I've been working on it, adding photos right and left now for a solid week.
So much fun....

is hosting this FUN MEME....
This party has been on EVERYone's lips for weeks now
She's asked, "What's your favorite barnyard animal ?"
and although I don't have very many ANIMALS living here at
Sweet Nothings,
I do have a few favorites, I guess...

ROOSTERS seem to be roosting around Sweet Nothings Cottage in abundance..
but they had THEIR party awhile back..

(MICHAEL over at DESIGNS BY GOLLUM, has some REAL donkeys...how fun is that !)

BUT.....we all KNOW that a BARNYARD isn't complete without....
and...THEY are pretty much my favorite of the BARNYARD BUNCH....and....
I have a couple of little beauties for you to see !
aren't these little vintage LEFTON PINK PIGGIES from the 50's
The above sista, BACON BETTY,
See all her RHINESTONES and BLING ...
oops...and I just noticed...she is sporting a TOE RING..
A PIGGY PINKY RING, if you will..
While on the other hand...SISTA HAM BONE HATTIE has NOT been dressed properly. OH YES! She is, by far, the PLAINER one of the two.
If only she could find someone that truly loves her and would take the time and FUN of dressing her much like her TWIN sista....she could be JUST AS BEAUTIFUL.....OH, yes she could, indeed....
She is praying that she won't be considered for PORK RINDS...or PORK CHOPS...or the
butt-end of a EASTER HOLIDAY *gulp*.....HAM...
The slanted eyes of ENVY are blinking all over the place....
It has become evident that these two PINKY PORK BABIES are needing to be seperated....
OOO... but don't worry about the sistas being SPLIT UP.....
both told me they WANTED A LIFE OF THEIR OWN....
so that WHEN their HANDSOME PRINCE CURLY TAIL, the Boar, comes along, they don't want the other to be a HOG and try to take her PORK LOIN......
(ummm...I said "loin"..**blush and kickin' dirt clods)

"^^oink ^^oink^^....ekkkkk..^^OINKKKKK^^"
"OOO, pray ! PRAY HARD... for the two little piggies that cried WEE WEE WEE all the way home !!


