the details. With your incredible gift of humor, you're bound to have some great stories to tell.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
I like all your vintage finds. My favorite thing that you showcased is the campaign things. I have a few of them too. Some of the same ones you do, in fact.
And I grinned at the J. R. Eweing button.
I am following you from the blog hop. Plese return the follow at
I loved this post bj... thanks so much for all the great information and tips about what's how you used the Mrs. Buttersworth bottle...I have gotta dig mine out...I've got one someplace :)
Big hugs,
That is a great post BJ. Love the collectibles you mentioned. Such fun to look for them. I have a few of those things. My grandmother collects campaign buttons. I have a wonderful picture of my other Grandmother with Ronald Reagan at a GE factory. She worked there and he was doing the promotional tour. What a spectacular piece of history that is! Thanks for linking up!
Hi BJ!
Thank for linking up my Vintage Scale giveaway!! You are so sweet!!
Wow, nice collections. I use to save the Mrs. Butterworth when my children were little. We would paint them and dress them up. Sweet memories. ~~Sherry~~
You made me smile - I got to see JR! I love old cookbook and craft books too. Mrs. Butterworth made me day as well. I love your collection of cool items.
What a fun post, BJ! I enjoyed my trip down memory lane!
~ Tracy
I just stumbled on your blog today and fell in love with the Mrs. Butterworth candle. Did you make that? If so can you let me know how? That reminds me of my grandmother and mom who are both in heaven now.
Grace and Peace,
Oh BJ, I love the idea of the Mrs. Butterworth oil lamp. I have got to pull mine out of the cupboard.
I am proud to admit... that I am of that certain age as well!
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