was so successful that she has followed up with
One thing I fell in love with Barbara for; her address is
don't ya just LOVE that? I sure do!~!!

My sweet daughter*in*law, KATHY, gave me these and a platter to match one year for Christmas.
*Their little names...HOPE and CHESTER


do you?
what's not to like ??
this is LOU..... "SKIP TO MY LOU, MY DARLING..... "

She is, without a doubt, one of the FUNNEST ladies I've had the pleasure to know.
About 4 or 5 years ago, we were all on RATE MY SPACE where you are SUPPOSED
to post photos of your house or rooms...
We did that......for awhile....
Then, one day, just out of the BLUE..
I posted a picture of one of my ROOSTERS...
*Well, needless to say, EVERYone jumped on the ROOSTER WAGON and started
posting THEIR roosters....
*NIKKI....wanting to join in the fun but having NOT ONE SINGLE ROOSTER in her house,
ran to her freezer, ...
grabbed a FROZEN CUT UP FRYER...
took a photo of it and....
for all the world to see....
I'm telling ya...I laughed so hard, I nearly threw up....
*It was so so funny and, all these years later, I SELDOM see a cut up chicken that
I don't think of

hope it is with YOURS, too. :)

can you believe he has a little door on his side that opens to place a CANDLE inside...? CRAZY...

"...a tisket, a tasket...I lOST my yellow basket..."
just a song from my early childhood....:)
just out of the goodness of her HEART...

maybe a little longer...
He's made of wood and thrifted for a couple of dollars....
When I was little, my mother ordered baby chicks THROUGH THE MAIL...
They would come in big cardboard boxes that had "breathing holes" in it...
Mom had big feeders like this one for them and it was such fun, watching them grow...*
that hang out here at SWEET NOTHINGS...
He is, indeed, THE LEADER OF THE PACK...
could be because he's black and white and has....POLKA DOTS !
I think he's so UGLY, he's CUTE !!