OK...here's the scoop on the VINTAGE LEFTON PINK ^ oink oink^ PIGGIES...
Sweet Lynn, I need your mailing address and I'll get sweet little BACON BETTY off to you right away.
I just thought she would LOVE living with all your other PIGGIES....;>))
and.........you seem to like vintage !
Then, I will read them all to MR. SWEET and he will choose ONE that he thinks is deserving of this sweet little vintage PIGGY....
YOU HAVE ALL WEEK to come up with your cute, funny, sad, whatever little poem and .....
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 was such a black day for all of us.
I will be thankful until my dying day for PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH and his strong support and caring way he handled the tragic event. To have such a deeply caring and strong Christian leading us, will always be a blessing that I will never take for granted, nor ever forget....
PLEASE PRAY WITH ME that this sort of terrible thing NEVER happens again to our
Am I the first to Comment????????????????????????????
What a jam-packed entry, Dear BJ! Jam-packed!
Lots of fun.
And remembrance of 9/11.
Yes, we were so lucky to have George W. Bush at the helm, that day. And to me, he seemed to grow into the Unique Role which History thrust upon him. But it takes latent greatness, to grow and to flower, when needed.
BJ-How fun! First, thank you so much for Bacon Betty, she is cute, cute, cute and I can already see her little blinged out self sitting next to my computer monitor:@)
Your post is great, love the barn and all of the critters! Your flying pig is cool! You know I've never had the pig skins or a pork rind, had just about every other part of the pig though!
And thanks for making the Bash extra fun with the give-away for someone else!
9/11 I'll never forget!
Seriously funny! The tail bling made me laugh. Love your commentary. Awesome creativeness. :)
Oh girl you are just too silly...now I'm not good at the roses are red,violet are blue thingy...This was a great fun post my Dear friend...Love ya sister friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh BJ that was SUCH FUN!!! I'm going to have to read it a few more times... LOVE your little Lefton Piggies!!!
Hugs to you, Donna
Cute, cute, cute. I adore your "fancy" pigs. They are fabulous and just the cutest pigs in the whole barnyard. Love that poster too. Great fun. Hugs, Marty
You had warned that this post would be long and I was soooo loking forward to it. You did not disappoint.
A poem? I will think on it and return.
What rhymes with sooey?
Oh so, so funny BJ, and just precious!! I don't have a poem, but I do have a favorite piggy - it's most certainly the bacon!! Your granddaughter must have your sense of humor. Thank you for your visit, and also your wonderful remembrance of 9/11. We will always be grateful for our president's leadership during that time, also.
xo, Andrea
Fantastic post...poor piglets!!
and I will NEVER forget...ever.
Cute little piggies ... Thanks for this great posting! Gotta love the grandkids!!
Thank God for President Bush and his commitment to God and this country. I do pray nothing like that will ever happen again.
Cute fun post.
Well, that was fun!
cute little piggies... & then I saw the pork rinds & was reminded of the "BIG as the whole pig" pork rinds we saw at the market in Mexico... don't think I could put one in my mouth since.
And Yes, am grateful that G.W was in office & was the man of character he needed to be.
I am not a huge fan of piggies though... just pass me by & make sure someone who would really appreciates them gets the cutest little pig.... :)
What a cute and fun post...those piggies with the glitter tails are so my favorite!! Have a great weekend....sweet friend!
What a great post. I love your adorable piggy bankies and, just our of curiousity, in the photo with 'what's in the basket' there might be some forgotten cash in one of the piggies that I spied!
Isn't it amazing that it's almost 9 years since 9/11! Bless those lost souls.
Hi Farmerette BJness! Your little piggies are adorable and what a great post! I see flowers on the cute little piggies' butts! :)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
That was so much fun! You are always so creative, silly and even in this post you added the food we expect from you! I like pork rinds...if I don't think about them too much:)
Sooie this is a full post!
I could read and just not stop,
So pass the ribs, and pass the bacon
And don't forget my pork chop!
Now you read Mr Sweet the poem I wrote for my post! :)
I am doing a separate post for 9/11 as I just have to! :(
BJ~ Lynn is going to be crazy with jealously. All those cute little piggies!
YOur barnyard of animals are adorable!
I reallly like your salt & pepper eggs and nest.
BJ, I knew you would share something full of fun. Tell Deeds that her bacon pigs are about as cute as I've seen. That girl has a terrific sense of humor. Wonder where she gets that? LOL
No need to include me in the chance for the little piggy. I have one very similar from my youth. My sister and I had matching fancy piggy panks. :-)
~ Sarah
Pop open the wine,
And give me a swig,
I sure want to win,
That sweet little pig:)
That's all I got but love this post and all the barnyard beauties. THE BACON really does look like pigs:)
Have a blessed day! HUGS!
At Sweet Nothings there once lived
a wonderfully floral pig.
So pink and sweet,
I shed some tears,
The piggy even had blue ears.
A curly tail and painted toes,
a precious little piggy nose.
Another one of BJ's finds,
it danced on the table,
among the pork rinds.
I'd gladly bring it home with me,
and listen to it squeal Wheeee!
I once lived on a dairy farm
Cows, horses, hens, and PIGS
Lived in our four big barns
Little piglets dancing little jigs
WATCH OUT! if mama was around
My birthday was a barnyard bash
Lots of my friends did attend
Don't touch the piglets, my dad said
But one kid did and it was sad
Cause mama pig bit my dad
My party came to a very bad end...
Hi Bj, this really happened! HA!
I love your post as always but I have to say this was extra special. Deed's bacon pigs are a hoot. Your little Lefton pigs are darling. My favorite barnyard animal was a cow named Blondie. We raised her from a calf and she was our pet cow. She loved us (six kids) and she would lay down so we could sit on her back. She wore a cow bell and the rest of the cows followed her to and from the pasture every day.
I too loved George Bush. At least he was a patriot. Our president now is NOT!!! Never forget 911.
Love you my sister friend.
Jeanne xoxoxo
Wow, you have your own partay going on here, what a blast!
The mosaics are stupendous, thank you so much for coming to visit take 3 sisters.
We're sorry that the follow linky think wasn't working earlier, we hope you'll come back again later.
Margaret, Rhonda & Kathryn
The pig bacon is a SCREAM!
Or should I say squeal!?!
Hey sweet lady...
Ohhh my...I just had sooo much fun reading your post, my friend! All of your sweet barnyard critters are just adorable but I do declare...that the pink piggy twin sisters are the cuuuutest little pigs that I've ever seen! I just know that Lynn will adore her sweet little piggy!!! You're so sweet, BJ! Well dear lady, I am so glad that you joined in the Barnyard Bash today...I sure had fun partying with you!!!
On a more somber note...my prayers continue for all those who lost friends and family on that dreadful Sept. day! And I too, am very thankful for President Bush who led our country so galantly against our enemy! I WILL always remember 911! Thank you for your tribute, BJ...it was very touching!
Love ya,
Chari @Happy To Design
I adore old barns. I was just thinking to myself today: I wonder where some are so I can go out and do photos? I've lived here five and a half years, but darned if I know where the good old barns are!
What a great post! Hope you have a happy Pink Saturday.
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Pigs with the pork skins reminds me of Easter when Hamlet(pot-belly pig) ate all the scrap ham, that was put out for the dog. So sick, a pig eating ham oh so sick.
Lovely post as always! Loved to see all the little pigs you included, but that little grand daughter of your is a darling.
Oh BJ Sweetie...
I love this post. You are always SO darn good at words, and these little piggies are the ones, who did NOT go to market. I am SO glad as they are so stinkin cute, and that little toe ring is over the top. I love the little curled tail with the glitter. Oh my how sweet they are.
Yes I would say you are the Barnyard Queen of all. I love your barn, and yes we know someday it will fall, but you have the best gift of all: the memories this old barn has shared with you from its heart.
Oh beautiful post sweetie. Just beautiful. Thank you for taking me along today. I have so enjoyed myself. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
You are not only a barnyard queen, I have decided you are on the top of the list for blog queen. You always have so much great things to share and have a talent for words. I have a little piggy bank like the two you have with the little pink flowers on them. I got it so long ago I cannot remember.
BJ, this is post was just soooo much fun! You are so clever and witty. Loved all of your commentary. I've also enjoyed reading the poems in your comment section, but don't think I can compete with these talented poets. (I think your granddaughter sending you a photo of her bacon -which does look like little piggies - is just soo cute!) Thank you for linking all of this fun to Favorite Things Sat.
God Bless America! Thank you for your memorial to 9-11.
BJ, this post is adorable. You always make me smile. My mother loves pork skins - and piggies.
Happy Pink Saturday, dear friend. I hope my blog isn't one of the slow loaders for you.
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