....and, boy, do we love STRAWBERRY JAM around our place..
One envelope, mixed with crushed fruit and sugar will make 5 or 6 little jars of
One envelope, mixed with crushed fruit and sugar will make 5 or 6 little jars of
I got an extra jar because I started out with more strawberries...
and...ummmm....these are sure going to taste GOOD this winter when there's snow
and cold wind blowing outside...
....no added water to "water down the taste" so you are having THE REAL THING...
the real fruit flavor...
(Marty, I hope this will serve as a tablescape so I can join you!) :))
(Marty, I hope this will serve as a tablescape so I can join you!) :))
APRICOT/CHOCOLATE specialty bread from our market..
Alone, it is AWESOME...
But coupled with a fresh, just opened jar of homemade JAM...
Alone, it is AWESOME...

...and I just discovered....
Strawberry jam and PEANUT BUTTER
sandwiches aren't.......
*HALF BAD.....!!
"good grief...i just hope we still HAVE some jam when winter gets here!"
I'm playing in RUBY TUESDAY
Oh my...how yummy! That bread looks amazing too!
Oh my goodness, that looks heavenly!
That looks sooooo good!! I may have to attempt it myself:) Now about that bread. . .DROOL. .YUMMY. .WOW!!!
Hi BJness! Oh, yummy! This looks so good. I love strawberries!! Your jams look so delicious plus your bread!! :)
I hope the cops found whoever was trying to get into your home! That was really scary!
Take care and be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh BJ, there is always a sweet somethin' at your place! You're gonna laugh but I am seriously making a pb&j now! I always make apple jelly in the winter. It's become my signature gift at the holidays and folks get downright snippy if I don't deliver. There's no better feeling than that is there?
I come to your blog and always leave hungry, especially for sweets!! The jam looks delicious as does the bread. Oh, yum!
Looks delish......Hugs, Jennifer
There is nothing as good as bread and peanut butter with jam! I could live on it forever...maybe! I love freezer jam too..so easy and so so good! :D
Really a tasty looking blog post! I enjoy stopping by your blog!
That looks so yummy and I could picture myself eating that in front of the fireplace when it's snowy outside :) One of my favorite treats right now is taking the strawberries and cutting them in half and dipping them into natural peanut butter :) My hubby thought I was crazy and I said it tastes like a strawberry jam and peanut butter sandwich lol :)
I just love strawberries ~ yumm!
The flavor of that bread sound very interesting~it's a combo I would've never thought of but I'll bet it's yummy. Do you grow strawberries? I tried this past summer but...nothing. Your jam looks luscious!
Oh my goodness, bj, your strawberries,jam and bread are making me hungry. They look so scrumptious....Christine
Woow beautiful work!!!
Oh boy, that jam and bread look mighty good! I know it tastes great, and will be so welcome in a few months-enjoy:@)
Looking good to me, beautiful in the jar and ON the bread! Eat it and make some more real quick:)
Have a blessed day! HUGS!
Oooooooheeeeee, gooooooooheeee, yummmmmmyyyyyyy!
Oh, so pretty and scrumptious looking, BJ. I know you and Mr. Sweet are going to enjoy those all winter.
I'd be willing to bet that you would win a Blue Ribbon at the Texas State Fair!
I've never tried freezer strawberry jam either but now I'm going to! The bread brought to mind that I learned to make yeast breads when we lived in Lubbock. I took many cooking classes with Mackie Bobo. The first three were breadmaking. Boy, did our house smell good!
Thanks for the memories!
Even though I was up and down all night, I ended up sleeping 12 hours all together. I haven't slept like that in a long time. Just had to tell you that. I don't know why. I think I might be ready for a day of running around about that pesky coumadin. We had it straightened out then J had to go on an antibiotic. So we really need that cozy hearth room.LOL
Anyway...I ran on for awhile there. I was going to say..I never had a problem with your page loading anyway. I have pretty good connections. Then youngest daughter worked some magic with the phone company and not only got us a lower bill but speedier internet! Yippee!
I think you should make your page your own, because it is your blog and you should be happy. I put mine back to white and I'm still up in the air about changing it back to grey. Maybe one of these days I'll figure it out. For me I like less on my sidebar and a plainer background because of my photos. I understand my font isn't the easiest for some to read, but I want it to look like I sat down and wrote it in a journal...Bradley Hand is very close to the way my girls and I print, which I think is pretty neat. But I'll think about the font awhile too.
Happy blogging BJ!
Oh....you definitely have that famous Texas Woman strength....just like my grandmother had. Sure glad she passed some of that one to me.
And the jam looks delish!:-)
You've done it again, Ms. BJ! You've made our mouths water. I love strawberries and the Yankee loves jam. And that bread...ummm. I'd be knocking on your door for a taste, if you didn't live sooo far away. ;)
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Scrumptious BJ!! I have a friend who makes freezer jam and she always gives us a few jars. It is delicious!
Oh yum yum yum yum yum!!!
Your pictures are making me want some of that yummy bread right now with strawberry jam right there plunk on it!!
Love it with peanut butter too...
Strawberries are just such wonderful fruit aren't they?
I hope you have some left for winter too...nothing like having to scrounge for that jam come the sweet mornings when you need a real strawberry fix...
but...how delish it is allll day ..
Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!! I love strawberries and strawberry jam...definitely hungry right now! Sure do wish I had been there to watch DIRTY DANCING with you and the grandkids! We could have tried a few of Patrick's moves!!! I love dancing...and Patrick could definitely do some sexy steps!
I have been looking at this freezer jam thing for along time and often wondered if it relly works. Of course, now I will have to go buy some; great pictures.