hope you all have fun, looking at all the ROOSTERS in BLOGLAND...
*NOTE...I do have a few more roosters but...
I'll save them for....NEXT time.. :))
Awesome post BJ, I laughed at what NIKKI did too on RMS...did she get any weird comments or did everyone get her sense of humor? I love tisket, I think she was my favorite. It was all great and made me smile. Hope you enjoy my rooster post too...this was so much fun~!
Oh, that is so funny about the chicken Nikki posted on Rate My Space. Thanks for retelling that. What a great story! I knew this rooster party would be good! I am trying to get around to every post! It will be worth it! You guys are so fun. Have a great weekend!
Oh Darlin this is such a cute post. I Love it!! I think it is awesome that you have all your roosters named. I have some but I haven't named them. Shame on me ;) I'll get on that as I think it's a very cute idea, I mean they are part of the family right :) The story about Nikki just made me laugh!! So cute!! Have a great day!! ~ Hugs, Laura
What a great post BJ! I love the story about Nikki's chicken! You have such a wonderful collection of roosters...how fun!
I love your Miss Me Yet? pic on your sidebar! I could almost cry! This new guy stinks:(!
I love all your roosters and how you displayed them ...very country,love it!!!
I did not participate this time around too much stuff still packed in boxes due to our move...just wanted to stop by and say,just lovely!!!
Blessings to you
Loving those roosters!!! I really like the story about Nikki and her "real" chicken...
I remember my Mom singing A Tisket, A Tasket...thanks for the memory!!!cause I really miss her...
Hi BJ yes my Garage salen is every week starting on Friday usually sometimes early like today....would love to see you over sometime:) Also did you enter the giveaway...go on over, I will do the same for you. Become a follower too....i am already a follower of you...have been for awhile..that is how I came over so fast today you popped up on my blog roll. Have a great time at the rooster bash!
Hope and Chester... Very Cute! So far the black and white one is favorite, but will have to see after I see the other ones.
I came by today to introduce myself. My name is Sherry and I have joined the Bloggerette Sorority. I have only been blogging for almost 30 days so I missed the Rush, but I look forward to taking part in future events. I would be honored if you would like to come by for a visit at http://scrappingwithsherry1.blogspot.com/ Hope to see you there!
Take Care~ Sherry
You have the cutest roosters BJ!! What a funny story about Nikki!!
You have such pretty roosters BJ, I think we all love them becasue so many people (including me) have them! Of course I name mine too, I call them lunch an dinner:>)
well how stinkin' cute is all this! You are too smart young lady! Nice job!!
Oh my! What fun! I love them all...and your beautiful home! I didn't think I had a rooster in my house...wish I had thought of the package of chicken we are having for dinner! How funny! ♥
I love this BJ!! Wonderful post! I love the cut up fryer story. Hilarious!
Oh BJ< I'm dying laughing here as I so reme,ber when Nikki did that on RMS and how much fun we use to have...I miss sweet Picket and her funny comments...she's another one that would have me on the floor laughing...Fun Roo's girl..I have missed seeing you my firend..Hope all is well in TX.
Have a GREAT weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Hi BJ! Great birds, love that you saved Dominecker for the "finale"! Fun post:@)
Hi BJ....such a darling post and thank you for the Barb's Good Life mention. God has so blessed me...it was a natural.
Your roosters are darling!!!! I love them all and of course, your pictures are always so entertaining and colorful.
BJ...I love you to pieces also. Thanks for that. And, thanks for joining the Rooster Party. Have a grand ole time visiting all the Rooster Buddies.
Hugs, Barb ♥
You have so many roosters and they are all so different. My favorites...the last one (I think he's cute) and I love the pictures. I swear I didn't like roosters much when this day started but I've seen so many cute ones already!!
I love all your roosters, but more than that I love coming to visit because you always give me something to smile about. Oh and I love the music today too!
Okay now you have ME laughing so hard BJ! I am loving this post and all of your precious rooster names. Miss Sassy Britches? HaHaHa!
Love the cut up chicken parts too. Hysterical story! *Smiles*
Cute post...especially the rear, er...the end.lol
Love the frozen chicken story, too.
Wonderful post Sister! Just love those prints in your dinning room, lovely ;) Sure enjoying everyone's posts for this blog party and I'm inspired to find some birds for my kitchen now...lol btw...I remember those chicken feeder candy jars...had one for my desk years ago at work for all the office hens to peck at....lol Have a wonderful weekend, fondly,Roberta
What a great family of roosters. And I'm glad you've named yours too. Thanks for visiting me; and double thanks for following!
You have some really wonderful roosters but I have to tell you I adore that polka dot rooster plate! It is wonderful!
How are you? What a wonderful post! I loved your Roosters!!! I have just one... it's all white.. and I love it!:)
I hope all is well... miss you much!
Donna Marie
Yup- only you would go around naming your rooster collection, BJ!!! I love the framed lithographs the best- they are so regal. The rest of yours are precious, including the last guy with the sparse tail feathers. He must be the wiser, more mature, balding king of the barnyard... too cute
hugs, Sue
Morning BJ,
I was laughing so hard when I read your post. I never saw the post on RMS, but that is the funniest thing ever! Thanks for the Friday morning giggles :) I love your rooster collection!
Cockadoodledoo, BJness! Oh, I loved your post! That silly Nikki! I miss her don't you?
Love seeing all of your Roosters and the way you've displayed them. Mahvelous, Dahling! ;)
Oh, I had to tell you - I made stuffed Anaheim peppers last night and they were so delicious!! Thank you for sharing that idea. I would have kept on using bell peps! What do I know? I do know you're a fantastic cook and I borrow your recipes all the time! :)
Mr. Precious thanks you, too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Sorry my roosters must be chickens...the crack of dawn caught me sleeping...
running around LIKE a chicken with my head cut off...
Hate to be missing out on the fun.
Blessings ;-)
LOL..BJ... Yep... I cooked them kicking and screaming! It was good! :)
Great post BJ...I just love that story about Nikki...what a hoot! You have a wonderful collection...my fav is the polka dot plate. Hope you have a FUN weekend:)
Ohhh Girlfriend...I just had the best time visiting here today! In fact, I chuckled like an old hen!!! You are sooo durn cute!!! Ohhh...and I remember when Nikki showed up with her cut up chicken...I about peed my pants! Ooops...did I say that? Hehe! Such fun memories, my friend! I really did enjoy Rate My Space while we were all there!!!
Well Darlin', I just adored the tour...loved each and every little feather of each and every one of your darling hens and roosters!!! You know, I have to tell ya...while I enjoyed meeting all of your fine fellows...my favorites were the fabulous art picutres that your friend gifted you with!!! Ohhh my...they really are fabulous...such beautiful colors! Girlfriend, I just adored all of your pretty vignettes too!!! Ohhh...and I love, love, LOVE the chicken feeder turned candy dish for the grands...that is truly the GRANDEST idea ever!
Also wanted to tell you thanks for stopping in to see my frenchy studio once again! Hehe! I always love when you come by...my Texas friend!!!
Have a fabulous day!
Chari @Happy To Design
Oh BJ, I just adore all of your sweet chickens and roosters even the ones in the cartoons:) Cutest ever polka dots as always looks like you! I enjoyed visiting with you, Hope and Chester!
Enjoy your evening my dear friend! HUGS!
Thanks for visiting me today. I had fun looking at your roosters, AND THEN I saw something that really made me laugh on your blog-your picture of George Bush on your sidebar. Oh, it was just too funny!
Loved your Rate My Space Story. Great collection of Roosters, my fave had to be the black and white one. Thanks for sharing and for visiting.
I love all your fun roosters, BJ! What a funny story. That gal has a real sense of humor, doesn't she?
I'm with you - I liked Dominecker best, as well. And also loved all your cute rooster collectibles AND the hilarious joke by Nikki - Great laugh! Thank you for a delightful visit! ;)
I enjoyed your roosters and your stories that went along with them.
Love those rooster prints!
girl, I just love your blog!!! You are soooo funny! I love the blah blah blog too! I haven't been to her blog in quite sometime!!! I need to pay her a visit! Your roosters are very pretty! Raw and all!
Take care!
Happy new follower!
You have great roosters, and great rooster comics. The rooster weather vane from this post AND the header is just fabulous!
And THE END!!!! LOL - - I wish I'd thought of that!
You sure have a lot of roosters and each and everyone of them are lovely. My favorites are the weather vane and the polka dot plate.....Christine
BJ, this is a delightful post. Loved seeing all your roosters and reading the clever cartoons. Cute story about the cut up chicken.
Great job! ~ Sarah
Great collection! Can't wait to see more! Have a great day!
I really enjoyed seeing your roosters, hearing the amusing stories, and the cartoons! LOL! Hard to choose a favorite, but I love those big framed rooster pictures!
You have a great collection! I did the event last year, but I haven't added anything...I am not a rooster person!
Cute post, BJ! You have a very eclectic collection of roosters...I am giggling over the package of chicken breasts!
Great post!! What a hoot...or uh I mean a cluck? ;)
Loved it! Thanks for the smiles
Love 'em all!! You have them all set up so nicely in your lovely home.
I too have more than I posted!;-)
Thanks for the visit,
I have finally made it to the S blogs for the rooster party! I love your collection of roosters. I really like the salt and pepper shakers! Gotta love Hope & Chester!
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