Just package up a jar or two and mail 'em to me!
That is some pretty good looking food that you've got going on there. It all looks Yummy, Yummy!
Showed the pictures to my husband (Sam) and his mouth was drooling! I am getting together with some of my High School friends and you had a little saying on your blog before you changed it up. Something about not wanting to make everyone jealous. I would love to use that on my friends...Could you send it to me!
Hugs to You!
Wow that's a lot of strawberries.
My Ruby Tuesday
What a great blog!
This looks so delicious!
Have a nice time!
Oh my God !!!
Questo è un post che solo a guardarlo a noi donne, ci fà guadagnare + 10 Kg.
Buonissime la marmellata di fragole !
A me piace molto sopra a del pane fresco spalmata a del burro.
Mmmmmm :)
Thank you for your visit and comments.
Google translator is on the right side of the blog:)
All looks really yummy! Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries ~ they are all good!
I have only made freezer jam...I think it is delicious, tastes just like fresh berries. I haven't made any since the kids left...hubby rarely eats jam and I'd eat it all myself!
The strawberries are a wonderful soft red. The mass of berries are being prepared for the sweet treat they will be in a snowy Texas winter (up North, too). Peanut butter and strawberries - I find this a divine combination for 50 years of my life...
Good grief...mouth is watering here! Yummy! hugs♥olive
BJ ~ That is the yummiest looking tabletop display I've ever seen! I love strawberries too.
Have a great day! La
Now I'm Hungry....
My Ruby Link for you
YUM indeed~! I can smell and taste that jam and bread all the way from there to NC... Just be glad I'm not your neighbor , cause I'd be inviting myself over every day:)
Hi BJ! This is the second time I have heard someone recommend this freezer jam! Once it is done, does it have to be stored in the freezer? Can you gift it? Tell me more. It looks so wonderful I would love to try it. :)
yummy!! i will be right over for pb&J! Hugs... see you soon!
How did you know that strawberry jam is my FAVORITE? I so luv it with peanut butter...yummie! Thanks for coming to my NTT party...hope you have a great time here!
Oh I love the new look here. Very simple and light, and different. I love to notice changes! They "hit one in the eye," don't they? :-))))
I never learned to can anything. So I've always been afraid to try to can. But somehow, Freezer Canning sounds.... More like I could do it, and not think I was gonna' poison us, come winter. -giggles-
Such a pretty, pretty, pretty entry! How could one go wrong, with RED hu????
Gentle hugs...
Love all your photos!! This is a great post.
I also did a post on freezer jam and here in Oregon we get luscious wild blackberries and u-pick blueberries. There's nothing better than seeing all that jam ready and waiting for the fall and winter months.
Oh my goodness, this is the perfect vignette for the party. Great bread and jam couldn't be more perfect and now I am so hungry. I havn't made jam in years and years. This looks fabulous. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty
Oh wow that is really good!!
Red Tractor
I think freezer jam tastes the best! Apricot and chocolate bread?! Oh. my.
Oh this is pure heaven!! Wow Bj! Can I drop by this afternoon for a snack??
YUMMY!!! You jam look very good, I have only made apple butter, but it was very good too!
Hugs, Cindy
Well, I had decided to just skip supper but now I'm gonna have to have some toast and jam. Sadly, not strawberry but I do have blackberry!
The Tattered Tassel
You may not be hungry when you start reading your blog, but you certainly will be after. I would enjoy any of those goodies. I have had my time helping with the canning, so I will leave it to your now. I could sure use a jar of what you fixed. I love strawberries too.
That does look delicious, BJ!
The bread looks home made!
Yummy, yummy, yummy, in my tummy, tummy, tummy. WAhat a mouth watering post with bread to beat. All of your pictures made me think I was right there in your home with you. Thanks for sharing.
Genie @ buttonsforbaga
Oh my goodness! It looks so good. It's been many years since I made jams or jellies.
Seriously, what will they think of next? Freezer jam! I didn't even know that existed. I've always wanted to try making my own jam, and it looks like it couldn't be easier. Yours looks yummy!
Thanks for making me aware that I had word verification on. I had no idea, and I know alot of people hate it, me included, so I took it off. Thanks BJ!
Happy REDnesday!
Hi BJ! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I have to tell you I have been reading you blog for a while now....it's great!
I love freezer jams. I have peach in now. But not had time to do more :( I don't can..I'm afraid I'll kill someone...so I do freeze..much easier and seems tastier.
LOL I think everyone from the 40's-70's saved everything!YIPPEEEE for us today. I love to do painted furniture, but if it's not marred I can't bring myself to paint over a good piece of wood...I now, silly huh. Now that we know where we are in blogland..let's not be strangers. I'm a follower and you're on my blog list:)
I love this post! I love love love strawberries and my mommy used to make me strawberry jam and PB sandwiches all the time when I was little. Thanks so much for the sweet memories this morning! And I'm going to have to try freezer jam, it looks wonderful and sounds so easy YIPPIE!
Happy Rednesday,
Hi Again Bj,
I have a question....
I just went to the bottom of your blog and found the 'Towel Heads' clarification. I just read that and I want to know if I can copy that and send to some friends....they'd be very interested in this clarification.
Please let me know
Thats what I say...yum yum...looks delicious...blessings
Looks so delicious! I'm a new follower dropping by from Nifty Thrifty Tuesday...
Hope you're having a lovely week!
Oh that jam looks divine! I am so timid about making jams, or canning in general. I have never tried, but would love to. Maybe hubs is brave enough to help me! This is a great post - makes me hungry! Hugs, Patti
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